View Full Version : San Shou/Shiau Chiao (sp?) near Washington DC?

11-09-2001, 10:48 PM
Well folks, is there?

I'm looking to supplement my BJJ. I tried to find some Muay Thai near by; there's some stuff a little out, but I was hoping for closer to home.

Daytime classes a must.

I there isn't any, looks like road trips for Muay Thai for me!!!

Water Dragon
11-09-2001, 10:53 PM
If you're willing to road trip, try this.

Go to www.combatshuaichiao.com (http://www.combatshuaichiao.com) and get the tapes.

Find a friend or two to throw around. Make the trip to Atlanta every now and then to work with David Lin. I've spoken to him through e-mail, he's a real nice guy. He's also the Rickson Gracie of Shuai Chiao.

11-09-2001, 10:56 PM
I know me, and I'd be better off training Muay Thai with a coach than tapes... maybe later, once I have some striking ability.

Thanks for the suggestion!!!

11-10-2001, 12:46 AM
Shuai Chiao- there is a school in Baltimore

San Shou- there is a school in Charles County, MD (south of DC) and I think there is one in Baltimore

If these aren't too far, post back and I'll start the research process for contact info.

I don't get mad.
I get stabby.

11-10-2001, 02:04 AM
Merry don't u train with LLOYD??? Doesn't he have a muy thai program??? If u're in Fairfax...Mike Accosta's teaches muy thai...and GMU has a muy thai program under Trident peeps.


11-10-2001, 02:16 AM
The Muay Thai class happens during some jiujitsu classes. I have free time during the day on some weeks because of my schedule. I don't want to sacrifice one for the other, so since I have some free time, I'd like to use it.

Shuai Chiao
San Shou

What is the difference? Asking out of genuine curiosity.

I would be willing to consider a drive to Baltimore. I don't know where Charles County is.

Legend, could you provide some more info about the muay thai program in Fairfax?

Water Dragon
11-10-2001, 02:18 AM
Shuai Chiao is a martial art that emphasises throwing techs, although it does have strikes and locks.

San Shou is a sport designed for Kung Fu stylists wanting to test their stuff. Any style can compete in San Shou. And before IFKMDC see this, yes, I know it's an oversimplification. And Yes, I know about the Chinese Military connection.

11-10-2001, 02:19 AM
Shuai Chiao is chinese wrestling, its about throws, takedowns and such.

San Shou is chinese kickboxing, its kickboxing with some trows from Shuai Chiao and western wrestling.
Check out the videos in Marvin Perry's site for San Shou:


11-10-2001, 02:22 AM
Then it's San Shou that I need. I've got plenty of takedown experience.

So to amend: San shou anyone? :-)

11-10-2001, 02:42 AM
For San Shou in Charles County, MD (about 50 min. from the Key Bridge) contact Sifu Mike Barry at Yang's, Chins, Ho Tai Chi Chuan & Kung Fu White Plains, MD (301)870-1942. This is Shaolintiger's teacher.

For Shuai Chiao in Baltimore contact
Dr. Geoff Cundiff

Maybe one of the san shou instructors that stops by the forum can put you in touch with the san shou instructor in Baltimore (I couldn't find any contact info).

I don't get mad.
I get stabby.

11-10-2001, 03:45 AM
There is MT in College Park, MD. I think they have day classes.

I don't get mad.
I get stabby.

Yin Chuan
11-10-2001, 04:06 PM
Stranger,I tried the e-mail link jcundiff@jhmi.edu and it comes up as undeliverable.

11-10-2001, 04:17 PM
try gcundiff@jhmi.edu
It came from www.shuaichiao.org (http://www.shuaichiao.org)

I don't get mad.
I get stabby.

11-10-2001, 05:42 PM
White Plains is pretty close to me, actually. I take my BJJ in Camp Springs. Looks like White Plains is right up the road.

Is it Shaolintiger or Shaolintiger00? :)

11-10-2001, 05:55 PM
I think his full username was Shaolintiger00, whoever had the "blood spilling streetfight" with Ralek.

I don't get mad.
I get stabby.

11-10-2001, 11:31 PM
You can call up MIKE ACCOSTA at CARL RUNK's karate in Fairfax, VA...our school is located on Braddock Rd off or 495. He doesn't have a lot of classes during the DAY so u can ask him about training privately.

Trident program at GMU is at night...they had a website but took it down recently. I seen their program and it's pretty good.


11-10-2001, 11:41 PM
Thank you.

11-11-2001, 04:39 AM
Just for further info, I'm looking for somewhere that trains you for the ring...

11-11-2001, 04:54 PM
ttt for me!

11-11-2001, 05:24 PM
No joy on the White Plains. Sifu Mike Barry doesn't have anybody interested in the San Shou right now, and consequently doesn't have a class.

He's apparently a qualified referee however.

11-11-2001, 05:31 PM
Go to the school in College Park, it has MT classes during the day, if I am not mistaken.

I don't get mad.
I get stabby.

11-11-2001, 05:32 PM
Don't worry, I'm planning on checking them out bud :)

I am, however interested in ring fighting, vice self-defense...I kind of want to make sure that is what I'm getting into :)

11-11-2001, 08:25 PM
There's a school in Gaithsburg (sp?) called U.S. Martial Arts Academy headed by Shifu Joe Dunphy. He was the Infinite weight Champion at the 1986 Kuoshu World Championships, he won every fight by knockout (dubbing him "Iron Fist"). He trains some excellent fighters for the Kuoshu tournaments. If you're interested I can dig up an address for you. :)

Water Dragon
11-11-2001, 08:30 PM
Go for it Merryprankster. Kuoshou is friggin' brutal.

11-11-2001, 09:04 PM
By all means, dig away.

What's the difference between Kuoshou and San Shou?

11-11-2001, 10:18 PM
U.S. Martial Arts Academy
811 Russell Avenue, Suite B
Gateway Center
Gaithersburg, MD 20877

I did write a comparison between Kuoshu and SanShou, but when I posted it the board said that I had to go back and put my username... well, going back, I lost the post... I'll post it when I have a little more time.

I hope this helps though. :)

11-11-2001, 11:06 PM
Thanks much.

11-11-2001, 11:11 PM
Just to make this clear, I do not think that one is superior to the other. I do train my fighters for Kuoshu fighting. I have far more experience in Kuoshu than SanShou (so if any SanShou people would please enlighten me to any errors I make, I would appreciate it).

That said...

Let's talk first about what they have in common. They are both CMA full contact fighting, they both have protective gear, they both (should) have their contests held on a Lei Tai (24'x24'plataform raised anywhere from 1ft. to 3ft. off the ground)) they both are promoting the fighting aspect of CMA, they both can be very exciting to participate in and watch (when the fighters are well matched) and they are both sports.

Now the main difference (that matters for the practicioner) is in equipment, and this has created many heated debates between Kuoshu and SanShou fighters and coaches.

Kuoshu equipment in the US is:

mouthpiece, groin cup, shoes (Otomix, Pine Tree, etc...), fingerless gloves (with light padding) and a head guard with face cage. The official clothing is t-shirt and sweat pants (blue or yellow depending in what corner you're in).

SanShou equipment in the US is:

Mouthpiece, groin cup, bare feet, shin/instep pads, 8-10 oz. boxing gloves, chest protector and open face head guard (like amateur boxers wear). For clothing you usually see tank tops and shorts (like Muay Thai).

There are many other differences but they dwell on opinion and perspective.

I hope this helps MP


11-12-2001, 01:16 AM
Ok. Thanks!