View Full Version : Bob Kleinch?

12-26-2001, 09:58 PM
I see his name come up from time to time. It seems that people make fun of him a lot. What's his story? Why do people dislike him so much? Is it his hair? :D ? His Tai Chi (Sword, Sabre, Tai chi Tiger)? His Northern Shaolin Tiger, Spirit Breathing, or his Phantom Punching? Has anyone actually watched his videos?

What is wrong with the guy? What is wrong with his style (moustache, etc.)?

Serious and non-serious comments are welcome (like I could stop any of them from coming)?


12-26-2001, 10:59 PM
"Why do people dislike him so much? Is it his hair? ? His Tai Chi (Sword, Sabre, Tai chi Tiger)? His Northern Shaolin Tiger, Spirit Breathing, or his Phantom Punching?"
Strange you answered your own question:p
Its hard to not laugh when looking at pictures of him in motion. The poses on the covers of his MA books for a start are wrong on any level. His applications look moronic plus his balance and posture are all wrong. Im not talking stylistic difference im talking danger indusing stupidity.
On a good note, at least he doesnt really pretend to be a killer or anything he just enjoys what he does.
Plus of course his amazing 'instictual vitality' exactly what ever the heck that is:confused:

12-26-2001, 11:20 PM
instinctual vitality
when a cat is sick it will hide out and sleep even she will chew grass,to flush its stomach.

dont hate relate??

12-27-2001, 12:17 AM
I saw a video once with him and this snake style guy. The snake guy was pretty good, but Bob tried to have the snake guy learn the form and Bob's form was horrible.

And he does a bunch of hokey ****, and I think his wife does some nude tai chi or some ****. He just seems like a tool. He's probably some guy who's got a little bit of basic ability and is trying to capitalize on the MA scene. I dunno. I've never heard anyone say anything good about any of his videos, though.


12-27-2001, 01:01 AM
Yo Iron, maybe if you post those "Raise the Roof" technique photos, perhaps all will be clear! :D

12-27-2001, 01:06 AM
watch the american tai chi tape.

Felipe Bido
12-27-2001, 06:46 AM
We had a HUGE pictorial explanation of his skills, made by Lost_Disciple...I think it disappeared in our transition from forum to forum...

I really wish some kind hand could post some of those pics again...just for instructional purposes, of course :D

12-27-2001, 07:25 AM
Here's a great example.
Ive done a little Tai Chi and actualy know this pose.
Nearly everything about it is wrong... From his hand position to his balance to the kicking legs angle.

12-27-2001, 07:28 AM
Forgot the darn picture : }

Brett Again
12-27-2001, 08:04 AM
Hee hee.... now I remember that thread.

You have to admit... he looks like he's having fun. LOL

At least we know what Screech has done with his talents since "Saved by the Bell" was cancelled.

And besides... he's world renowned. It says so on the tape!!