View Full Version : Do you DRINK alittle to do Drunken Forms???

11-30-2001, 09:54 AM
I know it's a weird question but i dont think being just a little bit liqoured up would hurt, Just to loosen up your movements, make you a little more spontaneous. I dont mean drop-dead drunk. I dont need it personally, but i feel a little more alert after just one drink. Maybe it's just me :D ;) :p


11-30-2001, 11:03 AM
No. Drunken fist is to appear drunk, not be drunk :)

"Now why the **** would you censor "d.ork?"

Ironman PostLog: 1100 - 11/20/01

"Don't you get cose to me with that knofe or I'll have to dofond mosolf!" - KC Elbows

KC Elbows
11-30-2001, 08:46 PM
I've heard of some teachers having their practitioners drink until slightly drunk before teacheing them some drunken techniques, so that they get the proper form of relaxation, then having them practice it while their system sobers up, so that they can achieve the same state sober.

Otherwise, don't know much about it.

11-30-2001, 08:51 PM
... I usually end up having more than one, and returning homeabout 5 hours later with a supermarket trolley/traffic cone/"for sale" sign / directional traffic bollard/in my hands.

As for doing Kung-Fu whilst drunk. No. Although on icy surfaces the acrobatics do resemble The Matrix.

"Tomorrow's life is too late. Live today."
Marcus Valerius Martialis