View Full Version : RIP Yu Hai

01-16-2023, 10:55 AM
著名武术家于海去世 曾出演《少林寺 》昙宗大师 (https://ent.sina.cn/star/tv/2023-01-16/detail-imyameiy7303910.d.html?from=wap)

摘要: 著名武术家、演员于海于1月16日去世,享年81岁。



著名武术家、演员于海于1月16日去世,享年81岁。于海于1942年7月18日出生于山东省烟台市,19 54年,其拜七星螳螂拳大师林景山先生为师,学习正宗的螳螂拳。1964年后,多次任中国武术代表团教练和 队长,出访过美国、法国、土耳其等三十多个国家,为中国人民同世界各国人民的相互了解,增进友谊做出了应有 的贡献。1982年,出演由张鑫炎导演执导的电影《少林寺 》,在片中饰演昙宗大师,并兼任该片之动作武术指导,开始为人熟知。1997年,在古装动作电视剧《太极宗 师》中,于海饰演杨露禅的师父陈正英,为一代人留下经典银幕记忆。


Yu Hai, a famous martial artist who once starred in "Shaolin Temple" Master Tanzong, passed away

Entertainment General
January 16 at 22:49
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Abstract: Famous martial artist and actor Yu Hai passed away on January 16 at the age of 81.
Yu Hai
Yu Hai

Source: Baotou Evening News

Renowned martial artist and actor Yu Hai died on January 16 at the age of 81. Yu Hai was born in Yantai City, Shandong Province on July 18, 1942. In 1954, he learned the authentic Mantis Boxing from Mr. Lin Jingshan, a master of Qixing Tanglangquan. After 1964, he served as the coach and captain of the Chinese Wushu delegation for many times, visited more than 30 countries including the United States, France, and Turkey, and made due contributions to the mutual understanding and friendship between the Chinese people and people from all over the world. In 1982, starred in the movie "Shaolin Temple" directed by Zhang Xinyan, in which he played the role of Master Tanzong, and also acted as the action martial arts director of the film, and became well-known. In 1997, Yu Hai played Yang Luchan's master Chen Zhengying in the costume action TV series "Tai Chi Master", leaving a classic screen memory for a generation.

We had the honor of interviewing him for our JAN+FEB 2007 Shaolin Special. See The Big Monk of Shaolin Temple Mantis Grandmaster Yu Hai (https://www.kungfumagazine.com/magazine/article.php?article=688) By Gene Ching


01-17-2023, 06:15 AM

Time does fly,

Yu Hai, Ji Chun Hua and Yu Cheng Hui were my favorite actors from the Shaolin Temple Trilogy; so much so, that I learned their names early on.

Condolences to all who were close to him,


01-18-2023, 03:28 PM
Grandmaster Yu Hai 1942-2023 (https://www.kungfumagazine.com/ezine/article.php?article=1669) by Gene Ching and Gigi Oh
