View Full Version : Kung Fu Form?

12-19-2001, 01:09 PM
In ther beginning of Jet Li's "Tai Chi" it shows a group practicing a particular form. Does anybody know the name of this form , and can tell me where it comes from? I understand that this might be a difficult question seeing as how its an older show, and not everyone might have a copy , or keep such a thing in the forefront of thier memory.

12-20-2001, 06:24 PM
I have no idea of the accuracy of this, but I was told that those are Chen Tai Chi movements they are doing.

Hope that helps.

12-20-2001, 10:16 PM
Most of it was Chen Taiji, but I also though I'd seen some Yang in there to. I'll have to watch it again.

wushu chik
12-20-2001, 11:08 PM
I rewatched it about 4 or 5 times today, and I believe it's Chen Style.....but it's been modified a little I believe.

But, I have a question about that movie as well. Do you think it's possible to achieve Chi like Jet has "achieved" in his movie, in real life?


12-27-2001, 06:09 PM
wushu_chick, "Do you think it's possible to achieve Chi like Jet has "achieved" in his movie, in real life? " My answer to you is,

I do. :-)

wushu chik
12-27-2001, 08:57 PM
Know_No...do tell, this is very interesting!


12-28-2001, 08:50 AM
I initially was referring to "Twin Warriors" and "Tai Chi II." I think I did not see the first in the series "Tai Chi Master". But I'll mention some relavant things to what you asked ("do tell")

Temperature around the practitioner, at least within a foot distance of the waving can be noticablly decreased by waving of the arms.

The practitioner can pull the air--make the wind blow from a direction of choice by certain arm movements...

What were some of the things done in "Tai Chi Master" that you're wondering if they can Really be done?

12-28-2001, 12:42 PM
Actually, in Twin Warriors...Tai Chi Master...the beginining has Jet Li doing Chen Style...later he also does some of Pao Chui...and then behind him, the group is doing 24 Posture Simplified Taijiquan.

They are doing Grasp Sparrow's Tail...to Kai He...to Grasp sparrow's tail on the opposite side...then to Single Whip, then Wave Hands Like Clouds....this is from the last half of the second line of 24 posture up through the first half of the third line.

Definitely NOT Chen style in the background....and the foreground what Jet Li is doing may be the Competition Chen routine.

At the end of the movie, they are reprising the 24 again....