View Full Version : Hey Gene!!!

Royal Dragon
12-04-2001, 06:46 PM
What happened to that conversatin on the Louhan where Shaolin Master was answering all my questions, and you enticed me to order a new subscription AND tons on back issues?

12-05-2001, 11:28 AM
... I warned you about that possibility months ago. too bad, that was good thread. We are still importing a few files, so it still might show up, but no promises.

But we can restart the sales pitching any time you want!;)

Royal Dragon
12-05-2001, 03:08 PM
Hey, I found part of it on page two!! I think I may have saved all the info Shaolin Master put up, so maybe we can restore the thread?

Royal Dragon

12-06-2001, 12:14 PM
That will bump it up and we can go again. :)