View Full Version : Anyone Train Continuous Fist?

Water Dragon
12-14-2001, 10:18 AM
I just figured out hand-elbow-shoulder last night and am somewhat proud of myself. The key was in my stance work, I just missed it all this time. Anyone else train this? What comes next?

Felipe Bido
12-14-2001, 12:01 PM
The next step is Hip-knee-foot and how to strike with your shoulders...well, that's the Xingyi way

Water Dragon
12-14-2001, 12:33 PM
Cool, thanks. I had hand to shoulder for a while, but couldn't figure out how to get any power in the elbow. I can see how hip-knee-foot would flow, gonna take a lot of time to get it though :D

12-14-2001, 12:54 PM
What are you guys talking about? ;)

Water Dragon
12-14-2001, 01:11 PM
Continuous fist is kinda like a boxing combo with a Chinese flavor. For example, I'll hit you with a right handed palm, fold in a hit you with a right horizontal elbow, then fold again and bump you with my right shoulder to knock you away. It's not to hard to get the arm motions, but being able to do it with power behind each blow is the trick.

12-14-2001, 01:31 PM
Aha! That's what I thought you guys were talking about! The hips-knee-foot thing threw me off (*still boggling*).

There's TONNES of that in bagua, both in my lineage and in general. My teacher usually calls it 'folding.' It's definitely very, very cool. We do all sorts of palm-elbow and elbow-palm combinations, actually, almost every strike is like this; it's just a matter of wrapping your head around it and getting the little bits of the posture right. One of Mike Patterson's bagua application clips on www.hsing-i.com shows this with an outside wrapping-up posture (going from squared off with opponent to pigeon toed to his side, one side facing him, and your back facing him). Actually, it's all very fundamental in bagua. With paired circlewalking (picture the forearms of each lead hand touching), if you are too tense, your partner simply 'folds' inwards, keeping his wrist where it is to check your tense lead arm, and elbowing you in the face. The bajichuan guys I know also rave about this. Apparently they're pretty gungho about it too. They practice folding in - upper knuckle strike, lower knuckle strike, wrist strike, elbow strike, shoulder strike... A very different flavor than the bagua 'continuous fist' but it's all real cool.

Felipe Bido
12-14-2001, 01:48 PM
In the Bear form of Xingyiquan there's a 6-hit continous fist combo.

It goes like this: fist-elbow-foot (a kick)-elbow-fist-head

The three first hits follow an upward cycling motion, the last three follow a downard motion...of course, you can only do this effectively if the opponent is cornered to a wall or in a following motion (chasing the opponent)

12-14-2001, 02:01 PM
i saw in a book they did something like finger tips, leopard paw, fist, wrist, forarm, elbow, shoulder.

it would be awsome if you could put power behind all of them, if i ever do i movie i'm going to put something like that in there.

Water Dragon
12-14-2001, 03:01 PM
it would be awsome if you could put power behind all of them,

Yeah, it is pretty awesome. It's also what makes it a not so easy thing to do.

Braden, it's a little different then folding, but it's the next logical step. There all full power blows. From wat I understand, after this there's also a continuous and returning fist.