View Full Version : Gung fu world

12-01-2001, 04:43 AM
Hi All I thought I would stir up the pot today…

I was having a discussion with a few friends about the state of the gung fu world of today. As the old generation grows older and dies out it seems through miscommunication and misinterpation that the gung fu world is not what it should be. There are only a handful of schools out there that still sticks to fighting as the theory and concepts in a given system dictates. I have noticed most of the schools of today teach the forms and when it comes to there combat they fall into the KICKBOXING dilemma. Even though the kicks and punches and throws are simple base techniques in the system but that is far as they go. Is it possible for someone to spar another person using the concept of the system with gloves on. I believe it is but it seems that it is not being tried. This can be seen in the all gung fu tournaments with the continuous sparring matches. Are these fighters skilled? I say yes but are they using their gung fu I say only to a small level. The state of shan shou is a great one full contact fighting but it is still kick boxing fought on a platform with throws. You see boxing skills and wrestling throws or shuai jiao throws and kicks. Even though this is a good way to test your skill you are not demonstrating your gung fu skills. I am not putting down these great men who have the heart to step on the platform but I would love to see these men actually use their styles in the ring.

With the advent of NHB not one gung fu stylist has come forward and used there given style. They use their kickboxing skills and throws as well as grappling. There is nothing wrong with this at all even if they are successful but this makes gung fu look like it is in a sorry state. People who had interest in studying looks and say or wonder if they are better off studying MMA because you can not tell the Difference between the two. Which is not a good thing.

I know with this statement everyone is going to say well I use my tech in the traditional sense. Even I had to reevaluate my training. To compensate for a grappler I had to train my grip to adapt my tech for attempt to take my legs. I had to modify my sprawling tech while applying my traditional tech and theory. I would love to see a NHB gung fu match on the lei tai stage with no glove as it is now legal in most states and I would love to compete in one.

The state of the shan shou is good but it can better. We have thai boxers, wrestlers, people with lil or no gung fu skills with a good amount of kickboxing and grappling skills dominating the circuit. I digress on that topic as these men on the lei tai stage are all warriors but I do not aspire to be there level but go beyond it.

I would love to see the wing chun stylist go at it with a choy la fut stylist slug it out with chain punches and long arm tech. I would love to see a mantis stylist go against the iron bridge of a hung gar stylist but what can you do.

The only thing I can say to you all is evaluate the way you do fight is it just using bits and pieces of your system to add to your kickboxing or are you using your whole system in the way it was created to be used. If you practice bong sau or a diu sau ****** use it or don’t bother training it. If you practice training chin na apply it and see if it works. Shuai jiao has the meanest throws I have ever seen. They are touted as being the best around. SO throw the person and if done right they shouldn’t get up afterwards.

I know you are all going to ask do I compete in shan shou or NHB. I never had the chance to enter a tournament but I do train for the event (full contact with gear) I also like to test my skill with no gear. I test my skills and I don’t mind getting my A$$ kicked to see if it works. I rather bleed and receive bruises in a friendly match then get killed trying to defend myself on the street. I am not immune to the kickboxing construct and I do mantis. I thought everything I was doing was gung fu but I found out it wasn’t. I meet someone who showed me hand speed that can’t be followed and other things that opened my eyes in just a few movements. I now am striving to study GUNG FU and use it the way it was intended to be used. I just hope I am not the only one who thinks like this.

Vince Night

“Never talk because with one word you can lose your life”

Ginger Fist
12-01-2001, 05:53 AM
stay away from gloves & such, u have the heart 2 learn the art the right way. good luck 2 u on ur journey.

12-01-2001, 06:14 AM
Thanks Ginger fist

I kow this post will ruffle a few feathers but those who get angry and trash talk are the ones who are not looking at their art with open eyes.
I will strive to continue to look for the best in myself and good luck on your journey

Ginger Fist
12-01-2001, 11:05 PM
I kow this post will ruffle a few feathers ...

--sure, chicken feathers will fly :D

but those who get angry and trash talk are the ones who are not looking at their art with open eyes.

--oh their eyes r open, open to the fact they haven't the guts 2 do it right and put down any1 who does so they don't look so obvious ;)

I will strive to continue to look for the best in myself and good luck on your journey

--good going & thanks

12-02-2001, 09:25 AM
I too share your concern for the state of gung fu in a modern society. Reading Adam Hsu's 'The Sword Polisher's Record" cleared a lot of things up and I highly suggest it to all who parctice MA to read this work of art.
Mantis7 and Ginger Fist you both have my undivided support is the struggles to bring traditioanl values to modern gung fu training.

12-02-2001, 03:17 PM
I totally agree!
The sooner people get rid of the kickboxing gloves and learn to fight corectly using the kung fu techniques they are "Supposed" to know the better for all concerned.
We are striving to improve this in the UK, but as Sanshou is becoming more and more popular as an alternative to "normal" kickboxing, I feel it will be along time before we see large competitions where fighters actually "use" kungfu techniques on the mats.


12-02-2001, 07:55 PM
I am gla to see such a god response to this post on the southern boad. It has gotten mixed replies on the other boards but as I say paper tgers will always meow until thy are set a blaze. everyone feels CMA is a sport now I rather have the art die than see people becomin dancing monkeys and kickboxer ( no disrepect to real kickboxers who are true to what they do much love to billy maysonet the wka champion) at leat they are true to what they train fro everyday..

12-02-2001, 09:43 PM
Now thats what I'm talking about! Hardcore training!!! One of the reasons why I train under sifu.

I figure one takes bumps and bruises just learning to walk, so it should be expected when learning to fight.

Mantis7 I see you live in NY, if you ever wanna hook up and do some training just holla.


Yo Dogs ya bes chill
Cause I flip like sifu Gary and his Yau Kung Mun click, wit two kicks and three pheonix fists
Trust dukes
your gonna split from the ging running through the wrist.

12-03-2001, 12:54 AM
Hey buba

guess what i am in NY email me at vincenight316@aol.com

( boggie down bronx)