View Full Version : San Soo Challenge!!!

01-01-2002, 01:32 PM
Does anyone remember that fight between the San Soo guy Sean Scott and MMA fighter John Marsh? What's Sean Scotts training background? And didn't he have a website?

Someone on another board was trying to tell someone this about him:

combat karate expert sean scott(who is a combat karate master, and a blackbelt in probably more than a dozen disciplines...was hired by the goverment to train the likes of the FBI & CIA, and spend many years in the east learning from masters there) had an open challenge, NO RULES all eye gouging pressure point and groin pull technics can be used apparently only bjj guys ask about fighting, sean picks jonh marsh a NHB veteran and bjj player.

I was thinking Scott was a San Soo instructor with 5 years experience. I'm not being a troll or anything, I just don't like people spreading false info...