View Full Version : hand conditioning (palm,fist,phoenix eye...)

Former castleva
12-07-2001, 02:31 AM
Does anyone here do hand hardening?
I do,and it has improved my martial self-confidence a lot.
There is no doubt that it has also improved my self-defense skills.
I would like to hear your thoughts about it.

12-07-2001, 04:49 AM
Define hand hardening. We punch targets and gradually try to work down in the ammount of protection on the hand and the wieght of the target until our hands are conditioned enough to be able to hit someone in the head without the hand or wrist breaking if that's what you mean.

Ginger Fist
12-08-2001, 01:04 PM
--phoenix-eye fist ... spear hand ... tiger claw ... all hardened if i get ur meaning. gota harden 2 really use ... can't b restricted 2 certain targets ... no time 4 stuff like that in fight

Repulsive Monkey
12-19-2001, 10:32 AM
its not always so good though for ones health especially at the end of finger tips where several important meridians begin and end. Surely this can causechannel blockage aswell as point damage too.

Ginger Fist
12-19-2001, 02:06 PM
its not always so good though for ones health especially at the end of finger tips where several important meridians begin and end. Surely this can causechannel blockage aswell as point damage too.

--bulls*it ... until a few yrs ago had 3 generations in my family that trained penetrating hand ... no problems 4 us ... plenty 4 those who got hit with it ... don't believe the hype ... tcm theory is just that ... a theory-not fact ... some of it right ... some of it cr*ap

12-19-2001, 02:40 PM
I just punch a stone wall with my bare fists. As much as I can take for maybe 30 seconds. Unscientific, but my knuckles seem harder to me.

I have been told that to really develop the knuckles, it is necessary to break them. I know that once I hit someone right in their forehead by mistake when I was swinging my arms. I busted the first finger first knuckle on my right hand. It hurt for more than 1 month, but now the knuckle is bigger and stronger than the one on the other hand. My teacher did something similar with one of his pinky knuckles.

Ginger Fist
12-19-2001, 04:29 PM
I just punch a stone wall with my bare fists. As much as I can take for maybe 30 seconds. Unscientific, but my knuckles seem harder to me.

--dude!!! u r fu(king up ur hands & doing it all wrong ... stop now or plan on having a lot of velcro around

I have been told that to really develop the knuckles, it is necessary to break them.

--totally sh*it ... shoot the guy that told u that

It hurt for more than 1 month, but now the knuckle is bigger and stronger than the one on the other hand.

--remember that when u r older ... never mind ... ur knuckle will remind u ... everyday ... everytime u bend that finger

12-19-2001, 05:16 PM
Punching stone is doing a lot more damage than it's doing good. There are much better, more effective, faster, and safer ways. Here's a very good site about it: http://www.karatebreaking.com
And for god's sake man, no more punching rocks!:eek: If anything the increase you have noticed in knuckle toughness is due to you getting used to smashing them. I did the same thing before somebody stopped me and showed me the right way. You will get MUCH tougher knuckles by doing the kungfu method of iron hand described in that site, and you won't have to worry about arthritis so much. (unless of course you want to be one of the old men in silk pajamas pretending to do tai chi on the celebrex arthritis pain medicine commercials...)

12-19-2001, 10:33 PM
Repulsive Monkey has it right if you ask me. Hand conditioning causes channel blockage and damages the points.These points according to chinese medicine are directly related to your eyes and also to your *****.Hand conditioning can cause impotence and blindness.But scoff if you want, me and Repulsive Monkey will be enjoying great sex and eyesight for the rest of our lives.(and before anyone decides to poke fun at that, i didnt mean with each other)

12-20-2001, 01:43 PM
all this stuff about meridians is bunk. Who has actually gone blind from conditioning their hands? Name someone.

12-20-2001, 03:27 PM
sorry i dont have any friends stupid enough to do it,so i cant name anyone. if the scientists and the surgen general didnt put out a huge warning in the public eye ,unless you know someone who got lung cancer from smoking, you could also say that was "bunk". I dont care what you do or dont believe, im just giving an opinion.what happens you and your life is nothing to do with me .so im not going to go out of my way to convince you of anything.i have my belief's , you have yours :)

12-20-2001, 03:40 PM
that's what I thought.

