View Full Version : Flaming! , on and offline

12-03-2001, 07:50 AM
Agitation seems to be a common theme here. People deliberately going out of thier way to stir up trouble. Some do it for laughs some take a joke too far.
It is a part of life.
I have a short fuse, and I know that other martial artists out there and here "suffer " from this. I guess you could say that I have a low tolerance level for certain things.
things that directly relate to my character and in my opinion not petty trivialities, which over the years has improved significally especially since i began kungfu and yoga.

I believe that all of us have an image or "reputation" , and when this comes under assault all of us have the God given right to defend it.

It is easier I guess to understand when friends say a particular thing or the other, because you understand there is no harmful intent and take it in jest, and if there was harm done or a joke taken too far a friend should be able to respect that as well when you point it out to them. with that being said one makes the necessary adjustments or maybe even let it slide.
But the boundaries outside of friendships are unclear. And sometimes people who dont quite fit into the comfortable bracket of "close - friend " overstep these boundaries for whatever reason.
I believe that in the cases blatant disrespect, one should stand up for themselves.

I tend to be a confrontatrional person , meaning : If someone has a problem with me , i would prefer that they refer thier concern to me first and not a third party. If that is not plausable and this person or person is BOLD enough to state such a concern/problem in the first place... then when a person like myself / or You who is supposed to be The PROBLEM confronts the individual in question they should be BRAVE enough to deal with their comments in a respectable manner.
this is just my opinion.
Anybody else get into a temper when people speak garbage and try to work off thier bad day on you by unloading all thier negative baggage and making it seem like youre in the wrong for trying to live your life?

"everything is everything"_W.Rodney

Jeff Liboiron
12-03-2001, 07:55 AM
If someone gives me constructive critisism, i always consider it and think about it if i think i can benifit from it. :)

Ever since i've started comming to this forum, i have read everybodies advice, and appreciate all of it, and take all of it into account. I also respect all martial styles, and all martial artists.

However if someone just critizes me, or makes fun of me, i punch them really hard really fast :) i don't like unsults :mad:

The object is not to hurt someone else, but to stop them from hurting you

- Where's my Mook?

12-03-2001, 07:57 AM
I find it very easy though to take critisim from people who dont know me or anything about me.
I actualy find it hardermore painfull to take it from someone who does know me well. Depending of course on how its done.
There is no point being to offended at everything that someone says though.
I will always try and defend myself but only up to a point. Once someone has already made up there mind there is no point fighting about it.
This is why these style vs style debates are so pointless if there was a perfect style we would all be doing that. We are all where we are due to our own paths and just becouse someone else is on another doesnt make them wrong.
Fight when there is a reason and dont waste your engery on simply proving your ego.
I admit im wrong constantly i think its good for the charactor.

you cant win all the time but you cant always lose either...