View Full Version : How do you train for the "real deal"?

11-28-2001, 08:48 PM
Without putting a sparring partner in the hospital or beating the daylights out of some unsuspecting individual walking down the street, how do you train for the "real deal"?



"Before destruction the heart of man is haughty, and before honour is humility." - Proverbs 18:12

Chris McKinley
11-28-2001, 08:58 PM
Every morning, I wake up, go outside, and rub my face in gravel. Then, I promptly go back to bed...because it's far too early.

Ginger Fist
11-28-2001, 10:01 PM
Without putting a sparring partner in the hospital or beating the daylights out of some unsuspecting individual walking down the street, how do you train for the "real deal"?

--by engaging in micro laboratories, san sau, at about 75% full speed works well. it has 2 the have element of risk 4 both people. partner should be = or higher skill level. painful, dangerous, productive.

--go watch any professional athlete practice, not warm up or compete, different mind at these times.
they move about 60-75% full speed. go watch a professional dance troupe practice, same deal. at about 75% real speed the speed is close enough 2 full out 2 have positive value.

--4 m.a. it has 2 have risk, it is conditioning 4 the nervous system. u don't want 2 kill off the surge of energy, us want 2 become used 2 it so it becomes ur ally.

--this type of stuff should b done in small bouts.
no more than a handful of seconds at a time. then rest, relax, point out errors in movement that just happened, correct error thru repeat of sequence at about 50% real speed back up to about 75% real speed. then go on to next san sau bout. repeat 4 as long as ur mind is able to focus 100% on the exchange. stop 4 the day when u or ur partner's mind starts to drift off task. quality not quantity and more is often worse than stopping be4 mind drift.

11-29-2001, 09:46 PM
.......... has pretty much dedicated his life to this stuff, and he's done it pretty well. His book Watch My Back is a good read (if a little commercialised).

At his school he trains like he would fight on the street - two people get "padded up" and one plays an attacker the other plays Mr. Joe Average. The idea is to get the mind prepared for confrontation, the attacker swears, spits and generally goes psycho :D This replicates as accurately as possible a street situation.

I've not done much of it myself, but I can see the principle behind it - most people go to pieces on the street.

If you're interested in this stuff, Geoff Thompson's stuff is a good start. Go to www.geoffthompson.com (http://www.geoffthompson.com).
He is the Grand Ultimate S h i t

Ginger Fist
11-30-2001, 03:16 AM
At his school he trains like he would fight on the street - two people get "padded up" ...

--sure, all kinds of guys walk around padded up attacking 1 another. bullsh*it. any padding lends itself 2 a sense of security, play if u will but u know in ur mind that safeguards r in place. trash sh*it ala tony blauer. pads distort distance, distort surface area of contact, distort weapon configurations, distort sensory input from impact, distort mental perspective.

... and one plays an attacker the other plays Mr. Joe Average.

--accurate statement 'plays' which is not anything 4 the street, no play, just real.

The idea is to get the mind prepared for confrontation, ...

--good idea, we've been doing just that 4 hundreds of yrs, good of u 2 finally get on board.

the attacker swears, spits and generally goes psycho

--bullshi*t, provides vocal cues often times absent in the street. even if auditory cues are present they are often times lost in the sensory flood. allows 4 emotional ramping up, gradual not sudden flood as in street.

This replicates as accurately as possible a street situation.

--total bullsh*it, where the hell have u been hanging out sissy boy? guy starts 2 get hostile waste him then & there, fight begins when 1 side believes physical confrontation unavoidable. u stand around running ur mouth 2 me, i'll stick my fingers in ur eyes while u r in mid-sentence.

--new age psycho babble bullsh*it sold by those with no skills, no lineage, just marketing cr*ap.
no guts 2 do it the right way either 4 that matter, stupid sh*it sacks probably don't know the right way, pis*s poor teachers.

Chris McKinley
11-30-2001, 09:02 AM
Ginger Fist,

I'm sitting here reading this and I'm thinking you sure talk a lot of disrespectful trash for a no-name guy. Are we supposed to believe that just because you are independently wealthy, sleep with your incestuous girlfriend, and study Southern Mantis that you can come out of nowhere to give us all the real truth about combat? Interesting premise.

Frankly, I'm not all that excited about lineages (your posts imply you have a stellar one). They do serve as a basic benchmark for what overall quality of information someone may be studying but they say nothing of an individual student's ability. I've personally touched hands with people who had some impressive lineages but who couldn't handle very much. To be fair, there have also been some very skilled ones as well, but the point is that lineage is no guarantee of quality.

