View Full Version : Attn: Apprentice

01-03-2002, 07:07 AM
Sorry bud, your thread has been hijacked, by Ralek so I thought I would respond here.

The advice you have received is all basically sound... even the one from Ralek, if you'll believe it.

truewrestler is kind of right. You have basically asked how to wrestle.

If you are buried under your opponent, you have managed to get in deep. Not so bad really. You need to get your hips up underneath your body. From there, the sit through is possible. I have personally had little success with this move, but many have had good success so, if you can pull off what Ford says, feel free to do so.

Try this basic move. Keep driving. Keep driving forward, trying to get your knees up underneath you with your arms around their legs as low on their legs as you can comfortably get and have a strong grip. At the same time, lift with, your back, with your back as straight as you can make it. You are trying to get your center of gravity under theirs. By doing this you are inhibiting his ability to put pressure on you. It doesn't matter if your head is between their legs or to one side.

Most often, the opponent will start to straighten UP a bit, once they feel in danger, sort of leaning on you, but the pressure is gone. You can stand back up at this point, or pull guard.

If the person stays draped over you and you have your shoulder in their gut and base and hips steady underneath you, then just lift. Unless there is a massive weight differential, I think you'll find this to be pretty easy. Their legs will become "light." Once their feet are off the ground, just block one leg off, and dump them to one side (to the opposite side your head is on if you have your head to one side.)

This will work with a single or double, but I use a different beast for a failed single, myself :)

