View Full Version : Attn : Wongsifu

11-08-2001, 03:19 AM
Would you mind attending to a few questions...
I hope you don't mind.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>btw guys the reason that like rape fantasies occur or that sex and agression is thinly separated is because , the lowest chakra (indian energy centre) is the mul adhar which controls our animal instincts such as sex and violence, if the chakra is highly overactive , you could go one way or the other or both , hence why when women get really ***** they start clawing and biting and stuff. And when the chakra is blocked you like depraved things like seeing pictures of dead people and **** like that !!
About liver and kidneys agression and sex drive , dont forget the liver is wood and the kidneys are water so they are inter related , strong water means strong wood

That was an accident , what i mean to say is that if you have strong kidneys and sex drive the excessive energy will fuel the wood and make the liver stronger also puryfing your anger , if you weak kidneys the liver isnt so nourished and anger gives way...

Your knowledge is very vast. I am wondering where you got to know so much about the chakras ? I gather you practise much Qi-Gong, but I also notice from your post, a fair few forms of energy yogas.

In addition, you mentioned earlier, the internal blisses by opening the Ren and Du. It is considered, in a layperson, that the average "orgasm" comes from energy brushing the areas of the chakras, but not really abiding in them. You brought forward very accurate views. Although it is considered 'secret' teachings for me.

How is your progress ? Let me explain, my heart chakra is still blocked. Although my training may be far different from yours, I think you will understand when I say I have a major blockage in the throat region, manifesting in sharp pain. You have opened your chakras ? You have sensed the melting from the head down ? How did you come about where you are now ?
and a VERY dum question, from your nick, are you Chinese ?

11-08-2001, 03:54 AM
Hi prana, im not chinese, my nickname is because of my hero wong fei hung , when i first signed on to the forum i called my self wong fei hung, then i lost my password so i thought of logging on as sifu wong , hence wongsifu :)

Your knowledge is very vast. I am wondering where you got to know so much about the chakras ? I gather you practise much Qi-Gong, but I also notice from your post, a fair few forms of energy yogas.

Originally i started off in yoga of the sound current not yoga of the body asanas etc but meditation for enlightenment, and then i moved onto chi kung because i felt it is what i needed to move on to a higher level of kung fu and because of my ill health. But my yoga practise is what i love it is for the soul whereas my chi kung is for the body physical and energy.

In addition, you mentioned earlier, the internal blisses by opening the Ren and Du. It is considered, in a layperson, that the average "orgasm" comes from energy brushing the areas of the chakras, but not really abiding in them. You brought forward very accurate views. Although it is considered 'secret' teachings for me.

the real teachings are secret , we can find the techniques and how to practise them nowadays in many books but when a master gives you the same teachings it is the power that is given to you to practise the secret techniques it is not so much the method itself. To speak of the techniques freely is no problem because it is different when you are initiated into it.

How is your progress ? Let me explain, my heart chakra is still blocked. Although my training may be far different from yours, I think you will understand when I say I have a major blockage in the throat region, manifesting in sharp pain. You have opened your chakras ? You have sensed the melting from the head down ? How did you come about where you are now ?

MY progress right now is at a difficult stage , you know they say the mind is a monkey , the more you tell it to sit down the more it runs about. And because the mind is soo powerful once it starts to lose control because you begin to overcome it , it fights back harder, so the more you progress the harder it gets.

About the heart chakra still being blocked the problem is it is not really possible to open this chakra with meditation, the heart must be opened with love , no amount of focus can open it or else the lotus will be opened with force and this is not the right way. to open the heart chakra you must feel selfless love for everything everybody, this does not mean you are indiferent to people you can still not like someone , but still feel love for him because god created him.

About the throat , this area is very often difficult to clear out , the reason is because a) the throat gets affected every time a man ejaculates, i cannot remember why but it drains the throats energy, the second reason is that it is one of self expression, when you cannot express yourself the throat becomes blocked, and for somoene who is in a path of enlihtenment it is not possible to express yourself because people will think you are crazy and they dont care what you have to say, Also all the blocked up feelings strike the throat chakra. And because you do not wish to hurt peoples feelings you do not say what you want to.
i personally have had many problems with my throat and this is one of the reasons why i began chi kung apart from i needed it for my kung fu, even talking to yourself can be good as a form of self expression , tell your self what you would like to tell other people, if it bothers you that someone treated you unfairly at work just sit in front of the mirror and say , Jimbob you are an idiot you treated me badly at work i hate you tottaly , and then the feeling tiurns to one of indiference , and then you start feeling like , oh well jimbob is a nice guy forget it , which in turns opens your heart chakra also ...
Just meditation or reciting mantras like haam for the throat is another option but it is not always the easy way.
About sensing the melting from the head down i never sensed this because i began practising focusing on the ajna when i was young before my chakras had time to close up tottaly, however from time to time things occur that open my meridians up more,
but otherwise let me tell you this, from the moment you are initiated , you are already at your final destination, do not try to open all the chakras and balance them,from the moment you are initated all this has already occured and you just have to realise it. once you have opened you eyes and realised that becasue of your initiation your chakras have been balanced you will realise it is just an illusion about the chakras being blocked.

Lastly nobody apart from a perfect living guru can have totally balanced chakras all the time, when you meditate and you open the third eye ( ajna ) all the chakras under it fall into balance, however the minute you stop meditating the rest of the chakras start getting affected by external surroundings again.

About the question how did i get to where i am now , i dont know what you mean, i am here now at the level i am or the country i am because god wills it.

what do bin laden and general custer have in common????
They're both wondering where the fu(k all of those tomahawks are coming from. - donated by mojo

11-08-2001, 04:11 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> Lastly nobody apart from a perfect living guru can have totally balanced chakras all the time, when you meditate and you open the third eye ( ajna ) all the chakras under it fall into balance, however the minute you stop meditating the rest of the chakras start getting affected by external surroundings again. [/quote]
So true indeed

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> once you have opened you eyes and realised that becasue of your initiation your chakras have been balanced you will realise it is just an illusion about the chakras being blocked.
As the wise one said, it is directly proprtional to how omuch one has faith in it, let me know if I am wrong.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> heart chakra still being blocked the problem is it is not really possible to open this chakra with meditation, the heart must be opened with love , no amount of focus can open it or else the lotus will be opened with force and this is not the right way. to open the heart chakra you must feel selfless love for everything everybody, this does not mean you are indiferent to people you can still not like someone , but still feel love for him because god created him.
:) Thanks for the reminder.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> About the question how did i get to where i am now , i dont know what you mean, i am here now at the level i am or the country i am because god wills it.

[/quote]You've already answered it well.
Thanks for your time

I have always thought, everyone you meet, speak to, and pass by during your life has a reason. Things arise and things settle as a effect rather than a cause.

I actually have the Wong Fei Hung soundtrack here today ;)

11-08-2001, 10:14 AM
hey prana th ewong fei hugn soundtrack is great isnt it !! you can find the lyrics on the net quite easily the main song is called
nan er dan zi jian and the translation is brilliant.

About faith being all important, of course it is!

if you have no faith that your guru has already took you all the way. Then
there is no point ever meditating. You must put all your faith and your life in his hands and believe in him.And then you will actually come to realise how much good he has brought to you and how much he has balanced your whole body.

what do bin laden and general custer have in common????
They're both wondering where the fu(k all of those tomahawks are coming from. - donated by mojo