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View Full Version : I have a few questions about the new forum...

Martial Joe
12-05-2001, 08:27 PM

How do I get to edit my profile?

How do I get one of those cool pics under my name,or does that come with the profile too?

Last but not least...how do you like it?

Martial Joe
12-05-2001, 08:28 PM
And another one...why under my name does it say I registered in 1970?

Is kung Lek making fun of me because of so many posts?

Felipe Bido
12-05-2001, 08:38 PM
Go to the "User Control Panel" at the top left, and play around a bit with the options....all your questions will be answered...

...of course, the one about Kung Lek won't be answered. It's part of his plan to take over the world

Martial Joe
12-05-2001, 08:41 PM
Alright, thanks...

That Kung Lek....:D

Martial Joe
12-05-2001, 09:00 PM
I still havent figured out how to put a picture uner my name!!!!

Felipe Bido
12-05-2001, 09:04 PM
Hey, Joe:

Go to the bottom of "Edit Options". Look for "Avatar"


12-05-2001, 09:05 PM
They are called avatars

12-06-2001, 05:18 AM
hmm weird also, maybe it's just because i have a fairly high screen resolution (1280*1024 not that much though). But the **** thing only covers half my screen, perhaps you could just set the width of the cell to autofill up in our screen, cuz i'd like some longer cells :)

12-06-2001, 07:28 AM
1280x1024, thats a lot. I'm 800x600 old schools.