View Full Version : Hello everyone!

01-02-2002, 10:30 PM
Hello everyone, I'm new to this forum. I am not here to say that my martial arts are better or that you are practicing a "non-effective martial art", I'm on ly here to discuss interesting topics about the martial arts study with intellegent practitionners. Sorry if my English is bad, my primary language is French. I am 19 years old, I have practiced shotokan karate-do, and now the art I practice is aikido. Peace to everyone!

01-02-2002, 10:39 PM
"I'm on ly here to discuss interesting topics about the martial arts study with intellegent practitionners. "

What about the non inntellegent practitionners? Cause us stupid folk like interesting topics about the martial arts too... And besides, i don't its to polite to alianate half this forum with your first post...

01-02-2002, 10:41 PM
Just to clearify that, by non inntellegent practitionners i mean the ones that arnt so smart....

01-02-2002, 10:51 PM
Wait a minute. You've come here to discuss interesting topics about martial arts with intelligent practitioners?

Boy, have you made a wrong turn.

Here are some of the fascinating and timeless topics we often debate here:

1. Was Rolls naturally born or did he spring from a sweaty rasslin mat i.e like a mushroom?

2. Porn.

3. Bruce Lee--Jerk or God?

4. Rasslin--why is it better than kung fu? (Alas, you'll never see a thread from "open-minded" rasslers investigating the reverse of that question)

5. Rasslin--it's the real deal! (See #4 for appropriate commentary)

6. More Porn, but with a Wushu flair.

7. Dead Horses--Isn't when they twitch from repetitive blows a sign that they *might* get up?

8. Republicans--do they really have late night dates with pigs, and what's all this about Democrats who still suckle their momma's teat and want to emasculate the world by taking away all the guns?

9. Weapons in Martial Arts. (Actually, this is the one topic that is rarely spoiled, until some bozo starts spouting off how he'll blow your medulla oblongata into a pink mist with a 9mm. Hm. Wonder who that soft-headed b*st*rd might be...?)

10. Rolls, will you, can you, won't you, may you, might you, should you, fight me if I fly/ride/hop/walk/crawl/skip/squirm to your lake in Maryland?

These are only a few of the Top Hits from last year. I'm sure other members can come up with more...

01-03-2002, 02:51 AM
And ignore Budokan, he's twisted :eek: :D

01-03-2002, 06:19 AM
These boards seem like they are full of Americans, so u might not want to say that your language is french. Black Jack is one of them who hates anything from Europe.

01-03-2002, 06:30 AM
No, don't hide anything. If someone doesn't like it, tough ****.:D

01-03-2002, 06:41 AM
Comment ca va? bienvenue aux ces "forums"!! J'en suis desole: je n'ai pas parle francais beaucoup!! Mais, j'ai parle francais depuis j'ai 11 ans. Avez-vous beaucoup du neige en Montreal? Moi, je suis habiter en Atlanta, GA et nous avons 3-4" du neige
Combien des annees avez-vous etudier les "martial arts"? Moi, j'etudier de plus de 2 ans. Aimez-vous Shotokan? J'etudier une "form" utiliser du karate...mais je ne pense pas que c'est "shotokan". Ayez une bonne journee!!!


"sometimes when I get nervous, I stick my hands under my armpits..."

01-03-2002, 06:43 AM
I used to search for Ginger fists posts for my daily ammusment but since he has left you may become my new favorite.

"7. Dead Horses--Isn't when they twitch from repetitive blows a sign that they *might* get up?"

hehe pure gold that was great:D

Still you almost forgot...
11 What does Wushu-chick really look like and are there any other girls on the board we can stalk.
12 Is Stacey really a guy.
13 Why my instructor is invicible and yours is a fake.
14 Why my school is the one teaching real martial arts in the country.
15 Is internal force real... dispite the fact that people are always going to believe in what they wish and have experienced anyway.
16 Why Shaolin Do should not be alowed to exist on the face of the planet. Plus how we are all able to judge this.
17 How many kung fu sites can we list as being a mcdojo in one thread.
18 How many well known masters can we accuse of being a fraud dispite having never met them, let alone seen or tried there skills first hand.
19 Why techniques that we dont train can never work.
20 There is only one linage in my art and its my schools! Everyone else is a fake.

old jong
01-03-2002, 07:24 AM
Salut le nouveau!...Je te souhaite beaucoups de plaisirs avec cette gang de fous sur le forum!
A propos, ne t'inquietes pas de ton anglais, il est meilleur que bien d'autres!;)

01-03-2002, 07:25 AM
raping the elderly with broken glass has always been my favorate topic.

