View Full Version : Challenge

12-31-2001, 10:28 PM
Please don't delete this.

I want to fight somebody. The kung fu schools are too far away to travel to. I need someone who is willing to drive to me in Maryland.

I need to fight someone. There can be any rules that you want. This is not a joke and those of you who were hear a long time ago know that i fought someone from the internet before.

12-31-2001, 10:34 PM
Go get drunk and fight yourself. Fight Club can do it, so can you!

12-31-2001, 11:19 PM
glad to see all that respect everyone has around here for ralek is so well deserved.

do you have some addiction to picking fights, some deep-seeded need to scrap with students of CMA, too much free time, just so little self respect that you find it nice to coddle yourself with the notion of "me-bigger-and-gooder-than-you," or do you have some tangible reason why you act as such?

12-31-2001, 11:24 PM
Ralek is a ***** and he's full of it. Some guy on his last thread named JF Springer challenged him, and ralek didn't even respond...

12-31-2001, 11:26 PM
and this surprised you?

oh, guys, i think i saw a guy bearing a striking resemblance to ralek hiding under a bridge last night.

****ing troll.

tei chi anarchy
12-31-2001, 11:31 PM
This guy did nothing wrong, and there is no reason to bag on him. It's fun to use martial arts on other individuals... I'm only 13 and cannot drive to Maryland, or else I would fight... Sorry dude. Try asking people in maryland...

01-01-2002, 12:09 AM
Im trying really really hard to not take this thread seriously...
For a start.
tei chi anarchy
"This guy did nothing wrong, and there is no reason to bag on him. It's fun to use martial arts on other individuals..."
I know you said your only 13 but please tell me that was tounge in cheek?
As for Relek...
Why not just do what people used to do traditionaly, if your so sure of yourself... Just post your full name and address online im sure many will come and seek you out.
In the old days people used to simply have an open door policy on challengers. Why not do the same?
Then again i guess listing big green hairy troll by the name of Relek, living under the danky bridge outside of backwater skankhole is pretty pointless.
By the way Relek something to think about...
Most attacks on the street happen becouse the aggressor is sure there going to win, usualy due to them either outnumbering you or having a weapon. Occasionaly you may just get lucky and there by themselfs unarmed and stupid. Just out of interest how exactly do you use groundfighting vs more than one person, or vs a weapon?

Nexus... That was pretty darn ammusing:D

Tae Li
01-01-2002, 12:20 AM
Whats the big deal? The guy wants to fight... As long as he knows that if he loses the challange he will be a complete and utter loser becasue it was his suggestion and that there are ALWAYS consequences. So having understood that, goodluck, but you really should do something about that ego...I dont think its very attractive.;)

Pity Im in Australia, I would have loved to kick your arse...hehe just kidding....Il hide behind Jon....heheh, he will protect me! Wont you Jon?? Il call you tonight...I think......:D

01-01-2002, 12:27 AM
You have no reason to hide behind me my dear;)
and feel free to call me anytime you like.

Also Relek [yet again]
Could have SWORN i remember a very prominent post on the main page of this forum by you that said something along the lines of how you were never going to post again?
I understand why BJJ works so well for you, i wouldnt want to wrestle with a nasty smelly green troll either:p

Johnny Hot Shot
01-01-2002, 12:45 AM
Hmm, is it me or is this De javu?

01-01-2002, 01:01 AM

Fight Ap, if he's still interested after you ducked him the first time for him wanting to take legitimate precautions with regard to safety and health (having somebody present with a level head in case something went wrong)

01-01-2002, 04:29 AM
Rolls, those spirochetes have really burrowed deep into your brain. Please don't put us through another year of your idiotic ramblings. Do us a favor, put yourself out of our misery.

