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01-03-2002, 02:57 PM
I will be fighting JF Springer on January 12. He said in the email that he will be there.

I think he is bringing a video camera but i'm not sure.

01-03-2002, 03:01 PM
You will need it !!!!:D

01-03-2002, 03:04 PM
Seeing is believing

01-03-2002, 03:08 PM
if this is taped, and i get to see, it, i think i will actually jizz in my pants.

01-03-2002, 03:09 PM
You are fighting Jerry Springer?!?
Why don't you fight Geraldo? atleast he can Box.

Or better yet Oprah,shes the biggest depending on the time of year.

I think you should be able to take Jerry,he does have a kinda semi-mullet.


01-03-2002, 03:13 PM
He does freaking Southern Praying Mantis. What a loser. What do they do? Watch bugs fight each other and then start dancing like bugs? It sounds like a really gay style.

Traditional kung fu is a joke. Who in their right mind would study kung fu?

fiercest tiger
01-03-2002, 03:23 PM
If this does go through, i hope you dont get seriously hurt. I hope you learn what a gou choy is..hahahaha:eek: just use your head to counter it..aight!

norther practitioner
01-03-2002, 03:24 PM
Thats nice.... hope you get your arse handed to you Ralek.

01-03-2002, 03:35 PM
He has decades of training. So he has to be considered an advanced traditional kung fu fighter. This fight will prove that kung fu is just chinese folk dancing. I can't wait to see what stupid dance moves he has.

01-03-2002, 03:39 PM
Ralek- Don't insult bug-dancing. Haven't you ever seen "Bug's Life"? Those bugs were crafty fighters.


01-03-2002, 03:43 PM
The creator of the style is a bug. If you really want to defend yourself then let's fight like bugs and throw in some square dancing and call it Southern Praying Mantis.

01-03-2002, 03:46 PM
So does that mean that the outcome will be posted on the forum no later than Jan 13?

fiercest tiger
01-03-2002, 03:48 PM
in fact northern mantis looks like the bug and southern mantis doesnt! do you know that?

welcome to geng ging:( :p

01-03-2002, 03:50 PM
So I suppose while they were dancing like bugs at a party someone spilt their beer,one of the bugs got drunk so someone said "hey look it's drunken praying mantis".

Ralek are you really going to be on the Jerry Springer Show?


01-03-2002, 03:52 PM
Ralek you are in way over your head. Just hope JF goes easy on you.

01-03-2002, 04:07 PM
Hmmm... do u guys think after ralek gets taken apart by springer he'll start training kung fu?

01-03-2002, 04:07 PM
Let's put it this way Ralek.

If I don't see the tape, I won't believe it.

2nd hand accounts just aren't gonna cut it.

If you guys are smart you'll request the same type of proof.

Maybe 2nd hand is good enough for some fools on this forum, but not for me.

01-03-2002, 04:08 PM
BTW, i already talked to springer about it, he's not taping it for legal reasons...

Martial Joe
01-03-2002, 04:18 PM
Is springer tough?

01-03-2002, 04:20 PM
I don't how tough Springer is.But some of his trailer trash guests are.


01-03-2002, 05:07 PM
Well he has my permission to video tape it if he wants to. This will be another easy win for me.

I don't know how to sue so i guess he is safe from that.

01-03-2002, 05:14 PM
Oh. And If he does happen to win then i will start doing kung fu. Even at the school that he goes to. If it's not that far away. But unfortunatley kung fu does not work in real fights so will have an easy win.

01-03-2002, 05:25 PM
ralek, if u become a kung fu guy, does that mean u'll leave our forum and start trolling some bjj forum instead?

01-03-2002, 05:32 PM
I've been banned from all the BJJ forums and even the abudabi and Underground forum. I used to post atthe intheguard.com forum but i was banned becuase i took Calango's identity and made him look like a fool to his friends while he was away in brazil and i cussed him out and i made Eddie Goldman get mad at me too.

01-03-2002, 05:32 PM
he's not taping it? why bother then?