Ginger Fist
12-21-2001, 07:09 AM
all this stuff about meridians is bunk. Who has actually gone blind from conditioning their hands? Name someone.

--they can't ... wussy-xing & his boyfriend compulsive monkeyspanker r magazine & book poseurs ... the edition with names hasn't come out yet ... never will as the finger tip training thingamabob is pure pigcr*ap ... get a whiff of the 2 wannabes & u'll c it's true - the pigcr*ap part 4 sure!!!!

12-21-2001, 10:24 AM

Repulsive Monkey
12-21-2001, 04:04 PM
thanks for the support, to the other 2 here well what can I say they let younger and younger children on here nowadays I see. You abusive response is rather indicative proportionally to your inbredd ignorance too. Meridians are hardly bunk. I dont know but some people seem to know precious little about the origins of Chinese Martial arts and Chinese Medicine and how they practically go hand in hand. Doctor have been practicing Acupuncture, Herbalism, Anmo etc for over 5,000 years. It is NO THEORY hence the significance of the word PRACTICE. These things aren't ideas they are real practical frameworks of ones health and basic phsyiology according to Chinese Medicine. It's totally indicative of a stunted mind wehn they can't find time to artfully debate and fall downwards to debased and insulting behaviour like the 2 dullards herein.

12-21-2001, 11:55 PM
I never said that meridians and TCM were bunk. why not stop being such a big assho!e for a few seconds and read what was written. Your reading compehension seems to be sorely lacking.

I said this whole goofy thing about people going blind from damaging meridians was bunk. Prove me wrong. Name someone. That's all I'm asking. People who say this crap typically can't back it up with proof.

previous to this post I don't think that I insulted anyone but if you are going to insult me, then right back at you, you big flamer.


PS- get a clue.

Repulsive Monkey
12-22-2001, 04:56 PM
Im gonna hold back from anything abusive as I dont feel that it merits good debate. However I didn't actually mean for my outburst to be directed at you, it was in fact at someone else. By the way I quote your very own words a couple of messages back "...all this stuff about meridians is bunk..." will you now accept that that was exactly what you said? Or will you deny it? Plus Paul it would do you credit to read my past messages too, as I was never the one to emphatically say that hand conditioning makes you go blind. I think you'll find that someone else made that bold statement. I'll be honest enough and apologise for insults (even though they were actually directed at someone else) because I like all the other people enjoy good healthy debate on here, and it gets nowhere when it turns into who can insult better than someone else routines, as im sure you can appreciate, it ain't clever and it never gets any one anywhere.
I will say this though, eyesight in Chinese Medicine is usually governed by the Liver channel which doesn't actually run through the arm or fingers but mainly up the leg and to the middle toe nail.

12-22-2001, 06:32 PM
it's cool RM. I may have not been too clear, but when I perceived that I was being insulted I had to respond in kind. Just for the fun of it.

>>>its not always so good though for ones health especially at the end of finger tips where several important meridians begin and end. Surely this can causechannel blockage aswell as point damage too.

So now I'll ask the obvious question. What kind of health problems can this cause?

Repulsive Monkey
12-23-2001, 02:09 PM
I won't make any statement about how finger conditioning WILL do this or that, but here goes:
meridians which either start or end on the nail points are the Lungs, Small Intestines, Large Intestines, Percardium, Heart and Triple Burner(this covers the whole chest region from thorax to Pubic bone area). There are several other points namely points right on the tips of each finger on the hands (and thumb too). It is possible, aswell as the fact that people do get treated for this, that blockages caused through physical damage can damage the function of the point itself and thus harm the meridian of that specific organ. This is no theory as people do get treated for this. A friend of mine crushed his index finger, and found a week or so later he was having problems when going to the toilet (I won't give out any further details!), and it was found that the Large Intestine meridian (which in Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine controls defecation processes) was damaged and working properly. His Chinese doctor said the only reason he could see was due to a channel problem caused by the injury.