Yung Apprentice
01-01-2002, 05:25 AM
I have family in Baltimore,MD. But I'm not spending money or the time to go all the way out east for just for a fight, hell I get into them out here. Plus other than two years of TKD(which ain't sayin much) I have absolutely no martial art background, and really don't want to get into a wrestling match. If you want to fight come out here, and it has to be a brawl none of that bjj stuff.:mad: :mad: :mad:

01-01-2002, 05:57 AM
Ralek u just dont seem to edge people anymore. Go **** yourself and come back with a fresh new troll name. U are getting more boring by the min.

01-01-2002, 07:28 AM
OK Ralek, I'm in. PM me and pick a place. I will be stateside in March or May. I will be Baltimore visiting a college budy ~May. In your message give me away to contact you, cell phone perfered I will call you and we can set things up. I will bring a video camera so that it can be recoreded. Only rules I have is the the fight ends with either KO or submission and Loser buys the Beer! (In the event that the loser can not buy beer a 3 Jamoca Almond Fudge Malt from Baskin Robbins will do!!!) This is serious. If you pm me I will contact you and WILL follow through, I am curtious enough to inform you of any changes I ask the same. ie don't have me waiting around and never show, I have to buy my own beer and drink alone that's no fun!!:(

(3 prospected matches already!!! This is a good way to start the year.) :D :D :D

01-01-2002, 09:11 AM
Now this I'd like to see.:D

01-01-2002, 09:12 AM
CanadianBassAss. If you havn't figured it out yet i don't visit the forums very often anymore becuase i don't have time. I never saw any posts by JF Springer. If he wants to fight he can respond in this thread. I will have a little more time on my hands now.

MerryPrankster. I wanted Apoweyn to come alone. I come alone too. I came alone during my last fight and so did ShaolinTiger. There is no need for bringing friends.

Aisa. Good. We can fight in Frederick Maryland. It's not too far away from Baltimore. I can't travel. Your going to have to come to me.

Yes. the rules should be that you stop when someone goes unconcious or they give up verbally or give up by tapping out with their hand. But what about biting, eye gouging, and groin grabs? Do you want them to be legal or not? Makes no difference to me.

If anyone else wants to fight then respond to this thread.

Felipe Bido
01-01-2002, 09:14 AM
You don't wanna mess with the Emperor...

(Of Baji, that is)

Oh, I forgot: Please, do what Kristoffer said, and change your nickname. And be funnier this time. Thank you

Royal Dragon
01-01-2002, 09:33 AM
How long would it take for us to figure it out?

Did'nt he fight Shaolin Tiger? What were the results of that one?

Also, if Ralek wants to advertise for NHB fights on the net, I say let him. It would be best if we could see the fight, but I'm sure they will at least post the results.

So Ralek, where do you want to hold this fight? Do you just meet in the park or something? What about medical personell? If you guys go full out NHB No rules, should'nt you have a medical staff on hand to care for the injuries? a good cut man at the very least.

Royal Dragon

01-01-2002, 09:35 AM
But what about biting, eye gouging, and groin grabs? Do you want them to be legal or not? Makes no difference to me.

Biting? I wouldn't recommend it. I don't know where you been and vie versa. But if you bite me I WILL bite back.
Eye gouge? I want this to be a nice 'friendly' challenge match I don't want to blind you for life.
groin grab? Ok as long as "oil checks" are allowed <I am starting to worry!>

Just that you realize this is suppose to be a chance to test skill. If you want a REAL NHB fight. I am still game but I want a legal waiver signed first and I know some attorneis in Baltimore that can draft one up.


I will bring a video camera to film the event. I will be taking pple with me. Why? Well one to take care of stuff like FIRST AID, etc. Plus it would be foolish to meet someone I don't know in an unfamilar area (for me) for a fight. Ralek you may bring pple too. I don't mind just to let you know that they are there to observe.

01-01-2002, 09:47 AM
Asia is my archenemy and I don't like to encouarge him but.......Ralek is way out of his league here. Asia your new to KFO so you don't know much about ralek he uh..........he uh...........he hehehe.............he learned how to fight by watching sagat from streetfighter hahahahahahaha!!!!

