View Full Version : cHaLLenGEz !!! ( to TWS and Reemul , and The Like)

11-29-2001, 08:12 PM
Ok, I'd really like to understand something about this Challenging thing. I'ts a common thing in the movies to see challenge fights or grudge matches. recently here on this forum , The Willow Sword and Reemul I believe. How often does this happen nowadays in reality, maybe Its just my ignorance but this seems rather uncommon in this present day, I must admit though that it is a novel sort of exitement. How often does something like this happen ? And would anybody else here feel the need to prove thier styles worth , or even thier own worth as a fighter. Are there any sparring or fight clubs around , i mean other than boxing, or even any "underground" challenges?
I know this used to be a big thing in China / Hong Kong, but how often does something like this transpire here in America?,
I remember challenge fights in highschool in Jamaica. People dont seem to really fight with thier fists anymore its usually a more lethal means of settling conflict.
Also another question, lets say someone is skilled at the japanese katana , i forget the name of that art is it Iado? anyway lets say he has a problem with a chinese stylist , is it common to resort to weapons sparring or fighting.
Has anybody here ever fought with the weapons they train with. Knife fighters or escrimas or even swords or steel whip?

"everything is everything"_W.Rodney

11-29-2001, 11:17 PM
I really don't see much gain in all this, but at the very least I do hope to set a standard of comparison between the two schools, at least locally. Willow told me in an email that it is not a battle between our schools just between two fighters and I'm not going to tell him how to view it. I see it as an oportunity to see how our schools stack up to one another. If I were to simply view this as a personal issue, I would have lost interrest long ago.

I don't suppose this sort of thing happens too often aside from UFC, Pride and the like. I believe this is being held with a little more honor. I don't believe either one of us are doing it just to say we can kick the others a$$. Who cares. I do think how this evolved over the internet, and where it goes from here as far as future challenges, make for an interresting documentary.

11-29-2001, 11:35 PM
Youre probably right about what might come out of it. Who knows maybe it will inspire other challenges. Maybe folks wont wait until tournaments to start sparring between schools, hopefully respectfully and for the sake of personal development and understanding each others styles, not out of hatred and disgust or even ego.
Well good luck to you both.

"everything is everything"_W.Rodney

11-29-2001, 11:57 PM
Oh and by the way just out of curiousity,

I know nobody has directly asked this before, but I'll ask it now although I done expect an answer:

Are you guys afraid to fight each other is there added pressure to perform now knowing that all of us here on the internet are awaiting the results of this fight?

Anybody else been in a similar but not as Global a situation?

"everything is everything"_W.Rodney

The Willow Sword
11-30-2001, 12:04 AM
Many Respects, Willow Sword

Whatever you think i am or want me to be,,, i am.
Luke?! Luke?! dont give into hate. That leads to the dark side.
Obi Wan Kenobi,,star wars, empire strikes back.

11-30-2001, 12:40 AM
Anybody else remember in the 80's BREAK DANCING?! This was a non-violent way to settle disagreements between either two people(Martial Artists?) or a gang (kwoon?)?

11-30-2001, 04:47 AM
No, I'm not scared, this is what are training is all about.

I'm also not the one crying about wearing head gear. Just kidding Willow don't get uptight.

Ginger Fist
11-30-2001, 05:34 AM
--not all that uncommon, just happens without all the build up & such. more of an in-house type of thing. some roof top fights in the larger chinatown areas. thing is, people r quick to relate stories of their teacher or senior getting in2 all kinds of fights. soon as they are challenged they cry baby about not being civilized & on, & on, & ...

11-30-2001, 07:05 AM
Now, its very rare, because most guys are all talk, and their kung fu is a joke.

For traditional kung fu go to www.taishingpekkwar.com (http://www.taishingpekkwar.com)

Ginger Fist
12-01-2001, 03:22 AM
Now, its very rare, because most guys are all talk, and their kung fu is a joke.

--depends on where u r and who u associate with. still goes on, out of plain sight, no publicity ;)

Royal Dragon
12-01-2001, 05:55 PM

We can go prove ourselfes through sanctioned competitions when ever we want now. There is no need to run out and chalenge schools anympre. If we want to know we just look up thier competitive record, or just show up to what ever ciricute they compete in and watch.

When it comes to testing our own skills, we just pay the entrance fee, and fight who ever else is in our division. Simple, no more worrys about dieing or killing someone, no more worries about life long injuries to cope with. If you need more, there's full contact circiutes like Pankration, UFC, PRIDE, K1 and a number of others to fight in.

