View Full Version : for us [we?] shuai chiao'ers.....

11-10-2001, 12:35 AM
a thread!
as an icebreaker.....

how long have you been training and what's your favorite throw?

almost 3 years, for me.

my favorite throw i would have to say is 'pulling'.
i used this one out of instinct my first time sparring and have been able and comfortable using it.

'embracing' is my second favorite.

i also find it easier to counter throw than to attack with a throw.

where's my signature?

Chang Style Novice
11-10-2001, 12:39 AM
Been doing the Chang Taijiquan (with a bit of shuai chiao) for a bit over a year and a half, but haven't been to class in a few months, so I'm rusty.

I like "slanting fly", because it's aggressive (you do it as you come at the guy) it destroys the root like a charm (love the tripping action) and if you do it right, you can spin your opponent all the way onto his stomach while maintaining control of an arm and have it ready for a break or sub at an instant's notice.

(Mortal Kombat Narrator)FLAWLESS VICTORY!(/Mortal Kombat Narrator)

I am the Grand Ultimate Silk Pyjama

11-10-2001, 12:43 AM
i like the theory of that one a lot, but have never really tried it. i like the shoulder hit:)
i just like shoulder hits in general. there's something just really...satisfying about it.

Water Dragon
11-10-2001, 01:43 AM
I'm a newbie at just over a year. I work with students of Dr. Brian Wu through the ACSCA in Chicago.

My money throw? It would have to be either Slant Cutting or The double leg pick w/ a head lift.

MonkeySlap Too
11-10-2001, 07:19 AM
About 18 years in Chang Shia arts. More time in grade, but that's my Shuai Chiao/Xing-Yi/Chang Taiji time.

Favorite throw? The one that wins the fight.

"Poor is the pupil who
does not surpass his
master" - Leonardo Da

11-10-2001, 11:09 AM
I like the simple hip throw!
I love the spider lock to..

"maybe not in combat..... but think of the chicks man, the chicks!"

11-10-2001, 04:51 PM
up hand hip bump. Or Fireman's carry. My money throw is horse stance lift up, aka single whip.