View Full Version : Laws about assault & self defence

straight blast
11-10-2001, 11:15 AM
I'm so sick about the crappy "laws" about self defence & assault. A business owner I know has been broken into four times in three months. One night he was in there counting out the till & some guy breaks in & attacks him. He defends himself (with a baseball bat admittedly) and knocks the guy down.
The guy then charges him for assault. The offer he gives is that he'll drop the assault charges if he drops the break & enter charges.
The result?
The owner gets a two year good behaviour bond. The guy who broke in gets a one year good behaviour bond. What a crock of s**t.
Who else has a problem with being unable to defend themselves? The law assumes that everyone is a trained fighter who must wait for the a**hole to attack. AAAHHH!!! I hate it. What do you reckon?

"Pain is merely weakness leaving the body"

TIger Hand
11-10-2001, 12:27 PM
That is BULL**** to the highest. Blame it on the FU(KIN lawyers. Bunch of snakes in the grass.

11-10-2001, 01:19 PM
I agree,very difficult.
What do you think about the laws of my country? (Finland) If the opponent is going to stab you with a knife,you canĀ“t use a gun even though you might lose your life in a second.

11-10-2001, 01:20 PM
****. That ******* sucks. Now, I can't really judge the validity of his claim. But from what I know about the laws concerning self defense, they need some work. My friend lee lived on the streets for 8 years, worked as a security guard for 5 years guarding celebrities, concerts, and buildings in the ghetto. He knows a good deal about Self Defense Laws. From what he tells me, if you get in a fight.. and you win.. and you don't pretend to be a lunatic and a wuss and cry and say you were afraid for you life. They will take you to jail. I've heard of similiar claims to the post above, and this all leads me to believe that the laws do indeed need work.

Now is a great time to make a movement for this sort of thing. With everyone freaked out, this could probably be pushed through with relatively little resistance. I think that there would be a broad base of support for it, especially among testosterone ridden suburb folk and the like. This could even possibly work as a cure for their bloodlust of late. You know, maybe we can save some innocent hindus being forced to be muslim or misguided youth soldiers this way. Just a thought.

[This message was edited by soy on 11-11-01 at 03:28 AM.]

Sam Wiley
11-10-2001, 07:37 PM
Some laws are simply unjust. I feel for your friend. Sometimes I'm afraid that the only way to defend yourself from criminals is with criminal behavior, as the laws have in recent years become not only tolerant but extremely protective of criminals. A police officer once recommended to me that if I shot someone trying to break into my house, to make sure his body was on the inside of the house when the cops arrived, whether it started out there or I had to place it there. In my opinion, this is still not enough, better to make sure there is a weapon on him when they arrive as well. And better that he is for whatever reason unable to relate his side of the story to any one, ever. I am not necessarily recommending this kind of behavior, but in my opinion it is better that the true victim be protected than the scum by whom he has been victimized.

The bad thing about this whole state of affairs is that I have to think like that in the first place. That is the real crime. If the laws were designed properly and were used to fulfill their original intent, then we wouldn't be having this discussion, and your friend would have his picture on the front page as a local hero...and that's the way it should be.


Sam Wiley
11-10-2001, 07:43 PM
Why don't we all send letters to our lawmakers declaring our wish to have other laws passed which prevent criminals from sueing for damages that happened to them during their commision of a crime? We have laws which prevent the courts from retrying people for the same crime when they have been found not guilty. Seems a natural evolution to me. A guy breaks into a store, he deserves to be beaten at least, and if he gets shot, well...the bat wasn't within reach but the revolver was.


11-10-2001, 07:55 PM
hmmm,, tooth for a tooth?

"maybe not in combat..... but think of the chicks man, the chicks!"

11-10-2001, 08:34 PM
That's why I'M going to be a masked vigilante crimefighter! :D I'm going to.....

....... :( hey wait a second. Um, on second thought, forget everthing I just said.

(man, this secret identity stuff is hard work...)



"One who takes pride in shallow knowledge or understanding is like a monkey who delights in adorning itself with garbage."

11-11-2001, 02:02 PM
in this day and age we must be smart , you gotta keep the guy there wether its with a gun or subdue him with a lock then you proceed to tie him , up and tell him all about how no one will miss scum like him and how youre gonna get your friends the fairy bunch to all have a go on his a-hole etc etc etc, until he thinks he will never see the light of day again , then you let him go. So the polic dont press charge sagainst you and he doesnt come near you again.

what do bin laden and general custer have in common????
They're both wondering where the fu(k all of those tomahawks are coming from. - donated by mojo

11-11-2001, 04:50 PM
What a great plan Wong. Not only do you teach him to go after victims more hapless than you, but you teach him to come armed and attack more violently. That should clean up the world real nice.
