View Full Version : Hi Everybody!!!

01-03-2002, 07:00 AM

01-03-2002, 07:09 AM
Provided your not one of our many trolls in disguise ill say welcome to the board and enjoy.
Just for gods sake dont believe half the rubbish you read here, good for a laugh and comparison not much else.
Still there are certainly some high level practioners around so keep your eyes open and you may learn something, i certainly am.
Hope you enjoy the board and get stuck into the errr fun:p

btw ignore the ralek comment at the top it will make more sence when you have been around a while.
Read the 'hello everyone' thread there is a great run down on what to expect from this board.
Have fun Jacki
ps There are pleanty of females around the board and many really know there stuff. There just not as vocal as us guys:rolleyes:

01-03-2002, 07:16 AM
Welcome :)

01-03-2002, 07:23 AM
Hey there.

Well now that the pleasantries are over...

What TKD association do you train under?

Is your BJJ Gracie, Machado, or what? Do you practice gi, no gi, or both? Any Vale Tudo?

How long have you been training in the martial arts?

And for climbing, sport or trad, gym or rock?


01-03-2002, 07:27 AM
i have a tiny little winky so i wont even bother introducing myself.

Chang Style Novice
01-03-2002, 07:28 AM
Glad to have you here, Jackie.

Uh - watch out about the BJJ and TKD, though. These are subjects that have been known to instigate heated discussion. I've never studied either art, but from the discussions I've encountered here, apparently the best way to fight with this combination would be to fall down on your back while attempting an impractical high kick that leaves your head unguarded, then wait for your opponent to jump on you, and finish up by wrapping his own tongue around his throat for a choke.:D

Please correct any misapprehensions I may have inadvertently related in this description.

01-03-2002, 08:05 AM
Well that was ones fast edit.

And I guess that was goodbye?


Chang Style Novice
01-03-2002, 08:09 AM
Jackie, if my fake-trolling comments about TKD and BJJ are what prompted you to erase your post, I apologize. My remarks were meant in fun and not as a personal attack. I intended to mock the board at large's attitudes about these arts, not your work and skill.

"Glad to have you here" was totally sincere, though.

old jong
01-03-2002, 08:11 AM
...Where are you?...I see only empty space and two little dots as your thread!

01-03-2002, 10:09 AM
These young chicks, they turn up get us all interested then disappear!

Or is it just GDA's tiny little winky that's putting them off?

Hey GDA, you ain't supposed to let on that it's tiny until you get them in bed, then it's too late anyway!

I once saw on the telly a prog called "So you want to be a porn star" This guy got his kit off in front of a "pro" chick, and she looked at his weapon and said "Geesus! who the hell are you going to satisfy with that little thing?" and he said "Myself!" priceless I thought

:D :D


tsunami surfer
01-03-2002, 10:17 AM
Welcome aboard Jacki!

01-03-2002, 10:18 AM
now that, colin, is priceless. utterly priceless. valueless, too, but still priceless.

01-03-2002, 10:20 AM
oh, and jacki, welcome aboard. if you find yourself annoyed by any of the buggers here, just laugh at 'em. we all do. we're all trying very hard to maintain a semblance of seriousness in our discussions of martial arts, and we often succeed, but we're all quite silly and it shows up more often than not.

01-03-2002, 10:20 AM
Hey welcome, the more girls on KFO the better for me.

Ben Gash
01-03-2002, 11:03 AM
Maybe she just hasn't the time at the moment. Nursing puts a serious strain on the rest of your time (that's why I dissappear from the boards for months at a time).
Anyway, welcome to the board.

01-03-2002, 11:26 AM
Hi Jacki, don't let the locker room hijinx get to you here. It's nice having another TKD person here amongst the rabble.;)

01-03-2002, 12:25 PM

01-03-2002, 01:49 PM


01-03-2002, 01:56 PM
Cool, another post by a "famale" using her sexuality to get attention. We get one of these every week, I'm bored.

01-03-2002, 02:08 PM
Is that really you in the picture?
I certainly hope so. Can we have more of that stuff?

I can save pictures of you in a directory exclusive of pictures of you, isnt that real cool. I think ill name it C:\Jacki Pictures

01-03-2002, 02:12 PM
That's lil bow wow. HE IS A 12 YEAR OLD BOY!
hahaha xexsball that is the funniest thing I've ever seen anyone say on this board. For god's sake, edit your post (then I'll edit mine).

