View Full Version : Lots and losts of questions/descriptions

12-07-2001, 05:27 AM
Ok, lets see here. I'm absolutely stocked about where I train and all. Except we tend to use a completly different vocabulary from everyone else (well sort of). I mean we use the five element blocking thing, but our punches/drills are all described in western boxing terminology. So i've got a bit of trouble understanding some of the things on this forum, and was just browsing through the wing chun forum, and noticed lop sau or whatever it was is basically our arm grabby thingy. So basically i'd like to know what all the different named punches/drills and things that often come up here actually are if that's possible. Basically a short list is:
(realise i speak no chinese either)

- all those weird wing chun names. What they hell do they actually involve and mean/literally translate to? You know, like Lop Sau, Chi sau. What are they? And what does chain punching involve? Is it just what i think it is?(i won't say what i think it is for fear of looking stupid :D) And any other drills/sau thingies....

- Can someone describe what the phoenix eye punch is?

- What is tiger claw?

- What does Iron palm(or other iron thingys for that matter) mean/involve?

Absolutely anything else you can think of. And i mean anything. Since all our drills moves are taught in english (or if they are taught in chinese its a rape of the chinese language with our horrible horrible accents) i often don't know what the hell some of the chinese or translated names for half the things actually stand for. Even if its just a basic punch, put it on in....pretty please :)

Second part of my question is really just for a bit of personal fun during training rather than anything else, but its relatively hard to convey in words. I know i'll never use this in a fight, its just for show-off-ness.

How on earth do you train to learn that move where you recover from the ground on your back and spring back onto your feet? You know the one where you land on your back, pull your legs up, kick your legs out forwards/upwards, and next thing you know, your standing up. I'm not sure if i conveyed that very well.
But anyway, how do you learn/train for that. What exercises/pracitce/muscle groups need to be trained in order to do it?
(yes, once again i realise i'm not using it in a fight)

Thankyou to everyone in advance:D

12-07-2001, 06:36 AM
I'm new to all this stuff but seeing as nobody else has answered I'l give it a go. Feel free to correct me or expand on what I've said:

1. Wing Chun - don't do it, don't know. But isn't Chi Sau Sticky Hands?

2. Phoenix eye is where you make a fist and extend your knuckle of your forefinger, so when you punch someone in the throat or whatever it really hurts. Small surface area etc.

3.Tiger Claw is where you make a claw with your hand, which you can then use to grab pressure points etc, or rake the opponents eyes etc.

4. Iron things basically involve conditioning your Iron Body part to fu9K so you can use it like its made of er, iron. Ie. Ironfist you punch someone and cause hella lot of damage, iron body you can take hella lot of damage, iron palm=ultra hard palm strikes etc.

Actually, if someone could tell ME what the hell those things mean it'd be much appreciated, thanks.:D

And the jumping up on your feet move is called a flourish. If you go to www.dragonslist.com and look on the forums you;ll probably find it. The topic is called"Cool Flourishes" Actually, here's a link:

hope that helps.

12-07-2001, 08:07 AM
To spring up onto your feet from your back is quite fun to do. I call this a kipup ( a gymnastics term).

You need to roll back and get your weight up onto your upper shoulders, placing your hands on the floor right behind your shoulders.

Kick your legs up more then outward and when you feel your weight coming up, push with you hands and drive your heels towards where your hips would have been if you were laying flat. Your head can halp give you a boost by snapping your neck back at the same time as your hands.

You will fall back on you butt about a million times, but try try again. When you finally get it you'll feel like Jackie Chan ;) !

Good luck.

KC Elbows
12-07-2001, 04:03 PM
Kip up:

By my understanding, the arms should be unnecessary. The back should be flexible enough(from back bends, bridges, etc.) that, when you roll back on your shoulders, your feet should already be on their way to replacing your shoulders, and so, with a little "bump" from your shoulders, you're already standing.

From what I've been told, using the arms is OK, but if you do this, you must be much more carefu to keep your body straight when you are standing again, as you can overbalance forwards and expose your head.

I believe fukien ground(dog?) boxing does the kip up without the hands.

12-07-2001, 04:33 PM
any of the "... sau" terms in wing chun are a description befitting an exercise or technique with the hands or arms. chi sau would be sticky hands, bong sau would be wing arm, etc. by the same token, chi gerk would be sticky legs and bong gerk would be wing leg.