View Full Version : CyberKwoon Members Area -- FREE !!

11-06-2001, 08:27 AM
Check here (http://cyberkwoon.com/html/index.php).

CyberKwoon.com Forums (http://www.cyberkwoon.com/html/)
Martial Arts Databases

11-06-2001, 08:31 AM
What does it cost to join normally?

You're fu(king up my chi

11-06-2001, 08:42 AM
hmm we have monthly membership at $9.95 and yearly membership at $29.95.

However our goal, despise what some may say, is not to make money but to propagate MA knowledge without having to sell our shirts for that.

I am only releasing this info publicly once again, it was known by many for a long time [5 years ?].

CyberKwoon.com Forums (http://www.cyberkwoon.com/html/)
Martial Arts Databases

11-06-2001, 03:33 PM
Free stuff, I'm in!!


11-06-2001, 03:59 PM
This is a cheap advertising stunt to attract users to your site. The "Special members area" is still not free.

Why are you charging for access to video you don't own?

I don't understand how you can ever get away with it... it constitutes copyright infringement so far as I can tell.

If you were distributing video for free, you could perhaps claim Fair Use, but to charge for access to someone else's copyrighted materials is illegal and subjects you to treble damages.

11-07-2001, 02:58 AM
Cheap advertising stunt ?
Maybe but not what your think :rolleyes:
It is free of charge but not free leech.

Seems you really don't get what we are trying to do, maybe you just would like to be and stay a "martial consummer", always taking free stuff online with a great satisfaction, making this closer to TV than to any community spirit ?
Also, how do you know we don't have the right to use those video samples ? I bet you have no idea how much money we spend to acquire materials.

CyberKwoon.com Forums (http://www.cyberkwoon.com/html/)
Martial Arts Databases

11-07-2001, 03:14 AM
You're right, Fabien. He doesn't. Ignore that t*rd. Cyberkwoon is a good site.

K. Mark Hoover

11-07-2001, 03:25 AM
i agree with syre , you get free acces for one month by doign 100 different tasks, its justeasier to pay the 10 dollars than go through the hassle of what they ask for the free membership.
However 30$ per year isnt bad, its just that every other site on the net nowadays is free through use of sponsors banners adverts etc including this one , so i dont get why i have to pay for a collection of what can be found elsewhere for free.

what do bin laden and general custer have in common????
They're both wondering where the fu(k all of those tomahawks are coming from. - donated by mojo

11-07-2001, 03:32 AM
look at this man its disgraceful...

1 Join the CyberKwoon Dev mailing list.
2 Upon approval, send an introductionary mail and state what you can do [translation, editing, proof reading, authoring, scanning, marketing, ... whatever you think can be useful]
3 Complete 2 Assigments [discussed and distributed on the Dev list]
4 Enjoy your free month access

wow dude how about freelance around the web , doing translation editing authoring whatever , and get paid a couple of hundread dollars for translating 20 pages. !!!

And the stuff you offer can pretty much be found anywhere else old rare hsing yi clips can be found at empyflower i think , the karate videos can be downloaded from file sharing places, articles are a dime a dozen at montagues tai chi world interviews are everywhere on the net, raffi has 10000 of wushu vid vlips...

I would join up if you had video clips of traditional masters in tournaments, kicking the **** out of each other... now thats something you dont find for free on the web.

ps no offence its just an opinion.

what do bin laden and general custer have in common????
They're both wondering where the fu(k all of those tomahawks are coming from. - donated by mojo

11-07-2001, 03:44 AM
Well no offense taken ;-)

Nobody forces anybody to join CyberKwoon.
If it is as you say and that all of our materials can be found elsewhere, just go elsewhere ;-)
Obviously you are not a Special Member ;-)

And articles are free. Hopefully they are not like Erle Montaigue stuff.

I believe in a martial community where users/ martial artists would produce quality contents for each others. Maybe I am a dreamer [insert J. Lennon background music here]...
I really don't think that asking for two "assignments" per month is too much. Some ppl on this very forum contributed to CK and can testify that I am "paying back", often with my own money.
See, it is about exchange.

