View Full Version : Future Martial Art style trends???

12-17-2001, 01:43 PM
Generally the 20's and 30's brought us Judo and Jujutsu. In the 40's and 50's it was Karate. In the 60's and 70's everyone was "Kung Fu Fighting" and then, even more Karate. in the 80's everyone wanted to become a skilled assassin by studying the art of the Ninja. The Tae Kwon Do craze hit about then too . The 90's brought on by the success of NHB venues gave us MMA's. What will be the trendy "new" style most everyone wants to learn coming further into the new century? No one really knows but it's always fun to guess. What do you people think will be the "style to learn" in the next decade?

--Will Filipino arts get into the spotlight?
--Can the Western Martial Arts prove itself to hardcore Asian MA students?
--Are Asian MA's going to sustain it's role as the most popular to the mass public?
--When will the less known Asian arts such as Silat and Kuntao, Bando etc..... gain any ground in it's battle for notoriety.
--Will Russia and the rest of Eastern Europe show their MA's might to the rest of the world?
--Will some super secret art pop up from some exotic country?

Post your opinions and let your allegiance show

(P.S...... Dont anyone get offended.:P Just having a little fun and i really want to know what people think is gonna be the next big thing. Been wondering for a while now so everyone hurry up and post. of course i'm gonna always choose KUNG FU.)

:D :D :D :D :D

12-17-2001, 02:13 PM
musical kata performances will reign supreme. i can see it now: john paul mitchell sitting behind his mahogany desk, his head stooped and his fingers tapping eaching other while he mutters the word "excellent" over and over.

12-17-2001, 02:16 PM
I think systems like Complience Direction Takedown (http://www.cdt-training.com) will take off. The public wants to learn self defense not Sentry Takedowns, knife play or spend years dedicating themselves to a traditional system.

Things like Defendo and Combatives will not take-off due to the militaristic nature.

Mr Nunchaku
12-17-2001, 02:17 PM
Hopefully I am wrong about this but kung fu is getting very popular and that would mean bad commercialization and lots of phoney schools. People see movies where they say kung fu and it makes them want to be a part of it.

12-17-2001, 02:18 PM
Somebody will perfect the art of programming eight pages of computer code in .2 seconds to become the ultimate enlightened video game fighter, and then they will sell a video.

12-17-2001, 02:25 PM
I bet on a couple of things.

1) A revival of trad. arts as a backlash on cont. ones

2) As more of the world becomes urban, and business/service orientated, "speed-classes" will be introduced, kind of short-courses in things to cope with the modern environment. Also I think that most of the "Combat Arts" will merely become more commercialised and publicised. Navy Seal, SAS bulls*it and stuff.

Unless the naive stupid public learns to see thry that c r a p, which is unlikely.

12-17-2001, 02:25 PM

in the future u will have to be able to defend yours truly among the stars... blablabla

12-17-2001, 02:40 PM
One current trend that I think will continue is the recognition and continued popularity of contemporary wushu.

Over the past 5 years it has been recognized and shown up in a lot of mainstream movies (as they embrace HK fight choreography, etc). Darth Maul, Jet Li, Matrix sequels, etc etc.

Also the upcoming 2008 olympics in Beijing should shine a light on the competition sport aspects of contemporary wushu (as well as general interest in things like taiji and traditional styles as well).

An unfortunate trend that is related, will definitely continue too, thats the 'contemporization' of traditional chinese martial arts. Kids throwing in contemporary moves into traditional sets to 'spice it up' ; using lighter weight contemporary wushu swords, etc, etc. This is a bad trend I wish we could stop, contemporary is cool, but keep the traditional traditional.

just my $0.02

12-17-2001, 02:41 PM
I think mixed martial arts are the wave of the future.
striking arts mixed with grappling mixed with take downs.

look at the chinese martial art of San Shou.This art came out for better ring fighting and has take downs and throughs.
It's keeping up with the times
Now with cable tv and the dish, people are going to see what is the most effective,what wins most fighting matches.
and that happens to be striking arts mixed with grappling arts.

But I've been wrong before.:cool:

12-17-2001, 02:41 PM
Uuh...............ok, keep em' comin'.........