Qi dup
01-03-2002, 02:31 PM
Sup jacki.

01-03-2002, 02:36 PM
Welcome to the board Jacki.

I generally don't think of the folks on here as either male or female but rather simply as martial artists. I have found For the most part that ones gender is not important in these discussions. (there are exceptions) I either ignore posts of a sexual nature or just have some humour with them.

I'll be interested in how you've learned such radically different styles concurrently. Perhaps the huge difference has helped. What have you found?


01-03-2002, 03:51 PM
I've seen the kim smith webpage before, something about hello kitty and BJJ?! Maybe you posted on the otherground. If i remember correctly people tried to run you off for being a fraud. Which of course you're not... (cough cough)

African Tiger
01-03-2002, 06:04 PM
Contrary to what "what's his face said" before you joined us, there may not be any tigers in Africa, but there's a Tiger in this African!! :D

Welcome and watch out for Relak. Although he's about to get his a.s.s pounded, pressed out, folded, and handed back to him with his change like a shirt at the laundry - so he may not be around much longer!

wushu chik
01-03-2002, 06:36 PM
I take that sexist remark very personally. You should be ashamed of yourself!! ;) I have NEVER used my sexuality to get attention....my BIG MOUTH, yes, but my SEXUALITY NEVER!!! So, TAKE IT BACK, NOW!

Anyways, Jacki, welcome to the forum, and let me say it's nice to see another girl around here...there are few of us, and it's hard to fit in with all the testosterone in these forums, but we get by!!!

But, you will learn to love almost all the guys like I have, and even overlook their remarks at times!!! Right guys????


01-03-2002, 07:53 PM
It's great to meet you! How long have you studied TKD? I was also wondering what "BJJ" is? I must agree with wushu chik, it's nice to see other ladies on the forum!!!
Have a great day!


"sometimes when I get nervous I stick my hands under my armpits..."

wushu chik
01-03-2002, 08:59 PM
MaryCatherine.....BJJ= Brazilian Ju Jitsu....

NafAnal~ the website isn't up, i already checked!!! It says it be closed!!


01-03-2002, 10:04 PM
By the way jacki, why do you have a picture of a 12 year old hip hop artist as your picture?
Wushu Chik, I won't take it back because I wasn't addressing you! Besides, I've seen you do the same thing :D

01-03-2002, 10:18 PM
"Cool, another post by a "famale" using her sexuality to get attention." --KungFuGuy!

I couldn't agree more. This is just another troll. Probably a 320 pound geek still living in his parents' basement munching Doritos and downloading Britney Spears fake porn pics. It *is* getting boring and it's a one-note joke that's gone on for too long.

"Famale" is right.

01-03-2002, 10:49 PM
Making fun of spelling mistakes is trolling.

01-03-2002, 11:13 PM
No, I think it's a correct term. "Famale" for a male posing as a female on the internet.

01-03-2002, 11:19 PM
Well, um, in that case I spelled it that way on purpose. Yeah.

01-03-2002, 11:20 PM
If you noticed i actualy addressed my reply to Ralek so im skeptical to, but we have to really give Jacki the benifit of the doubt for a little while at least.
I mean how would you feel if you posted your first message on a public forum about martial arts and the first thing you got was a load of replies claiming your lying about your sexuality.
In all fairness it shouldnt matter if Jacki is male or female, us stuffing about trying to figure it out only makes us look like a bunch of losers who never have the chance to meet real women. I personaly know many, i dont need to have to go hunting them down message boards. I would hope most of us are in the same boat. So lets give HER the benifit of the doubt and see what she has to say.
We can always go accusing her of things AFTER she has posted a few messages no?
Seems a little odd to me that so many people jump on a female poster. Ive done it as well this time so i cant talk, but at least i wasnt commentating on her sexuality.
Give her some credit and wait and see what happens...
If she is generaly intersted in whats going on here im sure this is one crappy introduction.

Chris McKinley
01-03-2002, 11:38 PM
Hi Jacki,

Welcome aboard. Stow your dignity under your bunk and join the rest of us. :P

wushu chik
01-03-2002, 11:40 PM



01-03-2002, 11:55 PM
Of course you are, everyone on this board is always joking. This is the funniest message board I've ever seen. Why? Because of threads like this (http://forum.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?threadid=7155).
This is the only place on the internet where when people disagree on something they meet, FIGHT, and then post (record) the results. Plus, if you so much as point out a weakness of a style, fourty people will attack you as if you burned down their house and killed their family.
Keep up the good work, you crazy jack@sses.

wushu chik
01-04-2002, 12:07 AM
You crack me up!! That was a pretty humorous thread, that's for sure!!! But, people will be people!!