Chang Style Novice
01-03-2002, 05:33 PM
Well, it's certainly true that Brazilians make better dance music than Chinese.

I'm listening to Gilberto Gil right now, and man is it funky! I'll bet he could defeat any bug. Well, maybe not a whole bunch of wasps.

African Tiger
01-03-2002, 05:55 PM
Oh this is rich! I can't wait for someone to shut your childlike mouth.

JF if you read this DON'T go easy on him. Remember the Shaolin way always, but shut this twerp up good.

01-03-2002, 06:12 PM
African Tiger. It doesn't matter how hard he goes. He will lose. I think i will go easy on him since he does an ineffective style. That way it will be more even.

01-03-2002, 06:19 PM
I won't hurt him. I will just beotch slap him. Kung fu people are beotches and beotches must be beotch slapped. It make's me sick when people advertise kung fu as effective self defense. Next their going to be saying that ballet is good for self defense. They are conning people into thinking that their tiger squat styles will work in real life. I am hear to destroy them.

wushu chik
01-03-2002, 07:01 PM
Ralek, please, before you come into an adult dominated room, buy a dictionary so that you can actually spell like an adult. Why don't you just leave, or are you TRYING to get banned from KFO as well. More and more, you look like an idiot, and I think I speak for everyone when i say, you are not only annoying, you are a plague to human society! Shut the F*CK up, and leave.....GO TO YOUR ROOM LITTLE BOY!

AND, one more thing.....The only person that should be B!TCH SLAPPED is your mom for being stupid enough to pop you out. You are the EXACT reason that abortion should be legal!


01-03-2002, 07:10 PM
If JF read these messages I hope he chims in hear and at least says something. And please tape it at least enough to know who won, so we have proof. I am new here for the most part, I have been lurking for awhile bt just started to post, so is JF a confirmed person I would wonder if Relek is using two accounts for the heck of it. If JF is well know then I appologize I don't mean to offend but just trying to make sure. It is very easy to impersinate someone.

I would think that no one could be this ****y but I have dealt with punks likes this so I guess it is true.

01-03-2002, 07:46 PM
i hope you get your a$s beat good you little punk b!tch...not because i want to see any style debate proven (althought i bet he will hand you your a$s if he's a decent fighter) but just because you deserve it.
and why can't you travel? your ugly momma won't allow you to leave the trailer for that long? thats so lame, go enter a tournament or check out some schools in d.c. if you want to fight.
i feel kind of sorry for you this is an obvious cry out for attention. go see a shrink, dude, before you get yourself killed. :rolleyes:

01-03-2002, 07:49 PM
ralek is the man

Black Jack
01-03-2002, 07:53 PM
If your KF boy loses, than you poor guys will never hear the end of it.

Oh, I hope it does happen. I actually like Ralek, let the king of all trolls live on, may the best man win.

01-03-2002, 08:13 PM
just wondering guys if when Ralek loses would any kung fu school really want to accept him as a student?...aside from mcdojos

wushu chik
01-03-2002, 08:19 PM
Just wondering......if Ralek loses, will he FINALLY SHUT UP??? I didn't think so either!!!!


01-03-2002, 09:00 PM
I have a pretty good idea of the level of JF Springers kung fu Ralek and ive just one thing to add.
Can i have first dibs on your possesions when your dead???
If you survive that fight with your body intact ill happily fly to America myself to train under YOU...
Im not sure if you realise this yet Ralek but err you have picked the wrong guy from the wrong martial art.
These guys DO fight and very, very well... They fight in private with no rules and for keeps... There not monkey boys like yourself who go bragging about how great they are, they fight other real fighters and are still around.
Good luck Ralek i hope you manage to survive with your body still intact enough to be able to learn from this experience.

JF Springer
You know this guy is not a legit martial artist right?
I hope you do beat some sence into him but on the other hand your way over his level and there is little need to prove you can swat a bug.
Im not surprised by your reaction and i wish you the best of luck [not that you need luck] in your fight.
One thing make SURE you either tape it or have witnesses. Ralek has in the past fabricated the results of matches that did not go his way. This is his reason for meeting 'alone' in a 'park'.
The alone is so there are no witnesses and the park is so he can easily escape or run away for five minutes if he needs to.