01-01-2002, 10:04 AM

Tell me your joking!!!:rolleyes:


Ralek how old are you? If we do this REAL NHB you will have to be over 18 and I am serious about having legal waivers. This is for your protection as well as mine.

01-01-2002, 10:11 AM
I am dead serious, he claims to have learned Muay Thai from streetfighter. His Ulitimate art of BJJ, well he learned that from a cdrom. I picture ralek as either a skinny nerd who gets picked on and lives his fantasys throught his board or the same thing except he is fat with lots of zits. Either way....what a loser!

JF Springer
01-01-2002, 10:26 AM
Okay Ralek. Now do you see my response post? I'm all of about 20 minutes from your location. Respond to the E-mail address listed in my profile and we'll go from there.

One simple rule. Survive or don't. Gong sau the real, authentic, traditional way. You should appreciate that.

01-01-2002, 10:35 AM
JF Springer,

Do you have access to a video camera? If so can you video tape the event. Keep us updated and DON'T hog all the fun!

Chang Style Novice
01-01-2002, 10:35 AM
Be very careful, y'all. As Shaolin Dynasty has mentioned, Ralek has never learned to fight without using his...joystick. If you catch my meaning.

01-01-2002, 10:44 AM
Ralek is the ultimate b1tch. He trolls, starts fights, then doesn't pusses out all of a sudden. This has happened several times. Let's see, there was Sam Wiley and a list of three of four others, not to mention ones that for some reason never happened, like with tnwingtsun, No_Know, and some wing chun guy whose name I can't recall. In the past he trolled under several different names: Gaiden, Verder, Rolls...most recently, Ralek. He has shown up for one "fight" which sounds like it was merely a friendly sparring match. Rolls cut his hand on Shaolin Tiger's tooth, and got a little scratch. That made it a "blood spilling fight" as he calls it.

Obviously, the reason he's trolling again is because the forum moved... There are several newbies here, and they can't search his old posts, so they don't know he's a troll.

And the streetfighter thing I'm sure isn't true. My thought is that he has limited grappling experience and tries to lure people into fighting him, as they think he only has knowledge of what he learned from tekken and streetfighter (I think I remember seeing a post where GDA admitted to starting that rumor, and Ralek liked the idea and used it for the next several months.) Either way though, he's just a little puke who couldn't fight his way out of a takeout box. There are several schools in maryland that he can go to to fight if he so desires.

For any of you newbies who are actually interested in fighting him though, here are some of his rules and requirements:

you have to meet him in frederick - maybe one day he'll figure out that the challenger travels, not the other way around.

you have to fight him on a friday

you can't weigh more than 180lbs.

you can only have CMA experience - no training in any non chinese style

there are a few others too. Maybe he'll make a list for everyone.

01-01-2002, 10:47 AM
yeah, he's mastered that so well that he can use his joystick with both hands!

JF Springer, I saw your profile....DO you know steven richards and ginger fist? (guess I should go read that mantis thread, huh? :) )

01-01-2002, 10:59 AM
For any of you newbies who are actually interested in fighting him though, here are some of his rules and requirements:

you have to meet him in frederick - maybe one day he'll figure out that the challenger travels, not the other way around.

I don't mind too much as long as it is not too far out of the way. After all I am coming from Europe so whats a couple of mile.

you have to fight him on a friday


you can't weigh more than 180lbs.

Your kidding right. I guess I'm out at 220lbs.

you can only have CMA experience - no training in any non chinese style

Now this smells of a keyboard karateka!

there are a few others too. Maybe he'll make a list for everyone

I am new to KFO but I have known of ROLLS if they are one and the same then I'll enjoy this evenmore. I already set down my rules and he has agrees so his rules are moot. Anyone know his age. I just want to make sure I am dealing with someone who can legally take a beating.


I am still waiting for my PM with you contact info. I will send mine when I get and verify ,via call, yours.

01-01-2002, 11:06 AM
Can't remember why only on friday...It probably had something to do with free time. As for the only CMA styles thing, he clams he's trying to prove that CMA is weak. He wants to do that by beating all of the CMA stylists that he can...to bad he always runs from them, huh?