01-04-2002, 01:40 AM
"I generally don't think of the folks on here as either male or female but rather simply as martial artists. I have found For the most part that ones gender is not important in these discussions. (there are exceptions) I either ignore posts of a sexual nature or just have some humour with them. "

the sensitive guy. ryu will be proud.

wushu chick said she gets attention with her mouth . . .huhuhuh

01-04-2002, 02:34 AM
Come on guys...
If I was a guy, posing as a girl, and wanted to get some of you real hot under the collar, I would introduce myself as a 22 year old NURSE who likes BJJ (lots of rolling around) TKD (flashy legs) and 'keeping in shape'. I would also 'hope you could teach me some things.'

Apologies, poster, if you are real, I really am sorry, but after Stacey, who has funnily enough gone now, who can blame us?

And no, it doesn't make a blind bit of difference to me what sex u are, as I am getting more than enough sex from my lovely gf in real life thank you, but it does make me laugh to see all the guys drooling.

And next time post a picture I can see :)

01-04-2002, 02:42 AM
"and next time post a picture i can see"


01-04-2002, 07:33 AM
"the website isn't up, i already checked!!! It says it be closed!!"

Yeah well i remember it from a while back. A website dedicated to hello kitty and bjj.

C'mon people alarm bells are ringing!!!

01-04-2002, 07:43 AM

01-04-2002, 08:08 AM
Like I say JK Smith, sorry if you are who you say you are.
Its not like anyones going to treat you any different even if you ARE a sad bloke pretending to be a woman. If you want to talk about MA we couldn't give a crap if you were half of both. Hell, none of us know for sure if anyone is who they say they are!! Lets just say I'll be keeping an open mind, just the same as I do on any of the other members on this forum. Christ, GDA might be a girl pretending to be a guy :eek: :D so don't be offended.

It was just that your intro sounded like a personal ad. :) :D

Sorry. I'll get my coat.

01-04-2002, 08:10 AM
I tried to warn you;)
Still dont be too annoyed, us boys will be boys:rolleyes:
Your presence here is of course welcome and we are sorely lacking in vocal females[exceptions to wushu chick]. So speak your mind and maybe we can learn something from you as well.
Again enjoy yourself and dont be put off to easily:D

01-04-2002, 08:30 AM
Where do you climb?
I've done a littel climbing myself.

01-04-2002, 11:24 AM

01-04-2002, 11:37 AM
Excuse me, but I think that the people flirting with you are the ones who need to get laid :rolleyes:
As for you being female, I'm skeptical because most of the people who claim to be female are just posing to get more attention (aka stacey), and it doesn't help your cause with your cliché "hi I'm a young female with a toned supple body lets chat teehee" style post. If you are, I appologize, but stop trying to exploit your sexuality to get some of the sex starved guys here all hot and bothered :D

01-04-2002, 11:42 AM

01-04-2002, 01:12 PM

01-04-2002, 01:14 PM
wanna cuddle kung fu guy?

01-04-2002, 01:23 PM
Hahaha your as bad as wushu chik.
No flirting eh? Note that your thread has 50 posts and climbing, most introductory posts don't get any more than 5 replies. Want more specific evidence? How about this:

"Is that really you in the picture?
I certainly hope so." - xebsball
Of course, he was talking about a pre-pube boy, but it's the thought that counts.

"Hey baby!" - African Tiger
That about says it all, don't you think?

"Anyways, Jacki, welcome to the forum, and let me say it's nice to see another girl around here...there are few of us, and it's hard to fit in with all the testosterone in these forums, but we get by!!!" - Wushu chik
She won't admit it, but she's a raging lesbian.

Not to mention JWT taking a personal interest in you. I sense a "you've got mail" encounter in the near future!

GDA, thanks for the offer. However, I'm not gay, but MAN if I were...

01-04-2002, 01:28 PM
What do you think is your regular grade of climb? 5.8, 5.9, 5.14?
How long have you been gym climbing.