01-03-2002, 09:22 PM
Wushu chick I second that

As a northern bug to a southern bug I salute you.

Throw a chair whie your at it.:D

What is wrong with the word s a l u t e?

01-03-2002, 09:23 PM
Only two things you have to do:

1) Break his legs

2) Tape it

If you don't tape it, noones gonna believe it happens, and ralek is just gonna lie about what happened.

01-03-2002, 09:24 PM
Ralek - consider walking circles around JF Springer.

By this, I don't mean do some stance and walk around your opponent.

I'm just saying that if you keep yourself moving, you'll have a better chance of staying out of JF Springer's line of fire. A lot of kung fu styles develop their circle walking because it's sometimes easier to get out of the way than to take impact head on.

Keep in mind that JF Springer very well might walk circles around you too. The reason he'll do this is because kung fu guys don't just hit you from one angle, they like to get you from weird angles.

Notice how they do this in Tekken?

You know I don't like you, Ralek, but I won't pass up a chance to introduce to you some rudimentary kung fu strategy.

Heck, you'll probably say that this advice sucks because it isn't BJJ. That's OK - JF Springer will teach you far better than I can here.

Know that even with my advice, you're probably in for the beating of your life. Good luck.

wushu chik
01-03-2002, 09:41 PM
Yes, Kung Fu sucks...not only does it suck, it's a really bad style if you want to fight someone with it! BJJ rocks. We can't fight....we are just dancing, that's all kung fu is...Chinese Line Dancing! You are so right. Ralek, I am so glad you made me come to my senses. I will run right out and join the first Gracie school I find. You have me totally convinced!!

BJJ is the BEST STYLE THERE IS. Especially if you have no formal training. That way, you can learn what you want and scrap the rest! Not only can a bunch of guys roll around on the floor with each other...they can talk dirty in each others ear without anyone knowing about it. And the Gracies, they are the BOMB. I need to find a school RIGHT NOW. Actually, I think I am going to run out and buy ALL the UFC's that are on DVD, so I can get a jumpstart on my training, since this IS the best way to learn! OH, and I can't forget, I will need to bust out my Play Station and start playing all the games, so I can get some good moves off of that too.....you are really smart, and I am so thankful that you have let me in on the REAL secret of Martial Arts!!

I am sure that everyone will follow my lead in learning BJJ from the vids and games. They are so impressed with you. You are such a smart guy! I am sure the Gracies are so VERY proud of your fight for their domination (by the way, are you getting paid for all the advertising you do for them???) in the world of Kung Fu, since you know, it matters to the Kung Fu peeps what BJJ people think about them. I KNOW that they are just horribly scared that ONE DAY BJJ will be the SUPERIOR style, and NOBODY will ever be able to knock them off thier pedistal. Ralek, you have shown me the error of my ways, and I am so ready to redeme myself to you and the Gracies, and the BJJ world.

Then, when I get as GOOD AS YOU in BJJ, which I am sure will take me only a few days of watching UFC fights, and some play station games, I will be sure to look you up so we can test our "skills" on each other. Wait, I forgot, you don't want to fight a girl. You would rather roll around on the floor with guys!! My bad!!! It's ok, I understand, I would rather roll around with guys as well!!


01-03-2002, 09:55 PM
Hmm, I notice that JF has not responded yet. It is entirely possible that ralek has made this up, and JF never sent ralek an email. That way when JF responds and says "I have no idea what you're talking about", ralek will claim that JF is backing out.
JF, can you confirm this?

01-03-2002, 10:05 PM
LOL @ Wushu Chik.

Well, Rolls, it looks like you're finally going to get that blood spilling fight you've been pining for. By the way, has your mom already gotten in touch with a good mortician? He's going to have to work all his magic to make you resemble something even remotely human once this guy finishes beating you to f*cking death.