Most recently, you're having a go at Geoff Thompson and Tony Blauer. Mr. Thompson, at least, has "been there, done that" in ways that most modern day lineage holders have not. For that matter, so have I. Both Mr. Thompson's and Mr. Blauer's teaching methods have received fairly universal good reviews from those who have actually faced real life-or-death combat, as opposed to those who may perhaps be resting on lineage laurels.

You did bring up some worthwhile points regarding the surprise and immediacy of a lot of real physical assaults. However, not all real attacks are entirely sudden. Many (especially untrained) attackers regularly use emotional ratcheting to psyche themselves up into a state where they feel most comfortable starting a fight. Granted, it may be strategically optimal to launch a pre-emptive attack on a would-be assailant if one is absolutely convinced of an imminent attack. However, real encounters are rarely this cut-and-dried and clearly delineated. Especially if one may still be concurrently trying to stave off a potential attack through verbal dialogue, non-threatening body posture, or maneuvering toward a potential escape route.

I suppose the bottom line here is: if you are so confident in your qualification to not only dismissively criticize Mr. Thompson's and others' methods, but to do so in a completely disrespectful way, you're going to have to do a bit more to convince some of us of your credibility. Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence, as the saying goes.

11-30-2001, 02:02 PM
..... as the boards' Premiere troll.
OK, Ginger Fist - I agree, you have made some good points, most notably about the immediacy of some attacks. That's why most people train to be aware of situations, so that they can react at the first sign of danger, rather than allowing it to escalate. I agree with your point and should have stated that above.

However, from your post we're supposed to believe that you would rather spar full-contact without any padding. I know they a false sense of security, but I can't believe you'd spar without gloves and pads. You'd have trouble bedding 2 girls with a face like that :D

I do agree that quite a lot of fights break out instantly, but 90% of the time the guy is mouthing off at you. This part of the training is to try and get people used to this element in the street. The fact of the matter is, that on the street it isn't romantic, it's ugly and brutal and you have to fight like a f*cking animal.

I agree with what Chris said, you can't slag off people like Geoff Thompson without backing it up. And I don't care for lineage either. I can respect the fact that a good lineage can bring better, more complete teaching, but it all depends on the application of what you know.

"Tomorrow's life is too late. Live today."
Marcus Valerius Martialis

Ginger Fist
12-01-2001, 03:45 AM
I suppose the bottom line here is: if you are so confident in your qualification to not only dismissively criticize Mr. Thompson's and others' methods, but to do so in a completely disrespectful way, you're going to have to do a bit more to convince some of us of your credibility.

--wrong answer. ? a nobody such as u believes necessary is meaningless :D

Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence, as the saying goes.

--go practice ur nlp & keep searching 4 majic. maybe u will learn some illmu hitman & impress people at parties :p

Ginger Fist
12-01-2001, 06:08 AM
Every morning, I wake up, go outside, and rub my face in gravel. Then, I promptly go back to bed...because it's far too early.

--wowser, what a stupid sack of maggot ridden sh*it u r :p the guy asks a straight up ? & u post ur personal grooming regimen :eek:

--y don't u buy some more blauer videos, re-up ur ky-jelly supply, & go back 2 endlessly jerking off as it's ? u do best ;)

Ginger Fist
12-01-2001, 06:26 AM
..... as the boards' Premiere troll.

--i'm # 1, i'm # 1, i'm # 1, ... :D :D :D

OK, Ginger Fist - I agree, you have made some good points, most notably about the immediacy of some attacks.

--sh*it, don't tell me u r going 2 agree with something i wrote? :eek:

That's why most people train to be aware of situations, so that they can react at the first sign of danger, rather than allowing it to escalate. I agree with your point and should have stated that above.

--the right to refuse an offer of violence

However, from your post we're supposed to believe that you would rather spar full-contact without any padding.

--p*iss poor reading comprehension, read it again & this time focus on the message, not the messenger.

I know they a false sense of security, but I can't believe you'd spar without gloves and pads.

--been that way for centuries

You'd have trouble bedding 2 girls with a face like that

--read the post u r referring 2 again, u r missing it

I do agree that quite a lot of fights break out instantly, but 90% of the time the guy is mouthing off at you.

--& when he is in2 his vocal rhythm, i stick my fingers right in his fuc*king eyes. i don't care or even hear content, just the sense of rhythm.

This part of the training is to try and get people used to this element in the street.