12-17-2001, 02:47 PM
oh, you left out legal battles...most self defence is fought by lawyers in the courtroom these days :rolleyes:

interesting question though. maybe in the near-future there will be a resurgence of combat-based survival training due to 9-11?

the cardio thing will stick around to some degree because its good exercise, but i bet the 'craze' will be fadded out soon.

maybe a return to traditional since people need to believe in something with history or spiritual and mystique? hmmm..

but i think that the next big jump in self defense will be building killer robots to act as bodyguards and fight for us as we psychically direct them with our minds! that is my final answer and i'm sticking to it ;)

12-17-2001, 02:50 PM
Lawyer Do. An amazing martial art where a bunch of pussies will run at the mouth and hide behind a team of well trained Lawyers. It'll be great, everything will be illegal and stupidity will be rewarded heavily. There will be venues where people hire teams of them to do battle over things like spilled coffee and name calling and nobody will be accountable for anything. The only prerequisite to gain proficiency is a ton of money and a lack of a spine.

12-17-2001, 02:52 PM
In the future I'd like to see Capoiera get its fifteen minutes.

Who knows maybe midieval fighting arts. Was there any open hand combat then or just weapon skills?


12-17-2001, 02:55 PM
perhaps the long overdue respect that Chung Moo Doe (TM) has been sorely without?

12-17-2001, 03:23 PM
in the near future, I see a continuation of the trend to water down the arts for the purpose of public consumption, with quick self-defense as the aim, or just jumping around. Few people will be trained in a traditional fashion. The supposition that you might be in line for such training will no longer be made, as it will have been figured out that this is not available unless you are approached. More demos to hip hop music and such. More flash, if possible. And, the travel industry will make out big time. That's the surface.

Into the far future, I see martial arts undergoing a change. Possibly the traditional arts that are so familiar today, will be distilled and a central art or two or three, with some offshoots, will replace them. (Please, this is theoretical.) Another possibility is that some of the arts will remain, but will change, modernize, and will become closed schools again. The martial arts school will cease to be an exercise gym, and in fact, there might be a renewal of a spiritual component, not necessarily identical to Shaolin Temple (the belief system might be different), but having that dedication and separateness. I am thinking there could be many levels within for people of different talents, but that is a tangent.

I am thinking that the human conception of energy and how it works in the cosmos might undergo an evolution that will change the training. Hopefully, we will not be so quick to make war before this happens.
Kind of going backward and forwards at the same time, if you will. In my view, the essence of martial arts lies in true mind boxing, and in mind over matter techniques, which I call "spirit fighting". It might go back to what the greatest masters had (and some modern ones possess, to what many of them claim to be a lesser degree), and then forward into some evolution of the human brain based on what is already there, but not more than a poorly used potential for the most part.

The body will need training, probably very similar to what is done now. We have heard about bionic parts for such a long time, that maybe that might be a reality some day.

I think the mind, where and how it goes, with and without the shell we call a body, is where the martial arts reaches its apex now, and where it will in the future. The real war is with the spirit and mind. To know its own energy and be able to tell that from incoming (physical and psychological). To feel energy frequencies and know how to use them, and it is then science and the obtuse writings will meet and tango. Don't worry, there will still be mystery. I think we're in for quite a ride, but I can't see further than this.


Dark Knight
12-17-2001, 03:31 PM
In the near future we will see a watering down of the arts. Everyone wants to be a Soke and they will pay some organization to get a certificate. this will lead to 30 year old grand masters showing up everywhere (Already happening)

We are seeing Organizations appear that have standards and international strength. It will take time but the MA will regain integrity as all the "Soke's" die off. Its still way ahead, and we will see more watering down before it gets better.

With information becomeing more available we will see this problem weed out. But Until then be amazed at how many 3rd degrees "Create" their own.

12-17-2001, 05:57 PM
One reason that I don't give "Kung Fu" a chance is because of how it's shown in the movies. Lot's of wire work, wonderful stunts, but it's not Bruce Lee fighting Chuck Norris.

12-17-2001, 06:01 PM
"Lot's of wire work, wonderful stunts, but it's not Bruce Lee fighting Chuck Norris."

