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View Full Version : sinus infections and working out

12-16-2001, 03:57 PM
Hey All,
So I've just started at a new school, and I'm totally psyched about it! My only problem is that now I have a sinus infection, sore throat, and plugged ears...I've read that it's okay to work out if you have a sinus infection but not if you have an upper respiratory infection...I just don't want to lose my momentum, but I also don't want my body to be weakened. Any feedback would be appreciated!!

"sometimes when i get nervous i stick my hands under my armpits..."

12-17-2001, 11:10 AM
I have generally avoided training if I had a headache or fever. The exception would be muscle spasms in neck or shoulder, in which case I'd begin and see if there was improvement. I've trained with a cold, and been none the worse for it; again, not with a fever.

I assume that your sinus infection is being treated, seen to by a doctor. The doc might have an opinion on whether you should be quiet for a couple of days. With a sinus infection, sore throat and clogged ears, it adds up to feeling kind of ill to me. If you've been training regularly and properly, your body won't go down the tubes over a couple of days off.

Sinus infections with ear involvement can affect your vision, balance and stamina.

I don't understand no training with upper respiratory infection, but okay with a sinus infection. It doesn't make sense to me. If anything, a moderate cold doesn't hold a candle to a sinus infection in terms of need for professional medical help, and potential seriousness. Maybe there was concern that the cold (upper respiratory infection) might be spread, and I do think that consideration is in order. However, lots of people continue their workouts to the degree that they are able with a cold, staying out of school while they're sneezing all over the place.

I didn't notice the date of your query before answering.
Hope you are now, or soon, in tip top shape


12-17-2001, 01:08 PM
Hey Cody,
I appreciate your feedback. I actually did get to my dr. today and now I'm on antibiotics. So I should be back to my old self soon.

The explanation about upper respiratory inf. is that it would basically cause you to have a major coughing fit and bring up all sorts of fun things. I don't think I could work out at this point anyway, attributed to the symptoms you mentioned as well as the fact that I would be constantly blowing my nose.

Again, thanks for the feedback.

"Sometimes when I get nervous, I stick my hands under my armpits..."

12-17-2001, 01:28 PM
There are two reasons why you should not workout sick.

The first is that if your body is busy healing from your workout, it cannot focus on elimanting the infection.

The second is that you may be contagious and can get your training partners sick, which is selfish and rude.

That being said, get well soon so you can get back to your workouts :).

12-17-2001, 03:38 PM
I am so glad you saw a doc. The other thing which is fortunate is that you are blowing your nose a lot. Sinus infections can be tricky cause people think they are okay when nothing comes out. It could be backing up and go chronic. So, be sensitive to pressure between eyes, over eyes, under eyes, over eyebrows. If you've got this, and a mild headache, get it checked out.
While you're healing, warm compresses (washcloth) over the affected area (not over the eyes) is helpful for drainage. Also, filling sink with hot water with towel over head and sniffing the steam. You can add some menthol and/or eucalyptus aromatic oils to the water.

Actually, one reason working out is good if you have a little cold is because you get all the yuk out. lol. I'm not talking about serious stuff, like pneumonia. Mentioned the contagious factor in my post already.

Take care, rest, and feel better,

12-18-2001, 01:53 AM
Hey Cody,
Again, thank you for your feedback...what you're saying makes a lot of sense...Also considering the point that Shao-Lin Boxer brought up, it being rude and selfish to get others sick. Which would be the last thing I'd want. You're right, these sinus things do come on very slowly. I'd hate to have it on a constant basis. Other people would hate it too, as I'd be miserable to be around! lol
Thank you for all of your suggestions...they are much appreciated!

"Sometimes when I get nervous I stick my hands under my armpits..."

12-19-2001, 12:51 PM

Sinus infections are not contagious. Working with one will only slow you down. The only thing I would worry about is taking decongestants and allergy meds. Decongestants can make you dehydrated, so drink plenty of water. Allergy meds can increase your heart rate causing you to get the jitters.

Also, your profile says you take Hung Gar. Do you study under sifu Gary Mitchell at chen hung?