--they r doing it wrong. setting people up 4 disaster

The fact of the matter is, that on the street it isn't romantic, it's ugly and brutal and you have to fight like a f*cking animal.

--agreed, perhaps 5 animals ;)

I agree with what Chris said, you can't slag off people like Geoff Thompson without backing it up.

--fu*ck u where u breathe. i do as i will.

And I don't care for lineage either.

--yeah, every1 i hear say that has none :D

I can respect the fact that a good lineage can bring better, more complete teaching, but it all depends on the application of what you know.

--very good & that is the whole of the matter ;)

Chris McKinley
12-01-2001, 07:37 AM
You actually do kick serious amounts of ass as a troll. The purity of your approach (that is, posts containing no merit whatsoever) is something Ralek could only dabble in.

12-01-2001, 05:55 PM
Your powers of Trolling are great. But don't turn professional just yet, you could have a chance of Trolling for your country at the Olympics if you carry on with this level of consistency in your remarks. :D

"--p*iss poor reading comprehension, read it again & this time focus on the message, not the messenger."

Firstly, YOU are criticising MY English? OK. :confused:
Secondly, I understand the message, that pads do provide a false sense of security. The question is:

Q: Do you, or do you not spar with pads?
A: Probably Yes.

BTW - Lineage. Just cause some guy a couple of generations back was a Grandmaster does not mean that if you train in his methods you will become one too. He probably trained 8 hours a day. And probably abstained from incestuous threesomes :)

"Tomorrow's life is too late. Live today."
Marcus Valerius Martialis

Ginger Fist
12-01-2001, 10:58 PM
Your powers of Trolling are great.

--y thank u ... thank u very much & pass the peanut butter & jelly sandwiches :D

But don't turn professional just yet, you could have a chance of Trolling for your country at the Olympics if you carry on with this level of consistency in your remarks.

--****zilla, there's that chariots of fire theme music again!!! :D

Firstly, YOU are criticising MY English? OK.

--batta bing!!! u smoked me good on that 1 :D

Secondly, I understand the message, ...

--then how did u not factor in the 75% real speed element & leap to full out sparrying?

Q: Do you, or do you not spar with pads?
A: Probably Yes.


BTW - Lineage. Just cause some guy a couple of generations back was a Grandmaster does not mean that if you train in his methods you will become one too.

--agreed, lineage is no free ride ticket punch to high level of skill. possibly hurts in some cases. that doesn't have anything 2 do with the fact that it has been in my blood family 4 generations. even if i was a lazy sack of ****, which i am, the instruction is always from parent 2 child

He probably trained 8 hours a day. And probably abstained from incestuous threesomes

--i have the same time in, don't play up the twins so much, it's an every now & then situation. her sister is frozen in time, valley girl time & gets on my nerves

Ginger Fist
12-01-2001, 11:01 PM
You actually do kick serious amounts of ass as a troll.

--& u actually s*uck some serious piles of sh*it :D

The purity of your approach (that is, posts containing no merit whatsoever) is something Ralek could only dabble in.

--the merit is echelons above ur pitiful level of understanding mctu*urdsucker. careful sissy boy, u might cut urself :p

Nich Gunn
12-02-2001, 07:01 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ginger Fist:
Unreadable randomness[/quote]

Please I beg of you, TYPE WITH OUT USING NUMBERS IN PLACE OF WORDS. It is so annoying.

Is it that ******* hard to type out to, too, two, for, fore, or four?

Also type out all of you, it is only two extra letters.

Ginger Fist
12-02-2001, 12:57 PM
dude ... quit reading my posts!!! outside a rare exception here-there they are not meant to be instructional. my posts are intended to occupy and expose the sorry sacks of sh*it on this forum who pose as experts and then poison the newbie with bullsh*it. forums are not places to learn. at best, they might be places to find out where to go to learn, or who to stay the fu*ck away from.

Repulsive Monkey
12-02-2001, 04:05 PM
You can train for thr real deal, by not expecting it yet always being ready for it. This can be done by keeping the mind as empty as possible all the time via being non-attached to things in life.
This is the root of spontenaiety.

Demi @ CSPT
12-02-2001, 05:23 PM
First of all...

You have to train as reality dictates. You cannot train according to any style, whims or the limitations of facility. This means you must examine your tactics and delivery systems to see if they will hold up under "a real assault". So padded assailants, training weapons, paint knives, SIMUNITION and mindset must all come together in dynamic scenario assault training.