01-04-2002, 01:31 PM
Man all these responses must be alot of desperate guys on here. Kungfuguy is right most of these intro posts only get a couple responses and people almost never talk about their other hobbies like rock climbing right away so it seems the guys have some sort of "fanatsy" were if they pretend to be interested and nice they will one day meet you and ya know............. Most of us on here are rude and disagree with everything but then the moment a female says somthing it's all "you go girl". Man what losers

01-04-2002, 01:48 PM

01-04-2002, 01:55 PM
Hehe, not really :rolleyes:
This whole thing is pretty funny to me, especialy with reactions like "Kungfu Guy,SHUTUP YOU STUPID LITTLE JERK!!!"

"Maybe someday when you grow up you will find a girlfriend,little boy."

Yep, I can only hope! You've got me all figured out :rolleyes:

Dark Knight
01-04-2002, 02:01 PM
I do a lot of rappelling, I enjoy dropping that rope over the edge and bounding all the way :). My rope is only 200 feet so Im limited, and its hard to find a cliff that big out here.

Indoor walls are fun to climb, we have a couple out here, I have done some outdoors, but not as much as I like.

01-04-2002, 02:17 PM

01-04-2002, 03:13 PM
Gym climbing is good for building your strength and your technique. But you will find that it's allot different than trad climbing a real mountain.

I've climbed more than a dozen 14ers, and a couple of 18ers. I mostly do Alpine climbing but I've been doing more and more mixed technical climbs. This summer I lead a 2k' arret(sp?) on the Crestone Needle. It was pretty fu(king hairy. When your head is behind your feet and you look back and it's 1,000ft+ between you and the ground you really test your nerve. You think, "now, did I set one cam, or two?". If you are paranoid like me, every time you hear a sound you're sure that's some massive boulder ready to fall on your head from 500ft up. It's allot more about nerve and endurance than strength and skill on climbs like that. But I've also climbed 5.10s and one 5.11 on sport climbs.

I find traditional climbing allot more challenging, and allot more fun. Gym climbing is a good start, but get out on a rock as soon as you have your grip up. Don't worry about being able to do infinite pullups, it allot more about grip, balance, and core strength than anything else. Even if it's not a high wall you'll get allot more stressed out than you do in the gym.


wushu chik
01-04-2002, 03:24 PM
I'm not a lesbian! And there is a lot of testosterone in these forums. What is wrong with you lately?? You are being quite the a$$hole lately. You seriously need to just enhance your calm!


Dark Knight
01-04-2002, 04:26 PM
I rappell off cliff out in the middle of nowhere, we are lucky to have them out here.

01-04-2002, 04:31 PM
That was a joke, and quite a funny one if I do say so myself :)
If I'm being an *******, it's probably because Canada lost to Russia in the world junior hockey gold medal game :( Canada scored at the very end to tie it up, but it was half a second after the buzzard sounded. **** YOU RUSSIA.

wushu chik
01-04-2002, 04:35 PM
Hockey huh?? My son LOVES hockey...Hockey this, hockey that..everything. Sorry to hear that abour the game, but just calm youself!! They will win next year!


01-04-2002, 04:51 PM
Nah, I wouldn't be surprised if they lose again next year. Every year Canada gets close but loses, whether in the juniors, the world's, or the olympics. We used to dominate the sport but now the europeans, russia, and even USA gives us a run for our money.
I'm watching the under 17 division gold medal round right now, and if canada loses this one too I'm going berzerk.
What position does your son play (if he plays)?

01-04-2002, 04:58 PM
I climb, I climb too ! :D :p :p :D

heheh I like climbing, but I am a sports climber, you know, skinny legs, small frame, hates walking to the crag and placing gear, and common to the Elvis syndrome when placing a darn cam ? I forget, the tights, and the sports bars, and the bright neon clothings... hehehe

D'oh ! I miss climbing.

Oh yeah, who is into bouldering ?!?!?! huh huh huh ? Boudering rules !

01-04-2002, 06:19 PM
Bouldering does rule. It will give you great tools and much better problem solving skills than most sport climbs.

But come on, how can only getting 15' off the ground really be that exiting.


wushu chik
01-04-2002, 09:23 PM
He doesn't play yet, he is only 4, and the teams around here only accept 6 and up! Even though he has been ice skaing since 2 1/2. He loves going, I take him when I can, but he wants more and more time on the ice!

He really wants to play goalie! His fave team is the Anaheim Ducks...(his fave movie is the MIGHTY DUCKS, Go figure!!). He got a lot of hockey and rollerblade stuff for his birthday (October) and christmas! He's getting really good at it all too!!


