View Full Version : Explains a lot about those darn Canadians.

12-13-2001, 10:32 PM
God save the queen (http://dailynews.yahoo.com/htx/nm/20011213/pl/life_canada_dragqueen_dc_1.html)

old jong
12-13-2001, 10:45 PM
I hope "she" gets to be prime minister someday!...The story does not say if "she" finds your Georges cute!:eek:

Wu Wei
12-13-2001, 10:55 PM
I cant believe that story has gotten around so much.

12-13-2001, 11:51 PM
a quebecer and a newfie (from newfoundland) are on the proverbial archaeological dig in the pyramids in egypt, when the both stumble upon what looks like a lamp. the rub the years of dust and grime off it, and POOF, out pops the genie, who, happy to be free of his millenia-old prison, says, "masters, i will grant you each a wish."

the quebecer, very proud of his homeland and very isolationist in regard to the rest of canada, responds first.

"i am a separateest. i want you to beeld a wall one hundred feet hi all around my homeland of quebec. i don't want to let anything een or out."

the genie, fond of poofing, once again POOFS! and it is done. happy that he served his master, he then turns to the newfie, who, with a devilish grin on his mug, says:

"fill it with water."

12-14-2001, 05:57 AM
Stacey moved to Canada?!?

12-14-2001, 06:35 AM
Haha, good one!
I live in Canada, and I've never even seen a drag queen except on TV and once when vacationing in Ohio. She does not represent any sort of majority. Well, at least not a Canadian majority. I believe you americans have that colourful region called Sanfrancisco?

old jong
12-14-2001, 07:40 AM
because a big part of his wellfare and unemployement money comes from Quebec!...Drowned!:o

David Jamieson
12-14-2001, 09:01 AM
Kungfuguy, you really gotta get out more. The Gay parade in toronto is second to only san franciscos! More queens than you've had hot meals! hahahahaha.

by the way rogue, explain the politics of san franciscos drag queens before you point at our shoes! hahahahahaha

isn't it you who likes orange wood paneling in your basement?
I think that says a lot ;) ...)I'm kidding, well time to have some bacon.


12-14-2001, 09:26 AM
That's true kung, I'm sure glad that I'm not one of the suckers who live there.

I live in a small town, we only go out to watch or play hockey :D

12-14-2001, 12:34 PM
I have no problem with alternative lifestyle but I have a huge problem with hypocrites, which 99% of the politians in Canada are. Spin doctors that's what they are. The country is practically run by Quebec (most of the priministers were/are from there). Never once did any one politician shows slight interest in the west. The only time(s) would be election time. BTW, do you know it cost at least $50 to $100 dallors more for liberal fund raising dinner per person in BC than in any place in the east. People still went for it and didn't give a **** about it. Who could complain about BC got bad deals from Ottawa? Oh well, might as well vote for the Queen!
