View Full Version : Women's self-defence will get a women hurt

01-01-2002, 03:13 AM
I saw a women's SD tape and I think it will get a women hurt. What I mean is that it teaches some grabs and locks, and I dont think a guy let alone a girl can learn grabs and controlling techniques in a few weeks or on tape. I think that is one of the harder parts of MAs is the grabs and locks.

01-01-2002, 03:16 AM
Was the tape teaching women to grab and lock, or teaching them to escape from controlling maneuvers?

Also, if you're going to lend criticism to a product, maybe you should mention the product you are commenting about.

01-01-2002, 03:24 AM
I'm downing a product, just the idea. Even at my university, they taught grabs. When I say "grabs and locks" I mean controlling techniques. Sorry it seems a little messed in my first post but you know what I mean. I see the guy in the big headed suit getting kick in the goin, but they use a lot of wrist locks.

01-01-2002, 03:41 AM
Oh, gotcha.

MonkeySlap Too
01-01-2002, 07:59 AM
Yeah, my sister-in-law took one of those classes. She wanted to show off to me so she asked me to choke her from behind. The minute I did, she freaked and asked me to let go. She then said that NO one in class ever applied a choke like that (I was being VERY gentle by the way) and that the way I held her rendered her 'technique' useless.

Up to that point she was overconfident.

I would extend this to include most martial 'arts' schools in this country.

David Jamieson
01-01-2002, 09:32 AM
c'mon guys, there are plenty of women who can fight and can fight well.
There are many who have very good Kung Fu.

overconfidence from ego stroking in a safe environment is one of the major causes of problems in training. THis comes with guys too.

When you remove these folks from the safe environment and they find themselves in a bad situation (read altercation) this is their first real lesson in what is going to work out of all the stuff they have learned.

locks, holds, and releases are good to learn, but many will tell you that compliance then resistance works for people who are smaller and weaker than those who prey on them.

So, in a bad situation, comply until the attacker is in a comfort zone with percieved dominance, then strike a vital area and get the heck away as fast as your legs will carry you.

Even then, this will not save you everytime and the bitter must be tasted now and again.

woman can learn totally effective ways of protecting themselves just as men can. These methods will have a balance of combat and evasion techniques as well as insight into the pschology of an attacker.

many of the programs that i have seen for women are not too bad and have a strong emphasis on awareness of surroundings and evasive tactics.

It is the students who are at fault when it comes to the question of over confidence.

Kung Fu cannot be gained in a few quick lessons that show you a couple of slick moves. It requires hard work and dedicated practice and it is most beneficial when taught to you by someone who has tasted bitter and has learned to savour that in order to understand it's lesson.

don't sell the ladies short otherwise, there's plenty out there that will drop us guys in a click of a second hand :)


01-01-2002, 10:41 AM
What are you talking about? I'm not saying women can't learn or don't have good kung fu. I'm saying that those 2 month self-D course try to teach women technique that take years. I saw a few that try to teach women controlling/subduing techniques. Its hard for a seasoned student to do them.

01-01-2002, 11:16 AM
I'm with MS2 on this one. A friend of mine too k a self defense class, and none of the escapes she tried wokred. I could see what she was doing though. The problem is that these crash courses don't offer the time needed to adequately learn these skills. Not to mention the fact that many of those who teach the class probably shouldn't be anyway...