View Full Version : Being a player!

12-07-2001, 07:15 PM
Yes i'm trying really hard these days to be a player, to begin with i've bought a dollar front on my Nokia 5110, nothing says "i have gold and dollars" like a cheap phone with a dollar front.

NOW! I need some player sentences, i'm thinking along the lines of "REPRESENT MOTHA FU*KA!" and one i took from Sevenstar the other day "FOOL RECOGNIZE!!".

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!!


and oh yeah Kung Fu is cool.

12-07-2001, 07:30 PM
How about


Is that the sort of stuff you're looking for?

12-07-2001, 07:48 PM
ahh yes indeed "RESPECT!" works quite nicely.

Btw before anyone starts thinking i'm a big wannabe this is a small parody :) And i'm not joking with having a dollar cover on a cheap phone :)

But i started this thread for a reason i love lines like this :D

12-07-2001, 08:07 PM
Make sure you end every second sentence with 'Word'.
Give your car a girls name and sub woofers that are bigger than the engine.
Adorn yourself with as much gold as possible.
Call every women you meet 'babe' trust me they LOVE it...
If that fails to impress then obviously there a wack job and can now be refered to as 'biatch' or even better 'hoe'.
Make up stupid storys about how you keep getting lucky in weird places.
Here are some TOP pick up lines you might want to note down.
Someone rearange the alphabet so U and I can get together.
Are your legs sore? becouse you have been running though my dreams all night.
Is that a tree on your head becouse you look like a top root.

These are fail proof ways to turn yourself into a player:D

12-07-2001, 08:09 PM
Qeysus, You are the man.

If I'm ever in Iceland, you are Sooooo getting head. Oops, my boyfriend saw me type that, oh well, He'll have to deal with it, he can't do better than me.

Qeysus the kung fu sage
when I need a tough stud, I'll give him a page.

He's got more moves than Eddie Parker
And when he gets mad he's like a bersarker.

he'll rip you apart with tooth and nail
if you step up to him your sure to fail

Cuz hes the kind of man that walks with ease
all the ladies know he's the kind to please,

but when they front on him he just says, "Biatch, Please!"

12-07-2001, 08:13 PM
You know what I'm thinking here...

Pretty Fly for a white guy :D

Stacey U R so sexy

12-07-2001, 08:29 PM
Hey slimeball, don't call me sexy, you don't even know me. Respect da woman.

12-07-2001, 08:38 PM
Now you brake my heart :(

Johnny Hot Shot
12-07-2001, 08:41 PM
queSuS all you need to know is two words...



12-07-2001, 08:46 PM
Don't forget, if anyone ever decides they don't agree with your lifestyle, you must be armed with the classic defense mechanism: "You don't know me!"

Repeat at least 12 times in rapid, overly loud succession so that you can no longer hear the negative criticism. Problem solved.

Also, don't forget:

"I'ma get mine!"

"If you don't respeck me I ain't gonna respeck you!"

"Gotta keep my pimp hand strong."

12-07-2001, 08:50 PM

Three years ago maybe. you need platinum and ice kid. you gotta get a jeep. If you're on a budget, get a kia. dubs won't fit on it, but you can get some 10's. if you get rims, be sure to keep em clean. You gotta keep em clean. no fake boots. Get you some tims, lugz or something. Not the old ones either. If you need anymore advice, just ask.

since you like those one liners...

"be down or lay down, or you get knocked down"

"backda****up or get smackedda****up"

12-07-2001, 08:52 PM
these new censors are good...they didn't catch run on words before

12-07-2001, 08:58 PM
You’ll need to get a wad of bills and wrap a larger bill around them, and get a cool money clip.

you'll also need some serious bling-blinging on your wrist so everyone notices when you pull out your money.

Ah, yes and you can no longer use "Th", as it will now be replaced by "f"

example: earth would be earf

and four would be foe, but i don’t know the rules on that one, i think you just drop the "r".

"ya better recognize, bringing it re'al in hea"

12-07-2001, 08:59 PM
Hey Sevenstar?

How come African American guys tend to dress better than Euro Americans. And know whats cool. Yes thats a blankey statement, but I'm talking about young guys that like hip hop. Does hip hop (the more underground stuff) specifically tell you whats cool and what to wear? Why are white guys so **** clueless, when they listen to the same music.