01-01-2002, 11:08 AM
"Can't remember why only on friday"

I think it's cause he isn't allowed out on school nights.

Jeff Liboiron
01-01-2002, 11:32 AM
Originally posted by Asia

you have to fight him on a friday


Because this way he's got the weekend to lie in bed and heal hahaha :D

JF Springer
01-01-2002, 12:20 PM
7Star - Steve Richards is my Si-hing. As for Gingerfist I have no idea who the guy is or if he was even real for that matter.

Asia - Fighting is fighting. It's not a game and I abide by no rules. As for the weight limit thing I'm way over that, and no, none of it is fat.

01-01-2002, 12:47 PM
Tape it for us and i'll post it up on my server!!

01-01-2002, 12:55 PM
Come on guys - face facts, he won't fight anyone.

He does this all the time. I for one can remember 3 challenges, one accounted fight (ShaolinTiger00), and the unforgettable Tai Chi Sifu "fight" story. Check the facts off both Ralek and ST, and you'll see what BS he talks.

He's a no-good p!ss-poor example of a sweaty BJJ wannabe. He is NOT a Martial Artist - never has been , never will be. He sits at home and whacks-off over NHB videos, and the wrestlers from Tekken Tag Tournament.

BTW: If anyone does manage to "fight" with him, please record it this time, and post the tape on the Net.

01-01-2002, 03:30 PM
Why haven't you answered Ralek?
Could it be that you are a *shock* worthless troll, who does little except to stir sh!t, and waste people time?

Go home and beat off over NHB tape #7

It's the closest you'll get to a fight. Until the day comes that I kill you.

01-01-2002, 03:54 PM
Oh for God's sake!
I have seen you on here. On the "Users Browsing this Forum List", but you STILL won't reply.

Typical troll I guess.

01-01-2002, 04:00 PM
Ralek... It's rude enough for you to be alive, and now you won't even reply?

01-01-2002, 04:05 PM
Aisa. Do you want eye gouging, biting, groin grabs to be legal? Yes or no? I can't give you my phone number. You can talk to me on the internet. You can't bring friends. You have to come alone. I will come alone.

I havn't been able to post. I was reading it several times but didn't read all the posts and i had to get off the internet.

JF Springer. I will email you.

I have never backed out of any challenge matches. I just can't travel. I've fought every person who has came to the park. Only one person has come. Other people want me to travel to the holiday inn's and to baltimore. I can't travel. If you don't like it then we can't fight. If you want to fight then you have to come to me.

Yes i did learn BJJ from the Gracie CD-ROM. There are some moves from different positions.

01-01-2002, 04:05 PM

THAT is the kind of reply that keeps me here. Cheers CBA!

01-01-2002, 04:07 PM
Originally posted by Ralek
Yes i did learn BJJ* from the Gracie CD-ROM. There are some moves from different positions.

*Is BJJ short for blowjob junkie here?

Different Positions?

tsunami surfer
01-01-2002, 04:08 PM
AAARRRGGGG!!!! theres troll crap on the floor. Get a HAZMAT crew in here to clean it up!!!!!!

01-01-2002, 04:11 PM
see what I mean? that's another thing. You have to meet him in the park by his pond. Dunno how I forgot that one. And he does study his gracie CD. Studying is probably not the only thing he does to it...

01-01-2002, 04:11 PM
And i will fight anyone no matter what they wiegh. But you have to be a kung fu guy.

01-01-2002, 04:19 PM
Yeah, cause you WILL beat a KungFu guy.

The only beating you do is whilst watching a Gracie video.

01-01-2002, 04:20 PM
Your mother was superior

01-01-2002, 04:32 PM
JF Springer. What is your E-mail address?

JF Springer
01-01-2002, 04:42 PM
Click on my name, go to my profile and follow directions for sending a private message.

I have no problem driving to your location.

