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01-07-2002, 07:29 PM
Ralek well done not only have u backed out of a fight u have tried to make it as if JF Springer backed out instead.
and u have also avoided having your ass kicked.


i hereby name Ralek King of KFO Trolls


01-08-2002, 07:32 AM
Originally posted by Ralek
I have no credentials other than my skill. I can defeat any kung fu guy. That is my credential.

Hey, you can't say this. I am a hop chop sui guy and you have never beat me or my Sifu or my training partners or my Sifu's Sifu or................. It could go on forever.

Really though do you have any videos or pictures of you in action? You may be a real tough guy for all I know. It would be an easy way to "prove yourself" if you tape or take pictures of one of your fights with a KFO member. Just make sure that it is 100% easy to tell if it is true or not or no one will take it as truth.

01-08-2002, 08:48 AM
Friday. What would you do if you were going to fight someone in a challenge match and they coulndn't be there on the given date? (A date that they normally can't fight on anyway and they have been going out of their way to fight on saturday's for you)

Here are 2 choices. This is a test. Please tell me wich one has characteristic of backing out and which one is characteristic of fighting spirit:

A. You would try to reschedule the fight to be as soon as possible.

B. Or would you block the guy's e-mail, refuse to fight the next saturday, and leave the forums forever pretending it never happened?

01-08-2002, 08:54 AM
Go to my thread called "JF Springer backed out". You will find that i have chosen choice A.

But JF Springer on the otherhand has chosen choice B.

I'm not saying that Springer doesn't want to fight me. But it APPEARS to be that way. Having the fight moved to a week later really isn't that big of a deal and shouldn't be that hard. Saturday's suck for me but he had to fight on Saturday's so i obliged him. You'd think he'd be happy that i'm trying to fight him on a day that were both available. I mean, you'd think that.

01-08-2002, 09:01 AM
it's a big deal when he's only going to be in your area for a week or so dude.

01-08-2002, 09:09 AM
Ralek: Your posts are boring. Cant you do something better with your time. Your handling of your so called challenge deserves zero respect. Why dont you bore some other list? I dont know others...but Springer is indeed a CMA/ kung fu person. You missed the boat completely. What you do now is of no consequence. Go home Ralek.

01-08-2002, 09:15 AM
GunnedDownAutrocity. Your confusing JF Spring and Aisa. Aisa and Springer are two different people!!! JF Springer LIVES in a permanent home in maryland that is 20 minutes from frederick. Springer will be 20 minutes away from me for the rest of his life.

Aisa (A completly different person) lives in a foriegn country. He is going to travel to the U.S.A. to visit a friend in maryland and will fight me while he is here. This won't happen until a several months from now.

Asia is the one who will only be here a short time. JF Springer permanently lives 20 mintues from me.

01-08-2002, 03:14 PM
JF Springer has said that he can fight on the 25th. I think mantis is a gay style. In black belt magazine they had rainbows on the mantis article. It is in black belt magazine. I will look for the issue.

01-08-2002, 03:26 PM
AND, one more thing.....The only person that should be B!TCH SLAPPED is your mom for being stupid enough to pop you out. You are the EXACT reason that abortion should be legal!

your pops should have busted you on the couch//or put it in your mothers mouth-you aint a leader what nobody follows you//you a chump huh your mother should have swallowed you

HELPME onthat:confused:

01-08-2002, 04:34 PM
Originally posted by Ralek
JF Springer has said that he can fight on the 25th. I think mantis is a gay style. In black belt magazine they had rainbows on the mantis article. It is in black belt magazine. I will look for the issue.

OK Ralek. Go down to your local Mantis club [N or S] and say to them:

"I think your style is gay. And so are you"

Go on. See how long you last.

01-08-2002, 04:40 PM
Is Annandale far from you? My girlfriend's father lives there. Maybe I can meet you when we next visit him :D

wushu chik
01-08-2002, 04:49 PM
Your first paragraph is EXACTLY WHAT I SAID....

