View Full Version : RIP Jimmy Wang Yu

04-05-2022, 09:49 AM
From his daughter's Facebook (https://m.facebook.com/139060716110516/photos/a.902936126389634/5661252743891258/?type=3&source=48):

王馨平 - 萬分悲痛的告訴大家,我們敬爱的父親王羽先生,在經歷了六年與病魔搏鬥之後,已於四月五日早晨,在台北振興 醫院安詳辭世,享年80歲。 父親為人講義氣,重視朋友。銀幕內外,他的做人處世都是鐵錚錚的俠客作風,一生精采。 抱著萬般不捨的心情,我們永遠懷念父親。亦相信他的獨臂刀- 俊朗的大俠形像, 將永存於電影歷史及影迷心中。


Wang Xinping - It is with great sadness that our beloved father, Mr. Wang Yu, passed away peacefully on the morning of April 5th at the Taipei Zhenxing Hospital at the age of 80 after six years of fighting the disease. My father was loyal to people and valued his friends. Inside and outside the screen, his life and life are iron-clad chivalrous style, and his life is brilliant. With great remorse, we will always miss our father. I also believe that his one-armed sword - a handsome hero image will forever live in the history of the film and in the hearts of fans.

“独臂刀王”王羽今晨病逝享寿80岁 (https://www.zaobao.com.sg/entertainment/story20220405-1259542)
来自 / 早报数码
发布 / 2022年4月5日 9:35 AM
https://static.zaobao.com/s3fs-public/styles/article_large_full/public/2022-04/wang.jpg?VersionId=QrtUJmeRMXP3dWY6j9Xa__oAkMHMCl2 3&itok=jJcH_Emf
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王羽2011年曾脑中风,2015年底在泰国机场晕倒送医,两度脑中风,经历两度开脑手术,熬过生死关。王 馨平今早在面簿宣布噩耗:“万分悲痛的告诉大家,我们敬爱的父亲王羽先生,在经历了六年与病魔搏斗之后,已 于4月5日早晨,在台北振兴医院安详辞世,享年80岁。父亲为人讲义气,重视朋友。银幕内外,他的做人处世 都是铁铮铮的侠客作风,一生精采。抱着万般不舍的心情,我们永远怀念父亲。亦相信他的独臂刀——俊朗的大侠 形像, 将永存于电影历史及影迷心中。”

https://static.zaobao.com/s3fs-public/2022-04/wang-chengjiu.jpg?VersionId=R36r5WOiQW5ruhdA943QHsYHUaf CS.zh
王羽从影40多年,一生传奇。他1963年入行,1967年被导演张彻相中演出电影《独臂刀》走红,随后拍 了《独臂刀王》等60部武侠片,堪称六七十年代的首席武侠小生。他在电影中仅靠左手耍刀,至今仍是影迷心中 经典;不过他在1997年后就淡出演艺圈,转而从商,直到2011年才以陈可辛《武侠》重返影坛,累积近百 部作品。

https://static.zaobao.com/s3fs-public/2022-04/wang-dubidao.jpg?VersionId=ZXgznKmlpLdPhkLwdfXnScUIiEMK 5_wR

王羽戏外个性豪爽,年轻时是火爆浪子,与竹联帮的渊源很深,曾卷入黑道纠纷,与四海帮发生喋血冲突(天厨餐 厅事件)。尽管争议不小,他对电影的热爱却不输任何人,生前更和柯俊雄一起成立“台北市武术指导技艺从业人 员职业工会”,为业界武指和特技替身发声。

他在电影圈是人人尊敬的前辈,好不容易复出影坛,却在同年6月因宣传疲累和拼酒,造成轻微脑中风,左半边瘫 软。当时他意志力惊人,每天复健两回,中西医并进,迅速恢复。当年入围第48届金马奖最佳男配角未拿奖,还 在台上自嘲:“我就知道,中风有分,中奖就一定没分!”



王羽曾恋林青霞怕毁玉女狠斩情 二婚被少妻劈腿心碎抓奸
王羽中风后接拍《失魂》,2013年终于在台北电影奖称帝,以70岁高龄抱回第一座演技奖,开心笑说等身体 好一点要再拍,但自此未再接片。2019年他获颁金马奖终身成就奖,这是他从影55年来获得的最高殊荣。他 将重心转为能源开发事业,曾透露等全球专利到手就会发表,希望拿另一种“终身成就奖”,可惜没能看到事业成 功就离世。


近年王羽体力不如以往,多管齐下复健,包括吃药、针灸、练内脏气功,甚至在朋友招待下到乌克兰打羊胎素,但 体力依旧没起色,常感叹容易累。

他因事业关系,常独自搭飞机到处跑,女儿王馨平苦叹劝不听。他2015年12月在泰国机场晕倒,两度脑中风 ,紧急送医进行了两次开脑手术,虽事后病情稳定,但对身体已大伤。2016年3月王羽病情稳定后搭专机返台 ,在医院休养治疗,女儿王馨平当时说明父亲不愿受外界打扰。

王羽生前有过2段婚姻,身家丰厚的他1994年斥资4亿元台币(约1900万新元)在新店“大台北华城”盖 豪宅,仅和外佣同住,女儿有空回台才会一起住。其实王羽生前最挂心的,是住在香港的高龄老母,2009年母 亲健康亮红灯,他到泰国拜四面佛许愿,结果病情好转,他从泰国迎回一尊四面佛膜拜,每月也会到 泰国还愿。

”One-armed Sword King" Wang Yu died of illness this morning at the age of 80.
From / Morning Post Digital
Release / April 5, 2022, 9:35 AM
Wang Yu passed away peacefully in the hospital on the morning of the 5th. (Internet)
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(Taipei News) Wang Yu, a generation of martial arts superstar “one-armed sword King”, died of illness at Taipei Zhenxing Hospital this morning (5th), at the age of 80.

