View Full Version : Finding Talya Ferro

04-22-2024, 02:01 AM

My first encounter with this person was in the original movie Sparkle. She played a bit part as the girlfriend of the antagonist, Satin Struthers. Her presence struck me. After decades of wondering who this beautiful actress is, I finally discovered the name of this person. When I sought to learn more about her, I discovered that she is an amazing singer. Her abilities are up there with the greats: Billie Holiday, Sarah Vaughan, Lena Horne, Shirley Bassey. And she sits in their realm comfortably, with incredible vocal control and command. She released an album in 1968 and it should have received a lot more attention. Her diction is excellent. Her timing is excellent. It is as if her voice is cueing the instrumentation and propelling it, well showcasing her talent. Have a listen:

