View Full Version : Abbot Shi Yongxin's 2023 West Coast visit & Shaolin Kung Fu Games

08-28-2023, 09:50 AM
I dropped a major teaser about this in my recent feature, The Kung Fu of Comic Cons – San Diego Comic-Con 2023 (https://www.kungfumagazine.com/ezine/article.php?article=1695):

Immortal Studios and the Shaolin Temple of China
Our panel was titled The Immortal Storyverse: Building a New Martial Arts Universe, and it was promoted as featuring Payhuan,editor at large Bob Harras, head of publishing Hank Kanalz, and key creatives Charlie Stickney, Rylend Grant, and Jen Troy. We snuck a few more speakers on including me, Tomas Jegeus and Benjamin Frandsen.
Our panel was presented in Room 24ABC which has a theater capacity of 420. We were delighted to see a long line of fans waiting to get in. We were overjoyed to have them fill the room – SRO as we say – ‘Standing Room Only’. And we were told there were people outside who weren’t able get in.
We began our panel with a fitting video tribute to Payhuan’s father, esteemed Wuxia author Shiao Yi, then Payhuan gave an overview followed by each of Immortal’s creators speaking about their projects. We only had an hour and tried to pack too much in, so we ran overtime. I was last to speak, with the SDCC staff feverishly waving their “Time’s up” sign. I was sorely tempted to poach Michelle Yeoh’s line at the Golden Globes “Shut up please. I can beat you up, okay? And that’s serious.” But I didn’t.
My announcement was about an upcoming cooperative effort between Immortal Studios and the Shaolin Temple. As I mentioned before, Payhuan is well connected at Shaolin Temple. He’s a personal friend of Venerable Abbot Shi Yongxin. Immortal Studios is bringing the Abbot to Los Angeles for a very special event. I can’t disclose the details yet, but for Shaolin aficionados worldwide, plan to be in L.A. on November 3-4, 2023. You’re not going to want to miss this one.

Now I'm setting this thread up as a placeholder and will update the title as soon as the title is determined.

Stay tuned, Shaolin family. More to come...

09-25-2023, 08:49 AM


Shaolin Kung Fu Games (https://www.shaolinassociation.org/services-4)

10-02-2023, 10:00 AM
Los Angeles is no longer Nov 3-4. It's now Nov 11/11-12.


https://static.wixstatic.com/media/e68f70_9bb828cd2ebb4a5bb08608a00f7b694c~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_462,h_730,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/2023%20North%20American%20Shaolin%20Kungfu%20Games %20Poster-2.jpg

There's additional events happening in the SF Bay Area 11/2-4 but I don't have an online flyer to share yet.

10-18-2023, 08:13 AM
This November! READ Shaolin Trips: The Abbot’s 2023 Trip to America (https://www.kungfumagazine.com/ezine/article.php?article=1710) by Gene Ching


Red-Mountain-Shaolin-Temple (https://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?72620-Red-Mountain-Shaolin-Temple)
Abbot-Shi-Yongxin-s-2023-West-Coast-visit-amp-Shaolin-Kung-Fu-Games (https://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?72581-Abbot-Shi-Yongxin-s-2023-West-Coast-visit-amp-Shaolin-Kung-Fu-Games)

10-19-2023, 02:18 PM
Shaolin Trips: The Abbot’s 2023 Trip to America (https://www.kungfumagazine.com/ezine/article.php?article=1710) by Gene Ching
At this writing, the 2023 North American Shaolin Kung Fu Games is nearing its competitor cap. Word spread quickly through the Shaolin sangha, and competitors from all over the country are flocking to take part in this historic competition.

Registration for this event is now closed. (http://shaolinassociation.stormline.com)

Registration for this event is now closed due to reaching the maximum competitor capacity.

Told ya so...:cool:

10-23-2023, 08:34 PM
https://img.evbuc.com/https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.evbuc.com%2Fimages%2F625429209%2 F13158671407%2F1%2Foriginal.20231021-011058

Just Added!
This event was added to Eventbrite recently. Be the first to get tickets.
Sunday, November 12
Immortal Shaolin: The Past, Present, and Future of Kung Fu (https://www.eventbrite.com/e/immortal-shaolin-the-past-present-and-future-of-kung-fu-tickets-742576063997)
Immortal Shaolin: The Past, Present, and Future of Kung Fu showcases the essence and evolution of Kung Fu with the Shaolin Temple.
By Immortal Studios

Date and time
Sunday, November 12 · 2 - 4pm PST
Million Dollar Theater
307 South Broadway Los Angeles, CA 90013

Immortal Shaolin: The Past, Present, and Future of Kung Fu showcases the essence and evolution of Kung Fu with the Shaolin Temple.
In a monumental collaboration between the revered Shaolin Temple and Immortal Studios, a unique multimedia experience is set to unveil in the heart of Los Angeles. This unparalleled event aims to bridge 1,500 years of rich Shaolin history with the future aspirations of Kung Fu, casting a spotlight on both its martial and spiritual prowess.
Scheduled for November 12, 2023 from 2 to 4 pm at the iconic Million Dollar Theater in Downtown Los Angeles, Immortal Shaolin: The Past, Present, and Future of Kung Fu, serves as a vivid exploration of the essence of Shaolin, recognized globally as the birthplace of Kung Fu and Chan (Zen) Buddhism.
Guiding this journey will be the esteemed Abbot of the Shaolin Temple, Shi Yongxin, accompanied by the elite group of Shaolin warrior monks. Immortal Studios, the collaborating multiplatform entertainment studio building a modern martial arts fantasy universe, is accentuating and deepening the experiential and philosophical dimensions through multi-media stage experience.
A delightful ensemble awaits attendees: mesmerizing displays of legendary Shaolin superhuman feats, deep dives into their meditation forms, insights into the mysterious internal energy practices for rejuvenation, and firsthand narratives of its storied histories.
The spectacle does not end here. Prominent Shaolin disciples from the North American martial arts landscape, including Philip Sahagan of Cirque du Soleil fame and Sifu Kisu - the inspiration behind the animated sensation, Avatar: The Last Airbender, including others, are slated to grace the stage.
An added dimension to the event will be a tribute to Shaolin's cinematic and cultural legacy. From iconic classics like Bruce Lee films to modern wonders like Shaolin Soccer and The Last Airbender, this section underscores Shaolin's global cultural impact.
Integral to the event will be the announcement of the North American Shaolin Games' victors. The event will culminate in honoring Abbot Shi Yongxin with the inaugural Immortal Martial Hero Award, a testament to his unique contributions to preserving the martial hero spirit.
Reflecting on the event, Shi Yongxin shared, "Being in Los Angeles offers a wonderful opportunity for the Shaolin Temple to acquaint Americans with the authentic tenets of Shaolin, transcending beyondmartial displays to the profound philosophies and histories underpinning them."
Payhuan Shiao, CEO of Immortal Studios and long-time Shaolin collaborator, resonated similar sentiments, "Growing up, I've had the privilege of witnessing Shaolin's grandeur, both in stories and in reality. As the world grapples with unprecedented challenges, we hope to infuse the timeless wisdom and strength of Shaolin into people's lives through an event like this, along with power of media and culture to share that to the masses"

About the organizer
Organized by
Immortal Studios

Immortal is an original content studio dedicated to awakening the hero within each of us. We take a modern approach to the Wuxia tradition to share stories of empowerment, self-discovery and connection with

As many of you know, I work for both KFM here and Immortal Studios (https://www.immortal-studios.com).

10-27-2023, 01:47 AM
does shi yan ming ever attend these functions, or is he ridden off into the sunset with the wutang monies

10-27-2023, 09:56 AM
I wrote about that then. Read Wu-Tang Enters Wudang (https://www.kungfumagazine.com/index.php?p=article&article=5).

I don't know if he's had an audience with him since. I haven't kept up with all my monk friends that well, especially since the pandemic.