Yeah that fight ruled!!!
I think Contemp wushu will be the next big thing. We got the olympics comming up and all the movies. Yup wushu will be it.

Jeff Liboiron
12-17-2001, 09:36 PM
In the far far far future, if you want to learn kung fu, you will be able to get a chip implanted in your head that gives you the skillz :D :D

I know Kung Fu - Keanu Reeves

FOR THE LAST TIME, NO YOU DON"T!!!!!!! - Jeff Liboiron :D

12-18-2001, 01:26 AM
Russian Martial Arts.

I can't believe no one's said it yet.


12-18-2001, 05:25 AM
Afghani fencing?

12-18-2001, 06:41 AM
In all seriousness, I think that martial arts will become less dilineated. People will absorb what works from other styles and incorporate it into their own until there is no need for the word style and you just have one martial art. This would be similar to jujitsu in the 1600's where the bushi would wander from school to school trying to learn the essence of each school to incorporate into their own fighting method, using only what worked and proving it through challenges to other masters. Schools of martial arts then will be based less on style and more on the preferences of the head master (for example, so and so likes striking pressure points to win, so his school would be insert-name-here Ryu).

old jong
12-18-2001, 07:07 AM
The future is :John Wayne's style brawling but with chi blasts added!...And you better believe it!;)

12-18-2001, 07:10 AM
The number of people who take classes will go up, but the number of people who REALLY grasp the art will stay the same.

Also, I think that modern diet and conditioning will play more of a factor for those that really practice than before.

12-18-2001, 08:32 AM
Generally the 20's and 30's brought us Judo and Jujutsu. In the 40's and 50's it was Karate. In the 60's and 70's everyone was "Kung Fu Fighting" and then, even more Karate. in the 80's everyone wanted to become a skilled assassin by studying the art of the Ninja. The Tae Kwon Do craze hit about then too . The 90's brought on by the success of NHB venues gave us MMA's. What will be the trendy "new" style most everyone wants to learn coming further into the new century? "

There will be several rising existing styles. Rising by good promotion or good public relations. These will allow many people of different preferences to get into the categoryies related the field referred to as Martial Art (which consists of martial arts).

"No one really knows but it's always fun to guess. What do you people think will be the "style to learn" in the next decade? "

There will be three off shoots from supposed military special units training (close quarters combat?). The internal and external Kung-Fus will continue their current increase steadilly. All popular Eastern martial arts will gain membership except Japanese which will level off. The mixed martial arts/No Holds Barred/Shootfighting/Brazilian Juijitsu.? will stay the same but will have steady turn-over of people every five years for a score or so.

"--Will Filipino arts get into the spotlight?"

Through JKD and JKDC (that are Inosanto related and Philipnene instructor based)~ they will spread.

"--Can the Western Martial Arts prove itself to hardcore Asian MA students?"

Jailhouse Rock, JKD*, American Kempo (Kenpo?), The Gentemanly Art (boxing), fencing (Eppe'?), Savate, television wrestling (Greek/Italian (Roman)) are the only Western martial arts. Hardcore Asian Martial arts students don't have need for anything else.

"--Are Asian MA's going to sustain it's role as the most popular to the mass public? "

Yes. It's become the source. It will keep it's predominance.

"--When will the less known Asian arts such as Silat and Kuntao, Bando etc..... gain any ground in it's battle for notoriety. "

They won't, they will slowly grow keeping it's integrity, or dwindle, because of faithless rash stunents trying to get theirs~"If I can get money for what I like doing I'll take it."~

"--Will Russia and the rest of Eastern Europe show their MA's might to the rest of the world?"

No, there will be Sambo type stuff, but the Chinese type practices will be quiet and devoutly studied in these countries.

"--Will some super secret art pop up from some exotic country? "

Not exotic, unless America is still (if ever) considered exotic. Not secret~-ish Merely better understanding of existing beliefs and practices. Perhaps.

"Post your opinions and let your allegiance show "

I pledge allegiance to the flag, of the United States of America...

12-18-2001, 08:48 AM
good post , mighty b.

mixed martial arts will continue to grow , and will dominate the adult martial arts scene . There will be many McDojo bjj schools also. It will get harder and harder for charlatans to stay in business.