01-03-2002, 07:26 AM
ooohhh ohhh .. .

and retards.

retards are awesome. we need more threads about retards to replace some of the retarded threads.

01-03-2002, 07:31 AM
Welcome! So you are now studying aikido. Aikido threads here are always a blast ;)

Where do you study? I study with Shizuo Imaizumi at Shin Budo Kai in Manhattan.

01-03-2002, 07:39 AM
What are you talking about, every thread Rolls is in is, ultimately, about retards.


01-03-2002, 11:19 PM
do you guys like goto your im sites,and turn down your comscreen light,email deaththrash beats to eachother
while sniffing the nailpolish on your toes???huh,inquiren minds is pondern

4really jon:17 How many kung fu sites can we list as being a mcdojo in one thread.
i think we should seriously start that thread it would ime be parrallel to a partaking inline with recieving the noble prize or the like.

01-03-2002, 11:20 PM

01-03-2002, 11:22 PM
but if your into the combat of your inferior geographical arts"jk-sorta" you should do well within these here discussions'heck
RYU DID:cool:

Chris McKinley
01-03-2002, 11:32 PM
Hi Dark Samurai,

Tell us...how did you end up here in this forum/circle of hell with the rest of us? Lose a bet? Bad karma? Or were you a lawyer?

Anyway, bienvenue....and watch out for the silly English kniggets.

01-03-2002, 11:38 PM
"4really jon:17 How many kung fu sites can we list as being a mcdojo in one thread.
i think we should seriously start that thread it would ime be parrallel to a partaking inline with recieving the noble prize or the like."

Trust me... just go to the web, find a site for ANY kung fu school doesnt matter if its real or not. Next you simply title your post something along the lines of "is this real kung fu" and list the url for your chosen site. Now sit back and watch the sparks fly. Before you know it you will have proudly contributed to the public humiliation of not one, but more than likely several styles of martial arts in one go. As i say... whether or not its real is does not matter, either way someone on this board is bound to be able to tell you exactly what there doing wrong and why its of no use to the human population.
We are all experts at judging here you see. We are judge jury and executioner for the many small and lessor known systems of martial arts. We are the last frontier against teaching anything not known to the rest of the general public. Our service is paramount to keeping the lessor known arts out of the public hands. We are the last line of defence against the scum that would try and teach things that are not of our line of thinking. This way we can all be safe from having to ever actualy learn anything thats taught outside of our own club. Or worse still realising that we may not have ALL the answers.

01-03-2002, 11:47 PM
21. san shou - CMA or american-style heavy petting?
22. kung lek - what this bugger doesn't know (sadly, no replies have been made to this topic yet)
23. trying to make sense out of the three words whipping hand gives you when you were hoping for an essay.
24. san shou - really, we need to know what it is, because the last thread got bogged down again.
25. nihilism, futility and you - arguing that wing chun sucks on the WC forum when you've never even seen a chain punch
26. how long i can get away with naughty posts until gene comes to kick my bum off
27. dude! you gotta see this crappy wooden dummy i saw on ebay! (and our next model, the sleek "balsa dummy," now retailing for $595 -- complete with superman sticker ;) )
28. no, really. why can't i just get a straight answer on the san shou thing?
29. making thrashmetal threads and seeing how long it takes gene to kill them.
30. now what's this about GDA's winky?

01-04-2002, 07:31 AM
Diego, how d'ja know?:eek:

01-04-2002, 09:40 AM
What the hell is a Knigget?

01-04-2002, 12:04 PM
diego ..

your partly correct, but i'm usually sniffin the dried semen i let collect between my toes for about two weeks.