Wang Yu had a stroke in 2011. At the end of 2015, he fainted at an airport in Thailand and was taken to the hospital. He suffered two strokes and underwent two brain operations. He survived life and death. Wang Jinping announced the sad news in his diary this morning: “I am very sad to tell you that our beloved father, Mr. Wang Yu, passed away peacefully at Taipei Zhenxing Hospital on the morning of April 5th, at the age of 80, after six years of battling illness. My father is loyal and values his friends. Inside and outside the screen, his life has been a chivalrous style of iron discipline, and his life has been brilliant. With great reluctance, we will always miss our father. I also believe that his one-armed sword, the handsome hero image, will live forever in the history of the film and in the hearts of fans. ”

Wang Yu was awarded the "Lifetime Achievement Award" of the 56th Golden Horse Awards. Her daughter Wang Jinping accompanied her father on the red carpet. (Internet)
Wang Yu has been in the movies for more than 40 years and has been a legend in his life. He entered the industry in 1963 and became popular in 1967 when he was cast in the movie "One-armed Sword" by director Zhang Che Xiangzhong. He then made 60 martial arts films such as "One-armed Sword King". He can be called the chief martial arts student in the 1960s and 1970s. He used only his left hand to play with knives in movies, which is still a classic in the hearts of fans; however, he retired from show business after 1997 and turned to business. It was not until 2011 that he returned to the film industry with Chen Kexin's "Martial Arts", accumulating nearly 100 works.

Wang Yu became popular with "One-armed Sword" and has the title of ”One-armed Sword King". (Internet)
Has been involved in underworld disputes

Wang Yu has a forthright personality outside of acting. When he was young, he was a popular prodigal son. He had a deep relationship with the Zhulian Gang. He was involved in underworld disputes and had bloody conflicts with the Sihai Gang (Tianchu Restaurant Incident). Although the controversy is not small, his love for movies has not lost to anyone. During his lifetime, he and Ke Junxiong established the “Taipei Martial Arts Guidance Skills Practitioners Professional Union” to speak out for martial arts and stunt doubles in the industry.

He is a respected senior in the film industry. He finally made a comeback in the film industry, but in June of the same year, he suffered a mild stroke due to publicity fatigue and fighting alcohol, and his left half was limp. At that time, he had amazing willpower, and he recovered twice a day. Chinese and Western medicine went hand in hand and he recovered quickly. He was shortlisted for the best supporting actor at the 48th Golden Horse Awards that year and did not win the award. He still laughed at himself on stage: “I knew that if you have a stroke, you must have no points if you win! ”

Extended reading

Entertainment eating melons: Wang Yu's death-the one-armed sword King took away his arena

Wang Yu once fell in love with Lin Qingxia, afraid of ruining the jade girl's love, and was cheated on by her young wife, heartbroken, and raped.

Wang Yu took over filming "Lost Souls" after suffering a stroke. He finally became the emperor at the Taipei Film Awards in 2013. He won his first acting award at the age of 70. He smiled happily and said that he would make another film when he was in better health, but he has not picked up the film since then. In 2019, he was awarded the Golden Horse Award for Lifetime Achievement, which is the highest award he has won in 55 years of filmmaking. He turned his focus to energy development. He once revealed that he would publish the global patent when it was available. He hoped to win another “lifetime achievement award”, but unfortunately, he passed away without seeing his career succeed.

In recent years, Wang Yu's physical strength has not been as good as in the past. He has taken a multi-pronged rehabilitation, including taking medicine, acupuncture and moxibustion, practicing visceral qigong, and even went to Ukraine to get sheep placenta under the hospitality of friends, but his physical strength still hasn't improved, and he often sighs that he is easily tired.

Because of his career, he often flies around by himself. His daughter Wang Jinping sighed bitterly and refused to listen. He fainted at the airport in Thailand in December 2015 and suffered two strokes. He was rushed to the hospital for two brain operations. Although his condition was stable afterwards, he was severely injured. In March 2016, after Wang Yu's condition stabilized, he took a special flight back to Taiwan and recuperated in the hospital. At that time, his daughter Wang Jinping explained that her father did not want to be disturbed by the outside world.

Wang Yu had two marriages during his lifetime. With a rich net worth, he spent NT4400 million (about S新19 million) in 1994 to build a mansion in Xindian “Huacheng, Greater Taipei”. He only lives with foreign helpers and his daughter will only live together when she has time to return to Taiwan. In fact, what Wang Yu was most worried about during his lifetime was his elderly mother who lived in Hong Kong. In 2009, his mother's health turned on a red light. He went to Thailand to worship the Four-sided Buddha and make a wish. As a result, his condition improved. He welcomed back a four-sided Buddha from Thailand to worship, and he would also come to Thailand every month to make a wish.

04-07-2022, 10:23 AM
Read my latest feature for Den of Geek: Jimmy Wang Yu: The Essential Martial Arts Movies (https://www.denofgeek.com/movies/jimmy-wang-yu-the-essential-martial-arts-movies/)
