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View Full Version : Lin Sil Di Dar ?

12-05-2001, 05:44 PM
I am doing a study of concepts, the prepose is to find out how many people/arts use the same concepts and how thay are applied.
LIN SIL DI DAR is a total attack concept, I belive it is from wing chun? but perhaps its a toa'est concept?
any ways if you can help me, please do.
Thank you. C.A.G.

Tainan Mantis
12-05-2001, 09:08 PM
If we knew what those words meant it would be helpful to answering your question.

12-06-2001, 11:21 AM
Lin Sil Di (die) Dar is a generic concept of Chinese martial arts. It basically means to strike at an angle that passes the opponent's guard without intercepting or checking the incoming strikes (also the opponent's possible counter strikes to your counter ). It is a counter not an attack per se. But it is definitely an aggressive strategy, which applies the adage "the best defense is an offense." It is one of the most basic, common and simple concepts in CMA. That is why many of the masters use it so often for its proven simple effectiveness.


12-26-2001, 12:06 AM
Hmm...I study WC and I understand this to be simultaneous block(deflect) and strike usually accomplished by both hands. Ex: I am in a right fighting stance with right arm forward and my opponent tries to land a left to the body(lower gate). My back hand(wu sao) deflects with gum sao while my forward hand(man sao) attacks with a punch to the face(da), both actions together are called gum da.