View Full Version : The Answers everyone wants

The Willow Sword
12-17-2001, 12:03 AM
I am creating a new thread so that the other one can finally end and folks here can move on.

I LOST THE FIGHT. i went to th East Wind Training Hall with low spirits, for i did not have the support of my teacher or anyone really at my school. i was accompanied by a long time friend and SD student that does not go to very often to class, as my represenative.

REEMUL has more full contact experince than i and was able to handle himself against me. i Walked away with several things that night. 1. Bruised Ribs 2. a new outlook on my training regimen and relationship to the SD school. 3. a ally with whom i will train with 4. Respect.

I do not feel upset at losing the fight nor do i feel that what i do is no good. in fact I KNOW that what i do is solid,,,it is sad though that OUR school does not train that much in REALISTIC sparring. but i do not wish to put down my school or make them responsable for me. but it would have been nice to have the support of my teacher with whom i have dedicated 7+years to not to mention SD itself. That is the only anger i feel a this point. i do honor the CONTENT of SD and GM SIN.

SO To all of you. there it is. i will not go into detail about the fight itself. Reemul can do that or he can post whatever he wishes. but i do feel that some apologies are in order to those who have made him out to be the bad guy in this. You don know a man until you meet him eye to eye. I have,,,,and i can tell you that REEMUL is one of the "good ones" here.

MAny Respects , Willow SWord

12-17-2001, 12:13 AM
for posting what happened...it's too bad people felt the need to pressure you...no dishonor in losing a good fight.

12-17-2001, 12:17 AM
It's not good when your school/sifu doesn't back what you do, especially in something like this. I am glad to see that you have learned something out of this...and Reemul too...and I seriously hope that we can ALL put this to rest!

12-17-2001, 01:58 AM
wow, I was way way wrong.

Crimson Phoenix
12-17-2001, 02:31 AM
Now that's the kind of post I never dreamt I would read...TTT to you, Willow Sword.

bean curd
12-17-2001, 02:37 AM
i have read this with interest and now that the result is known, it is a good thing that you have shared this with others.

fighting depends on what you want out of it. i do not understand why you didn't have the support of your gwoon, i can only ask if you don't mind, did you have their consent to fight on behave of them. if yes, then point blank you should walk away from them.

if no, then it is understandable why they didnt support you.

fighting is a strange thing, it brings on many emotions, many fears, to walk into the fight with another who was also willing to participate is courage in itself.

only you will know if the result of the fight was what you where expecting, achieving, realising.

it appears you have one the fight on one level even though you feel you lost it on another.

reemul has good mo duk to have stayed closed till you opened up the door.

12-17-2001, 08:18 AM
Many props for putting the result up. Pity so many people gave you so much heat though. I think we need to get some lives.


12-17-2001, 10:12 AM
Willow, good to see your being a man about it i dont think you have lost any respect .....you have gained mine.

12-17-2001, 10:28 AM
cant win all the time, live and you learn.
my apologies to willow sword and reemul for playing the role of instigator.
you did good to stand up for yourself and travel such a distance,
learn what you can from that experience and become better at what you do.
all the best.

MonkeySlap Too
12-17-2001, 10:41 AM
Hey Willow, props to you for trying.

I know you have a fondness for your school, and have spent much time with them. But I would look closely at how your school trains and how CMA trains.

Understand that most CMA won't want to share with you because they fear thier material will end up in Sin The's organization.

Your a decent guy, and it's a hard road, but it will be worth it.


12-17-2001, 11:06 AM
To Willow Sword:

Thanks for satisfying our curiosity. You guys have good Wu De .Probably better than the rest of us. :D

Just curious TWS.....

You said that your school did not back you up. What exactly do you mean by that?

Could you elaborate a bit.


The Willow Sword
12-17-2001, 11:26 AM
Monkey slap: never been nor will i EVER be a kung fu burglar.

Fu Pow: i'd rather not go into details about that, my ground has always been shakey with the school due to my independance. i want to leave it at that.

Thankyou for the good responses/the future responses positive and negative.
Many Respects<<Willow Sword

12-17-2001, 11:34 AM
TWS, much props for taking things like a man.

Question-Do you think your lack of support affected your fighting ability/intent.
This is not a cop out.
Many times when I go out and get into a fight, I find that if I have a worthy reason to fight, I fight more fluidly aqnd aggressively than when Im fighting over something stupid with no real value behind it.

Just curious


MonkeySlap Too
12-17-2001, 11:48 AM
Hey, no implications towards you implied, I was just saying what others would fear about the situation, that's all.


12-17-2001, 11:52 AM
And reemul has STILL failed to convince you that Shaolin Do sucks.

All of his unkungfulike asinine *****ing has not convinced you to drop Shaolin Do. Despite getting beaten, you're STILL embracing your style.