10-27-2023, 10:21 AM
Enter to win A Pair of Tickets to “Immortal Shaolin: The Past, Present, and Future of Kung Fu” Nov 12, Los Angeles, CA (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfuaYC2Xza2liWMAKbwg4RTZwW0tFmawiCyfkO4cLQc XLUBvA/viewform)
Contest ends 11/9/2023.

https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/fFLEO0ALnyV6KoQ299Qt5tmI_wi0cdyhyXfTZyEqMsd2RW9_16 HI3qwKuOwQs8gmBhEcC67ESjyLurjyh6bOALWqBRrWQpUy3SvH XsMyCEf_5_QSNH2nWg5wT1XHbnQIlw=w566

Abbot-Shi-Yongxin-s-2023-West-Coast-visit-amp-Shaolin-Kung-Fu-Games (https://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?72581-Abbot-Shi-Yongxin-s-2023-West-Coast-visit-amp-Shaolin-Kung-Fu-Games)
Interesting-Shaolin-Monk-show (https://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?43681-Interesting-Shaolin-Monk-show)
Martial-Arts-in-Live-Theater (https://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?49689-Martial-Arts-in-Live-Theater)
Immortal-Shaolin-The-Past-Present-and-Future-of-Kung-Fu-Nov-12-Los-Angeles-CA (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?72636-Immortal-Shaolin-The-Past-Present-and-Future-of-Kung-Fu-Nov-12-Los-Angeles-CA)

11-04-2023, 07:14 PM
Just posted 21 pix from Thursday's Welcoming Banquet in a new facebook album: Shaolin Abbot Shi Yongxin's 2023 visit (https://www.facebook.com/media/set?vanity=100064684241580&set=a.730811325751669)

https://scontent-sjc3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/398783439_730811972418271_978460813666497160_n.jpg ?_nc_cat=108&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=OhSGBe7ToEUAX80wUkt&_nc_ht=scontent-sjc3-1.xx&oh=00_AfDMOxaXgoE-4Toah-cSdyjrd-p-RLGNEAQn6-jU4dMwfg&oe=654B1901

11-05-2023, 03:42 PM
禅宗遇到AI——在美国旧金山Meta公司总部交流会上的讲话 (https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/h59-SoLZhcQEvPTc6NvpNQ)

◎释永信大和尚 少林寺官方网站 2023-11-03 01:21 Posted on 河南

今天非常荣幸能同各位朋友分享“禅宗遇到AI”这个话题。随着人工智能技术的不断发展,它正在逐渐渗透到我 们生活的各个领域。与此同时,这种技术的普及也对传统信仰产生了巨大影响。当古老的东方禅宗思想遇到21世 纪尖端技术的人工智能,人文与科技的交汇势必会给当今世界的人们带来新的启示。

https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/82D2LuGevvsyOoHFQS9k32nVtkVVk1dgGuibh8UeE5trKJs1Ru TxTiaPsfu8yh3iabLx9rkhYEPfNAM5O75CTAgGQ/640?wx_fmt=jpeg&wxfrom=5&wx_lazy=1&wx_co=1
https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/82D2LuGevvsyOoHFQS9k32nVtkVVk1dghGz1XYpmdl4joyMfpi bUTx9dpFttqob2hLc0FIrh3k4Q3rRrBEGlicEA/640?wx_fmt=jpeg&wxfrom=5&wx_lazy=1&wx_co=1
https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/82D2LuGevvsyOoHFQS9k32nVtkVVk1dgJQlJtszqX0YicMqFeK ryXmbsv0TSCTSb6EbjYLtacmHogBwaiax6fUGA/640?wx_fmt=jpeg&wxfrom=5&wx_lazy=1&wx_co=1

佛教到今天已经有2500余年的发展历史。禅宗是中国佛教影响最大、传播最广、发展最成熟的宗派,其中心思 想可概括为“不立文字,教外别传,直指人心,见性成佛”。禅宗追求心灵的觉悟,它是对佛陀思想的继承和创新 ,同时又融汇了中国传统的儒家、道家思想,其修行方法以真修实证为主,不受任何知识、逻辑、思维乃至意识所 束缚,是修禅者对解脱智慧的流露。禅宗思想深刻影响了中国的哲学、文学、艺术等领域,同时也在服务社会、净 化人心、开启心智等方面做出了积极贡献。
少林寺始建于公元495年,禅宗初祖菩提达摩在少林寺面壁九年创立禅宗。少林寺作为禅宗祖庭,1500多年 来传承不断,其主要以“禅”为核心,以养生、功夫、医药和禅艺等为表现形式,方便度化众生。少林养生功法以 习练《易筋经》等气功为主,辅以素食、坐禅、经行等方法,以达到涵养精气神之妙用。少林功夫是中国首批非物 质文化遗产,以佛教信仰和禅宗智慧为基础,具有完整的技击理论体系,形成有擒拿、格斗、卸骨、点穴、拳械等 多种功法,并形成了标准化、规范化的少林功夫段品制的修学体系,其最高境界为“禅武合一”。少林医药来自对 佛学“医方明”的继承,结合中国传统中医,主张运用佛法治心、草本治身,以达到调养身心之功效。少林禅艺则 以绘画、书法、雕刻、梵呗、茶器及围棋等为载体,以艺入禅来传播禅宗文化。
少林文化通过不断的传承与交流,已在韩国、日本、东南亚等地区得到广泛传播,近几十年来,欧美各国也涌现出 许多少林文化的爱好者。少林寺还积极参与国际交流活动,为服务人类健康做出了积极贡献。目前,少林寺在全世 界150多个国家200多个地区都有少林文化交流中心。
少林寺在历史发展中几经兴衰,但是如今依然传承不断,其原因在于少林文化的内动力,它兼容并蓄,并且提倡人 与自然,人与社会,人与自身的和合共生,同时少林文化在沟通国际关系、推动世界和平方面发挥了积极作用。少 林寺在未来也依然会坚持传播平等、慈悲、清净、圆融的佛教普世价值观,更好的服务全人类。
当禅宗遇到人工智能时会发生什么?技术进步能否取代道德伦理进步?人工智能具有强大的数据处理和分析能力, 并且经由程序和算法可能会表现出类似于人类的感知,但是人工智能并不能具备我们禅宗所讲的觉悟的心性。人类 面对此人工智能应该保持头脑清醒,应该如禅宗所倡导的那样向内寻求,得到超越解脱的本觉智慧。
禅宗是强调修禅者通过自身的精进和努力,逐渐提升觉悟的境界,在这个过程中,常常会遇到诸多困惑和烦恼,A I作为一作工具,可以检索查找相关经典,从而对治各种疑惑,为修禅者提供辅助和便利。
科技的进步让人们的闲暇时间增多,我们不希望因为闲暇时间的增多而使大众变得懒散放逸。在未来,我希望禅宗 智慧和人工智能可以有更多互动,特别是在少林文化方面,能够携手搭建一个交流平台,让大众在修学体验少林禅 、武、医、艺文化时,能够更加身临其境地感受少林文化的独特魅力,追求精神上的圆满,也让少林文化更好地服 务全人类身心灵健康。

