View Full Version : Movie title unknown, still a great kung fu movie

02-07-2020, 02:50 PM
Anyone know the title to this movie? Its a good one about a man who takes refuge in Shaolin during the Song dynasty


thanks! Amituofo

02-07-2020, 03:11 PM
the movie is listed as "Monks Go Crazy" (which is hilarious & ironic for several reasons) on amazon.com
the original title is "War of the Shaolin Temple" and was released in 1983, and again in 2001 on dvd. I feel like I saw this movie back in high school, I watched so many like it back then the more memorable are Shaolin v Lama, North Shaolin v South Shaolin, Holy Robe of Shaolin, Shaolin v Wu-Tang, 36 Chambers of Shaolin, Jet Li's Shaolin Temple and Martial arts of thee Shaolin Temple (my 7 favorites) .....back then we had 2 big stacks of VHS and DVDs from the Wu-Tang Collection of re-released classic kung fu movies. One stack for "Temple flicks" , or movies where the story centered around life in the temple, and then one stack for everything else. I really remember this one being in that stack of Temple movies and I had to have watched it at least once. Anyhow, lol ....nevermind my flashback friday, this is a good one to watch if you are a fan of the genre.

