View Full Version : Rules

Johnny Hot Shot
12-04-2001, 11:33 PM
What are the rules of your Kwoon/Dojo?

12-05-2001, 12:21 AM
No wankers.

12-05-2001, 12:52 PM
The rules at our school our very flexible.

Let's see..

You should wear a gi, and at 3rd kyu you should wear a hakama as well.

We try to take care of the dojo as much as possible, answering vistors questons, vaccuming the mats after class.

When our sensei is instructing we kneel and observe quietly, but talking is permitted at all other times.

You can ask any specific question you have, although I find the best thing to do is just say "Sensei" to get the guys attention and hold out a hand or attack him when he's ready(so he will perform the technique on you).

Being late for class is fine, leaving early is fine.

At the beginning of class we bow, and at the end we bow and say thankyou (and sensei thanks us in return).

The senior ranking student usually gets to perform the techniques first and should offer his hand so that uke (the person receiving the technique) can attack with his right side first (most people don't care about this, but some people like this kind of traditional stuff).

The one real rule is to not to injure your partner.

Dark Knight
12-05-2001, 02:01 PM
All hotties, and any moms that are hotties must spend "Quality" time with the instructor

12-05-2001, 11:22 PM
If you bleed you have to cover it up and clean/steralize anywhere it touched...

No shoes on the mats.

Bow at end of class.

That's pretty much it:)