View Full Version : Skunk Fist/ Style

fiercest tiger
12-28-2001, 04:07 AM
I've heard many legends and myths regarding the sacred lost art of the Skunk Fist Style. The principles of this style is based on elusiveness, aggression, and using both circular and linear body movement. Accorrding to legend, this style was brought to the US during the great gold rush days when the Chinese were working on the railroads there. It was passed down to every family member of each railroad station near San Fransisco. It is now flourishing deep in the China Towns of America and is said to be the milestone of the forgotten Beaver Claw system. Apparently, these styles originated from Fukien Shi Lum but also has roots to Ngor Mei because the colors of the skunk represents Yin and Yang.

Unfortunately, the beaver style is buddhist only and extremely external. Beaver style is based on using more teeth and claw, or ripping and grappling action. I've also heard that the original skunk forming fist kuen is the predecessor to Tong Long. Some of the training forms will be discussed here later. It is said that the highest level form combines both the skunk and the beaver systems, therefore taking care of all ranges of combat. Unfortunately, there are no weapons but only odors. The a$$ is conditioned from day one of birth. Any information regarding these styles would be appreciated. Please feel free to add any comments or correction to this information, regarding the history, training methods, forms, etc.

I've heard that this style also has a cousin style called purple ape style that was actually once talked about on this forum.

There are 18 hand forms in skunk fist but some of my knowledge is missing. Here are the names of the forms that I have.

1. Debagging the Skunk from behind.
2. Fierce Skunk taming the Beaver.
3. Beaver and Skunk two man set.
4. Rabid Poisonous Skunk Spits out its bum.
5. 8 directional Skunk Fist.
6. Drunken Skunk
7. Yin and Yang Skunk Chi Gung, aka, Stinking Skunk Gung (high level)
8. 18 Evil Skunks Odor the forest.
9. Continuous Stinking Skunk Crosses the Beaver Dam (dim mak form with meditation, two man form, and herbs for each med, times of days, etc.)
10. Heavenly Skunk Fist
11. Skunk Step, aka Straight Skunk Step
12. Nine Step Beaver Fist
13. Five Skunks Sh!tting Palm.

The rest of the other 5 forms are related to iron palm, cotton skunk palm, vibrating skunk a$$ palm,

Skunk palm training starts from birth by slapping wet beaver **** for 100 days, then dry beaver sh!t for 200. It is said that at the end of the 300 days the sh!t must stay on the hands for and extra 100 days, soo 400 total! This is only level one.

Does anyone know level 2 and up.

Please feel free to add any kuens, meditations, or history concerning this sacred art.

And no Im not on drugs yet...Im being serious:)

12-28-2001, 05:19 AM
FT you are in a strange mood tonight:D

Thats pretty accurate, it fits my information as well.
Infact i have a feeling if you have a look around at 'Shaolin Do' sites you may even find pictures of the old grandmaster of both beaver fist and skunk fist. He actualy took on the bodily features of both animals. Im sure he must know both the systems as he was passed on the intire system of southern sui lam. Infact im saving up to go to America to learn SD and learn the higher arts like Skunk and Beaver though them.
If i make it, ill be sure to capture it all on video so that we can all learn how to outstink our opponents...
Nothing will be held back from the Skunk\beaver fist again!

12-28-2001, 07:21 AM
I dabbled in that system for a bit. My favorite forms to train were... 9" push in bald beaver and going down on beaver(I learned two versions, the bushy and bald versions).

Don't nobody try and be funny cause I'm not refering to Beaver from leave it to beaver. You sick dils!


12-28-2001, 12:30 PM
I was invited to a american indian sweat lodge a while back and while standing their a guy next to me noticed my chinese caligraphy on my arm and asked what it was , I replied its my generation name in my kung fu lineage. He said I am also a kung fu diciple, I said really what style he replied iron octopus, I stated laughing out loud thinking that he was just putting me on. He said whats so funny , I said there no such thing, he said I will show you a form, he then lifted his hands up in the air and waved them around while sliding his feet on the ground and made some sort of grunting sound, and said with a serious face that they use ink to blind thier opponent when attacking or evading. I couldnt believe this guy, but was respectful enough to say wow that looked....... uhm...... well kinda effective in a close quarter situation. and without missing a beat he said yea especially when you fight in water........ ?????????$#@%%(!@#@&%
no he didnt I said to myself.. and invited him to my school to learn on land techniques to add to his ink shooting arsenal of aquatic manouvers... I guess just becuse you havent heard of it may still exsist.......

12-28-2001, 12:55 PM
Stomp. Stomp. Spray.

It releases an even more potent spray which can be controlled only by the Masters. The stomping may or may not be an actual external physical act. The aiming of the spray is of great technical difficulty. As this move engages immense internal power, the spray might be released prematurely (within) by novices. Many have been known to succumb. sigh.


you have great imagination.

Brett Again
12-28-2001, 01:31 PM
Earth Dragon,

There actually is an Iron Octopus Martial Arts school out there. Not the style... just the name of the school, which I honestly think is pretty cool. It would be a cool logo anyway.