But then again, you can always attack his critial points ver well.

That is, if this isn't one of your stupid scams to begin with....:rolleyes:

01-03-2002, 10:22 PM
Darn wushu chik how could i have not come to the same conclusion after reading a few of Raleks posts? Of couse your right, im going to go and tell my sifu next time i see him his art is a load of crap and i want to learn to roll around the floor with other men not simply learn to kill them. After all, we live in the age of peace and love now. Maybe rolling around the floor is the next natural thing. That way when one lone guy out of a group of six decides to try and take my wallet ill just take him to the ground and begin jointlocking, his friends will be in such awe they will never come to his aid. Plus thanks to my skill in hugging the guy its much less likely ill be stabbed whilst rolling around. However im not aware of any groundfighting classes in my area, seeing as this is obviously the way to go and any other art is now useless in comparison. Could someone point me out where i might download some videos of people doing this invicible art?

On a serious note ive got no problem with BJJ and actualy quite like the Gracies and think there excerlent fighters. I DO have a problem with ANYONE who honestly believes that only they are learning true fighting.

01-03-2002, 10:25 PM
I want to roll around on the floor with other men dressed in Nascar gis and have erections too. Then I want to father Rolls' baby and adopt Goktimus as my love gimp.

wushu chik
01-03-2002, 11:29 PM
I think we should all move to the same town, and rename it for our new found martial art. Then, during our town meetings at BJJ City Hall, we can all laugh about our absurd attempt to learn a lesser martial art like Kung Fu, and watch a bunch of Gracie Vids together, and then while drinking coffee after the meeting, we should break out the Sony PS and start playing the vid games and get moves off of that! I deeply believe if we all stick together on this...we can make the Ralek Version of BJJ the SUPERIOR fighting style of the new century!

How about it all?? What do you say?? Oh...we can't forget to invite the Gracies so that they can give us the pointers that we may miss in the AWESOME lessons from Videos and Games that we play on a daily basis.

By doing this, I think we can overtake the world with Raleks system, and make it the most superior in the world.


01-04-2002, 12:04 AM
Im with you... Heck you can even be our new queen its your idea.
As long as i get to roll around in the confort of a training hall on matts im happy. Still there are going to be some rules we have to work out.

1 Everyone MUST wear a GI at all times so that our moves can be applied even when we are not in class.
2 There must also be a rule where by anyone caught practising anything other than Ralek brand BJJ is banished... we cant have anyone poisoning our system.
3 We will all have to fight and live barefoot so please DONT DROP ANYTHING SHARP!!!
4 There must also be a general agreement that each of us can only have so much time with the playstation or else there may be a risk of infighting. We men get protective over our video games especialy the ones that teach us to fight and have scantily clad women.
5 Another must have is a large collection of trophys, otherwise no one will have any interest in actualy fighting and will instead resort to simply rolling around for fun. There is pleanty of time for that after fighting.
6 We should also arange our political structure [apart from our queen] around who is the largest most aggressive male. This will help with important issues like scaring the local wimps and why we tougher than all other races.
7 Were going to need a LOT of deoderant.
8 No one is alowed to use any form of weapon at ANY time in any violent situation, its harder to wrestle someone with a knife.
9 Everyone must fight at least once a week to prove there still a citizen. Blood spilling is double bonus.
10 In any match you must make a fool of yourself prior to fighting this may include chestbeating, insulting or just generaly being a moron.

Im already looking forward to going, when should i start packing?

wushu chik
01-04-2002, 12:20 AM
Slow down Jon...we still have to find the town. It must be very large, and easily taken by us, so that anyone we can't "Turn" will leave quickly!! How about L.A.?? Hmm, this is going to take some serious looking into!

I NEED EVERYONE'S HELP TO FIND THE PERFECT TOWN...wait..what town does Ralek live in?? Lets just move there since he's already started the style....it would be the "HOMELAND"......

Is everyone up for it?

