View Full Version : NYC dude looking for 1X-2X week training partners for street survival SD

12-31-2001, 12:25 PM
Heya dudes,
I've been lurking on this forum and I'm already hooked: cool: !
Letssee,I have a muay thai and krav maga brackground and have been up to Peyton Quinn's Rocky Mountain Combat Applications Training 5X since 1998.

Umm,last Feb. 3 mafia wannabes jumped me in a racial attack and broke my right femur .
And I've been working on requiring explosive footwork and need a tpartner to get back to the level I was at 2 2 monthes ago.

Currently,I am a video and book student of Rich Dimitri's senshido(way of a thousand warriors , Sammy Franco's CFA (contemporary fighting arts) and Geoff Thompson. Since I consider these 3 dudes at the cutting edge of reality based street survival for ex. using the much neglected verbal manipulation,and pyshological mindfuking in SDsince 60% of SD is psychological,30% emotional,and only a tiny %10 is physical:

mugger:"Gimme your money a$$hole !"

me:"What do you want ??" acting like a ***** to lower his guard and by asking him that question I engage his brain so he's not thinking of slicing my throat at the moment so I have a lil extra time to go protective offense on the MF.

mugger:"YEAH!! your F3@$king money!!what ,are you KRAK..."

Anyway I live in NYC and looking for a 1X-2X and ideally a 2X -3X a week training partner to do drills designed to enhance one's survivalbility in the street, SD scenario replications(cops do them all the time dudes,why do we MA/SD guys??)and of course sparring for pain management.
I don't care what system you study,but a little crosstraining and sharing of info sharing of drills,info never hurt anyone dudes.

I even have 2 sets of head gear with full face plexiglass shields so we can go full out on eyestrikes,eye jabs/rakes/gouges during our training dudes

If any NYC dudes are interested in crosstraining with me even ONCE a week I would be moocho obliged dudes.
My eamail is Ngwarren@hotmail.com

Uh motto: learn by trial and error,
the only safe assumption you can make is that the enemy is ARMED and has his friends nearby.


http://photo.msn.s8.com/MS8zLzAvMS8xMDg3LzE1NS8zMi9uT0lWSnUyelZ2U1VtR05xd2 hkQnBn/3c27b7a7feac4f94a8e6f1d39255e560/clbk=0h9xCkj4Yyo6VbTdcNrmhglJSkAWB6C9LVp1596ddbFZJ oeXXLtZenR5vWRmiHxdGQCeU3IteStFycl3yh0cjWrWlnL2tC* hq9YqyZPC*HgJgZWth5vrZkXybh!WDtlowun*QU*JFGJT4kPgZ RQFc7*GDPLYJ!3GQYiDqH5KOpIa9iVmcTYIsOEknsgDM4Oa10n dm8x894iU13b0l2cUQ!yXNitzHwDUYEHKKWBulmc$/jpg.jpg

Dark Knight
12-31-2001, 01:24 PM
Check www.mixedmartialarts.com they may also have someone for you. Good Luck, Enjoy Peyton.

12-31-2001, 02:18 PM
Cool call sign dude :cool:
