View Full Version : slant kick

12-21-2001, 02:12 PM
in the last chunk of the chum kiu, WT has a slant kick, a kick where the knee leads the foot and the hips open up as the kick fires/sweeps out to the side.

now the question: what other families use this kick?

and one more: what kicks might your family have, aside from the front (from yap gerk), side (from bong gerk) and slant?

12-21-2001, 02:34 PM
There was a thread on this not too long ago, it's also called the Lotus kick. Do you train this one for practical applicatin?
We also train a hook kick, which I'm not sure is traditional. Plus two definitely traditional kicks- the stomp kick and the jerk kick (jut gerk?). Not all the kicks are in the forms, as far as I know, but I haven't learned the wooden man sets yet.

We do train the lotus kick on our backs from the ground, as part of a 4-directional kicking drill. Contact is made with the blade of the foot.

Some WC clans have up to 8 kicks. Don't know what they are.

Oh yeah, the kicks are a secret part of the style. SHHHHHH!


12-21-2001, 02:48 PM
lotus kick! that sounds about right. we do train it for application, but it's seldom used. it's more of a surprise kick (dåmnit! now i've blown our cover!) to the midsection. an example of application would be if your hands are dealing with one attacker and someone approaches from your side, you throw a slant kick as a surprise to the midsection. i feel this kick is better suited for certain multiple attacker situations, as it doesn't require as much of a weight transfer during it, and it won't require you to lose contact with your first attacker or turn your stance to face the other. oh, and we emphasize kicking with either the heel or the whole foot. i like the heel, because it's the stoutest part of the foot.

this may be a dopey question, but would the name "lotus kick" be derived from the lotus position, which your kicking leg assumes half of as it shimmies out to your side?