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12-11-2001, 12:07 AM
You said GNC's vitamins stunk. Do you mean they smelled bad? They don't work, or they don't contain what the label says they do?

See, I'm looking for a new multivitamin, and I considered GNC's megaman... my old generic walmart mens' multivitamin made my stomach hurt when i took it.

Any input is appreciated,


12-11-2001, 12:22 AM
avoid generics and stuff like centrum -- the carriers in these vitamins pretty much reek. i've not heard anything plus or minus gnc's megaman, but i doubt it's dissimilar from vitamin world's vitaman (cheese, i know, but hey), and i'm quite pleased with the vm supplement. my only recommendation? avoid anything with iron in it. i know so many guys who take a generic, dual-gender vitamin that's loaded with iron. considering guys don't go through a regular bleeding cycle (except shop teachers), you don't need the extra iron, nor do you want it. the metaliccy stuff that's great for swords likes to collect at the base of your spine, which is rather prime real estate that you don't want to share with anything metal.

so exercise a bit of care when buying a vitamin. too cheap will get you a chunk of crap that your body won't be able to absorb (and you'll see it in your urine), and unnecessary parts can cause more harm than good.

12-11-2001, 01:07 AM
Basically the GNC vitamins that I got were like those old Joe Weider ones- where u pee green for the rest of the day.
The biggest difference was inconsistancy.
Some of them would give yah the neon greens, and then other days it'd be like u took a sugar pill.
At least Centrum's consistantly mellow.

I can't explain my distrust for GNC products. I bought some shampoo from them once back in the day and i don't think that had what it was labeled to have either. As far as prices went, i went from buying cheap stuff, tax free, on a military base in high school, to GNC prices- which were often 50% higher.

I'm goin for the Twinlab multivitamins from now on i think. In fact, I'll probly stick with twinlab, eas, or designer for everything from now on.

I think supplements are a lot up to the individual. That may sound weird, but some people don't react well to certain mixtures/suspensions/etc. I do pretty well with TwinLab, and EAS Edge. Try the gnc multivitamin out, if u like it, stick with it. I'm just sayin that i wasn't feelin it.

12-11-2001, 08:45 AM
Originally posted by Lost_Disciple
Basically the GNC vitamins that I got were like those old Joe Weider ones- where u pee green for the rest of the day.
The biggest difference was inconsistancy.
Some of them would give yah the neon greens, and then other days it'd be like u took a sugar pill.
At least Centrum's consistantly mellow.

Uhhh...the reason your urine is neon green is because of excess vitamin B complex. It has nothing to do with the quality of the vitamin. If you have sufficient B in your body you will urinate the rest out causing your urine to be flourescent green/yellow...if you need more B vitamins your urine won't be as brightly coloured, so again, it has nothing to do with the quality of the vit.

12-11-2001, 09:59 AM
Neon green ****?! SWEET! I bet that would scare the **** out of some guys if they saw it.

Anyway, Lost_Disciple, do you use the IronMan Daily Multivitamin by Twinlab? That's what I use. It tastes pretty awful, but if you just hurry up and swallow it and don't chew, it isn't as bad.

12-11-2001, 10:36 AM
Maybe that's NOT enough concrete evidence to make a case against those vitamins; but I've got some serious doubts as to the quality of GNC brand products. These doubts may be unsubstantiated and mere prejudice; i dunno. I just don't trust that company.

Besides, there's no serious way to quantify whether a vitamin's working or not. You can't go by feeling alone because there are way too many other contributing factors that make a lot more difference.

Usually store brand goods are similar quality, but a lot cheaper than the name brand stuff. With GNC, they often cost more than the name brand stuff, or else they jack up the price of the name brand stuff so high that they're dead even.

Read their article on Whey protein on their website. They cite an article 4 years old, and none of the recent protein research articles i've seen validate half of these claims:

Heck, I don't think they sell supplements anywhere on their website- yet they sell athletic gear and equipment on there? Something's fishy about that.

Not taking anything currently and my diet stinks right now too. I'm living with my folks while I'm waiting for a real job. I can't really control what i eat or what kind of supplements i get cuz i just don't have that kind of money. However, I do plan to take those Ironman vitamins eventually. In the meantime I'm just trying to work out on a pseudo-regular basis to make the best of a bad situation.

12-11-2001, 12:31 PM
Righto, ElPietro, I've always heard that neon pee is from excess B vitamins, which are water soluble. When I take my friend's GNC megamn vitamin, it makes my next pee bright green. I just got one similiar to that at walmart (One Source, manufactured by Perrigo, anyone know about this company?) and it does the same as well, because each pill has like 800% B vitamins or something.

For you guys who haven't tried it, neon green pee is fun! It freaked me out the first time cuz usually my pee is clear. Alright, now I'm approaching the "too much information" boundary.

Answer my question about Perrigo.


12-12-2001, 12:53 AM
I use GNCs Ultra Mega Green. I don't have any complaints about it.

12-12-2001, 02:08 AM
Yo SevenStar! Where have you been?

What does the "green" stand for?

Does it make your **** neon green like my vitamins do?


12-12-2001, 09:06 AM

I HIGHLY recommend the Thorne products. I've been taking them for a couple of years now. I've also had good success with the Pure Encapsulations products (I think that's the name).

Does it smell like asparagus as well?

12-12-2001, 12:16 PM
I use the GNC Ultra Mega Gold multi. LD absolutely if you feel uncomfortable with a company or product don't use it...especially something taking internally. I myself don't have a problem with GNC or their products. If there's something for a good price I'd buy it...if not I don't. Multivitamins I bought from them when I had a gold card so I got two big bottles which last forever.

I like Ultra Mega Gold because it has the most vitamin content of anything I've seen and I'm pretty big and have a pretty active lifestyle...along with skimping on eating a variety of vegetables I feel it's important to use a good multi. This multivitamin is also time-released which I think is a very good feature too look for in a multivitamin. Without a time release formula/mechanism (don't ask me how it works ;) ) it is advised that you take your multi with food and then you are also wasting probably more than half of the vitamin content because your body will only absorb so much and the rest will go into waste products...versus having more vitamins but spread out over a period of time.

Yeah the first time I took a good multi and my **** turned neon I was freaked out. But I thought it was cool that I could make the toilet bowl look like a vat of koolaid once I found out the colour was normal. :D

12-12-2001, 08:38 PM
I thought it would look radioactive, the green potty if it is neon green. I bet that'd scare the **** out of someone if you dont flush and use a public toilet. hehe.