Yongxin Shi Transcript
English Version:
"Zen Buddhism Encounters AI"
Respected guests and friends:
Greetings to all!
Today, I am truly honored to share the topic "Zen Buddhism Encounters AI" with all of you. With the continuous advancement of artificial intelligence technology, it is gradually permeating every area of our lives. At the same time, the widespread adoption of this technology has significantly impacted traditional beliefs. When the ancient Eastern Zen thought encounters the cutting-edge AI technology of the 21st century, the intersection of humanities and technology is bound to offer new insights for people today.
Buddhism has a development history spanning over 2,500 years. Zen Buddhism is the most influential, widely spread, and mature school within Chinese Buddhism. Its core philosophy can be summarized as "not reliant on scriptures, teachings passed beyond words, directly pointing to the human heart, and achieving enlightenment upon recognizing one's nature." Zen seeks spiritual awakening. It inherits and innovates upon the teachings of the Buddha and integrates with traditional Chinese Confucian and Taoist philosophies. Its practice primarily emphasizes genuine cultivation and validation, unbounded by any knowledge, logic, thinking, or even consciousness, and is a manifestation of enlightenment wisdom. Zen thought profoundly influences Chinese philosophy, literature, and art, actively contributing to societal service, purifying the heart, and enlightening the mind.
The Shaolin Temple, founded in AD 495, is where the first Zen patriarch, Bodhidharma, founded Zen after meditating facing a wall for nine years. As the cradle of Zen Buddhism, the Shaolin Temple has been continuously passing down its teachings for over 1,500 years, with its core being Zen, and expressed in forms of health preservation, martial arts, medicine, and Zen arts. The health preservation methods of Shaolin primarily involve practicing qigong exercises like "Yijin Jing," supplemented with vegetarianism, meditation, and sutra recitation to nurture the essence, energy, and spirit. Shaolin Kung Fu, one of China's first intangible cultural heritages, is based on Buddhist beliefs and Zen wisdom. It possesses a complete theoretical system of combat techniques, consisting of grappling, fighting, bone-breaking, pressure point strikes, and various weapon techniques, all structured into a standardized system of progression. The ultimate realm of Shaolin martial arts is the unification of "Zen and Martial Arts." Shaolin medicine derives from the Buddhist concept of "Understanding Medicinal Properties," integrated with traditional Chinese medicine, advocating for healing the mind through Buddhist teachings and the body through herbal remedies. Shaolin Zen arts encompass painting, calligraphy, sculpture, chanting, tea ceremonies, and Go (the board game), serving as vehicles to promote Zen culture.
Shaolin culture, through continuous inheritance and exchange, has been widely disseminated in regions like South Korea, Japan, and Southeast Asia. In recent decades, many enthusiasts of Shaolin culture have also emerged in European and American countries. The Shaolin Temple actively participates in international exchanges, making positive contributions to human health. Currently, there are Shaolin cultural exchange centers in over 200 regions across 150 countries worldwide.
The Shaolin Temple has experienced highs and lows throughout its history, but its enduring legacy is due to the inner vitality of Shaolin culture. It emphasizes harmony between humans and nature, society, and oneself. Moreover, Shaolin culture plays a pivotal role in fostering international relations and promoting world peace. In the future, the temple will continue to propagate the universal Buddhist values of equality, compassion, purity, and integration, better serving humanity.
So, what happens when Zen meets AI? Can technological progress replace moral and ethical advancement? AI possesses a tremendous capability for data processing and analysis, and through programming and algorithms, it might exhibit human-like perceptions. However, AI cannot possess the awakening and consciousness preached by Zen. In the face of AI, humans should maintain clarity of mind and seek inner enlightenment and transcendental wisdom, as advocated by Zen.
Zen emphasizes that practitioners elevate their state of enlightenment through dedication and effort. In this process, they often encounter various confusions and troubles. AI, as a tool, can assist by searching relevant scriptures, thereby addressing doubts and providing support and convenience for practitioners.
Technological advancement has granted people more leisure time. We hope that this won't make the masses lax and indulgent. In the future, I wish for more interactions between Zen wisdom and AI, especially in the context of Shaolin culture. Together, they can build a platform for communication, allowing the public to immerse themselves in experiencing the culture of Shaolin's Zen, martial arts, medicine, and arts. This will enable them to feel the unique charm of Shaolin culture more vividly, pursuing spiritual fulfillment and allowing Shaolin culture to better serve the physical and mental well-being of all humanity.
In conclusion, I wish everyone all the best and happiness! Amitabha Buddha.

I was there!

11-07-2023, 12:49 PM
We added more photos from the Welcoming banquet.

See Shaolin Abbot Shi Yongxin's 2023 visit
Welcoming Banquet photos by Kevin Ho (https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=100064684241580&set=a.730811325751669)

https://scontent-sjc3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/399953653_732240442275424_7806400971038195739_n.jp g?_nc_cat=104&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=28b-u6vUytQAX-0N4fD&_nc_ht=scontent-sjc3-1.xx&oh=00_AfCGVI2roPsh9-hQM586CvD_ufWkYQcwT5Nd_EgGwoqy2A&oe=655032BD

11-07-2023, 11:17 PM

Immortal-Shaolin-The-Past-Present-and-Future-of-Kung-Fu-Nov-12-Los-Angeles-CA (https://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?72636-Immortal-Shaolin-The-Past-Present-and-Future-of-Kung-Fu-Nov-12-Los-Angeles-CA)
Abbot-Shi-Yongxin-s-2023-West-Coast-visit-amp-Shaolin-Kung-Fu-Games (https://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?72581-Abbot-Shi-Yongxin-s-2023-West-Coast-visit-amp-Shaolin-Kung-Fu-Games)
Venerable-Abbot-Shi-Yongxin (https://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?16353-Venerable-Abbot-Shi-Yongxin)

11-09-2023, 08:44 AM
Last Weekend to this Weekend - READ Shaolin Trips: The Abbot’s 2023 Trip to the SF Bay Area (https://www.kungfumagazine.com/ezine/article.php?article=1713) by Gene Ching


Immortal-Shaolin-The-Past-Present-and-Future-of-Kung-Fu-Nov-12-Los-Angeles-CA (https://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?72636-Immortal-Shaolin-The-Past-Present-and-Future-of-Kung-Fu-Nov-12-Los-Angeles-CA)
Abbot-Shi-Yongxin-s-2023-West-Coast-visit-amp-Shaolin-Kung-Fu-Games (https://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?72581-Abbot-Shi-Yongxin-s-2023-West-Coast-visit-amp-Shaolin-Kung-Fu-Games)

11-13-2023, 10:25 AM
North American Kung Fu competition brings martial art lovers together (https://english.news.cn/20231112/2ac67444065240aa95516d1074013720/c.html)

Source: XinhuaEditor: huaxia2023-11-12 20:32:17

Video: The North American Shaolin Kung Fu Games took place in San Gabriel, a neighboring city of Los Angeles on Nov. 11, 2023, hosting 1,200 participants. (Xinhua)
Shaolin schools in the United States often infuse cultural elements into their curriculum. Students can learn about Chinese philosophy, history and traditions, gaining a broader perspective on the world.

LOS ANGELES, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) -- The North American Shaolin Kung Fu Games took place Saturday in San Gabriel, a neighboring city of Los Angeles, hosting 1,200 participants, with their teachers and loved ones there to cheer them on.
Reconvened after its initial launch in 2013, the event featured performances and competitions for all ages from 4 to 60. The atmosphere buzzed with excitement as Kung Fu lovers from across the United States met to compete for medals.
Originating in the Shaolin Temple of China, this ancient martial art has found a new home in the United States, where it continues to impart invaluable lessons to its students.
"Shaolin Kung Fu and Tai Chi are something the West can learn from the East," said Grandmaster Sin Kwan Thé, who is the leader of a number of Shaolin centers across the United States.
One of the best effects of Shaolin Kung Fu is physical fitness, he told Xinhua, adding that regular practice can increase cardiovascular fitness, improve muscle tone, enhance flexibility and even better one's posture.
Matthew Banks, the owner of a fighting and healing center in the state of Arizona, said that Shaolin Kung Fu is "very good for holistic health."
Some participants of the event came for sheer joy though a medal or two are always welcome.
"It makes me happy!" said Zoya and Ceadda, both 6 years old from the Shaolin Tai Chi Cultural Heritage Center in Las Vegas.
Patrick Clark was there to watch his nieces compete. One of them, Mila Nguyen, 11, pulled in two gold medals and a silver while the other was preparing for her turn in front of the judges. "They're amazing," said the proud uncle.
"They've always been interested in martial arts," explained their mother Danvo, who takes them to train at a Shaolin center.
Practitioners said the benefits of learning Kung Fu include not only physical fitness, but also reducing stress and anxiety, increasing a sense of calm and mental clarity and getting a better understanding of themselves.
"It makes us more calm and collected and more focused during intense moments," said a young competitor.
"Our Shifu teaches us about respect, discipline and how to really listen and treat people better," said Allison, a 14-year-old competitor from Las Vegas.
Shaolin schools in the United States often infuse cultural elements into their curriculum. Students can learn about Chinese philosophy, history and traditions, gaining a broader perspective on the world.
"Chinese Shaolin martial art is a legacy that continues to shape the lives of its practitioners and contributes positively to the world," said Grandmaster Sin Kwang Thé.

For the record, I did NOT see Grandmaster Sin Kwang Thé there. I was all over this event. If he was present, I'm sure someone would've pointed him out to me had I just not seen him.