#1. Learn the tactics
#2. Learn the training methods
#3. Train by yourself and with a partner
#4. Spar

Things have progressed in the training arena. You should take advantage of modern advancements in training just as one would with dentistry. Or we could all go back to takin a swig of whiskey before we get that tooth pulled...!!

Demi Barbito
The CSPT - www.DemiBarbito.com (http://www.DemiBarbito.com)
"A Lethal Force Institute"

Demi Barbito
The C.S.P.T.
"A Lethal Force Institute"

12-02-2001, 06:12 PM
Thompson and Blauer has it right. Work on those scenarios along with constant sparring and u'll be ok. React accordingly.


12-02-2001, 09:16 PM
Ginger fist a good troll? Are guys fu(king kidding me? He's nothing. Rolls took months to set up some of his trolls. He crossed multiple boards and had a dozen identities. He got other people to posts with him to set up trolls. And he did it for years.

I'm not even going to talk about TKD Man.

Ginger is a punk, not even worthy to be related to Rolls. It is a sad, sad day when he is considered the best of the KFO troll force.

Until he asks me to meet him for a challenge match under a full moon in the tiny village of Chialobo, Honduras while approaching on a 3 legged donkey with a priest, a rabbi, and a minster I won't even bother reading his pathetic troll attempts.

Hang your heads in shame.


If you pr!ck us, do we not bleed? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that the villany you teach me, I will execute, and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction. MOV

Ginger Fist
12-03-2001, 03:19 AM
Until he asks me to meet him for a challenge match under a full moon in the tiny village of Chialobo, Honduras while approaching on a 3 legged donkey with a priest, a rabbi, and a minster I won't even bother reading his pathetic troll attempts.

--done is done, b there sh*it breath. now take that tur*d out of ur mouth and ur boyfriend's co*ck out of ur as*s and get a move on, sissy boy :D btw, i insist on u being escorted by 2 ex-nuns, both dressed in a genuine, authentic, made in taiwan, denim, auto mechanic jump suit. their navel must be pierced with a chrome plated, made in mexico, pot metal, ratchet wrench, 5/8" socket optional ;) after i burn u like a cheap cigar they will b there to unbolt ur head from ur overused as*shole, girlie boy :p

12-04-2001, 05:25 PM
Firstly can I just say that it seems that every time something is posted on here, instead of it being either sensibly discussed or constructively criticised, it is quickly condemned and attacked by a certain few members. If you miss a blatently obvious comment such as " not all attacks are seen, some are sudden without warning" which is common sense, there is an immediate bonbardment of comments having to quote this , as if to try to prove the other wrong.

Can't people just discuss things instead of attack eachother?

Before someone comments I know its not everyone, but it's a certain few that spoil it.

With regards to the subject matter, how far do you take realistic training?

Most people train as a hobby, an enjoyment and to learn self defence but also most people have to go to work Monday morning. If training "realistic" means going for it without pads then injuries are going to happen and I don't want to be going to work with a broken nose, fractured jaw and god knows what else.

Personally if training with pads I try to get into a mindset that any blow I take could potentially be a final one so that I know that if I get hit with a heavy shot with a glove on, I can appreciate that if there was no glove it would have hurt more.

Realism training is very important if thats what you wish to train (its not for everyone, some people just like doing the moves) but there are times when training without gloves has its place but power is reduced and there are times when you can give more power with gloves on.

Why do you think sparring pads were invented? for protection.

Ginger Fist
12-05-2001, 11:46 AM
Most people train as a hobby, an enjoyment

--if that's their goal then yes, it can b a decent form of recreation

and to learn self defence

--i hate that term 'self defense' it is the situation dependent application that could qualify as self defense. the art should b approached for ? it is, a method of producing destructive force, apply as u c fit

but also most people have to go to work Monday morning.


If training "realistic" means going for it without pads then injuries are going to happen and I don't want to be going to work with a broken nose, fractured jaw and god knows what else.

--y not slow down speed of execution to about 75% all out as ur safeguard. still get messed up with pads, might even encourage sloppy technique as u know the padding will save u

Personally if training with pads I try to get into a mindset that any blow I take could potentially be a final one so that I know that if I get hit with a heavy shot with a glove on, I can appreciate that if there was no glove it would have hurt more.

--ok, & how much more would the lesson of getting hit with a heavy strike come to mind if there were no pads, how much more aware would u b the next time thru?

Realism training is very important if thats what you wish to train (its not for everyone, some people just like doing the moves)

--if that's their thing, kewl

but there are times when training without gloves has its place

--then that place was no where 2 b found for hundreds of yrs., care 2 explain?

but power is reduced and there are times when you can give more power with gloves on.


