View Full Version : ATTN: Ryu.

12-14-2001, 07:14 AM
Ruy.what hapened to our challinge match you beeotch?i want to brake a botle of sapporo over your head.try poking me in the eye or biting me when i rub a mound of wasabe into ur eyes you coward!

12-14-2001, 07:15 AM
I bet that you and him are the same person, and I don't think either of you train in anything.
If not, he said that he trains in judo and something else, and you will only fight kung fu students, so you won't fight him.

12-14-2001, 07:20 AM
no,i will fight him.judo is weak.what most people dont know is that judo was invented after BJJ.some japanese guy was watching helio gracie fight and tried to copy him and make his own style.so you see,Judo is inferior to BJJ just like kung fu.i will fight him anytime.judo is merely a sport oriented style,BJJ is for real..beaaaaatch.

BJJ is superior

12-14-2001, 07:31 AM
ok,i challenge you and the winner gets wushuchik!
lets meet today if you have the guts.judo is weak compared to bjj,you will see.wushuchik isnt interested in sissys who do judo,bjj is a real mans art.we should video it so wushuchik can watch u get slapped,even though she's not korean.

Felipe Bido
12-14-2001, 07:39 AM
I think you'll need to fight Watchman first, if you want to get Wushu Chik...and Watchman has an army of bodyguard daughters that will surely whoop your Multi-personality as*(es?)

The one who wins gets Stacey

12-14-2001, 07:49 AM
Felipe Bido-
i dont want to fight watchman,he fought a former opponent of rickson gracie.


this is a NHB/streetfight with some MMA rules if you want.maybe a little dog brothers style too if you really want to get hurt.wushu chik wont be yours for long.

BJJ is superior to Judo which is superior to Kung Fu which is superior to TKD which is superior Tai-Chi which is superior to origami

12-14-2001, 08:12 AM
fine.i hear stacey is one fine women!you'll be sorry in the end.

we need a witness for this fight.i dont trust you despite your claims of chivalry.

BJJ is superior to Judo which is superior to Kung Fu which is superior to TKD which is superior Tai-Chi which is superior to origami

12-14-2001, 08:13 AM
It was funny when I didn't think it was Chokeyouout, a MMA/BJJ stylist. Since it's been brought up that it might be, it just AGAIN makes the people on this board think BJJ people are stupid.
Thanks for keeping the myth alive, bonehead. :rolleyes:

Go train.


12-14-2001, 08:15 AM
first, who is this imposter ryu?
second, bjj pieople ar knot stupied.

BJJ is superior to Judo which is superior to Kung Fu which is superior to TKD which is superior Tai-Chiwhich is superior to origami

12-14-2001, 08:31 AM
Wow, two mind numbingly stupid replies by the both of you. I still think you're both the same person.
There is no kungfuguy, I am the only one, and the only trolls in this thread are the two of you.

12-14-2001, 08:42 AM
LOL, see? Now that was funny.


KC Elbows
12-14-2001, 08:59 AM
This is not as high quality a period piece as yesterdays. The ralek impression is too easy, and the Ryu one apparently reached a plateau with yesterdays girl suplexing, eye poking, phase 1 instructorship schtick.

All around, I give this piece a 4 out of 10. He has hung on to the good elements of the Ryu impersonation, but failed to add anything substantial to his repertoire, and his Ralek is not too strong in this one.

If Mr. Period is going to supply us with the level of humor and entertainment we on the forum expect, he's gonna have to review more posts on the people he's parodying. However, his posts are clearly meant for entertainment, and the period immediately lets everyone here know it is a play on a person, as opposed to someone really trying to fool us into thinking that Ryu or Ralek are actually saying this stuff.

As far as ruining the sterling reputation of grapplers, are we talking about the same people who talk about humping weiner dogs, tidy whiteys, and pedophilia?

12-14-2001, 09:29 AM
Why not? Are the big words I use like "numbingly" and "a" hurting your brain?

12-14-2001, 09:32 AM
"Why not? Are the big words I use like "numbingly" and "a" hurting your brain?"

Hey KC Elbows, see what I mean?

BJJ is superior to Judo which is superior to Kung Fu which is superior to TKD which is superior Tai-Chi which is superior to origami

12-14-2001, 09:59 AM
You can improve your stuff if Ralek.. says "jiudo". The original didnt always talk like that, but it would be cool.

