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View Full Version : Boxing Focus Mitt Drills

12-12-2001, 11:34 AM
I love boxing focus mitt drills, but I only know of a few. Does anybody know of a website, video, or book that has a large variety of focus mitt drills for boxing or kickboxing?

12-12-2001, 10:15 PM
5.body hook
6.rear hook

Work various combos based of the numbers. 1-4 are standard. 5 and 6 are more optional, and can be tailored to your style. some people may have 6 as a backfist.

Some sample combos:

jab/cross/hook/bodyhook/hook - all hooks done with the same hand.
jab/cross/hook/rear hook/hook

you get the point. If you have some thai pads, you can add kicks, elbows and knees into it.

rear roundhouse/rear roundhouse/cross/hook
and so on

hooks can be substituted with elbows

if you have access to thai pads, your partner can hold them face down - at a slight angle - in front of his stomach, put you partner in the plum, and fire off straight kness at the pads.

12-13-2001, 08:58 AM
Thanks for the reply.

I'm printing your post to use as a guide when I do focus mit training.

12-13-2001, 02:00 PM
Here you go: Mastering the Mitts video (http://www.ringside.com/store/prodinfo.asp?number=IJBV%204&variation=&aitem=22&mitem=50)

Came across this while perusing the ringside.com store. Haven't read any reviews but it is only $9.99.

There may be some other books and videos of interest to you on the store's surrounding pages.


12-13-2001, 07:53 PM
Also, you can use the mitts to improve your defense. Start slow. the a 1/2/3 at the focus mitts. After the hook, have the holder throw a hook or haymaker at you. evade the swing by leaning back or ducking, whatever you wish to work on.

after working that, have the holder throw a jab instead of a hook. After you have that pretty well, have the holder vary the strikes he throws, and at his own interval.

Once you are comfy with that, add footwork to it. Move around, throwing punches as he *flashes the mitts and defending as he swings.

*you can work sponteneity and timing while doing this. don't throw the same combos over and over. switch them up. he may have you throw three jabs, then a hook, followed by a hook and a cross. It's his choice. Have him hold the mitts so that they face his chest. at his own interval, have him flash the mitts for a punch or combo. Throw the appropriate strike(s) of your choice for a long as the pads are facing you. When he places them back on his chest, stop punching until the next time he flashes them.

12-14-2001, 12:33 PM
We incorporate the focus mitts into our wing chun drills. Lucky me. ;) Usually just one mitt at a time. It is a great way to develop the ability to execute the technique cleanly and with a standard of power.
Example: grab (lop) lead arm and punch.
Focus mitts and bags, etc. should become a part of the tradition of chinese martial arts. I believe this is taking place already.


12-14-2001, 02:46 PM

Thanks for the quick responses and the variety of drill ideas.

TSB, I was wondering if you or anybody have ordered anything from Ringside.com? Are they a good company to order from?

Mr. Nemo
12-14-2001, 10:01 PM
At the gym I'm at now, we do an alternating thing. Example: start with drilling the jab only. Then, go to jab and slip. Then, right cross only, then jab and right cross, then right cross and slip, then jab, right cross, and slip.....the permutations are endless.

You can incorporate footwork into the focus pads as well, if you have enough space.

The focus pads are usually used to develop balance, timing, and technique rather than power, so don't try to slug them - instead, make sure you turn the jab and right, keep your chin down, and stay balanced at all times instead of trying to hit them as hard as you can.