Why do you think sparring pads were invented? for protection.

--& that is 1 thing very much wrong with today's ma, they rely on protection from add ons instead of skills

12-05-2001, 01:57 PM
sometimes i wonder if he knows how to spell those words out or if he's doing it to be annoying.

12-06-2001, 09:27 AM
Get the hell off our board. Anybody who actually wants to read this thread has now to read a pages worth of crap thanks to you. What you say makes sense, but the way you say it sucks. Tone it down, and maybe we'll give a **** what you're saying.

Dark Knight
12-06-2001, 01:33 PM
"Why do you think sparring pads were invented? for protection.

--& that is 1 thing very much wrong with today's ma, they rely on protection from add ons instead of skills"

I started just before pads came onto wide use.

I could see the change in techniques and abilities jump after using gloves. Techniques that you held back on you could now throw with power and see if they really work.

If your training without pads constantly, then you are missing out on advancement of your skills. If you fight full power a couple times a week without pads your not going to be around long.

I throw on the gloves and fight with someone every day (weekends off), if it were not for protective equipment i wouldnt be able to train like that.

(The intensity of the session vary with the person I fight, with someone new Im light, with other instructors it more power.)

Dark Knight
12-06-2001, 01:34 PM
Also, with protective equipment you can make mistakes while working on techniques. So if your working on closeing for a takedown, you can eat a few shots until you get it down where you dont get hit.

Wu Wei
12-07-2001, 01:23 AM
Id advise people not to become the thing they hate.

I agree with many comments against Ginger Fist.
Thats not to invalidate everything Ginger Fist has said. All bickering aside, Ginger Fist has some good points.

Unfortunatly going further off the wall when people have complained has made Ginger Fist seem even more annoying.

But if people havent learned that insulting GF leads to GF snapping back then I guess your in for a great deal of wasted space on the forums.


One more note: Swears are effective when used with great caution and rarity. Excess in this area is pathetic.

12-07-2001, 04:10 PM
Firstly, Wu Wei - I agree with the swearing thing - say **** a thousand times and it becomes just another word.

As for GF. He can make good comments. He can also make very arrogant, insolent comments. JWT - Ralek was clever, but did he ever reach this level of TrollPower? You could reason with Ralek at times, GF just throws in a joke about your mother and then leaves for a few days. It's cyber-terrorism. :rolleyes:

As for pads - you got to use them these days. Too many people can catch you with a lucky strike. When I used to do Judo, I fought an ex-boxer, who'd recently turned to cross-training. We were doing a bit of light Randori, and I managed to get him in a lapel-choke-hold. Instinctively he lashed out, catching me across the face with a left hook. This is without pads or gloves. He KO'd me, left me with a cut on my cheek-bone and a pretty bad bruise!

Just an example of how wussy grappling arts are in MMA tournaments :D

Ginger Fist
12-07-2001, 06:58 PM
Get the hell off our board.

--bite a f*a*rt scooter

Anybody who actually wants to read this thread has now to read a pages worth of crap

--well then 4 the love of money scrotey, quit it!!! dam*ned kids 2day

What you say makes sense, but the way you say it sucks.

--pay attention to the message not the messenger scumsack

Tone it down, and maybe we'll give a **** what you're saying.

--u r who that i should care?

Ginger Fist
12-07-2001, 07:04 PM
As for pads - you got to use them these days. Too many people can catch you with a lucky strike.

--no ... 2 many people 2day have degenerate skills & get hit with stuff they shouldn't. there is no lucky strike ... just lame as*sed skills on the part of the 1 getting struck ... might b some wussy stuff with not being able 2 endure pain from being hit as well ... yeah ... real martial artists ... b sure to carry ur pads with u when u go outside ur school ... hate 4 some1 2 actually try to hurt u & not have the good manners 2 wear pads

12-08-2001, 04:50 AM
But personally, I don't yet find that I'm a Grandmaster, capable of blocking any punch, any place, anywhere. I find that I do take the odd hit here and there. Most of them aren't due to a lack of skill, I just get caught out every now and then, like I expect most people do.

Obviously you are a man of great skill, Ginger Fist. You can block any punch/kick/elbow strike/bomb blast with just your bare hands. When you do get hit (which is rare) it doesn't bother you... because my friend - you are one HARD B*STARD!
You don't need pads - you are the greatest!

**** it man, sometimes I wish I could:

1)Fight like you.
2)Lie like you.
3)Talk out of my arse like you.