Also when I'm out dancing, I see guys in there acting like there all hard, white guys and black guys, but the white guys automatically assume the brothas are all hard and from compton and make way for them. Its a riot, they are all from the same suburbs and grew up watching the same cartoons. Just observations I've made.

Am I wrong?

12-07-2001, 09:30 PM

12-07-2001, 09:35 PM

David Jamieson
12-07-2001, 09:44 PM
Most of the "players" I know, look, dress, sound and act like a flaky jukebox and haven't got a decent sense of reality.

none of them are Kung fu people.
Laughable really.

Now, what's even funnier is when a euro try's to act like that.
Now that can be very ridiculous. Halloween 24/7/365. hahahahaha.

The coolest thing anyone can be is totally themselves.
Stand for what you believe in, dismiss what is not realistic.
Have fun, be good in your heart and don't let the players get ya down.

the trappings you have are not who you are. they are meaningless and empty.

anyway, just a "word". Be yourself.


12-07-2001, 09:46 PM
Kung Lek, preach on brotha!

12-07-2001, 09:46 PM
I was wondering how long it would be before you saw this. You're juggling three women right now, give us some advice. How's it going with them, anyway?

12-07-2001, 10:01 PM

Rule 1:
Alright, first, you must call everyone "Dawg." Now, "Dawg" is pronounced like the English word "Dog," but if you ever write it, you must spell it d-a-w-g. You must stop using "dude," "man," or "bro," and replace it with dawg.


"Hey dude, what's up?" becomes "Yo dawg, what up?"
"Nice shot, bro" becomes "Nice shot, dawg!"


Rule two:
You must roll one pant leg up to your knee. I think it's the left leg, but it probably doesn't matter. Why must you do this? I don't know; it's just what players do. For added effect, sometimes you may want to drag this foot behind when you're walking.

Rule three:
You gotta smoke a lot of pot, and drink a lot of Hennessey. Do they have Hennessey in Iceland?

These three rules should get you started.

Good luck!


12-07-2001, 10:27 PM
ok first off i love that poem or rhyme or whatever that was about me ! :D

These are some great advice! Btw i dunno how to dress, but when i'm not a player i love wearing geekclothing! Nothing like the clothing lines from www.thinkgeek.com I have a "WTF?" T-Shirt and a "All your base are belong to us" plus the 20+ quake T-****rs i've gotten from local LAN tourneys :) (i'm wearing one right now that says p1mp and has the q3 logo (p1mp means staff of the LAN)).

And stacy are you telling me this is not knowing how to dress!??!?

Btw talking about dressing i when i was in USA i went to a hot topic store, found some really cool shirts and t-shirts and stuff. But guys those pants are INSANELY baggie, i wear pretty baggy pants for an Icelander but those were at LEAST 3x as large. Perhaps that's just a sacrifice i gotta make if i wanna be a playa.

Btw am i the onlyone here that has serious symptons of white man disease?

12-07-2001, 10:37 PM
Dude you are white. (?) Did you mean serious symptoms of American disease?

haha, everyone loves American culture. Ever been to Japan? People wear shirts there with random English words on them. You might see a girl that has a shirt that says "Truck" on it. What the hell does that mean? It's just cool cuz it's English (American) There is a clothing store in Japan called "Violence Jackoff."


Chang Style Novice
12-07-2001, 10:37 PM
Couldn't hurt to get some gold fronts for your teef in the shape of a pair of dice coming up 7. You may also choose to refer to yourself in the third person as 'Craps-Loc.'

Ex. "Craps-Loc is feeling kinda firsty. Gimme a Heinekin, ho."

Johnny Hot Shot
12-07-2001, 11:09 PM
You guy's have no clue what a true player is.:rolleyes:

12-08-2001, 12:10 AM
One line you should start using is one my friend uses. "Playa please, I'm the macaroni with cheese." Yeah, he's pretty lame.

12-08-2001, 12:12 AM
hey dont be a playa hata, if yo know sumtin yo better sur enouf be tellin us, dawg!

if yo aint gonna step up yo better be gettin yo ass a stepin, beotch!