View Full Version : Bjj and Wrestling questions...

01-01-2002, 08:48 PM
Wyou shoot for a double leg, and someone sprawls, what can you do? I dont ever know

If their is several different ways for someone to sprawl, or someone to coutner a sprawl, a list of as many as u can think of would be cool...

every time i wrestle my friend, if i shoot in, alot of times he'll sprawl, quick bast*ard :D ...wanna know wut i can do from their, neither of us wrestle so he kind of waits their with his weight on top of me for about 4-5 seconds, and its kinda hard to do anything...i think i overcommit cuz i usually end up on my knees, with his chest on my back, and his legs out of my reach....

And when you are in someones full guard, and they have very strong legs, what can you do? I usually get the wind sucked out of me, and i dont know what kind of escapes or moves i could do from there....

and when you have someone in the full guard, what kind of moves can you do, and if they are attacking, where would you want to control their limbs? head or neck?

and what do do if your side mounted? or half guarded, or have someone in the half guard?

I wrestle like this as often as i can, and i'd like to get even better at it, technique would give me more of an edge as i already have some...

01-01-2002, 08:51 PM

You've asked a question as long as my arm!

I have to go workout. I'll get back to you shortly.


01-01-2002, 09:50 PM
Sorry. Looks like I've got some work to do.


01-01-2002, 11:14 PM
Thanx watchman, that helps alot, and i know theirs more ways to do it, so i'll be looking foward to merry pranksters strat, and anyone else willing to contribute, thanx guys

Ford Prefect
01-02-2002, 07:51 AM
If you are quick yourself, you can this thing called a "sit through". When you are on your knees with his chest on your back, plant your right elbow into the ground within the proximity of his right leg. He will most likely have his right arm around your head or body, so secure it with your left arm. Next, take your right leg and kick it straight out IN FRONT of your left leg. (ie where your left hand would be if your were on hands and knees) You should now be out from underneath him. You can:

a) If your right hand was able to hook the inside of his left leg, you can spin off your right leg and get back mound.

b) just spin off your right leg to get away from him and start over.

c) push your back against him to try to topple him and establish side mount. This is kind of risky as you may end up giving up your back.

If you are familiar with the hip heist drill, then this should be no problem. The sit through is really just a hip heist done from your hands and knees.

01-02-2002, 11:07 AM
haha, I recommend and instructional. Mario Sperry Vale Tudo 1 has gotten good reviews =) http://www.groundfighter.com

01-02-2002, 11:28 AM
If you are in their guad then you have to pass it.

If they are in your guard then you have to do a finishing move or a sweep.

If you are on the bottom of the side mount then you do an elbow-knee escape to get them in your guard. I did this in a real life fight with a former opponent of Marvin Perry the champion of San shou and then i punched him and he was spitting out blood and he was getting tired and had to take rest breaks every 5 minutes.

If you are in the half guard then you have to pass it and get mount.

If you have them in your half guard then you need to sweep them.

01-02-2002, 11:53 AM
Originally posted by Ralek
If you are on the bottom of the side mount then you do an elbow-knee escape to get them in your guard. I did this in a real life fight with a former opponent of Marvin Perry the champion of San shou and then i punched him and he was spitting out blood and he was getting tired and had to take rest breaks every 5 minutes.

Wow - it only took you about 45 minutes to make that BS up, and now you get to use it all the time. You really are the best Ralek!

01-02-2002, 12:06 PM
somehow Ralek is always correct :)

01-02-2002, 12:11 PM
He refuses to argue/discuss/speak with I, and indeedmany other people that question him

He spits out pithy comments and BS, in a pathetic attempt to get respect/destroy the noble art of KungFu. Whichever.

All I know, is that my mission now is to destroy his every post.

Happy New Year to you Ralek :)

01-02-2002, 12:16 PM
its just that Apprentice just asked how to wrestle, its not an easy question. Ralek has given the best advice yet. I'm sort of questioning his sweep priority if you have half guard. My preference is to get guard first then work from there :)

Apprentice, if you are really interested you should check out that tapeset i posted above. Where in NY do you live? Any jiu-jitsu in your area? Are you in Highschool? interested in the wrestling team?

01-02-2002, 12:22 PM
check out




tsunami surfer
01-02-2002, 12:35 PM
AAARRRRGGGGG!!!!!!More of ralek's troll crap! Did the HAZMAT Team show up yet????????

01-02-2002, 01:30 PM
Actually I really did do an elbow knee escape with a former oponent of Marvin Perry the champion of san shou and punhced him and he was spitting blood. and he really did have to take rest breaks every 5 mintues. He used to post on this forum. He used the name Shaolintiger. Some people have met him including Apoweyn. I was going to fight Apoweyn too but he won't fight me without bringing friends.

Yes you can do sweeps from half guard.

I don't want to describe any techniques because jiujitsu is not for kung fu guys. But i will describe one seceret technique that most people don't know about. It's called the flying gi choke. I invented it. You jump into the air towards your opponent. While in the air you sink your right hand into the collar palm up like your doing the X choke. Grab low near the chest on the other lapel of the Gi (still in the air) and sort of fly counter clockwise in the air wich will put pressure on their throat. Make sure you pull down with yoru left hand to take out the slack. You'll end up behind your opponent with the GI choke on.

01-02-2002, 01:41 PM
Shaolin Tiger has told his story, and it is WILDLY different. Apparantly you did hit his tooth, but he dominated you all thru the fight, until you requested a draw.

If Apoweyn will fight, can he video it?

We will have the two fighters announce themselves to the camera, and the fight will commence. The camera man does not have to be a friend of Apoweyn or yourself, or even a KF or BJJ practitioner. Anyone will do. Why not agree to bring ONE friend each, so that someone can tape it?

I think you the "No friend rule" is so that you can make up BS without any witnesses. I may be wrong.

Please reply to this post Ralek, as this matter interests me. I would like very much to hear your explanation.

01-02-2002, 01:44 PM
Well APOWYN wanted to invite me and merry prankster...so i don't know whass the problem RALEK has with that.

01-03-2002, 07:36 AM
ttt (to the top)

Chang Style Novice
01-03-2002, 07:47 AM
I can't be the only one who remembers Ralek and Shaolin Tiger agreeing that the reason Ralek "wore him out" by "controlling the distance" was because he kept getting creamed when he tried to get close.

In other words, Shaolin Tiger kept trying to fight, and Ralek kept running away. I suspect this is another reason why Ralek would rather 'fight' in a park than a mat or ring - not so easy to flee when you find out you are in over your head. And yes, the 'no witnesses' rule is obviously so he can spin the events of the fight any way he wants without fear of contradiction from a third party. It's weird, he must know how bad he's making himself look - lord knows it's been pointed out to him sufficiently. Perhaps Ralek really hates BJJ and is using this immature, transparent behaviour to discredit it.

Eh, just a thought.

01-03-2002, 09:13 AM
NAH...my curiosity is instead of the park...why not the park parking ground where it's cement and rocks...

Ford Prefect
01-03-2002, 09:18 AM
No need to get all bent out of shape about Ralek. He's just some person with nothing else better to do than get people who take themselves too seriously all riled up. He's pretty good at it too. Just see his remarks for what they are, and you'll see a lot of them are pretty funny.

01-03-2002, 10:31 AM
I would like to see a video of Ralek and whoever fight. Shoot, in that case does anyone have videos of fights not just dojo fights but people chalenging each other. Here is a cheap, lame site with generic boxing matches www.stevesbackyardboxing.com just for fun check it out.