Anyways, i think ralek was abused as a child, and uses his outlandish bullsh!t to annoy everyone because he can get away with it now. His parents used to hog tie him and put him in a closet when he was younger for doing the same stuff!!


01-08-2002, 04:58 PM
Hi Ralek,

hmmmm...after putting some thought into it, making a few calculations, the result is....I still think you are backing out of the fight and trying to make JF Springer look bad. :) If you both agree to a date (which you did) you should stick to it...then of course mayb you decided you didn't have enuff time to prepare all the legal documents in readiness for your passing away....like i have said before pls don't get me wrong i think u have done the smart thing by backing out of this fight...seriously who wants to get their ass kicked??? :)

btw how about this? I will fly all the way to Maryland and fight you. nobody knows this but i have practiced kung fu all my life. since i was 6 yrs of age and practiced three different styles seriously. I have been fighting full contact many many times, no gloves, no headgear...wait i did wear a mouthguard (don't wanna frighten the ladies do i? u can do that after our fight :))

anyway i don't want to pick on you and since u are younger than me and less experienced i will let u know on a secret. I have fought BJJ fighters before. but i have also learnt on the ground fighting from kung fu.

the way i see it if you r BJJ then when i defeat u (matter of when not if) i will have proven that BJJ is useless right? and everyone will change over to kung fu instead.

then of course instead of killing u i have a better idea, how about i just do a kung fu routine and scare u , make u faint.
does anyone know whether i would have forced back to America to face legal proceedings? i think i need to speak to a lawyer first before i fly over. i mean i don't want to go to jail

01-08-2002, 05:06 PM

01-08-2002, 05:07 PM
it's called cut&paste
you should try=if you see something you like or wish to show a friend something you wrote,instead of retyping just right click copy,and paste where applicable

ya your a winner baby
this aint your freakin hippy internet from the flower era,s****s updated we is current.

01-08-2002, 05:36 PM
OK Ralek. Go down to your local Mantis club [N or S] and say to them: (Delicate Sound)
I dont know whether his "other" match is aginst a kung fu person or not- but JF Springer is a real TCMA person. BTW-there is a big difference between S and N Mantis. The real SPM is a real TCMA McCoy. N. Mantis has been "modified" in modern for show wushu
to some extent so you have to look for traditional N. mantis teachers rather than modern wushu coach types..

01-09-2002, 09:19 AM
Yuan Fan. I have already told JF Springer that mantis is gay. Look on the first page of this thread. Mantis is Gay.

JF Springer
01-09-2002, 02:46 PM
Here's Your Date Ralek
Here's the date-time & place to answer your challenge Ralek:
January 25th (Friday, I've rearranged my work schedule for that day), noon, Cooper Park, Sykesville, MD. As you said, I'm only 20 minutes from you which means you're only 20 minutes from me, understand? Cooper Park is easy to find, sits back away from the road, no one really uses it even during good weather, and I can assure you the local Police will be no where near the location. There will be no witnesses and no video tape. Now, you have plenty of time to scrounge up a ride, or borrow a bike as I'm within easy biking distance. Your challenge, my right to dictate terms and given your professed eagerness to “fight” my terms are no impediment to your showing. One rule, survive or don't. Have a nice day.

Nice try at getting an excuse lined up Ralek but it won't work. Cooper Park is listed by MapQuest. I checked before selecting it. The beginning of the park sits all of about 10 meters off of 32. 32 is a major highway off of US 70. Very simple, very direct, very easy to find. Cooper Park is directly across the street from Springfield Mental Hospital. Even they are able to "find" it Ralek. Pull into the Texaco gas station at the traffic light controlled intersection if you get "lost" Ralek. They'll direct you right around the corner so you won't have any "problem" finding it Ralek.

01-09-2002, 02:53 PM
Springer, you're wasting your time. He won't ever fight you. He's dodged more fights than Guccione has hairs on his body. He'll just come up with some new reason to weasel out of it...