Oh and one last thing, every webmaster will tell you that Banners DON'T pay for a site. I am sure Gene could tell us that even banners here don't pay for this site. Again, this is not TV, this is the Internet. Old timers may remember what it is supposed to be.

CyberKwoon.com Forums (http://www.cyberkwoon.com/html/)
Martial Arts Databases

bamboo_ leaf
11-07-2001, 04:03 AM
There is nothing free, this idea about something gained for nothing where dose it exist?

Not even your life is free.
Or as we found out on 9/11 our freedoms come at a price. Soon to be paid.

CK is a good site, a little different then here but a good informative site.

As for finding stuff on the web, maybe true in some cases, but its nice to have a place to request things that may not be found or commonly known.

I think CK and this site are both good I find them interesting for different reasons but still good sites.

bamboo leaf

Royal Dragon
11-07-2001, 04:38 AM
Wow, I should have waited a week to jion up heh?

Oh, by the way any chance you know some one to translate that Tai Tzu Chang Chuan form you've got on your site? I would LOVe to work that one out, it is the original set from my style, and not often taught or even known by many branches.


Royal Dragon

Wei, Tai Qin Leung 36th generation Grand Master, inheritor and lineage head of the Chao, Yuh Feng "Internal Tai Tzu Chang Chuan" system.

Check out the Royal Dragon Web site


11-07-2001, 05:10 AM
I think the contribution idea is a good one. It's very much in line with anarcho-syndicalism, which tends to build good communities even though it falls down for nations. The whole scheme seems to me a good idea to keep the board serious and informative for those who want that kind of thing... in fact, it should be no problem for such people to contribute useful stuff.

Don't gripe about the labour cost - everything costs someone effort at some point in the production line, and not all communities have (or want) wealthy benefactors.

11-07-2001, 05:11 AM
Ffab - I think appealing to a sense of community on this site is like asking starving cannibals to eat a salad at a nudist camp. If you want a response out of most of the people here, just claim that your kung fu is better than any grappling or NHB style they care to mention - that'll run to 10 pages in a week.

But seriously sharing martial arts knowledge with intelligent, like minded people? What did you think this place was? :eek: :confused:


11-07-2001, 05:53 AM
I'm a little confused.

General use of your forums is free correct?

To use the special members area we must either pay the $10(or whatever it is) OR do steps 3&4 each month right?

Also, where can I find the Dev list that has the choices of what projects we can do for steps 3&4?

Thanks for clearing that up!

"The thorn *****s only those who would harm the rose."

11-07-2001, 06:26 AM
Royal Dragon,
I thought I already answer that, the Tai Zu Chang Quan we are listing, comes from an old Chinese Text, the drawings have been refreshed. So the companion text is in Wenyan, which is far much harder to render properly than modern chinese. Now if one of our Dev members is comfortable with Wenyan, we may give him/her the task to translate it. [it ain't that long if I recall well]

Ppl around know that I am a very optimist guy ;) I know this may not be the best place but I do believe that most of the CK community already know how it works, so I am posting here to let another part of the online MA community know. Anyway I believe that those who are interested and not too lazy [or let's say more interested than lazy/selfish] will see and get my point. The others ... will keep complaining about trolls while enjoying a low level discussion.
I know that most ppl come here for fun and on CK for more serious talk. It's fine for me. I don't have a "Us Vs Them" complex :D

Yes indeed, the forums, articles, Downloads, Reviews, Links, Chatroom, Styles Info Sections are 100% free. Some only requires a free registration.
The Special Members area, which is a database of Forms in pictures, line drawings and video, is accessible upon money payment or contribution. [the famous step 3&4].
Basically we are asking for a compensation for what consume the most Bandwidth [The forum is the next BIG item but it is and will remain free of charge].