01-01-2002, 05:49 PM
i don't think he wants anyone there because then watever happens he can make up his own version of events and claim he won another "blood spilling fight" again. seriously this guy is a waste of time :)

01-01-2002, 06:38 PM
ralek . ..

do you not want anyone there so no one can tape it?

01-01-2002, 06:40 PM
. .. or because you don't actually have any friends that you could bring?

01-01-2002, 07:04 PM

I can get 50mb space for the video if its needed.

Do it like this, you take one friend and Asia takes one friend too. It must be taped or no one will belive any of "blood spilling".

01-01-2002, 07:16 PM
JF Springer. My e-mail is kaaar11@yahoo.com
I can't see your email address.

les paul
01-01-2002, 07:18 PM
I'm just wondering if anyone has proved that shaolin tiger was a real person.

If he is.......where is he now?........and what is his side of the "Bloody finger fight?"

Les Paul


Where the week are ate then flushed!

01-01-2002, 07:43 PM
Just incase you fight either JF Springer or Asia...
Where do i send the flowers after your brutaly beaten to a bloody pulp?
Can i have first dibs on your Gracie CD-Rom when your gone? I want to learn to fight like you:rolleyes:

01-01-2002, 08:14 PM
Les Paul. He was a real person. Some of the people on the forum have met him. He was spitting blood out of his mouth so therefore it was a blood spilling fight. If there is blood all over your arm then it is bloody.

But no one was hurt at all. It was just blood, but no injuries.

01-01-2002, 08:22 PM
I don't know why JR Springer is hiding his email address if he wants me to fight him. But he can e-mail me now if he wants to fight.

JR springer. Do you want to fight or not? Let's fight at Baker Park in Frederick maryland

01-01-2002, 08:26 PM
You're nothing but a pansy @$$ed worthless little liar, a troll, a flake and a weenie.

Get off the 'net & preserve what little shreads of dignity you may
still have.

You give Martial Arts a bad name.

your BJJ = ButtJamminJerk0ff

01-01-2002, 08:36 PM
If you're logged on just go to JF springers profile (http://forum.kungfumagazine.com/forum/member.php?action=getinfo&userid=9119) and then go to send email. It works for me, dont know y it wouldnt for u... unless you're just making up crap to get out of the fight.

01-01-2002, 08:51 PM
OK, so since we all have Trollek figured out, why bother with him? If his mom knew what he was doing with her computer, she would probably pay to have him fly out somewhere to get his butt beaten. THAT's why he won't give out his phone number.

Besides, he isn't even funny or entertaining anymore. I say just let this thread die. Nothing will come out of it.

01-02-2002, 04:13 AM
I have never wished I lived in Maryland so much (or before, atually) LOL at Delicate Sound, "your mother.." hehe.
From what I know of Asia off of Cyberkwoon, Ralek is going to suffer some humiliation.

Good :)

JF Springer
01-02-2002, 06:30 AM
Okay Ralek, I E-mailed you.

Bak Mei
01-02-2002, 07:29 AM
I've seen you post this same question numerous times.

Take an Amtral train to Penn Station New York. I'll pick you up, bring you to CHinatown. You can fight me if you want. You can stay at my place for a few days if you like, I can introduce you to Hung Gar guys if you like, to warm up. Some wing chun too.

Then I'll take you down to CHinatown and you can fight some Hsing-I/Ba Gua. After that you probbaly won't want to fight no more. Not saying that to be wise, but I often see a lot of people eager to fight when all the see are pajama parties, come play with the real deal. Fighting will never be looked at the same again. It's a great experience.

I was the same way. Now a take a train 3 hours to Chinatown to train and 3 hours out to get back home. It's worth it.

Take the train ride. The ticket is only $90 probbaly. I'll tell you what, you come and beat me or one of my Hsing-I brothers, and it will be my treat. Not the WC or HUng Gar, you have to beat one of us.

Happy New Year

01-02-2002, 07:41 AM
You're going to have to think of a good one to get out of that.:D