View Full Version : witness a real fight 30 guys vs. 4 guys.

01-02-2002, 09:57 AM
Ok...I was in DC on New Year's...word got to me that a bunch of 30 asian guys wanted to jump a group of 4 asian guys outside of a club. The 30 asian guys waited outside and proceeded to talk a lot of smack...an hour later...the 4 guys came out...I was in my car with some friends watching it. Next thing u know...only 3 of the 30 guys started the fight...one of the 3 got KO by one of the 4 guys...the rest just stood back and gestured while the 4 stood their ground saying COME ON COME ON. Now...my question is what where the other 27 guys thinking???

01-02-2002, 10:05 AM
"i couldn't give a **** about him, and i don't care about this beef, so i ain't puttin myself at risk for sumthin i couldn't give a **** about"

01-02-2002, 10:13 AM
Now...my question is what where the other 27 guys thinking???

"DANG I could be next!" :D

My question is what happend when the 3 who got beat down realize their BOYZ didn't have their back?

01-02-2002, 10:31 AM
it's at times like that when you find out who your friends really are - which is why i am a lone soldier now.

01-02-2002, 10:39 AM
asia...actually those 3 are peeps i know...not very well but know...and i talke to the LOSERs...they were mad as ****...well the one who got KO I didn't talk to cause they had to take him to the hospital...he got hit...fell down and hit his head on da cement. Lucky he didn't die...
I actually was talking **** at IHOP to one of the guys talking smack...he just sat there quiet afterwards...

01-02-2002, 11:28 AM
I agree with Sharky.......

Real soligers move alone!

Sad that it takes, 30 guy's, to make 3 soligers!


Bak Mei
01-02-2002, 11:32 AM
Scary scenario, 30 on 4. I would have looked for a back door and that's no lie.

Foolish but mad lucky.

01-02-2002, 11:46 AM
Assuming that they were all well trained martial artists here are some possibilities about the 27 guys.

1. They were Tai Chi masters, they were joining the fight but they move kind of slow.

2. They were TKD masters, but had to wait for their sparring gear.

3. They were Wing Chun players, but just as the fight started they got into a debate about trapping and footwork.

4. They did BJJ, they were just waiting for someone to go to the ground.

5. They were MMA, but why fight when there's no purse.

6. They did Muay Thai and were just waiting for the bell.

01-02-2002, 11:47 AM
I would have climbed out the toilet window.

Call me a chicken, a girl or a wuss. I'll always have my cowardice to back me up :p

01-02-2002, 11:51 AM
7. They were Kung Fu students, and had spent so long on the KFO board, they had forgotten how to fight.

01-02-2002, 11:57 AM
"Too many witnesses."

Growing up in the south, "gang" fights would happen every weekend between the "Stoners" and the "Rednecks", usually over "this is MY parking lot" or some dime dope deal gone terribly awry. The attackers would usually swoop in enmasse with chains and bats and take their revenge. If you weren't one of the 4 swoopees or the 30 swoopers, you either got the hell outta there or pulled your buddies from the wreckage. Noone ever instigated an attack at a place so open as a club, or anywhere there wasn't a quick retreat. So much for Suburbia.

And dangit, you ruined all my images of Asian gangs being tough!

01-02-2002, 12:01 PM
Where I come from the Asian gangs ARE tough. They're all 20-something guys driving stolen open-topped BMW's in Winter. And they always fight with knives. Which is a b!tch.

01-02-2002, 12:30 PM
Would love to see a 4 vs 30 match. (if the four were really great martial artists and other were ****.) :D

01-02-2002, 12:41 PM
"...my question is what where the other 27 guys thinking???"

"DANG I could be next!"


01-02-2002, 12:44 PM
That' s funny.

Great thing about being a hic. At my house, fights start with a bark and end with a bang.


tsunami surfer
01-02-2002, 12:45 PM
Typical streetfight. One big mouthy group vs a small quite group. one or two bigmouths get dusted off and suddenly noone wants to be tough anymore. Its those quite guys who will get you every time.

01-02-2002, 12:45 PM
Having seen this...I come to the conclusion...these guys were YOUNG( the 30 some guys )...they had to hype themselves up for over an hour outside the freezing club to start a fight. Many just wanted to see it! No coordination...u could tell they had no idea what they wanted to do...I saw the 3 guys throw the INFAMOUS BASEBALL PUNCH and jump back. Even the 4 guys threw the INFAMOUS BASEBALL PUNCH. But I think in the long run 4 guys held a line...they didn't run...they stood there ground which intimidated the others. The other peeps were AFRAID to jump in. I have seen this numerous times but never 30 vs. 4!

Yung Apprentice
01-02-2002, 12:48 PM
The Asian gangstas out here have a reputation of being killers and not much good for a fight. Most will just POP you and move on. Thats why we don't here to much about them. Nobody wants to or is dumb enough to F U C K with them!

01-02-2002, 12:58 PM
YUNG...that's usually the case with the OLDER/EXPERIENCED crews...but these guys are YOUNG CLOWNs. I'm mean u can here them chatting," I can't wait to steal them. " I too carry a piece but only for self defense.

Bak Mei
01-02-2002, 01:05 PM
How can one go about carrying a side arm? Is it legal, under what terms? If I was to start a small business, can I claim it is necessary to protect myself because I move with money. Not the case, but can be to get a permit.

I live in NY. I want to learn about sidearms. I know nothing other than the the barrel points to the guy you want to shoot and the trigger needs to get pulled. I seen clips coming in and out in movies, and people pullig something back ontop or the side, but have no clue.

How and where do I go about learning? Small but powerful enough weapon with accuracy. I don't know anything, but I assume that's what everyone is looking for, right?

01-02-2002, 01:11 PM
I don't know about the gun license in NYC. so u prob. have to check it out! But I can tell u that u do have a process and some safety courses that will give u a permit to carry one...and sometimes a conceal gun too. Put it this way...u don't have to kill anyone...imagine if someone about 5 ft a way pull a gun on you...would u fight him or steal from him??? Nope...that's the reason why I carry one...for one...at 5ft 7inches...and to be honest with little KO power I can't rely on grappling to take on a guy 200 or more. A weapon of some sort may force the guy to retreat if not...then oh well. Haven't had an oppt. and hope not to test it out!

01-02-2002, 03:25 PM
At 5 feet away Legend you better be a really good draw. ;)

01-03-2002, 06:59 AM
If someone pulls a gun on you from 5 feet

1) you had your head up your ass.

2) you'd better be wearing diapers.

The possession of a gun dictates no "option". If you carry one, throw your kung fu out the window. You now have the real ability to kill another human being, so it is your responsibility and the law not to put yourself in a situation where you might have to. A gun should only come out of the holster for two reasons, one is cleaning. Do you know what the repercussions are of drawing and ****ing versus drawing and shooting? Better find out. Sorry, I digress. Bak Mei, I would suggest you bone up on local law to see if you can even possess or carry, and find a gun club with basic pistol safety classes, and go. You will also have a LOT of fun!