Projects list is depending on who we have on the dev list and what level of time / dedication they have.
Few years ago I published a projects list and I ended up doing almost everything by myself. I will try to not repeat that ;)

CyberKwoon.com Forums (http://www.cyberkwoon.com/html/)
Martial Arts Databases

11-07-2001, 06:37 AM
That's cool. I'd just like to see what kind of projects there are so that I don't make a commitment I can't honor. Is there some way I can see examples of projects or a Dev list?

Thanks for the clear up!

"The thorn *****s only those who would harm the rose."

11-07-2001, 07:09 AM
Ok I think I can disclose some current project we have. Proof-reading is reserved to Native english speakers with strong communication skills.

- Organization of a trip to China to "taste" real CMA with renown experts/teachers > we need ppl for proof read, help marketing, and think tank.
- Authoring / proof-reading on the following topics : MA styles, training method, advices to develop skills, personal experience sharing ...
- Translation / proof-reading of Chinese / Japanese and French texts.
- Marketing / communication : to help propagate our values related to Martial Arts online and offline.
- Design / Graphical art : mainly to redraw old documents / forms.

That's about it for now.
We have several precise project on the run now but they are all falling into one of the categories above.

CyberKwoon.com Forums (http://www.cyberkwoon.com/html/)
Martial Arts Databases

11-07-2001, 07:26 AM
Thank you. I'd like to submit an application, if possible. I'm not sure what use I'd be, but I'll let you decide since it's your site. So...how do I sign up?

"The thorn *****s only those who would harm the rose."

11-07-2001, 07:46 AM
What about going back to the first post of the first page of this thread and follow the "disgraceful" instruction ?
Don't forget to post your intro and what you can do.
Feel free to submit a topic / project you would like to do and it will be discussed on the dev list, so you don't have to start doing something that may have been done already. :p

CyberKwoon.com Forums (http://www.cyberkwoon.com/html/)
Martial Arts Databases

Royal Dragon
11-07-2001, 03:52 PM
Sorry, I did'nt know that question had been answered, I have'nt been on to see if you replyed to my post under the "Hey Fabb" title back at the Kwoon :cool:

Anyway, if you guys can figure that one out, I'd be most grateful. That IS the original 32 Tai TZu form, and I would LOVE to bring it back from the dead. Also, do you know where I could get a copy of the text it came from? I don't care if it's only avaliable in Chinese and I'll never be able to read it, it would be a cool collector piece for my library!!!


Wei, Tai Qin Leung 36th generation Grand Master, inheritor and lineage head of the Chao, Yuh Feng "Internal Tai Tzu Chang Chuan" system.

Check out the Royal Dragon Web site


Piccolo Junior
11-07-2001, 08:03 PM
Your "Angry Monkey Boxing and the Monkey Kung Fu Styles and History" article says that Paulie Zink is one of the leading authorities an Tai Shing Pek Kwar. That is bull****, Chan Sau Chung is the biggest authority on Tai Shing Pek Kwar, Paulie Zink knows nothing about Kung Fu at all, he is just a human pretzel who likes to moon people.

"It is necessary to drink alcohol and pursue other fun human activities. The art of someone who is too serious has no flavour."- Choki Motobu

11-07-2001, 10:03 PM
Isn't that what monkeys do?

FFab I got to say it is funny that you guys try so hard to keep commercialism out of your forum but will post advertisment here. :confused:

www.shaolindynasty.cjb.net (http://www.shaolindynasty.cjb.net)

11-08-2001, 02:07 AM
Picolo Junior,
If you disagree with one of the articles we are running you can
1/ Click on the "comment" link and give your opinion
2/ Submit an article that would go further than "X is crap, Y is the real deal"

I don't intend to promote CK here, I believe that quality stands for itself :D
I just try to promote the concept that online community should be somehow productive of quality results. Now I admit that the sad part is that I have to throw in "a prize" and make this like a deal. Should I propose the same concept with any "immediate obvious reward", I know that very very little ppl would be interested. :(

CyberKwoon.com Forums (http://www.cyberkwoon.com/html/)
Martial Arts Databases

11-08-2001, 02:09 AM
Cyberkwoon blows donkeycock


And now for the cursing.