View Full Version : opening attacks......

12-25-2001, 09:01 AM
what technique[s] would you use as an opening attack?
let's just say you're squared off against an opponent with a western boxing style stance.
if the opponent were around my size...
a yin chop with left hand, to either clear his hands away from his body, or chop the neck,
depending on his reaction.both are setups for a heavier hit and a throw if there's the opportunity.
if the opponent were larger...
again, a slap down/across type attack to the hands to clear them out, followed by
a body check style attack from my hsing i [using shoulder to hit] or shuai chiao [using hips to hit],
to get his balance, then either a trip/sweep style take down or start hitting through him
to keep him off balance.
merry christmas guys!!!

12-25-2001, 09:21 AM
if he was assuming a boxing style stance, then a good ol' front thrusting kick to the stomach off the front foot would probably be my first attack as a set up. Simple but effective (especially in styles not used to kicks e.g. boxing).
follow that up with a hammerfist downwards to the top of the head, or an open palm in the same movement, as this would also be a bit of a less expected strike for boxers or kickboxers.

12-25-2001, 09:24 AM
if he was bigger then me then the hammerfist might be a bit of a problem, try and shuffle to the side after the front thrust and use a kick to the side of the knee, or an 'uprooting' move to try and knock the balance out.