Abbot Shi Yongxin's 2023 West Coast visit & Shaolin Kung Fu Games (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?72581-Abbot-Shi-Yongxin-s-2023-West-Coast-visit-amp-Shaolin-Kung-Fu-Games)
Is-Shaolin-Do-for-real (https://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?32782-Is-Shaolin-Do-for-real)

11-13-2023, 02:02 PM
See the photos on our facebook album here (https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=100064684241580&set=a.730811325751669).

I just got back from Los Angeles. More reports and pix on the way.

https://scontent-sjc3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/401844518_735481628617972_6962321916504924531_n.jp g?_nc_cat=103&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=Ql3W1bBh2b8AX8_hoM6&_nc_ht=scontent-sjc3-1.xx&oh=00_AfCEcifxlJbDIwk0nbiT9M-LBViW_XN4ILcWKLvtS2nRBg&oe=6557AF7B

11-14-2023, 10:00 AM
Shaolin monks bring Kung Fu to U.S.(1/6) (http://www.ecns.cn/hd/2023-11-14/detail-ihcuxnei3553668.shtml)
2023-11-14 10:54:33Ecns.cn Editor :Li Yan

Monks of the Chinese Shaolin Kung Fu group greet the audience after a performance at the Million Dollar Theater in Los Angeles, California, the United State, Nov. 12, 2023. (Photo: China News Service/Zhang Shuo)
Organized by the renowned Songshan Shaolin Temple in China, a series of martial arts-related activities took place in Los Angeles.

A martial arts student performs at the Million Dollar Theater in Los Angeles, California, the United State, Nov. 12, 2023. (Photo: China News Service/Zhang Shuo)

There are 4 more pix but they were tricky to cut&paste so I didn't bother.

Immortal-Shaolin-The-Past-Present-and-Future-of-Kung-Fu-Nov-12-Los-Angeles-CA (https://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?72636-Immortal-Shaolin-The-Past-Present-and-Future-of-Kung-Fu-Nov-12-Los-Angeles-CA)
Abbot-Shi-Yongxin-s-2023-West-Coast-visit-amp-Shaolin-Kung-Fu-Games (https://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?72581-Abbot-Shi-Yongxin-s-2023-West-Coast-visit-amp-Shaolin-Kung-Fu-Games)

11-14-2023, 04:53 PM
See more pix here (https://www.facebook.com/media/set?vanity=100064684241580&set=a.730811325751669)

https://scontent-sjc3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/401146237_736073108558824_6193332279950683725_n.jp g?_nc_cat=105&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=dSycVCB9kZ8AX87vN2N&_nc_ht=scontent-sjc3-1.xx&oh=00_AfA7BKWQ83--pFzr2KTwf6nc0qyImk_a0Y6jZ60CrlQmeg&oe=65591E41

11-15-2023, 10:35 AM
For the record, I did NOT see Grandmaster Sin Kwang Thé there. I was all over this event. If he was present, I'm sure someone would've pointed him out to me had I just not seen him.

Maybe he was wearing a disguise like me so the event would not turn into a brawl for the official Shaolin, haha

11-15-2023, 10:36 AM
See more pix here (https://www.facebook.com/media/set?vanity=100064684241580&set=a.730811325751669)

Those shoes you are wearing are great for kung fu. They last about 5 times longer than any other shoes...

11-15-2023, 01:26 PM
Maybe he was wearing a disguise like me so the event would not turn into a brawl for the official Shaolin, haha That would've been cool. I've been witness to some Shaolin brawls. They are always fascinating.

Those shoes you are wearing are great for kung fu. They last about 5 times longer than any other shoes...
Keens. (https://www.keenfootwear.com) I luv Keens for street wear. Although I wear Feiyues (https://martialartsmart.com/collections/default-category-shop-by-categories-tigerclaw-brand-tiger-claw-feiyue-shoes) for practice like all the other Shaoliners...

11-15-2023, 07:48 PM
Posted to our facebook album (https://www.facebook.com/media/set?vanity=100064684241580&set=a.730811325751669). Please like & share!

https://scontent-sjc3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/401856256_736690005163801_1040355831537705332_n.jp g?_nc_cat=103&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=VlvyFEsx4_EAX9hqUJi&_nc_ht=scontent-sjc3-1.xx&oh=00_AfCqP3IPwq6FiDVvrPSrHLgo9TELNXWCLIyLQwuKYaCx fQ&oe=655A48B6

11-16-2023, 03:20 PM
These are in the same Facebook album (https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=100064684241580&set=a.730811325751669).

https://scontent-sjc3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/402273838_737124418453693_1317951969215396404_n.jp g?_nc_cat=100&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=R_p-qxKox1MAX9ADxWG&_nc_ht=scontent-sjc3-1.xx&oh=00_AfCDr9NlMNqfoA6BEEX_n_6yMA9QO6pgrtd-AIe6peWczg&oe=655BBC4F

11-18-2023, 04:10 PM
...but it got posted on Shaolin's official site (http://m.shaolin.org.cn/newsinfo/196/198/29891.html) too.

Los Angeles to host 2023 North American Shaolin Games, promoting kung fu culture (https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202311/1301572.shtml)
By Li Hang
Published: Nov 09, 2023 11:27 PM

Photo: China News Service
Photo: China News Service

A decade since the first North American Shaolin Cultural Festival in 2013, the Shaolin Temple is once again hosting an official cultural exchange event in the US.

The highly anticipated "2023 North American Shaolin Games" and a series of martial arts-related activities are scheduled to take place in Los Angeles, the US, on November 11 and 12.

The announcement was made during a press conference held on November 7.

Organized by the renowned Songshan Shaolin Temple in China, in collaboration with the Shaolin North American Association, the games are expected to serve as a platform for kung fu enthusiasts to show off their skills and promote the popularization of the ancient sport in North America.

Approximately 500 Shaolin disciples from over 40 states in the US, as well as from countries *including *Canada and Mexico will *participate in the events.

Shi Yongxin, the abbot of the Shaolin Temple, said at the press conference that Shaolin kung fu is famous all over the world.

Kung fu not only strengthens the body, but also uses martial arts to achieve Zen and enlighten people through wisdom.

The kung fu competition is a long-standing tradition at the Shaolin Temple, which aims to enable Shaolin disciples to study more diligently and constantly surpass themselves, according to Shi.

During the opening ceremony, dignitaries from various fields will witness the top performers in various categories.

The 2023 North American Shaolin kung fu stars - the top three in each discipline - will receive medals, trophies, certificates, and accolades as encouragement.

According to Shi, the tradition of Shaolin kung fu competitions has flourished overseas since 2011.

Events like the European Shaolin Cultural Festival and the North American Shaolin Cultural Festival all regard the Shaolin kung fu competition as core content.

In 2022, the Shaolin kung fu online competition continued this tradition, uniting 5,320 participants from 94 countries and regions across six continents.

Before coming to the US in 2023, the Shaolin Games had already been held in Zambia in Africa, Singapore in Asia, and Argentina in Latin America.

Shi, leading the visiting delegation, arrived in Los Angeles on November 1 to kick off a series of North American visits.

During his visit to San Francisco on November 7, he delivered a speech titled "Zen Meets AI" at Meta's headquarters.

In his address, he emphasized that while AI possesses remarkable data processing and analytical capabilities, and may display similar human perceptions through programs and algorithms, but it cannot replicate the awakened consciousness advocated by Zen Buddhism.

He encouraged human beings to seek inner wisdom and *transcendence, even in the face of AI advancements.

According to Shi, Zen *Buddhism emphasizes that Zen practitioners can gradually improve their state of enlightenment through their own efforts.

As a tool, AI can search and find relevant classics to solve various doubts that Zen *practitioners encounter, providing assistance and convenience to Zen practitioners.

