View Full Version : Jiang Yu Shan (Hisham Al-Haroun)-Monkey "door" kung fu--9th duan legit

08-16-2021, 06:56 PM
His is a new name to me. He claims to be 9th Duan as given to him by the Taiwanese government. He claims to be a "Money grandmaster" yet his moves don't resemble Tai Shing Pek Kwar--nor to they resembled the Hou Quan imitative monkey boxing of Shaolin.

I think he calls his art "Monkey door" kung fu which seems like it could be a newer-ish idea. Can anyone comment? Ty

08-17-2021, 08:52 AM
I thought the 9 duan was a CWA thing, which is a PRC org, not a Taiwan one. Does Taiwan have its own duan system? If it's a CWA cert, you wouldn't say it was from Taiwan.