Friendly bouts can be set up at local schools to come in and fight thier students from time to time as well. I did this once with Saviano's White Tiger Kempo near my home. It was a great experiance, and proved with out a doubt where my abilitys stood at that time (Fought well against the guy at my level, got totaly and utterly pasted by a Brown Belt a month away from testing for Black).

Scools them selves often arrange fights with each other on a friendly basis. They go to a visiting school, set up matches and have at it, ususally with the rules of what ever tournament circiute the two schools agree on. In my case, we fought Mid West full contact rules.

Comments anyone?

Royal Dragon

Those that are sucessful are also the biggest failures. the difference between them and the rest of the failures is this, they keep getting up over and over again, until they succeed. "The more they try, the more they fail, BUT, the more they try & fail, the more opertunity they have to succeed, and succeed they do!!"

Check out the Royal Dragon Web site & Message Board.

http://www.Royaldragon.4dw.com or http://www.dreamwater.net/biz/royaldragon/

12-14-2001, 01:45 PM
with regards to tws and reemul I think its interesting how a fight like this that recieved so much hype, only to disappoint all of us has manged to sustain itself as a thread for so long , yes there are questions to be answered but it seems as though only the two challengers and perhaps reemuls school are the keepers of such "knowledge".

What I'd really like to comment on however is the fact that Most of us who are unwilling to accept that nothing will be shared seem to be unaware that "we" are furthermore empowering reemul who quite frankly in my honest opinion is bathing in this power that we shower upon him by making this such an integral part of our lives.

This could really be looked upon as the true Challenge here. And by the looks of it they (tws and reemul) have both Won. Why because Now they both have the upper hand, by attaining control over a fraction of us. These are the mind games of a martial mind apparently. And with any fight the best advice is to never fight the other persons fight or play thier game. the everlasting quote somebody already mentioned " to fight a boxer, and box a fighter"

Martial arts like nature and life is always changing and adapting. I propose a question for anybody brave enough to answer it. What has this taught you as a martial artist. Can you apply the principles of this into a real fight. I know it has given me some ideas. Please feel free to turn this into something constructive , those of you who wish to harp on these "results" as they may NEVER come.

12-14-2001, 10:14 PM
To me, grudge matches and challenges pale in scariness to the reality of actually TRAINING.

Anybody can puff his chest out and say "I can beat him, that guy sucks, blah blah blah".

However, being able to face the training day in and day out is a much more daunting proposition. This is because to train effectively, one must first HUMBLE HIMSELF before even the slightest improvement can take place.

When I do my kung fu, I always approach the art as if I'm a beginner who needs to work on the basics. No matter how hard I try, something always gives. The instant I start telling myself "Yeah, I'm the man", SOMETHING GOES WRONG THAT SHOULDN'T HAVE.

I'm just human, which means that I'm not perfect. Often I become extremely skilled in one area only to find that another area has died due to neglect. The humbling experience of that is far more difficult for me to deal with than the possibility (or reality) of facing a challenger.

My thing is that if I can handle my own training, I'll easily handle a challenge match - if it even goes that far.

The Willow Sword
12-15-2001, 11:17 AM
EVERYONE has a plan,,,Til they get hit,,,,"muhammed ali"

12-19-2001, 02:00 AM
I guess the kind of answers I was looking for are or have already been discussed in the main forum.
Willow , if you're out there and get a chance to read this ... would you ever do something like this again , maybe not now but after youve trained to the point you feel youre ok with such a thing...would you if you had the opportunity, or reemul would you , not necessarily each other but if the opportunity for respectful exchange presents itself , and a truly unique experience would you take it up, or do you guys want to stay out of the challenge/learning scene for a while.. or is your stance on it the same as before?

12-19-2001, 04:30 PM
I'm not for challenges for the sake of it. My reason for accepting Willow's challenge was basically my instructor thought he needed an eyeopener judging by the letters Willow sent him. So on my side there was some aspect of school rep pushing me to do so. Unlike Willow I did have the support of my school behind me, and I can see how he felt the way he did when he came to our school.

I really don't know what you mean by respectful challenge. I can respect you and yet still bring you to the brink of death. By respect do you mean pulling punches or merely an internal admiration of your opponents being? ex. I can respect you and crush your windpipe at the same time.

12-19-2001, 06:37 PM
Respectful meaning that it isnt some @-hole trying to be a bad man and be up in your face for no apparent reason other than the love of picking fights and starting conflicts. I guess you might classify what Im referring to as a long standing difference of opinion between two fighters that needs to be settled in such a manner, or maybe just a friendly challenge. If such a thing can exist.
I wouldnt really classify competition bouts like ufc or anything like that as a challenge in this light.