11-20-2023, 11:04 AM
Abbot Shi highlights the shared values of Shaolin culture in the U.S. (http://www.ecns.cn/news/culture/2023-11-17/detail-ihcuxnei3559696.shtml)
2023-11-17 09:14:42 Global TimesEditor : Li Yan

Shi Yongxin (back row, center), Abbot of the Shaolin Temple, poses for a photo with guests and participants of the 2023 North American Shaolin Games in Los Angeles, the US, on November 10, 2023. (Photo/Courtesy of the Shaolin Temple)

Drunken fist, spear techniques, staff techniques… these are the Shaolin kung fu skills traditionally showcased in Hollywood movies. These and other kung fu techniques were demonstrated at the 2023 North American Shaolin Games held in Los Angeles.

Approximately 500 Shaolin disciples from over 40 states in the U.S., as well as from countries and regions including Canada and Mexico, participated in the event.

A decade since the first North American Shaolin Cultural Festival in 2013, the Shaolin Temple, renowned for its centuries-old tradition of martial arts, is once again hosting an official cultural exchange event in the U.S., featuring performances and competitions for all ages from 4 to 60.

"Shaolin culture, as a representative of excellent traditional Chinese culture, conveys values of compassion, peace, health, and harmony that everyone can accept and feel. I believe Shaolin culture can establish positive connections with people from countries all over the world," Shi Yongxin, Abbot of the Shaolin Temple, told the Global Times.

In his opening speech at the games, Shi expressed the hope that through this event, the values of Shaolin kung fu - physical fitness, clarity of mind, and harmony - could be showcased.

"We hope that overseas Shaolin kung fu practitioners will actively inherit and disseminate Chinese culture, promoting the understanding and appreciation of Chinese culture among people of various ethnicities and contributing to the deepening of the friendship between the Chinese and American peoples," remarked Wang Taiyu, Cultural Counselor of the Chinese Consulate General in Los Angeles, at the opening ceremony of the games.

The examination of practice is a tradition at the Shaolin Temple. Every year, the temple assesses eight kinds of practice, including preaching, chanting, and the etiquette of the disciples over the past year. The Shaolin kung fu examination, known as "kaogong" in Chinese, is one of these eight components.

Flourishing overseas

The tradition of Shaolin kung fu competitions has flourished overseas since 2011, according to Shi. Events like the European Shaolin Cultural Festival and the North American Shaolin Cultural Festival all regard the Shaolin kung fu competition as core. In 2022, the Shaolin kung fu online competition continued this tradition, uniting 5,320 participants from 94 countries and regions across six continents.

The North American Shaolin Games is one of the events jointly organized by the Shaolin Temple and the Six Continents Shaolin Federation for the 2023-2024 World Six Continents Shaolin Kung Fu Examination Competition.

The games aim to "promote the organization of the competition, increase the autonomy and enthusiasm of all continents and countries and regions, facilitate multilevel participation and exchanges, and realize the normalization and sustainability of Shaolin kung fu competitions, while enhancing standardization, internationalization, socialization, and Shaolin kung fu brand reputation," according to Shi.

Prior to the North American examination, past editions of the Shaolin Games were held in Zambia in Africa, Singapore in Asia, and Argentina in Latin America.

In the current North American examination, over 500 Shaolin disciples participated in nearly 2,000 matches. "Shaolin kung fu and tai chi style are something the West can learn from the East," Grandmaster Sin Kwan Thé, leader of a number of Shaolin centers across the U.S., told the Xinhua News Agency.

He added that one of the best effects of Shaolin kung fu is physical fitness, and regular practice can increase cardiovascular fitness, improve muscle tone, enhance flexibility, and even better one's posture.

According to Shi, currently, the Shaolin Temple has over 300 overseas Shaolin cultural centers in more than 100 countries and regions.

In the U.S. alone, more than 40 states boast Shaolin cultural centers, some operated by monks sent from the temple and others established by overseas disciples, Shi told the Global Times.

Shaolin kung fu is a representative of Shaolin culture. Shaolin culture encompasses various forms of expression, including health preservation, martial arts, medicine, and Zen art, Shi said, adding, "The rich tapestry of Shaolin culture allows individuals from different walks of life to experience its unique charm," in response to why Shaolin culture is popular in Western countries.

The North American Shaolin Games is one of the many events Abbot Shi has taken part in during his 13-day North American tour which kicked off on November 1.

Shi's visits have included participation in various celebrations hosted by Shaolin Temple USA, such as the 15th and 16th anniversary celebrations of the San Francisco Shaolin Cultural Center and the Fremont Shaolin Cultural Center, respectively.

At Fremont, Shi hosted prayer ceremonies, introduced his new English book The Shaolin Temple Story, held book signings, and visited the Chinatown of San Francisco. Additionally, Shi provided guidance during visits to several Shaolin academies in the San Francisco Bay Area.

'A standardized system'

Looking ahead, Abbot Shi shared the Shaolin Temple's plans to promote systematic and scientific learning of Shaolin kung fu by introducing the "Shaolin Duanpin system," a rating system for the evaluation of Shaolin kung fu practitioners.

The promotion of the system "aims to establish a standardized system of Shaolin kung fu routines, promoting the dissemination of Shaolin kung fu both domestically and internationally. This is to achieve the goals of promoting traditional Chinese culture and enhancing the health of people worldwide," Shi told the Global Times.

This year, the Shaolin Temple staged the first Shaolin Duanpin workshops. "The promotion and development of the standardized "Shaolin Duanpin system" will propel Shaolin kung fu into a new historical development stage," Shi said.

Abbot Shi Yongxin's 2023 West Coast visit & Shaolin Kung Fu Games (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?72581-Abbot-Shi-Yongxin-s-2023-West-Coast-visit-amp-Shaolin-Kung-Fu-Games)
Is-Shaolin-Do-for-real (https://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?32782-Is-Shaolin-Do-for-real)

11-20-2023, 02:33 PM
Again posted to our Facebook album (https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=100064684241580&set=a.730811325751669).

https://scontent-sjc3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/403970086_739342364898565_7479554595544254787_n.jp g?_nc_cat=101&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=o-Htbwb-AdEAX9CKEu0&_nc_ht=scontent-sjc3-1.xx&oh=00_AfAmMp64XhfHrkpyqXGlAWjli69pl_iqFRIRRxQcqjb2 uQ&oe=6560672F

11-21-2023, 04:20 PM
Posted to out Facebook album (https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=100064684241580&set=a.730811325751669) once more.

https://scontent-sjc3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/404935475_739891128177022_5627653702375469900_n.jp g?_nc_cat=102&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=RbXEyWwDIY8AX-IxW0R&_nc_ht=scontent-sjc3-1.xx&oh=00_AfDGsQ5-cj008Q-PrAAS_nYtFiOCxpnpX5SpjcAuMyV86A&oe=6561357F

11-21-2023, 11:32 PM
... for posterity. ;)