01-04-2002, 12:29 AM
"we still have to find the town. It must be very large, and easily taken by us, so that anyone we can't "Turn" will leave quickly!! How about L.A.?? "

Come on wushu chik your not even trying this is dead obvious...
We simply overtake chinatown, becouse none of them know how to fight it will be a pushover.
I can take on ANY chinese martial artist no matter what style or skill becouse ive been taught [over the net] Ralek BJJ.
There all tiny and none of em look that scary. I also have big ugly friends i can bring to help scare them away.
Plus Chinese food tastes good and they have some great looking girls.
Ralek BJJ is the ultimate

wushu chik
01-04-2002, 12:37 AM
(Hitting self on forehead) STUPID, STUPID, STUPID......

I can't believe I overlooked that Jon...sheesh, don't i feel like the IDIOT now...that's PERFECT. Since we KNOW that they can't fight, we will have to over take their town, and run them out if they will not convert!!!

I still can't believe I overlooked that one!!!

01-04-2002, 12:50 AM
"I can't believe I overlooked that Paul..."
Got someone on the mind do we?

wushu chik
01-04-2002, 01:03 AM
Sorry Jon...actually NO...i was reading an article, and it had that name in it, and I was reading it while I was typing my reply!! THATS why I said Paul!! Again...sorry!

01-04-2002, 01:08 AM
Thats ok i was just teasing anyway:D
btw lots of caps and exclamation marks in your post, hope i didnt hit a nerve:p

01-04-2002, 01:14 AM
LMAO @ Ralek


In a way I'm standing behind Black Jack on this one.


fiercest tiger
01-04-2002, 01:31 AM
that would be sad if he did loose! you have a point blackjack, then i would have to come out of retirement and get my a$$ kicked by him too!!:D

is marylands near newyork? i have students there that would have a go, or should i say KILL him.:eek:

01-04-2002, 02:54 AM
Can JF Springer get n any sort of legal trouble over this?
when Asia was going to do it he was going to make Ralek sign some sort of waiver drawn up by a laywer. If JF does that, then he can tape it, right?

That would be amazing - actually seeing what Rolls looks like, and then seeing him get beat down.

01-04-2002, 03:08 AM
I doubt that JF Springer will post in this thread he stays well away from threads of this nature and is usualy found on more technical and kung fu related topics.
I think he certainly has good legal contacts and is in a very good position to cover himself in that way.
He has almost certainly done this many times before and against many different types of fighters.
Try reading some of his posts, there are many in my Southern Mantis thread, you will quickly realise he has very real fighting experience and a deep knowledge of his art. I have a lot of respect for JF Springer. I would however ask that you do NOT simply post there asking him questions about this fight, he would likely not answer you and it would simply annoy him.
He does not ime take kindly to trolls either and i would expect that he is well prepared for dealing with Ralek.
As for the guys surporting Ralek, i fail to understand your reasoning. He is a disgrace to any martial art, he brags openly of his own ability and puts down others of much greater experience.
How can you surport this line of thinking?
More to the point why would you NOT want to see him take a fall...
I fear many people have a deep distain for tcma and I think its more a racial issue. Do you people REALLY think no one in the whole of china can fight well? Do you really think no one in china has ever gone though concepts like groundfighting grappling or used there arts for real? This is the way you behave when you put down a whole countrys martial arts. Its comes accross as racism to me.
I find this rather strange:( More to the point rather scary:eek:

01-04-2002, 03:08 AM
I am not sure how much weight a legal waiver of this sort would have in American courts. It might be taken into consideration but the thing is if Ralek does get seriously beaten up by JF Springer (esp if captured on video) JF Springer might get into a lotttt of trouble. Is Ralek trustworthy enuff that he wouldn't contact the authorities or seek some sort of pay-back? no I don't think sooooo.
Anyway, not being familiar with American law or even a qualified legal advisor in Australia on criminal law i suggest that JK Springer seek appropriate legal advice from a reputable lawyer in America before going through with this.
my guess is that JF's considerably greater weight, experience etc will weigh heavily against him if legal redress is sought after this fight. I just think J Springer should have a proper think on this - sorry to all the KFO ppl who want to see a video on this but I personally don't think its in JF Springers best interests. Also a bit of restraint is advised in terms of beating the s*** out of Ralek which I am sure is inevitable.