JF Springer
01-09-2002, 02:57 PM
If Ralek fails to show on 1/25/2002 I've instructed my attorney to immediately file suit in the local Circuit Court alleging slander, libel and whatever else he can come up with.

Now that I think about, I might just do this even if he does show up :)

The civil tort might not stand up but it will compel the parent company that owns KFO to release all information concerning Ralek in response to discovery. I will, of course, post all relevant information.

That would be your real name Ralek, your real address and just for sh*its & giggles I'll throw your real telephone number in as well ;) Have a nice day.

01-09-2002, 03:06 PM
JF Springer. Everything i said was true. I couldn't make it on the 12th and you started to back out and blocked my email and stop attempts at rescheduling the fight. And that looks like backing out.

You can do all the court stuff you want. But i'll just knock your teeth out so you won't be able to eat stuff and starve to death.

01-09-2002, 03:10 PM
Your lawyers won't do shet when i beoth slap you threw the window. You will lose and be humiliated in front of everyone. I will post a full report of what happened during the fight so everyone will know how you lost and that kung fu is stupid and does not work.

Royce Gracie used Brazilian Jiujitsu and beat up many Kung fu masters. And Rocye was outwieghed by 50-80 pounds. Dispite the wieght disadvantage BJJ easily destroys kung fu every time. BJJ has never been defeated by kung fu. Why? becuase kung fu doesn't work.

01-09-2002, 03:11 PM
Since you plan on taking this to court i will bring a video camera to the fight.

01-09-2002, 03:38 PM
I believe slader means saying things that aren't true.

Go to all my thread. Go the the thread "JF Springer Backed Out". You will find everything in there to be true. Perfectly legal to tell the truth.

Now I will just wait till the 25th and then beat you up and put you in your place and post the video on the internet for all to see.

01-09-2002, 03:51 PM
Originally posted by Ralek
You will lose and be humiliated in front of everyone. I will post a full report of what happened during the fight so everyone will know how you lost and that kung fu is stupid and does not work.

No - you will post a thread of complete BS, and then will wonder why no-one believes you.

01-09-2002, 03:57 PM
Originally posted by Budokan
Springer, you're wasting your time. He won't ever fight you. He's dodged more fights than Guccione has hairs on his body. He'll just come up with some new reason to weasel out of it...

I'll bring a video camera to the fight

Budokan - with this level of psychic ability, you could make a mint :)

JF - I feel sorry for you man. He'll never fight you. He'll find a way to wriggle out somehow. Don't waste your time, you're obv. a well trained Martial Artist, and shouldn't bother with Rolls. He's full of BS.

01-09-2002, 04:05 PM
His lawyers won't be able to save him. They only way he can save himself is to back out. Otherwise he is getting beat up and the video will be posted for millions to see.

I will advertise the video on all the major martial arts forums. This will make it available for thousands of people to see. I think i will make copies and mail the copies to people for free. All they will have to pay for is shipping and handling. I will be famous.

01-09-2002, 04:10 PM
woop! woop! woooooop!! **** *** * ** * ****** ** woop! buncha **********s! woop!woop! **** kiss my ********!! woop! WOOOOP!

(Sorry. Being in a room full of idiocy sets off my Tourette's)

01-09-2002, 04:17 PM
Originally posted by Ralek
I will be famous.

Like your Mum. First woman to take a fire-hose up the.....

[sorry Kung Lek - I'll be good now]

JF Springer
01-09-2002, 05:28 PM
Outside of the great material regarding all the mean and nasty things he's going to do to me, Ralek, word smith par excellence, and soon to be US Supreme Court nominee has demonstrated his profound misunderstanding of civil torts.

I do hope he brings a decent videocam as he will gladly give it to me to keep as my own. I will sell it in a pawn shop and donate the proceeds to the Maryland Food Bank. Some of the hungry homeless will be most appreciative.