Maybe this guy had heard of (or studied in?) that school at was just yanking your chain?

12-28-2001, 05:10 PM
An interesting fact about the octopus...If it get's stressed out or scared, it may attempt to eat itself. :eek: I wonder WTF kind of stress would cause that

fiercest tiger
12-28-2001, 05:44 PM
Octopus?? What the fark? Octopus has absolutely nothing on the Skunk or Beaver Systems. If it ever got down to a challenge, which I am trying to set one up, the grappling style of Octupus won't stnd a chance against the Beaver system alone! Continuous Stinking Skunk Crosses the Beaver Dam has nine steps to it, and since the Octupus only has 8 legs, this form alone wins. Fierce Skunk Taming the Beaver Kuen has enough grappling moves in it to nullify any Octupus, BJJ, or grappling move ever created. And that is just one Kuen!

Buby I prefer the shaved beaver method myself because of its fluid action, plus you can real Feel the opponent better. And it really gets you in spots where the furry beaver wouldn't.

Jon you are correct about that! The Shaolin Do grandmaster does have both of these animal system. He has even created his own image by staring at a wall and spraying himself with Skunk for nine years. This is also where Da Mo got his method of meditation from. That is why in the image rock it looks like he has a bit of poop on his head, and his face is a bit distorted from the putrid smell that was passed down to him. This meditation is supposed to be the last thing skunk players learn. It is known as Nine Years of the Flying Skunk Heavenly Sh!tting Spray Meditation, Dim Mak, plus two man, super secret and more! This is for cracking coconuts with the a$$, very high level. On the other hand, the beaver system can bite through a coconut with one single chomp. It was said that the higher level of Beaver is to felch a Skunk or a clan of skunks.

Cody, if you are referring to the stomping spray method of the Skunk System, it is said that they can even produce a backdraft and suck you into its a$$. You find this in the 18 Evil Skunk Odor the Forest Kuen. The Iron Body skill of the skunk is unsurpassed as it can blend onto a road and look like a stripe and wait for an oncoming Semi truck and fark up its suspension and stink the whole interior of the truck out in one go. I can't really talk about this iron body kuen yet. But I will tell you that I met a truck driver in San Fran that lost his whole family to the a$$ of a skunk. Apparently, a whole pack of skunks were playing skunk on the highway one day practicing their iron body, and when this truck stopped to a halt after each wheel being blown out, the skunks procceded to suck each member of the family out with backdraft method mauling the whole family, and the driver just had to sit there with stink all over him which numbbed his body. See, a skunk won't defend if you don't attack, but they hate Semi trucks.

I'll give you guys more info later but I am sworn under oath not to talk to much about the actual methods of these styles. I don't think the world is ready for this Pai.

In my next post I will talk a bit about the religious aspects with different shrines, and how you make shrines, plus the legend of the 4 Skunk Elders and 1 Nun Beaver with a beaver!


12-28-2001, 06:20 PM
The time has come for shrines.

I come forward. I am in possession of "The Tail!" that of the Skunk that supplied Shaolin Do with spray faithfully for 9 years. I found It hanging from a Harley in SF's Chinatown. The owner was practicing Down n' Dirty Skunk in Washington Park. That's a combo of Vibrating Skunk A$$ Palm and Hypnotizing Skunk Tail, not to be done for public display. I was struck by this person's lack of discretion and took the tail with it's string and yin yang amulet. I've kept it safe, for just such a moment as this. Man, this thing still stinks good.

Backdraft! I hadn't realized. This move has multidirectional components. The internal is so much more complex than I had imagined. I am in awe. I ask humbly for further instruction.


12-29-2001, 11:55 AM
That I am amazed by some of you. Truly amazed.

12-29-2001, 04:24 PM
try my man style fist. My sifu has taught us to imitate the movements and tactics of the human such as
1. Man shaves
2. Man shakes hands
note: we are lemurs

12-29-2001, 06:02 PM
Isn't this Ralek/Roll's style? I also know another grandmaster of this style, he's called Ego Maximus. He has perfect the Ass to Mouth boxing technique. It requires you to eat sh!t for ten years and talking nonsense until you have enough Qi to cause the damage of 100 ****s.

12-29-2001, 06:37 PM
I heard of the crab style and I heard a long lost si hing of mine's knew it.No seriously he knew it.Does any onehave info on that?

fiercest tiger
12-29-2001, 11:25 PM
The names of the 4 Skunk Monks and One Nun before they changed their identities where as follows:

1. Skunk Bak Mei (also known as Big Sac)
2. Skunk Fung Doe Duk (aka. Stinky)
3. Skunk Mew Hing (aka. The ******* Skunk)
4. Skunk Jee Shim Shin Shee (aka. Bighead or "the head that walks")
5. Skunk Nun Ng Mui (aka. gash or "the hairy harmonica")

During the years of the Ching Dynasty, around 1644 lived 4 Skunk Monks and a Nun Skunk. The place they all resided at was at the Shi Lum Jee in Fukien, Southern China. It was said that one Skunk Monk was to have betrayed the temple of the Skunk Monks. This Skunk monk led the Manchurians to the temple where it was burnt to the ground with all of its hidden knowledge and secret libraries of the skunk monk and beaver fist. And so then all the Skunk Masters of the Shaolin Division got together to make the Skunk and Beaver Techniques. Suddenly a masked wild boar appeared and poisoned the troth that the skunks were drinking from. Two skunk monks and a nun skunk were all that survived, but the secret eight step of the skunk fist book was stolen and chaos reigned through all of Southern China.