01-04-2002, 05:13 AM
i don't usually post, but again i would agree with friday and say that you should make sure that there are no legal (or otherwise) repercussions of this.

Sparring/fighting in a club is one thing - but out in a public place (the park) is quite another. Even if it goes ahead - what's to stop a member of the public from calling the police and reporting this anyway? It's happened to me before, and i was just training in a park.....

But if this goes ahead, then good luck to both parties!


01-04-2002, 07:29 AM
I suggest that we let whatever happens happen. Springer is
unlikely to repond to chit chat at this stage. Ralek lacks credibility:
past present and possibly future. We have only Ralek's version of what is happening. lots of folks even on this list misunderstand what old fashioned kung fu was about. It wasnt sportive.And for serious practitioners in some styles- it still isn't.

Wushu chik: Do you know Yu Shao Wen in Portland?
If you do, please give him my regards.

Joy Chaudhuri, tempe, Arizona

01-04-2002, 09:16 AM
Jon. You think i'm racist becuase i don't like kung fu? I call shet when i see shet. When i see a bunch of people squatting like their taking a shet and saying their doing martial arts then i call shet. It has nothing to do with race. In fact i've never even saw a chinese person do kung fu.

I do not racism against chinese people.

01-04-2002, 09:21 AM
I for one will be more than happy to financially assit JF in his legal fees should it be necessary.

01-04-2002, 09:26 AM
Don't worry. I'm not going to sue. Why would i sue? I didn't sue Shaolin Tiger did I? And that was a bloody fight. I'm not going to sue anybody.

01-04-2002, 09:28 AM
If no one will tape it then I hope that they take a before and after picture of the fight. I'm sure every one would like to see what kind of ***** Ralek is. And I hope there will be at least one forum member to bear witness of the beating.

Edit: Why do they sensor Pr!ck

01-04-2002, 09:32 AM
JF spring is a forum member so he can be a witness.

Felipe Bido
01-04-2002, 09:34 AM
I won't believe ANYTHING if I don't see proof, either pics or video. Also, Ralek could send his brother to fight JF (Don't bull**** me, Ralek, you have a brother, so shut up before you begin denying it)

Nah, anyway..Ralek is not as fun as he used to. :rolleyes:

01-04-2002, 09:40 AM
No i do not have a brother. That rumor was started by GunnedDownAutrocity becuase he thought that i was someone he knew that had a brother.

It is me that is fighting. I don't have any brothers.

01-04-2002, 09:42 AM
Felipe Bido. I don't care if you believe if i fight or not. JF springer will beleive it when i easily destroy him.

01-04-2002, 09:45 AM
Oh brother!


01-04-2002, 09:46 AM
i've spoken to JF Springer on other forums. I don't know his personally, but I always found him to know what he was talking abot. If his credentials are as they say they are, you are going to be lucky to walk away with your life.

01-04-2002, 09:48 AM
Ralek is funny!!! I give him props for humor.

01-04-2002, 09:49 AM
ooooooooouuuuuu!!!!!! I'm scared!!! He's going to use his dim mak on me!!! That's it!! I'm canceling the fight!!!! Please don't kill me!!!!

01-04-2002, 09:58 AM
And waiver's ...just smash him!! What's next, worried about the cop's coming?.. come on!
Trollboy couldn't afford a lawyer, plus he's of age, 2 adults fighting, is not like 1 adult beating on a minor...

Plus when It comes to defending yourself, the last thing I worry about is consequences, that's what being warrior is all about.....some little punk is challenging you to a fight and your worried about the repercussions.........come on.......... just smash him!!!