01-09-2002, 05:44 PM
Originally posted by JF Springer
Some of the hungry homeless will be most appreciative.

You seem like a decent guy JF.

Baste his lowly ass though, and they'll be some money in it for you [nudge] :D

wushu chik
01-09-2002, 06:14 PM
God this sh!t is getting SOOOO Old........can we PLEASE get back to the subject at hand??

01-09-2002, 06:20 PM
uhh .. i agree that it's getting old, but i thought it was the subject at hand.

then again i am usually masturbating to pictures of car accidents while while reading, so i may have missed something.

01-09-2002, 06:25 PM
"then again i am usually masturbating to pictures of car accidents"
You can masturbate? that must be a good sign, is your Di(k getting better?

01-09-2002, 06:31 PM

01-09-2002, 06:33 PM
JF Springer has his lawyers. That's fine. You can turn this into legal stuff if you want to. I'll just get a bunch of lawyers myself. I will see you in court.

Have your people call my people and they will set up a court date.

01-09-2002, 06:43 PM
not really, but you get used to it.

like i said, it's kinda cool cause i can use the puss that oozes from the sores to lube myself up.

wushu chik
01-09-2002, 06:45 PM
Ralek...when you talk, do you bend over and move your ass cheeks with your hands like Ace Ventura ? I am just curious because you talk out your ass a lot, and it's the only logical explination...

In short...SHUT THE FU(K UP


wushu chik
01-09-2002, 06:47 PM
Originally posted by GunnedDownAtrocity
like i said, it's kinda cool cause i can use the puss that oozes from the sores to lube myself up.

GDA...that's just WRONG...

JF Springer
01-09-2002, 06:52 PM
Poor little brain dead twerp just doesn't understand that the legal end will be dropped once I have his real name, real address, and real telephone number. All his personal information, and all court verified, of course.

Then I'll post everything for those who want to look him up in person and partake of leftover Ralek burgers :p

Never knew there was an interactive CD version of attorney-at-law that have become his de facto "people" :)

He shouldn't try to use this as an excuse for bailing out, again. I'll simply go forward with having the suit filed if he fails to appear and still post all his personal information just because that’s the kind of guy I am ;)

Water Dragon
01-09-2002, 07:02 PM
LOL. I guess that's what happens when you f*** with a lawyer.

JF Springer
01-09-2002, 07:45 PM
Very good read Water Dragon, though I never would have stated it ;)

Water Dragon
01-09-2002, 07:57 PM
You don't have to. It's in your profile ;)

01-09-2002, 08:48 PM
ralek you are full of s*** lol
i still remember that time u stuffed up and posted a pic of a girl wrestling with a guy and saying that bjj girl beats kung fu guy or some crap like that
and ppl recognised the guy in the photo as a non-kung fu guy hahahahahhahaha
you are so dumb

u aren't worth the plane trip

01-09-2002, 09:27 PM
I don't think you get it ralek. JF isn't trying to "save himself" with lawyers, he is forcing you to show up or he'll take some fake legal action just to get your info, and then post it on the forum. In that event, you'll get a lot of prank calls, and maybe even people showing up on your door looking for a fight.
So basicaly he's blackmailing you into showing up :D

01-10-2002, 12:42 AM
Ralek is an underage mamas boy named josh. Hey thumbsucker, why didn't you show up to the kung fu tournament in your own homw town? If there was any place to show your superiority it was there. What happened, you get grounded? (pardon the pun)

01-10-2002, 03:41 AM

sounds like he's making excuses for not doing it at the college, which just happens to be where he "fought" the hippie tai chi teacher. He's probably trying to keep you from talking to him and getting the truth about that one.

01-10-2002, 07:52 PM
Actually i did fight the taijiquan instructor at the college. The reason i don't want to fight there is becuase there is less people at the park.

old jong
01-10-2002, 07:55 PM
:rolleyes: Waste of time!