View Full Version : Reiki

12-30-2001, 11:07 PM
Sounds like quite a few of "you's" do reiki ;)

Experiences worth sharing with us folks ?

12-31-2001, 11:13 AM
I study qigong with a world famous master, I was invited to bring her to host a seminar/demonsrtation, I was there translating for her as she performed a healing on a volunteer from the crowd. After about 10 minutes the pateint starting shaking, wobbleing and moaning out loud, ( a usual reaction) however there where some people that coulnt explian why she was uncontrolably moving in such a frantic. Afterwards a group of women came up to us and said that they had never seen such power when performing a healing. I said ohh you seen or healed people before? she said yes many times, I am a reiki master I said a waht? she said reiki master we all are reiki masters, I commented on how all 6 women could be masters for this is a rare thing to have that tittle. She said why whould you be interested in becomming a reiki master? I replied no I am studing qigong from her and I would not have the time to spend to lean another art.. she said I would like to learn qigong how long are the classes i said about 3 hours she said is that all , then I said yes but every day for 3 hours for about 30 years! she then siad you can become a reiki master in 3 weeks. I laughed and said than I am definatly not interested for I want to learn something worth while.

After that I have no respect for reiki! for there may be some people out there that have actually healed with this skill but if I can beome a master in 3 weeks it is a joke, and should not be considered a master of anything........

12-31-2001, 11:28 AM
I heard stories about a top Wing Chun practioner named Sonny Whitmore in NYC who is an Emergency medical techinician and a skilled Reiki adept. No details other than that he uses it in his work.


Repulsive Monkey
12-31-2001, 04:49 PM
at most I would say mayeb,MAYBE, it would be fine not to have any repsect for that women's comments. However you cannot take her word for Reiki only taking 3 weeks to Master becasue I'm very sure that that is not the case. Im sure there a degree of irony in her words, or if there wasn't then I feel that one should only question her understanding of Reiki and not the entire Reiki establishment. I think I ought to say that you do seem to have faith in Qigong but none in Reiki. I find that rather ironic as Reiki originally was a Chinese art, which I suspect transmuted from some branch of Qigong or distance healing over the shores to Japan and then was embraced as Japanese born. It's true roots were from Chinese Traditional energy practices. Those which I suspect go hand in hand with Qi-gong most probably. So don't be so judgmental on the label just be repsectful of the practice.
(and of course only the correct practice at that!).

Chang Style Novice
12-31-2001, 05:19 PM
I dunno from Reiki, but Raku is pretty honkin' cool.

12-31-2001, 05:57 PM
Go to: http://www.usuireiki.fsnet.co.uk/
to get a look at the founder of what is called Reiki today. He was a
Tendai buddhist, a Shintoist and it seems a genuine hands on healer. He was
both a spiritual and educated person. The bottom line is that some
people have a natural ability to heal. Others come to that practice
by hard work and study. Those people who call themselves Reiki
Masters after 3 weeks of initiation are ignorant idiots. Perhaps, by
calling themselves "Master" they may one day become one! No where
in the histories that I have read does it say that Reiki is influenced by
Chinese Qigong. It is clearly an approach to healing developed or found by
one man. There are many great healers from animist traditions based on
spiritual insight. This system seems more in line with that tradition.:D

12-31-2001, 06:22 PM
21 days being a master AND origin of Reiki

"thousands of years ago. Rediscovered in the late 1800's by Dr. Mikao Usui, Japan."

"Each day he meditated and fasted. On the twenty-first day, Dr. Usui awakened to a darkened morning."

Perhaps what is 3 weeks of meditation/training is a very deep retreat. Did you also know that ReiKi is also a form of Qi-Gong ? But like Qi-Gong, many self-claimed masters are out to make money, and you need to spot them....

More thoughts ?

12-31-2001, 06:25 PM
No where in the histories that I have read does it say that Reiki is influenced by Chinese Qigong. It is clearly an approach to healing developed or found by one man.

:) interesting

12-31-2001, 06:37 PM
I studied reiki for a four months of time, twice a week, two hours a day, and did daily reiki meditation for about a year. The ideas are that you yourself are not the healer, but instead you are conditioning yourself to be able to channel healing energy. I found the reiki opened the doors to some aspects of healing and energy work I was not familiar with at the time, such as using symbols in the mind, using the cosmos, practicing the use of mental intention to channel healing energy as well as learning hand placements associated with certain chakras of the body.

Someone who is truly a reiki master would be someone who has mastered themselves in their ability to channel healing energy through themself into others, without draining their own energy or draining the energy of the person they are working with.

In traditional Qi gong that most mainstream practictioners learn, you are learning the store up qi, open up meridians in your own body and so on so forth in order to learn to channel energy from within you to heal your patients, as well as using the energy around you to some extent.

I could not compare reiki to the qi gong that I do, because they are different approaches to healing and there are too many variables to account for. I can say however that qi-gong will be likely be beneficial to anyone who is doing reiki because it will open up the meridians of the person doing the healing, so that they can be a better conduit for the healing energy they are working with.

It's an interesting field prana and if it is something you want to do, then there is no better way to learn more about it then doing it. You might find that there are no teachers that are giving you what you are looking for though as it has become popularized since it became an open-healing art to the mainstream america. When I say this, I mean that from what I was told while I learnt reiki, it was just in the past 15 years or so that the symbols used were published in books and made available to any and all whom are interested in reiki. You may find http://groups.google.com a good resource for reiki information, as they have a discussion group tailored for exactly that.

12-31-2001, 06:57 PM
I agree, I think the best way to judge a chocolate is to taste the chocolate. I am however just curious about it, as many practise and others swear by it.

I do want to learn to heal one day and that is why I folow the teachings and meditations of Medicine Buddha, however, I was just curious as some friends of mine have found great relief in this technique.