Ginger Fist
12-08-2001, 06:25 AM
But personally, I don't yet find that I'm a Grandmaster, capable of blocking any punch, any place, anywhere.

--that wouldn't b a grandmaster ... that would b a fiction

I find that I do take the odd hit here and there.

--odd hit? ?s odd ... the strike or the fact u got hit

Most of them aren't due to a lack of skill, I just get caught out every now and then, like I expect most people do.

--delete most ... write all

Obviously you are a man of great skill, Ginger Fist.

--u aren't qualified 2 determine that

You can block any punch/kick/elbow strike/bomb blast with just your bare hands.

--never said that ... i disagree with ur pads approach & u cop an attitude ... u r a sissy boy looking 4 validation 4 ur approach ... plenty of wannabes who will do that 4 u

When you do get hit (which is rare) it doesn't bother you...

--rare depends on context ... bother is also relative

because my friend - you are one HARD B*STARD!


You don't need pads - you are the greatest!

--4 100s of yrs real kung fu people haven't used or really needed pads ... as a real kung fu person u know this (sarcasm level off the scale)

**** it man, sometimes I wish I could:
1)Fight like you.
2)Lie like you.
3)Talk out of my arse like you.

--learn 2 b content with who & ? u r

12-11-2001, 01:06 AM
Without putting a sparring partner in the hospital or beating the daylights out of some unsuspecting individual walking down the street , how do you train for the real deal ?

Converge,keep on sparring like you normally do.
But when you're out in the streets,just be prepared,for anykind of situation.
And just be alert,but ready.

Use the simplest moves in the streets,and save the flashy moves for the tournament.

Al Dacascos

Seriously though,you don't know your attacker.
And he does'nt know you ,so just be prepared,when it happens negotiate first , if cannot,close the gap.
The main idea of learning the martial arts,is to survive in the streets or any kind of situations.

Take Care


Dark Knight
12-11-2001, 04:17 PM
"just lame as*sed skills on the part of the 1 getting struck ... might b some wussy stuff with not being able 2 endure pain from being hit as well ... yeah ... real martial artists ... b sure to carry ur pads with u when u go outside ur school ... hate 4 some1 2 actually try to hurt u & not have the good manners 2 wear pads"

You dont train often. You obviously have no idea how to train. Even the people who train for NHB do not train full contact constantly, let alone without gloves. If you train without gloves with power you will soon be to injured to continue training.

If you can block all of your 14 year old buddies blocks so you dont need gloves, then its time you found some adults that have skill to train with.

Good luck in your training
Dark Knight

12-12-2001, 02:57 PM
I don't know if it's possible to train for the real deal.

The real deal, to me, means facing the possibility of death.

12-13-2001, 04:41 AM
The times that you face the "real deal" , usually happens fast and violently...seems like a long time or suspended time when you are fighting, especially when you are fighting for your life.
Often, your attacker(s) catch you off guard.
Try a "real deal" where your wife and child are with you and you are outnumbered?

I taught classes where we used light "finger" gloves and teeth guards because most of us did not have a comprehensive dental plan and most of us had to go to work the next day, fairly intact. Every week or so, the gloves came off, so that the practitioner can get the proper distancing, speed, and rhythm in trapping and bridging.

More often than not, the guys preferred no gloves....gloves meant full power, often ended up in knock downs if not knock outs with some concussions from your head hitting the deck.

Bruce L. taught me that "in order to learn to swim, you must swim in water." Even in his classes, we used gloves and shin pads. There are many of his guys, that you wouldn't want to go against in the "real deal."

12-14-2001, 12:50 AM
How do you train for the real deal?

Without putting a sparring partner in the hospital or beating the daylights out of some unsuspecting indivudual walking down the street,how do you train for the real deal ?

This is my input to this topic,you'll

never know what to expect in the


So the best thing to do is to prepare

and to be alert of what will happen.

You can be practicing drills,or develop

your own drills.

Imagine what your attacker can really do

against you.

From there develop your own defense

actions your attacker's attacks.

But keep an open mind , so if your

attacker ,throws a right punch to your

facial area.

You know what to do allready.

The main thing to do is be prepared.

Take Care

P.S.Condition your mind and body ,as you
practice your drills.

12-14-2001, 01:12 PM
Ginger Fist. First let me correct some grammatical errors:

"Most of them aren't due to a lack of skill, I just get caught out every now and then, like I expect most people do.

You replied with - replace most with all. So NONE of my errors are due to a lack of skill?! Thank you for the compliment.

