View Full Version : Fa Jing

01-02-2002, 03:02 PM
What is this?

I see alot of reference to it on the boards!

Please explain!


Chang Style Novice
01-02-2002, 03:09 PM
"Fa jing" = "Explosive Force"

A way to create a lot of energy without much movement. In it's most basic form, one gains fa jing by coordinating many small movements simultaneously to deliver a strong impact with minimal distance; for example, the famous one-inch punch.

Chang Style Novice
01-02-2002, 03:12 PM
Put another way, when executing a fa jing strike, the practioners entire body is the source of power - the hand (or elbow, shoulder, etc.) is merely the outlet for the power.

The art most famous for developing fa jing is Chen family taijiquan.

01-02-2002, 03:15 PM
Erle Montaigue has some articles on fa jing at his website, www.taijiworld.com.

Good stuff.


01-02-2002, 03:44 PM
Stop talking about me. My ears are burning.

-FJ :p

Bak Mei
01-02-2002, 03:45 PM
Short power.

Nothing mystical about it at the basics of it.

Shape your arm like you are swigging a beer. Now rotate them both like you are power walking, feel the hinge at the shoulder.

Now do both up and down at the same time, vision pounding on something.

Now relax and just let the arms fall in that shape naturally.

Add power to it. With time, the time it takes to add your poer to the natural falling with shorten, and soon you can create a large burst of power without any momentum being needed.

Easy to say, harder to do -- priceless in combat.

01-02-2002, 04:08 PM
A great Fa jing demonstration that I caught while living in S F chinatown was a little old short man that explianed that fa jing was like that of a bull whip. He asked how and what made the "crack sound"of wahip, someone said the sound is becuse it moves through the air faster than the speed sound, he said yes but by the flick of the wrist. This is becuse kenetic energy is connected in unison to move through out the length of the whip without resistence. If you make your body do the same you can move faster than sound. and he had someone hold up a piece of paper and then put his palm on it then without hardly any body movement the paper vibrated and then ripped a section in the paer of the outline of his hand. Or if you didnt belive your eyes and wanted to feel his fa jing He then would touch your shoulder and throw you against the wall or on the ground while smiling at you with a humble look on his face that says ......"yes I know".

01-02-2002, 07:06 PM
great story dragon man !

Chang Style Novice
01-02-2002, 07:19 PM
Ever see one of the Chen practitioners lie down, put a quarter on his belly, and then toss it six feet in the air with his stomach muscles? Doesn't sound so hard, until you try it - and the quarter stays right there on your belly!