2023 North American Shaolin Kung Fu Game Rules (2023 首届北美洲少林考功大赛规程) (https://www.shaolinassociation.org/_files/ugd/e68f70_f8251a8a74b24abdb46ee28ba6de706b.pdf)
Compe��on Categories:
There are Individual events (个人项目), Figh�ng form (duilian) events(对练项目 2-3 人)and group compe��on
(集体项目/家庭组 4-16 人).
Individual Compe��on (个人项目): The individual compe��on is divided into 210 divisions by age, level, and gender.
Age Divisions: A: 7-under, B: 8-9, C: 10-11, D: 12-13, E: 14-17, F: 18-40, G: 41+
Note: Age calcula�on is based on the par�cipant's actual age on November 4, 2023.
Beginners: < 2 years of prac�ce
Intermediate: < 4 years of prac�ce
Advanced: 4 and above years of prac�ce
Compe��on divisions
Songshan Shaolin Fist (嵩山少林 - 拳)
Other Shaolin Fist (其他少林拳术(自選套路)
Songshan Shaolin Long Weapons (嵩山少林 - 長兵器),
Songshan Shaolin Short Weapons (嵩山少林 - 短兵器),
Songshan Shaolin Other Weapons (嵩山少林 - 其他兵器)
1. Songshan Shaolin Fist: include any of the major forms taught as part of the common curriculum at the original
Shaolin Temple on Songshan (Song Mountain) today. This includes but is not limited to: Xiaohongquan (小洪拳),
Dahongquan (大洪拳), Tongbiquan (通臂拳), Liuhequan (六合拳), Changhuxinyimen (长护心意门), Qixingquan
(七星拳), Meihuaquan (梅花拳), Lohanquan (羅漢拳), Taizu Changquan (太祖长拳), Paochui (炮捶), Xinyiba (心
意把), Shaolin Rou�ne (少林规定拳),Shaolin Five Elements (少林五行拳),Shaolin Thirteen Fist (少林十三
拳), Shaolin Chaoyang Fist (朝阳拳),Shaolin Lianhuan Fist (连环拳), etc.
2. Other Shaolin Fist: Tongzigong (童子功), Drunken Fist (醉拳),Animal Fist (象形拳),Ditang Fist (地躺拳),
Shaolin Zixuan Fist (少林自选拳),Shaolin Zixuan Nanquan (少林自选南拳), etc.
3. Songshan Shaolin Long Weapons (嵩山少林 - 長兵器): Weapon length is higher than shoulder height, such as
Staff (棍), Spear (枪), Guandao (關刀), Pudao (扑刀), Tiger Fork (大虎扒), etc.
4. Songshan Shaolin Short Weapons (短兵器/嵩山少林 - 短兵器): Sword (Jian 劍), Broadsword (Dao 刀),
& any short single weapons of comparable length to a single-handed sword such as: short s�ck (短棍), hard
whip (鋼鞭) , cane (拐杖), single daggers (单匕首), etc.
5. Songshan Shaolin Other Weapons (嵩山少林 - 其他兵器): Two-handed swords (双手剑)
Three-sec�on Staff (三截棍), Shepherd’s Whips (牧羊鞭), Rope Darts (绳镖), 7 or 9 Sec�ons Whip Chain (七节/
九节鞭 ) etc. as well as Double Weapons such as Double Broadswords (双刀), Double Straight Swords (双劍),
Double Hooks (虎头双钩), Double Daggers (双匕首), Sword and Shield, etc.
(二)对练 Figh�ng Form (2-3 persons)
(三)集体套路/家庭组 Team/Family Compe��on 4-16 persons)
Each athlete must choose 2 events (can also apply for team or duilian events)
Time to complete the rou�ne: 1. Shaolin Fist, all the Weapons, Figh�ng forms are not to exceed 2 minutes 2. Shaolin
team events: 2-5 minutes; If less than or exceeding 2 seconds including 2 seconds, the chief Judge will deduct 0.1 point,
and the accumulated points will be deducted.
Compe��on results and awards
1. Division Champions (普通奖项): The compe��on results are ranked according to the score. Gold, Silver, and
Bronze medals will be awarded to the top 3 contestants in each individual event. Others were awarded the
"Outstanding Award" cer�ficate. If there are too many par�cipants in the division, they will be divided into
groups as appropriate.
2. Individual Overall Grand Champions (個人全能奖): To qualify for Individual Overall Grand Champions,
compe�tors must compete in the advanced level and in three divisions: Songshan Shaolin Fist Form and 2
Weapon Forms (each Weapon Form must be of a separate Weapon division). Individual Overall Grand
Champions earn points for placing in each of these three events. Individual Overall Grand Champions Points are
awarded as so: 4 points for each 1st place, 2 points for each 2nd place, 1 point for each 3rd place. The 3 highest
points score will get Overall Grand Champions Gold medals, Silver medals and Bronze medals respec�vely; the
others will get the cer�ficate of "Shaolin Kungfu Excellence Award". Should a �e occur, the winner will be
determined by comparing the total scores of the three divisions that garnered the Overall Grand Champion. If
s�ll �ed, add back the eliminated highest scores. If s�ll �ed then, add back the eliminated lowest score. If it’s s�ll
�ed, the rankings are �ed.
3. North American Shaolin Kung Fu Stars (北美少林功夫之星): It is the highest award in this compe��on, and the
winner can represent North America to par�cipate in the "World Shaolin Kung Fu Test Compe��on".
Par�cipants must be the top three (regardless of gender) in the individual Overall Grand Champions of each age
group before they can par�cipate in the "North American Shaolin Kung Fu Show". The judging commitee sent
by Songshan Shaolin Temple conducts the judging, regardless of gender, age, project, or content. Finally, 7 to 9
"North American Shaolin Kung Fu Star" will be selected to advance to the World Shaolin Kungfu Compe��on in
China, 2024
4. Award Cer�ficates: 1. All par�cipants can get the electronic cer�ficate issued by Shaolin Temple, which can be
registered in the official Shaolin Temple Website direct download and print; 2. The award cer�ficate shows the
signature of Abbot Shi Yongxin of Shaolin Temple; 3. The award cer�ficate shows the only code approved by
Shaolin Temple; 4. The awardees who go to the Shaolin Temple to receive the award cer�ficates can take a
photo with Abbot Shi Yongxin. In addi�on to the list of athletes' results, which will be announced by the
compe��on organizing commitee on the compe��on website, a series of publicity reports will also be carried
out through domes�c and foreign professional media co-organizers and mul�media networks.

11-27-2023, 10:21 AM
Read The Shaolin Temple and the Shaolin Diaspora (https://ymaa.com/articles/2023/11/shaolin-temple-and-shaolin-diaspora) ~ my latest feature for YMAA.com


Abbot-Shi-Yongxin-s-2023-West-Coast-visit-amp-Shaolin-Kung-Fu-Games (https://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?72581-Abbot-Shi-Yongxin-s-2023-West-Coast-visit-amp-Shaolin-Kung-Fu-Games)
Northern-Shaolin-styles (https://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?1958-Northern-Shaolin-styles)

11-28-2023, 12:49 PM
Posted to our Facebook album (https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=100064684241580&set=a.730811325751669) again.

I always add a photo sample from these fb collections even though they only last for a few days until fb shifts its URLs and it disappears.

https://scontent-sjc3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/405284109_743593817806753_6332376946616888934_n.jp g?_nc_cat=105&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=0cMGkKJnFdAAX-xpf47&_nc_ht=scontent-sjc3-1.xx&oh=00_AfD8uE9QKIcA-2omuPX6ImAdsF3moicHFtSCWrdDkRQRXQ&oe=656A49AE

11-28-2023, 12:56 PM
See http://shaolintemple.org.au/2023-shaolin-kung-fu-games/

11-30-2023, 10:23 AM
A mislabeled installment - READ Shaolin Trips: The Abbot’s 2023 Trip to the City of Angels (https://www.kungfumagazine.com/ezine/article.php?article=1716)by Gene Ching


12-05-2023, 10:04 AM
The Oceania Games were held after Europe.

Shaolin Kung Fu competition enthralls martial arts enthusiasts in Oceania (http://en.people.cn/n3/2023/1205/c90000-20105979.html)
By Liang Youchang (Xinhua) 08:56, December 05, 2023

A participant demonstrates Kung Fu during the 2023 Oceania Shaolin Games held in Sydney, Australia, Dec. 2, 2023. (Photo by Hu Jingchen/Xinhua)