Now the psycho-analysis:

--never said that ... i disagree with ur pads approach & u cop an attitude ... u r a sissy boy looking 4 validation 4 ur approach ... plenty of wannabes who will do that 4 u

You wish to train full contact without pads. I admire your dedication. However, I have other elements of my life that would prohibit this - i.e: Job, college social life. All of which would be a bit more unpleasant with increased level of injury.

I am not a "sissyboy", in any sense of the word. Furthermore, I am not seeking validation for either my style, or my use of pads. Why would I seek to promote my style. I am not an instructor and so would obtain neither financial or social gain.

Wannabe's?! I presume you mean that people will train with pads and support my POV. You will probably find that 90% of people on this board train with pads, at least for some elements of their training.

--4 100s of yrs real kung fu people haven't used or really needed pads ... as a real kung fu person u know this (sarcasm level off the scale)

Firstly, pads have been in some use, in some styles since at least the late 1800's. Admittedly, there are certain pads like wrap-around headguards and kickshields that are more recent innovations, but the principle is still evident.

Secondly, you imply that I am not a "real Kung Fu person". On what evidence do you base this. I see no evidence that you have researched my style. If you would like to - there is a website at www.bkfa.org.uk. My style is Lau-Gar Kung Fu, a Southern Style of Kung Fu brought to this country by Master Jeremy Yau. I can provide you with more information if you wish to learn more.

BTW: What style do you train in? I am quite interested.

Ginger Fist
12-15-2001, 04:26 PM
You dont train often.

--6 days a week ... 9 hrs a day d*ork knight

You obviously have no idea how to train.

--sure stumpy ... just following a tradition centuries old ... no value to a p*ussy sports boy like u

Even the people who train for NHB do not train full contact constantly, let alone without gloves.

--do u know y it's dark 4 u knight? cuz ur head is up ur ass ... read my post ... not all out

If you train without gloves with power you will soon be to injured to continue training.

--sure thing stumpy ... 4 a girlie boy like u ... only worked 4 centuries ... not valid 4 u showtime losers & that's u stumpy

If you can block all of your 14 year old buddies blocks so you dont need gloves, then its time you found some adults that have skill to train with.

--don't cry 2 me about ur preference 4 kids as training buddies ... ur problem ... deal with it stumpy

Good luck in your training

--luck is a lot like u ... a myth

12-16-2001, 10:33 AM
Man, they do not make insults like they used to........

12-16-2001, 10:49 AM
For someone who lives the dream of being able to train full time you sure have lot of time to come on here and have a go at people!

I would have thought a "full time Martial Artist" would have heard of a thing called the "martial arts eticate" you know what that is don't you? Mutual respect and all that? No didn't think so.

Probably too wrapped up with the centuries old tradition. Following the tradition. Yes following, like a sheep. But enough of your sexual preferences.:D

Following a tradition, not changing or evolving. That explains your prehistoric neanderthol attitude. ug ug!!

Not evolving that means that you're traditional centuries old system doesn't grow and therefore eventually neither will you. But I forgot you haven't grown up yet have you? Hense the relationship with the 16yr olds. Someone you can relate to? Talk about puberty and stuff. By the way make sure you get the latest Action man figure for xmas. You can play realistic traditional sparring with him. You won't need pads ofcourse.

I know I will now get a load of abuse from you, but at the end of the day you will just prove your immaturity to the rest of the genuine martial arts community who visit this site.

You can say what you want, they are only words.:D :D :D :D :D :D

I eagerly await your response. Lets hope that it is quicker than your hands. I hope it has more depth than your knowledge of martial arts. F*ckwit

12-16-2001, 10:58 AM
Dan, only a fellow Brit could have made such a perfect speech.
Although I'm sure people from all over the world will attempt to beat it, as long as our perfect example of inbred trailer-trash continues to haunt the dark halls of KFO.

But until the time comes when he returns, to utter wise words like:

--done is done, b there sh*it breath. now take that tur*d out of ur mouth and ur boyfriend's co*ck out of ur as*s and get a move on, sissy boy

"Until then, let us merely revel in his d i c kishness, and await his coming. For he is such a t w a t."

John 3:17 The Book of Ginger S h i t e

Ginger Fist
12-16-2001, 11:02 AM
Ginger Fist. First let me correct some grammatical errors:

You replied with - replace most with all. So NONE of my errors are due to a lack of skill?! Thank you for the compliment.

--not grammatical - substance ... every1 gets hit 2 some degree at sometime ... if they r training right ... drop most ... add all

Now the psycho-analysis:

You wish to train full contact without pads.