Not only that, he respects you - or he OUGHT TO. If your style was so bad, he'd continue to spew insults and hatred about you. If you were really that terrible, we'd be hearing about it from him right arond NOW.

Thus your mission was accomplished! You have earned Shaolin Do respect.

I for one would love to see how things shape up in a NEUTRAL location - and you in your proper state of mind.

12-17-2001, 01:38 PM
To HuangKaiVun ,

You are so full of crap its funny:D

No matter how many times I tell you and others how I feel about something you look beyond the meaning of my words into some parallel universe that you dreamt up and creat your own.

It has never been my mission to convince Willow to leave Shaolin-do, as I told him after the fight "If you like what your doing then continue to do it" That does not mean I respect SD. That does not mean I accept SD as shaolin.

I think it's funny that you accuse me of spewing hatred. Im sorry I can't be like you pretentious psuedo Buddhist who spout off some homemade proverbs that equate to " can't we all just get along". I don't spend time hating anyone. I am straight forward and I say what I mean and I don't sugar coat my responses. If you don't like it thats too bad.

Lets face it HuangKaiVun, your just mad the outcome wasn't to your liking.

12-17-2001, 02:46 PM
The Willow Sword and Reemul

Great courage from both of you and even with revealing the results. I believe everyone agrees that martial arts in the end builds discipline and spiritual strength, and much much more.

I do not neccesarry agree that it is or isnt a style of fight that wins, it depends on so much more, but the important thing is that the only thing that really got hurt was a little bit of attachment to self, and now you are both shinning of respect and honour.

I know I am nobody to say this, but congratulations to both of ya !

12-17-2001, 03:51 PM
Much respect to both Reemul and TWS. You met, you fought, and you protected each other's honour for as long as you could.

12-17-2001, 04:56 PM
All that's left is a play by play description :D

MonkeySlap Too
12-17-2001, 05:05 PM
I posted this on the other thread. I think it's true...
__________________________________________________ __

Under the watchful gaze of that hairy monk dude and the five ancestors, TWS and Reemul met on the fighting floor.

Reemul launched into a whirlwind of action, tiger claws slahing tearing and rending the very air itself, as TWS bent over backwards to avoid the blows in slow motion. A single, precise, rocket like kick shot up before both WTS and Reemul suddenly had thier attention pierced by a bloodcurdling scream.

As the dust settled around them, and a flock of doves flew past in slow motion, TWS and Reemul looked up to see that hairy dude getting a body shave from the five ancestors.

Enraged at this afront to diginity, TWS and Reemul attacked the five ancestors together. Much to thier surprise, the hairy dude was liking the shave. Forced to fight thier own history, they dusted the hairy dude and the five ancestors, leaving themselves alone together on the fighting floor amidst a pile of vanquished myths and broken bodies.

Reemul's foot cut a slow half circle in the dust.

TWS slowly looked up and said: 'Beer?'

Reemul nodded and croaked out one fateful word. 'Beer.'

The end. Run credits.

:p :p :p

12-17-2001, 05:43 PM
And to post the results was so hard because????? ;) :D

Seriously though, congrats to the both of you showing much respect to each other! I'm sure it was a good match. I don't know much about SD, but if your school won't back you for a "friendly" match, then I would think that they don't want their name associated with your loss, if they thought that there style wouldn't hold up. If you won, who knows! But this is just speculation.

But by showing you you did show that SD can hold up and it trains good fighters!! It's not the style, it's the fighters.

I, like others, have give you props for doing what you both did. Thanks again for the results! play-by-play is not necessary.

Much respect to you both TWS and Reemul!


12-17-2001, 06:39 PM
man, i was wrong about the results. congratulations to you both for going through with it. also, congratulations to reemul for winning, and to willow sword for coming up and admitting he lost and being such a good sport about it.

there is nothing wrong about losing a fight if you lost honorably. on the contrary, you should be proud that you stood up for your beliefs, and even though you didn't come out on top, you were a good sport about it. you still won reemul's respect, even though his opinion of shaolin-do may have not changed.

all in all, you both would probably agree that it was a good learning experience, and that you learned something about each side in the process, and in the end, you both came out on top, even though reemul won the fight. huang was right in that regard, because each of you won in different ways as well as lost in different ways.

you are both a great inspiration to the rest of us on how to honorably settle disputes. it is definitely a link to the past that i hope will spread. it would greatly benefit the quality of martial arts here in the west to have challenges that would weed out the good schools from the bad. the styles that are existent today are existent because they are all effective. they are all effective because they could stand up to these challenges throughout history.

12-17-2001, 10:06 PM
reemul, I expected NO LESS from you.

As I said, GOOD LUCK in your future encounters.