Due to the fact that the Skunk Monks from Fukien were Buddhist, they had to shed their robes. And lived incognito as hermits in the Tibetan Mountains where they refined their arts and gave it a new name. As for the nun she was gangbanged by a group of wild boars when she was travelling from Sichuan Province to the Sacred Skunk Woods where she was to met up with her Si-Hings. They performed a cecerian operation to pull out her unborn child that she felt was evil and would wipe out the Skunk Style if it was passed on to him. During the operation the unborn child tried to eat the mothers inside but the quick reflexes of Skunk Bak Mei struck the newborn child with an immortals skunk dim mak strike that ended its worldly life.

Seeing this the Nun ripped of a humongus **** that injured the knee of Skunk Mew Hing. Due to this injury he carried the scar until the day he died. Nun Ng Mui's **** was so powerful that the unborn child stood up with the suprize of Bak Mei watching turned and said to his mother, your Kung Fu is good. Then Bak Mei sprayed the unborn Skunk while Mew Hing Kicked it in the head from behind with his bad knee and kicked his head off. This showed how much mental training had as his left patella was hanging off from the **** that injured him.

The three main techniques in the Skunk style comes from these three famous techniuqes that were used in this fight. Ng Mui's ****ing technique was considered a long range technique. Mew Hing Head Separating Crippled Shadowless Leg Kick. Bak Mei's close range spraying techniques which included his immortal skunk dim mak techniques. After ten years together, they split and founded the Triads to over throw the Ching Government.


I have in my posession the journals of the three Skunk Elder and also hold the sceptre to all three styles. Which we will talk about in coming days. Due to the complexity of the Shrines I will share them later.

You are partly correct about the Skunk Tail held at Shaolin-Do, although it is a fabrication, as I have the original Skunk skin with the tail and head. Beware of fakes as the Skunk Dieties are against Fake Idols such as Shaolin-Do's skunk tail and possesion and hairgrowth may form in all of your body. With in no time you will be spraying people, mauling, and blowing out truck tires.

This is all I can talk about for now. I am forbidden to talk about the 108 Skunk Claws and Beaver Seizing Skills. I need permission from one of the dead Skunk Monks. When I go into my meditation I will ask what else to talk about.


12-30-2001, 02:45 AM
Actually, FT, the Ape style you referred to is Blue Ape.

I still have the work I did on the origin of it around here somewhere. Hard work piecing that together.


12-30-2001, 05:58 AM
"I prefer the shaved beaver method myself because of its fluid action, plus you can real Feel the opponent better. And it really gets you in spots where the furry beaver wouldn't."

My God man!!

Don't fall to just the shaved beaver method!!

If you do you are building a Taoist beaver dam with no foundation!!!

You must feel the other side such as the........

1.The Racing stripe dam.

2.The Flying "V" dam.

3.The Inverted flying "V" dam.

4.The X-Files dam(known only to Skully).

5.The clapping dam.

6.The Clapping with one hand dam.

7.The Sinking dam.

8.The Spitting dam(rare indeed).

9.The floating dam.

10.The swallowing dam.

11.The dam if ya do,dam if ya don't dam.

12.The dam-it dam that was not there dam(some call this the ghost dam)

13.The Iron shaved dam.

14.The Iron bell dam.

15.The Smoking dam.

16.The Banana dancing dam(a korean form).

17.The Spanked dam.

18.The please Smack me dam( see #14)

19.The Rolling without penatration dam(see rolling hand).

20.The dam I gotta go dam because the other 108 dams are classified dams.


fiercest tiger
12-30-2001, 03:43 PM
YES the yang hairy beaver is more external abit rough around the edges and can give you a rash if your not careful!:p

18 evil beaver ****s is the best when dam are involved.

yes BLUE APE that was a classic taoist story although this is for real and dates back to the ming! hahaha


12-30-2001, 04:31 PM
The Iron octopus beats this whole thread!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

¨LOL¨-as hell :D :D :D :D :D :D

fiercest tiger
12-30-2001, 05:25 PM
iron octupus doesnt beat sh!t!

suppose you want a lesser style to learn fine!

12-30-2001, 08:18 PM
Sorry buddy, but iron can beat this...LOL

sifu, rookies man! Why settle for less when you ca learn the best. LOL


Take care everyone and have a great new year!!!!

01-04-2002, 09:47 AM
d@mn - you guys crack me up! :D

If only you had a Sifu of this style in the UK!