01-04-2002, 10:00 AM

I gotta tell you something, BJJ ain't all that. I met one of you BJJ types a few years back when I was a Newbie in CMA. This guy was like you, full of sh!t and hotheaded. He actually joined our class as part of his eclectic BS quest, and one day while my Sifu was gone on business, he decided to test me with his BJJ.

Unlike you, he was actually "trained" by a guy who was supposably certified to teach through the Gracie association. Now, like you, he was a puss and wanted all these rules. What was decided was that I would use freestyle wrestling that I had learned in Highschool (I was out of highschool for over 5 years at this point and very out of practice in freestyle wrestling) and he would use his "superior" BJJ (Blow Job Jujitsu) techniques.

Granted, I was a little impressed by his ability to slip out of some very tricky moves-- chicken wing, figure four leg lock, guillitine-- but, what ended up happening was that he couldn't take the pounding that a freestyle or greco roman wrestler gave him. He would shoot (pathetically) I would snap down sprawl. He'd try his pus$yish guard BS, I'd slip out of it or step over him and torque his spine. His mount was pathetic, a simple bridge would get me out of it every time (mind you, I was over 5 years out of practice)... Anyhoo, I didn't have a lot of submission holds since I wasn't trained to do them in high school wrestling. I did have a few though, and guess what, his stupid arm bar sh!t was useless, and you can't easily choke a trained wrestler. No, eventually I got him in what is called a key-hole lock. I mashed his groin and hyper-extended his arm and he was tapping out.

My conclusion: An Olympic Class wrestler would waste any of the best that BJJ has to offer. An active high school wrestler could take the rest.

Therefore: BJJ is weak, Western Wrestling is far superior. Take that home to mastur-- meditate on wu$sy boy.

01-04-2002, 10:39 AM
Actually Royce Gracie choked out Dan Severn a Gold medal olympic wrestler. royce won by triangle choke from the guard. This was in the UFC and the only rules were no biting and no eye gouging. Groin grabs were legal. Dan Severn even had an 80 pound wieght advantage but still lost.

So the person you fought was a student of someone who was given permission to teach? Sorry but the only place the gracie's teach is california and new york.

Jaguar Wong
01-04-2002, 11:07 AM
My conclusion: An Olympic Class wrestler would waste any of the best that BJJ has to offer. An active high school wrestler could take the rest.

Not to defend Ralek or anything like that, but Kevin Jackson (An Olympic Gold Medalist) was tapped out by an armbar from Frank Shamrock in under a minute. The same happened to Royce Algiers (I'm not sure of his overall rank, but he was an Iowa rassler trained under Mark Coleman, and you know they're serious up there), he tapped out to Enson Inoue from an armbar. It took a little longer than Shamrock's victory, but it was still under the two minute mark.

They both had the same attitude that wrestling could easily dominate any submission style. I know Kevin Randleman now does some BJJ as well (I'm not sure of how much, but he stated it was part of his training in an interview). There are some very successful wrestlers in MMA today, but not because their "style" allows them to dominate, but it gave them a very solid Base to build their current MMA style upon.

And to cap this post off, I would like to see Ralek get beaten, but it's not really important to my outlook, and the way I train, though. I just want to watch more fight vids on the net. But I guess this one won't be taped...oh well. Time to move on. Nothing to see here ;)

01-04-2002, 11:09 AM
MightyB...if u're serious then u need to really re evaluate your conclusions. I'm the assistant instructor to Carl Runks' and I teach basic submission grappling. I have to say that wrestlers are strong but they are extremely beatable. Why the other day I and a friend( who was a varsity wrestler ) went to YAMASAKI and consitently got skooled! Also from the UFC and PRIDE tapes...u can witness numerous olympic level wrestlers get tapped by both bjj stylist and non bjj stylist. Way off on your post. Here's a note...don't feed a troller.

01-04-2002, 11:35 AM
What about a BJJ guy who also knows how to wrestle???
and has a JKD instructorship that might not be good anymore?? What do you do then??? :confused:

I'm in a weird mood today.


01-04-2002, 11:35 AM

"Plus when It comes to defending yourself, the last thing I worry about is consequences, that's what being warrior is all about.....some little punk is challenging you to a fight and your worried about the repercussions.........come on.......... just smash him!!!"