Shaolin Kung Fu, a world-renowned intangible cultural heritage, is practised by many in Australia. A Shaolin Kung Fu games competition held in Sydney featured various Kung Fu styles and weapon categories, and was believed to enhance understanding, friendship and cooperation among Shaolin disciples around the world.
SYDNEY, Dec. 4 (Xinhua) -- A Shaolin Kung Fu games competition was recently held in Sydney and attracted more than 300 martial arts enthusiasts from Australia, New Zealand and other regional countries.
The 2023 Oceania Shaolin Games include various Kung Fu styles and weapon categories such as Shaolin Fist, Animal Styles and Seven Star Fist.
"Shaolin Kung Fu is a world-renowned intangible cultural heritage and an important cultural heritage shared by mankind," Shi Yongxin, abbot of the Shaolin Temple, told the opening ceremony of the competition at the Quaycenter in the Sydney Olympic Park.
A participant demonstrates Kung Fu during the 2023 Oceania Shaolin Games held in Sydney, Australia, Dec. 2, 2023. (Photo by Hu Jingchen/Xinhua)
Once a year, the abbot would assess and confirm the Shaolin disciples' eight kinds of practice such as preaching, chanting and etiquette. The Shaolin Kung Fu games competition is part of these contents.
"The contest has enhanced understanding, friendship and cooperation among Shaolin disciples around the world, and also reflects Shaolin Kung Fu's core values of strengthening the body and clarifying the mind," Shi said.
Blake Brown, a 22-year-old man who achieved a high score of 9.05 with a spectacular set of monkey fist, told Xinhua that Shaolin Kung Fu gave him the meaning of life and dreams.
"I found my purpose in life, my dreams. I was a bit lost beforehand and Kung Fu training told me to find peace," said Brown from Brisbane, Australia, who was elected as one of 10 Shaolin Kung Fu stars at the games.
Photo taken on Dec. 2, 2023 shows the scene of the 2023 Oceania Shaolin Games held in Sydney, Australia. (Photo by Hu Jingchen/Xinhua)
So far this year, the Shaolin Temple has held Kung Fu games in Africa, Asia, Latin America, North America and Europe. The Oceania competition was the final one.
According to the organizers, more than 2,300 Shaolin disciples from more than 100 countries and regions participated in the examination contests this year.
"This competition serves as a testament to the universal appeal and profound impact of Shaolin martial arts," Wang Shuyu, consul for cultural affairs at the Chinese Consulate General in Sydney, said at the opening ceremony.
"In seeing participants from different cultural backgrounds, we recognize the unique opportunity this competition presents for cultural exchange and collaboration," she said.
A participant demonstrates Kung Fu during the 2023 Oceania Shaolin Games held in Sydney, Australia, Dec. 2, 2023. (Photo by Hu Jingchen/Xinhua)
Riley Greenland from Sydney told Xinhua that he had practised martial arts for more than 20 years since he was three years old and he went to China three times to learn Kung Fu.
"Kung Fu for me is everything. Everything, no just training," Greenland said. "I love the way it makes me feel. The energy, the power, the mental strength, everything."
(Web editor: Zhang Kaiwei, Liang Jun)

12-07-2023, 10:15 AM
The final installment (sort of) - READ Shaolin Trips: Immortal Shaolin: The Past, Present and Future of Kung Fu (https://www.kungfumagazine.com/ezine/article.php?article=1717) by Gene Ching


Immortal-Shaolin-The-Past-Present-and-Future-of-Kung-Fu-Nov-12-Los-Angeles-CA (https://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?72636-Immortal-Shaolin-The-Past-Present-and-Future-of-Kung-Fu-Nov-12-Los-Angeles-CA)
Abbot-Shi-Yongxin-s-2023-West-Coast-visit-amp-Shaolin-Kung-Fu-Games (https://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?72581-Abbot-Shi-Yongxin-s-2023-West-Coast-visit-amp-Shaolin-Kung-Fu-Games)

12-08-2023, 09:59 AM
The Black Belt from the 47 Ronin Temple (https://medium.com/@AdisaBanjoko/the-black-belt-from-the-47-ronin-179e54fddffa)

Adisa Banjoko aka Bishop
8 min read
12 hours ago

A friends journey to Japan to get buy a black belt- gets crazy!
A few months ago, while teaching and training in the UK a friend from SF in The Bay Area. His name is Prof. Greg Watkins at Stanford University. We met through a friend of ours named Remi when Remi invited me to run a youth chess summer program a few summers back. Greg and I hit it off immediately. He teaches philosophy, he knows Shakespeare better than most, and he loved the UFC. How could we not be cool?! He also has a deep respect for Eastern philosophy. I learned a lot from him about Zhuang Zi, Socrates and so much more.
So while I was in the UK, I called him one day to catch up and he said “Hey I’m going to Japan with my wife, do you want me to grab you anything? I was blown away and I said “Please grab me a black belt while you are out there.” He said “OK” and lets say a month or so later he messaged me asking me where to send it.
I told him to send it to America because I was so scared something might happen to it. I did not want it to get lost in the mail, etc cetera. So he sent it to my parents place. This all happened about 4 months back. I came back in October, and my dad had set the belt out for me.
So, while at my parents recently I was talking to my lady on Whats App and I showed her some of the stuff in my old bedroom. I opened one drawer and it had some incense in a purple box with beautiful art and Japanese writing on it.

My kuro obi at Segakuji Temple in Japan.

Adisa Banjoko lecturing on Stoic philosophy at the NXT 45 mens retreat in the United Kingdom.

The box was sealed. The thing is, my parents hate incense. When I was about 13 I bought insense and a little burner for my room. It was the 1983. My parents were like “Don’t try to cover up the smell of marijuana with incense, boy!!” I was such a nerd, I did not even know what weed looked like yet! But I loved the incense and I hated that my parent thought I was trying to smoke something I had never even seen before. I was mischievous though, and it was the 1984. In reflection, their attitude at the time made sense.
My point is, I knew they did not purchase it. But I wanted to burn the incense immediately. I asked her if she sent it before I arrived in the states. She said no but wondered if maybe my parents had bought it for me and maybe forgotten. Once my friend Dr. David Timony sent me some amazing incense. I could tell by the box that something else was happening. I ruled Dr. Timony, my parents and my lady out immediately, and I got off the phone.
As soon as we hung up I wondered if maybe Greg had sent it. I called him. He said “Yeah, that incense came from Sengakuji Temple of the 47 Ronin”. My jaw dropped. The 47 Ronin is one of the best old school samurai stories from the middle ages. It is also a true story. It deserves the popularity of the 300 Spartans.
Check this out:
The story of the 47 Ronin, also known as the Ako Incident, unfolds in 18th-century Japan. After their lord, Asano Naganori, is forced to commit seppuku (ritual suicide) for assaulting a court official. He was set up to fail by a rival lord named Kira. Asano was ordered to kill himself and his loyal samurai, were made ronin ( become masterless warriors) . Led by Oishi Kuranosuke, the 47 Ronin patiently bide their time, enduring various humiliations and acting as if they have abandoned their samurai code. They take on other jobs. One of Anano’s high level samurai was seen running around bars and lives the life of what some might call a drunken bum. However, their true intention was to avenge their Lord Asano’s unjust forced death. They waited patiently for two years. January 30, 1703 the reunited warriors stormed Kira’s stronghold in a carefully planned attack. After being found in a hidden room, they gave him an opportunity to kill himself with same blade Asano used for seppuku. Kira refused, so and was beheaded with the same blade. The 47 Ronin then turn themselves in to authorities, willingly accepting their fate of seppuku. The tale of the 47 Ronin is a legendary example of loyalty, honor, and their unwavering commitment to avenging a master’s honor- even at the cost of their own lives. They were laid to rest at Sengakuji [Mountain Forest] Temple.

Map of Sengakuji Temple grounds.

“So, you didn’t get the pictures?” Greg asked in a confused tone.
“What pictures”? I asked even slightly more confused.
“My wife and I bought your black belt at the Isami store and took it to Sengakuji Temple, where the 47 Ronin are buried. We sat the belt at the altar and burned some incense. We took it to the graves of the father and son who led the attack. Then we mailed it to you. We sent pictures of the belt at the altar and the incense together.”
My mind was blown *insert appropriate emoji here*!! continued next post

12-08-2023, 10:00 AM
A young man preparing incense for visitors to the temple of the courageous 47 Ronin.