01-04-2002, 09:37 PM
Hi and welcome

01-04-2002, 09:40 PM
Goalie is my position! I started playing goal when I was 5 because I didn't like having to take shifts and got to stay out on the ice all the time, plus I didn't have to skate around and get tired!
Anyways, if you can start him in a skating club. That's what my parents did for me and when I started playing hockey, I was one of the best skaters on the ice. It sounds like he's well on his way to being a good skater, keep him at it!

Hockey is a perfect way of cross training for kung fu. It builds endurance, strength, BALANCE, and hand-eye co-ordination. In fact, I started martial arts (tkd) to improve my hockey, but I ended up making martial arts my full time sport instead! Not to brag, but if I put the same effort towards hockey as martial arts, it very well could have been me playing in the gold medal game today, and I wouldn't have let up that soft five-whole goal in the 2nd period :D

wushu chik
01-04-2002, 09:50 PM
He's good, that's for sure! He started ice skating for my friends birthday, we took him with us to see how well he would do. I haven't been in SO long, i had to use the little "walker" thingy...and after about 30 minutes...he was outskating all of us. He went around the rink more times than we did, and was having a blast the whole time!

He really wants to be on a team. Everytime we go to the rink, he asks the coach of the pee wee divisions if he can join yet...and he always get's shot down, but it's making him try harder!!! That's the best thing about it. He hasn't given up yet!


01-04-2002, 10:06 PM
lol, that brings back memories. Back when I was 4 and in the skating club, the hockey players used to practice on the other half of the rink. When the instructor wasn't watching, I'd go over there and try to skate with the big boys! Of course, they would promptly kick me out :(
If I remember correctly, tyke hockey starts at 5, which is before peewee. It could be different based on the area though.

01-04-2002, 11:58 PM
okay, now the next step? get junior to start doing wushu on the ice. you manage that, and i'll give you a big cookie.

01-05-2002, 11:37 AM
Thanks for clearing that up!! Does that style incorporate a lot of ground fighting techniques?

01-05-2002, 12:04 PM
Well, Jacki, if you're a chik welcome, there really are a few of us here.

If you're not a chik I hope you have your a$$ quite thoroughly covered, because once people figure out you are a poser, they will turn on you like a pack of rabid wolves. The worst thing you can do to people is fail to live up to their expectations of you. Ask Neal Cameron.

Some NetFacts Trivia™ : The proper net term for a male impersonating a female online is "poser". It originated in that cut-throat world of IRC (internet relay chat), in which guys regularly pose as girls. It is estimated conservatively that in any chatroom or discussion board online, an average of 20% of participants are posing at any given time. That number goes up to 90% in "lesbian" chatrooms.

01-05-2002, 01:28 PM
Don't worry jas, I'm pretty sure she is in fact a she. Not many guys act that ditsy :D

01-05-2002, 04:13 PM
cause I have been working on this particular v7, I have ticked about 5 v7's now, and it usually takes about 5-10 goes, maximum. Today and counting is the 6th year I have been spanked on this problem and to no avail. You wanted some grades, I am not sureof the conversion, but I ticked a few 7c+ and a couple of 8a, but all sport routes (French grade)

I can see for me it is pushing the boudaries of fun, for you, it is pushing the boudaries of fear and death :D :p

Man I love climbing !!!

Oh I missed the whole thread, Hi Jacki, if you are a guy then man you got these guys on, even rogue might need to learn a few lessons :D ! If you are a chic then errrr ahem, you are popular from day 1 :)

I am the resident dum bass

wushu chik
01-05-2002, 04:19 PM
I don't do wushu....but that would be cool!! There are a lot of pro skaters that are now doing butterfly kicks and spins...along with lots of the other kicks of martial arts in their routines!!

He skates with tons of adults, and pretty much outskates most of us!! He's quite the little bad a$$!!! He really seems to enjoy it, so I am going to let him do what he wants!


01-05-2002, 06:38 PM
well, then, no cookie for you!

01-05-2002, 07:43 PM
Is this the same "Kim Smith" that posted on Mousel's too. The hello kitty and bjj website... uh huh. I remember "her" too. :)


01-06-2002, 06:34 AM
Ahhhh it wasn't the underground i saw "her" on, it was mousel's....

See Ryu, i did try to tell them, everyone decided to ignore me. Instead going for lines such as: "She's too ditszy to be a bloke..." WTF?

