View Full Version : Opinons Please

12-28-2001, 12:20 PM
I would like some opinons on my site. I would like to hear opinons about the site design and content or just questions and opinons about our kungfu. Whatever your poinon is please be honest that is the only way I can improve it and myself. www.shaolindynasty.cjb.net

12-28-2001, 12:36 PM
if I may, I would get rid of the annoying pop up ads eveytime you click on a button. It will drive people away. also I would add some pictures and more colors people like eye candy. and moving things are the lastest craze but hard to create.Not saying that we have anything special but feel free to check out ours to give you some ideas... looks good so far though

12-28-2001, 12:41 PM
Yeah the pop ups suck but it is a free site and I don't have te money to make them dissapear. I should also let you guys know I don't really know much about computers. What do you guys think about the content, what could I or should I add or subtract. What would you do?

12-28-2001, 12:57 PM
pay the $9.00 for a domain name and give up the free site if you want peoplke to take it seriously other wise your asking for trouble. ask your self this how can you promote your self using a giveaway website? it is worth the 9 bucks what would you think ofd a business man that said no I dont have any cards yet but here is a piece of paper with my name and number on it think on seeling yourself what do you see on other webiste that impress you? and what looks cheesy?

12-28-2001, 01:02 PM
For the links...add the hot spot being the image as well as the words below the image....

Same for the menu...you have the little yin yang symbol and hte words...make the link work on both the image and the words....

Not much can be done on tripod's popups....

On your lineage...Please contact me at glw51@hotmail.com concerning one of the entries...Your information is incorrect....

Also, on a good note, the white background, while not the total eye candy approach, is VERY Readable...I would limit the size of my paragraphs to no more than 5 lines...people lose interest and don't read much these days....and use headings more. People look at long paragraphs and say "Oh well...I won't read that one now..."