I go back into the drawer and low and behold, I see the pictures. My heart soars and my eye tear up because I have loved the 47 Ronin for many years. When my son was a young teenager I gave him a very beautifully written and illustrated graphic novel (not bloody just incase parents were wondering). It is by Mike Richardson and illustrated flawlessly by Stan Sakai. I recommend it to anyone curious about the story. If your child is 12 or above it’s a good story about courage, loyalty and patience. I highly recommend it.
Stay away from the Keanu Reeves film (I love him as an actor but the writing for that was way more sci-fi than anything else). The Japanese old school film is great and its on YouTube, but I think it is too slow for modern moviegoers. Last Knight, is a European remake of the Japanese legend. Because it is a European remake, it falls far short of it’s potential. No film, has ever done the actual Ako Incident justice, sadly.
The crazy part is, a few weeks back I had given my belt to a kind friend, Jonny Oh (at the iconic Tiger Claw) who was getting my belt embroidered with the with the word: BANJOKO 7.21.21 on my belt. The numbers reflected the dated I got my belt. The thing was there was a big delay in getting my belt back. My friend Gene Ching explained that part it was because the Venerable Abbot of Shaolin, Shi Yongxin was visiting California. Jonny was overseeing his trip and because of it there would be a delay.
I told Gene, “I think it is the coolest thing that my belt is delayed because the Abbot of Shaolin is in California”. I had no problem being patient. I called Jonny as soon as I learned about the belt being taken to Sengakuji Temple. I reached out to Jonny the next day. He was super apologetic about the delay on my belt. Apparently he had fallen ill with the flu after The Abbot returned to Shaolin.
I explained that there was no apology necessary. Then I explained to him that the belt had been taken to the 47 Ronin Temple, and I wanted to have the 7.21.21. numbers replaced with BANJOKO 47. Jonny let me know that was possible. A gratitude beyond words filled my spiritual heart.
The morning after talking to Jonny, I went to the balcony, sat in the sun and burned incense from the temple. I did yoga and meditated. My focus that day, and this day is on gratitude and patience. I have two incense burners that were gifts to me. I use them often. One from my son, is long ceramic dragon with red eyes named Smaug (the dragon from The Hobbit) . The other is a smaller jade colored dragon I got from my second BJJ student nicknamed Skywalker. (the boy was nicknamed Skywalker). I named that dragon Bruce (after the iconic Bruce Lee).
On December 7th, 2023, my boy DeShawn swooped me over to the Tiger Claw HQ in Fremont, CA, to pick up my belt.

Jonny Oh President of Tiger Claw, and Adisa Banjoko with his new black belt.

Jonny greeted me with the belt in his hands, and we took a quick picture together. I walked out like a kid who got the big gift he wanted for his birthday. To celebrate, we went to eat at Vinum at New Park Mall. I had tea, veggie tempura, and the saba fish. Then we went to my homey King Kou’s house and caught up with him and Skywalker.

My Isami black belt straight from Japan! Jiu-jitsu gi by JREAM.

After I got home I put on my JREAM gi with my Heroes Martial Arts patch on the back. Then I put on The Belt from Sengakuji Temple, faced East and prayed. I thanked God for the honor of getting to the goal of achieving a kuro obi (black belt), and I thanked God for all of my teachers and training partners. I then prayed for the souls of the 47 Ronin. I asked that I be able to teach and compete honorably in the future with the same conviction they fought with.
The moral of the story: Sometimes the God/Universe does not give you what you want when you think you want it, so that something greater can be organized for you. If you attempt to force a thing into being, you can get it. However, what you got in a rushed manner, my not have been the best thing. With patience the positive conspiracies of divine order can be left to manifest their own beauty on your behalf. I am grateful to Greg and his wife Sue for getting the Isami belt and taking it to the Sengakuji Temple. I know they did not have to do any of that. I am grateful to Jonny Oh, Gene Ching and everyone at Tiger Claw in Fremont, CA for getting my belt embroidered immaculately.
This experience has expanded and instilled my sense of patience and acceptance of whatever comes to me in the future. I hope you, too, can get a sense of its value the next time you hit the mats or life hits you hard.
Adisa Banjoko is a BJJ black belt, award winning writer, speaker and documentary filmmaker. Adisa has lectured on martial arts history and philosophy at Harvard, Stanford, Brown, Oberlin and many other universities. He founded the ONLINE community, the Resilient Men’s Group to help men heal mentally, emotionally and physically.

Shout-out-to-Tiger-Claw (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?18651-Shout-out-to-Tiger-Claw)
Hip-Hop-Chess-Federation (https://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?41817-Hip-Hop-Chess-Federation)
Abbot-Shi-Yongxin-s-2023-West-Coast-visit-amp-Shaolin-Kung-Fu-Games (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?72581-Abbot-Shi-Yongxin-s-2023-West-Coast-visit-amp-Shaolin-Kung-Fu-Games)
47-Ronin (https://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?52762-47-Ronin)

12-15-2023, 10:43 AM
Current Changes in Traditional Shaolin Kung Fu (https://www.unescoicm.org/eng/notice/qna.php?ptype=view&idx=8786&page=1&code=qna_eng)


Abbot-Shi-Yongxin-s-2023-West-Coast-visit-amp-Shaolin-Kung-Fu-Games (https://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?72581-Abbot-Shi-Yongxin-s-2023-West-Coast-visit-amp-Shaolin-Kung-Fu-Games)
hUNESCO-International-Centre-of-Martial-Arts-for-Youth-Development-and-Engagement (https://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?72011-UNESCO-International-Centre-of-Martial-Arts-for-Youth-Development-and-Engagement)

01-19-2024, 11:30 AM
Posted to out Facebook album (https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=100064684241580&set=a.730811325751669) once more.

https://scontent-sjc3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/404935475_739891128177022_5627653702375469900_n.jp g?_nc_cat=102&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=RbXEyWwDIY8AX-IxW0R&_nc_ht=scontent-sjc3-1.xx&oh=00_AfDGsQ5-cj008Q-PrAAS_nYtFiOCxpnpX5SpjcAuMyV86A&oe=6561357F


Gene, who is the tall lady in the red, button down, dress in the group photo (standing next to the man with the plaid shirt)? She looks like the love child of Paula Patton and Chang Yi. Is she a MA practitioner? She looks the healthiest of those in the photo.


01-19-2024, 04:16 PM
I don't know who she is.

01-20-2024, 11:12 AM

02-27-2024, 10:04 AM

Register HERE (https://tckfmc.stormline.com/?tournament_ref=34).

New this year - The May the Fourth LED Saber Championship.

Updated this year - our Songshan Shaolin Division is now an official part of the Shaolin Kung Fu Games under the Shaolin Temple of China.

Returning this year - The WildAid Tiger Claw Championship.

2024 Tiger Claw Elite Championships & KUNG FU TAI CHI DAY May 4-5, San-Jose, CA (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?72665-2024-Tiger-Claw-Elite-Championships-amp-KUNG-FU-TAI-CHI-DAY-May-4-5-San-Jose-CA)
The-May-the-Fourth-LED-Saber-Championship (https://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?72716-The-May-the-Fourth-LED-Saber-Championship)
Songshan-Shaolin-Champion (https://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?60021-Songshan-Shaolin-Champion)
Abbot-Shi-Yongxin-s-2023-West-Coast-visit-amp-Shaolin-Kung-Fu-Games (https://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?72581-Abbot-Shi-Yongxin-s-2023-West-Coast-visit-amp-Shaolin-Kung-Fu-Games)
WildAid-Tiger-Claw-Champion (https://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?57416-WildAid-Tiger-Claw-Champion)

03-02-2024, 08:26 PM
Shaolin-Kung-Fu-Games (https://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?72721-Shaolin-Kung-Fu-Games) which is plucked from our Abbot-Shi-Yongxin-s-2023-West-Coast-visit-amp-Shaolin-Kung-Fu-Games (https://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?72581-Abbot-Shi-Yongxin-s-2023-West-Coast-visit-amp-Shaolin-Kung-Fu-Games) thread.

Our Songshan-Shaolin-Champion (https://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?60021-Songshan-Shaolin-Champion) established at the Tiger Claw Elite KungFuMagazine.com Championships in 2011, will be an official Shaolin Kung Fu Games at this year's TCEC (https://www.kungfumagazine.com/info/tournament/2024TCKFMC.html).

Note that the Shaolin Kung Fu Games will be held on Sunday May 5th. Previously our Songshan Shaolin Championship has been held on Saturday.

03-12-2024, 09:08 AM
Shaolin in the Present: Interview with the Abbot of Shaolin Temple, Shi Yongxin (https://www.kungfumagazine.com/ezine/article.php?article=1731) by Gene Ching & Gigi Oh


Abbot-Shi-Yongxin-s-2023-West-Coast-visit-amp-Shaolin-Kung-Fu-Games (https://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?72581-Abbot-Shi-Yongxin-s-2023-West-Coast-visit-amp-Shaolin-Kung-Fu-Games)
Venerable-Abbot-Shi-Yongxin (https://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?16353-Venerable-Abbot-Shi-Yongxin)
Shaolin-Kung-Fu-Games (https://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?72721-Shaolin-Kung-Fu-Games)