01-06-2002, 05:03 PM
A lot of us said from the get- go this Jacki wasn't no girl. It was too obvious from the "I'm cute like me because I do MA" post that started this whole stupid thread. The blatant clincher was the "I'm cute f*ck me" pic that was supposed to be "her.":rolleyes: Puh-leeze. :rolleyes:

Funny how many guys got sucked into this vortex, though.

01-06-2002, 05:15 PM
doh I missed the picture.. ahaha

01-06-2002, 05:31 PM
Welcome. Great photo!

01-06-2002, 07:32 PM
I said "she's too ditsy to be a guy" to **** him/her off, not because I believed it! Notice how I was the first one who suggested that it might be a guy.

01-07-2002, 07:36 AM
Prana, cool. A v7 boulder is nothing to scoff at. Keep yankin.

BTW, central Texas is a GREAT place for bouldering. Take a look at www.yankonthis.com

I still go bouldering down at Reimer's Ranch near my house about once a month.

I NEED a crash pad.

Anybody else here climb?


01-07-2002, 01:13 PM
Okay, I can't let this go on anymore. I have to correct a GROSS error in your flattering imping of me.

............. Japanese, Ryu. , Japanese! I go out with Japanese women, NOT Korean. Not that there is anything wrong with Korean women, and I do have some close friends, but your imp should read like this.


"Jacki, hiya babe. You wouldn't happen to be Japanese would you?"

See like that?

You could even put in Japanese...
"Jacki-chan, Konnichi wa! Tokorode, anata wa nihonjin ka??"



01-07-2002, 01:42 PM
Hello Jacki, Pleased to meet you.:D

01-07-2002, 01:58 PM
what is this picture that I hear mentioned. I cant find it?

01-07-2002, 02:24 PM
Bizarro Ryu.,
Not a problem, bud. Just helping out. :D

Now you've got it! Roll with it and make me proud! :D


01-07-2002, 03:30 PM

Water Dragon
01-07-2002, 03:40 PM
The Deceptive or "Classic" Troll. More sophisticated but often easily identified and exposed, the Classic Troll gratifies his ego by pretending to be someone or something he or she is not. Classics make up elaborate stories about themselves, sometimes weaving some amounts of truth into their lies. As a web of lies is difficult to build with consistency, however, Classics are often "outed" by other forumites.

01-07-2002, 05:23 PM
So desu ne. Watashi wa Santosu Marukosu anata wa brasiru jin desu ka.


01-07-2002, 09:47 PM
"****you too!!!!!!!!" --Jacki the 'Famale' Troll

Sorry, fella. Not this time.


01-07-2002, 11:16 PM
Ore? Iie, Brazirujin ja nai. :( Demo.... with a few mai tais who knows? :D


wushu chik
01-07-2002, 11:20 PM

01-07-2002, 11:26 PM
Well it all started a few months ago when the forum wrote some stories about my use of mai tais to lure ususpecting kung fu males to......

oh! :(
You mean the stuff with Kim Smith?
I don't know. :)

But I do know he (sorry, I mean she) posted on Mousel's with the same lure almost a year or so ago.


01-07-2002, 11:34 PM
Hey Ryu, i have no idea of what you just said in japanese :D

My stuff i copied from somewhere and changed the name and the nationality.

01-07-2002, 11:41 PM
I'll translate for you. ;)

You said.

"Is that so? I am Santos Marukos, are you Brazilian?"

Thought you were talking to me, hence the "Me? No, I'm not Brazilian, but...with a few mai tais..."

:D heh heh

My Japanese needs to be better...I'm losing it.
All my d amn friends would rather speak in English... LOL


Daniel Madar
01-07-2002, 11:55 PM

I'm not positive, but I don't believe you would say, "anata wa Nihonjin ka?"

Anata is the formal form, and leaving out the "desu" is a lower level of formality. You might want to say "Omae wa nihonjin ka?" instead, or possibly "Kimi wa nihonjin da ka?"


And if you are in San Francisco, don't say any of that. The Japanese girls here tend to hate it, though it's a generalization.

01-08-2002, 12:05 AM
Omae wa is the correct usage, you're absolutey right there.
See? Gotta keep up the speaking or I lose it.

Don't worry though, I tend not to do too much "talking" when with Japanese women. :D

......... all right, see there? All the "jizz" posts and you guys are turning me into a jerk! :D

Gotta get some sleep.


01-08-2002, 12:12 AM
bocu wa shi ni tiadesu.

i know i fu ckered it all up, but you should get the drift.