KC Elbows
12-14-2001, 10:13 AM
You'll probably get a lot more flak on posts that aren't as strong as you're suplex post. Still, the ones that are on are good, and you're attempting to do some new humor on here, so I don't see the problem.

Of course, I might change my mind if KC Elbows. should appear, but I don't think so. There doesn't seem to be any intended malice.

KC Elbows
12-14-2001, 10:44 AM

I just noticed the change in sigs.

Poor Ryu. I really can't wait to see who's next. Careful in how you impersonate moderators, though. Don't go starting false info about the sight or the magazine, that would be bad.

Ginger Fist
12-14-2001, 01:18 PM
fine.i hear stacey is one fine women!you'll be sorry in the end

--stacey is a 6' 200 lbs tranvestite & unless u have a good supply of k-y jelly ur end will be sorry ... i think

--wait ... i take that back ... u r a bjj guy so getting down with sweaty guys ... face full of butt crack ... sniffing crotches ... licking arm pits ... r all things u love ... stacey has found her(is) man ... ralek u horney 'ol queen u!!!

--bjj is superior to dog sh*it as bjj stink lasts much longer

12-14-2001, 01:26 PM
Ginger Fist-
Do they have brain cells out there in good ole' Montana??sheesh...this isnt fun anymore,just sad.
someone needs to let you in on the joke;)

12-14-2001, 02:06 PM
I dunno Ryu. I didn't really want to p#ss anyone off either.
so, what's up with our challenge match?

wushu chik
12-14-2001, 03:22 PM
PLEASE LEAVE ME OUT OF THIS....my heart belongs to one and only...WATCHMAN......and, so therefor, I will not be "WON" by anywone...unless its him!!



Ginger Fist
12-14-2001, 05:43 PM
Do they have brain cells out there in good ole' Montana??

--dude 4 sure!!! i'll send u 1 ... that way if u get it firing in sych with the 1 brain cell u all ready have u will elevate to sh*it4brains status

sheesh...this isnt fun anymore,just sad.

--& a sad sack of sh*it u r sissy boy ... now about ur delighting in a face full of some guy's butt crack ...

someone needs to let you in on the joke

--better deal ... y don't u take ur sorry lil cry baby self 2 some wannabe forum ... u'll b right at home ... loser

--i have taken ur crown now off with ur head!!!

12-14-2001, 06:33 PM
I'm sincerely confused when people don't see that this is an attempt at comedy (Hey, I laughed OUT LOUD at the "Girls and Grappling" thread.). I'm even more confused when people don't understand that a person with a . after their name who've suddenly dropped to 3 posts isn't the same online persona they've come to respect. The final thing that confounds me about this is when folks don't think two personas with a period or two after their name(s) are the same person having fun.

Oh well. :rolleyes:

Ginger Fist
12-15-2001, 07:40 AM
I'm sincerely confused when people don't see that this is an attempt at comedy

--u r right ... u r confused ... try reading the info put out on ? this forum is 4 ... here loser - i'll save u the time & brain cells ... it's not a comedy drop in zone

(Hey, I laughed OUT LOUD at the "Girls and Grappling" thread.).

--hey ... so ?

I'm even more confused ...

--u r at 100% confused ... can't get anymore confused than u all ready r ... loser

... don't think two personas with a period or two after their name(s) are the same person having fun.

--try ur local video arcade 4 fun

12-15-2001, 12:46 PM
Ginger fist-

why so angry?

Ginger Fist
12-15-2001, 12:52 PM
why so angry?

--u troll while pretendin 2 do sumthin else ... i pretend 2 troll while doing sumthin else ... conflict in missions

12-15-2001, 02:35 PM
GF believes that his more violent method of trolling will singlehandedly bring the destruction of the so-called "phoney's" that are on this site. I THINK he refers to those Sifu's who operate McKwoon's. Maybe he's also attacking styles without lineage, or those that train with pads. I can't be 100% clear at the moment.

However, the day I manage to decipher the torrent of sh!t he is spewing, I will be courteous enough to provide a transcript.

BTW: Didn't you like, PROMISE to p!ss off somewhere else Ralek?

12-15-2001, 04:13 PM
Sorry! Forgot this isn't the REAL Ralek. I just got caught up in the whole speech, my bad. Sorry again. I do apologise.