--way off ... keep ur day job ... read original response ... about 75% real world speed ... better yet - try watching professional athletes practice

I admire your dedication. However, I have other elements of my life that would prohibit this - i.e: Job, college social life. All of which would be a bit more unpleasant with increased level of injury.

--irrelevant ... ur premise is wrong ... about 75% real world speed ... 100% mental focus - intent

I am not a "sissyboy", in any sense of the word. Furthermore, I am not seeking validation for either my style, or my use of pads. Why would I seek to promote my style. I am not an instructor and so would obtain neither financial or social gain.

--yet u have pride in ur method do u not? promote that in which u believe

Wannabe's?! I presume you mean that people will train with pads and support my POV. You will probably find that 90% of people on this board train with pads, at least for some elements of their training.

--that's prolly right ... 90% or more of m.a. r wannabes ... very few make it ... read the histories

Firstly, pads have been in some use, in some styles since at least the late 1800's.

--irrelevant ... 4 centuries they were not ... pure methods still do not ... risk versus reward ... personal choice

Admittedly, there are certain pads like wrap-around headguards and kickshields that are more recent innovations, but the principle is still evident.

--irrelevant ... corruption as a matter of degree

Secondly, you imply that I am not a "real Kung Fu person". On what evidence do you base this. I see no evidence that you have researched my style. If you would like to - there is a website at bkfa.org.uk. My style is Lau-Gar Kung Fu, a Southern Style of Kung Fu brought to this country by Master Jeremy Yau.

--we know of ur method ... solid system ... congrats on good lineage ... now it's up 2 u

I can provide you with more information if you wish to learn more.

--no thanks ... kind offer tho ... thanks

BTW: What style do you train in? I am quite interested.

--some call it kwongsai jook lum tong long ... some do not

"There. I was nice. Do I get a cookie?" - KC Elbows

--i don't eat refined sugar stuff but if i had some u would b welcome to them 4 sure

12-16-2001, 11:07 AM
Maybe I've slightly misjudged you GF.

Although I still think that for Mr.Regular Joe, who can't afford to go to work with a cracked rib, pads are still the best bet.

As for the 75% thing, some of the real high grades at my school do exactly that, but I still see some of them with the odd black eye. Although there's always some ******* without a scratch.

Thanks for the praise of my system - convinced I'm not a phoney yet?

Ginger Fist
12-16-2001, 04:55 PM
--it's adult time child ... u go 2 sleep & rest now danny boy

Ginger Fist
12-16-2001, 05:05 PM
Maybe I've slightly misjudged you GF.

--if so ... by design ... mine

Although I still think that for Mr.Regular Joe, who can't afford to go to work with a cracked rib, pads are still the best bet.

--risk versus reward ... personal choice

As for the 75% thing, some of the real high grades at my school do exactly that, but I still see some of them with the odd black eye.

--good indicator they are doing it right ... pain & damage r part of the process ... unavoidable ... high risk = high gain

Although there's always some ******* without a scratch.

--i know the type ... real p*issers 4 sure ... they represent a phase in the process

Thanks for the praise of my system -

--we know ur method ... solid ... good power ... no flowers ... real

convinced I'm not a phoney yet?

--irrelevant ... if i say something 2 u & it's not true - then it doesn't matter 2 u as it is false ... if i say something 2 u & it's true ... it touches ur heart ... my opinion is like me ... worthless

Dark Knight
12-17-2001, 11:46 AM
"--6 days a week ... 9 hrs a day d*ork knight "


"You obviously have no idea how to train.

--sure stumpy ... just following a tradition centuries old ... no value to a p*ussy sports boy like u "

If you want to find out how well my training works you are welcome to come here and find out.

Do you and you and your 14-year-old friends sit around all day looking for boards to make pathetic remarks on?

Ginger Fist
12-17-2001, 01:20 PM

--well stated ... now u understand that u nothing of training

If you want to find out how well my training works you are welcome to come here and find out.

--if i saw u across the street on fire i wouldn't do u the favor of walking over & pi*ssing on u

Do you and you and your 14-year-old friends sit around all day looking for boards to make pathetic remarks on?

--u r hung up on 14 yr olds ... whussup with that ... pervert

12-22-2001, 05:09 AM
It can be dangerous to **** on someone of they're on fire, esp. if you have strong ****. It could also fuel the fire, and could singe your tackle. I prefer a bucket of water, or to cover them with my jacket (unless GF has ****ed on them, the smell of burning urine is evil.......)