1) it isn't considered 'defending yourself' if you arrange a fight.
2) warriors didn't concern themselves with consequences because they were 'supposed' to fight. and because there was a strong chance that they'd die. do you fit that definition? i don't.

fight. don't fight. whatever. but this warrior stuff is a bit delusional. the rest of the world will have something to say on these matters.

stuart b.

01-04-2002, 12:01 PM
apo...didn't he turned u down???

ryu...I would run...

01-04-2002, 12:10 PM
Unless I see an authenticated video, I will not believe it.

Oh and I hope he crushes your scrawny, sh!theaded, no-good, ugly, p!sspoor, worthless, c*cksucking, motherf*cking, asswiping, sh!teating, jizzlicking, cat-raping, white boy, trailer trashed BJJ ass.

JF Springer, get him to sign a drawn up waiver or other legal document that waives you of responsibility of injury. And make sure you tape it. No-one else will believe it and witness evidence is just as strong in certain cases.

BTW: He's 18, is that legal age in the USA!!!??? I don't think it is.

01-04-2002, 12:15 PM
Delicat Sound. I'm 19. And 18 is legal age in the U.S.A. If your 18 you can join the military.

If i'm old enough to be fighitng in wars and shoot guns then i am old enough to fight a kung fu nerd.

01-04-2002, 12:15 PM
if you guys decide not to tape the fight for whatever reason you can at least tape the two of you after the fight .. . . declare the winner, and talk about how it went.

if that is too much trouble you could at least have pictures of the fight and of the victor with his arm raised afterwards.

01-04-2002, 12:17 PM

not really, no. i'll be totally honest about this.

merryprankster wanted to come and oversee it. as a third party witness. and in case anything unforseen happened. (someone was injured, etc.)

ralek didn't want merryprankster there. he refused to fight if he showed up. he was worried that a BJJ person would 'jump in' and fight him. he said i could 'bring 10 people; just don't bring a BJJ guy.'

so i said i'd bring someone else. ralek said that if i brought someone else, he wouldn't fight. so it sort of fizzled out.

a few weeks later, ralek emailed me again. asked if i was still interested. i said perhaps. but at the very least, i wanted his name, a confirmable telephone number, and proof that he is, indeed, 18 years old.

he never responded to that.

i just wasn't into traveling to frederick to fight someone who's name i don't know and who may very well be a minor (we have nobody's word but his that he's 18).

anyway, that's the basic story. (i have all the email correspondence saved, lest ralek come up with another version.)

stuart b.

01-04-2002, 12:28 PM
Ralek - 18 is legal but it's 21 to drink and gamble. F*cked up country.

Ralek, I used to like you, before you became a disrespectful little sh!t. I hope Jerry breaks you into small pieces.

Of course, by your rep, JFS is just another account you have.

01-04-2002, 12:32 PM
Ralek is jailbate hahahaha.

CD Lee
01-04-2002, 12:44 PM
Ralek, you said you have never even seen a Chinese person do Kung Fu???? Are you serious?

And you seem to know so much about it and how it does not work. Are you sure you understand TCMA, not having even seen one traditional practitioner?

You don't even have a MA base to speak from. You would not know power from weakness, because you have never felt these qualities.

What a friggin joke.

When are you going to get tired and go away?

Go get a college degree or something useful.

01-04-2002, 12:49 PM
Apoweyn. We can still fight if you want to. Just come alone.

01-04-2002, 12:54 PM
I am 19 years old. Mike Tyson was the world champion at 20. So i'm not that far off.

01-04-2002, 12:58 PM
Originally posted by CD Lee

Go get a college degree or something useful.

CD Lee - My Japanese Coi Carp have a better chance of that.

01-04-2002, 01:01 PM
Ralek, you do keep things interesting around here. You're one of those people who are really great at p!ssing people off, which actually is a good thing in small doses.

You guys do what you want, just be sure to let us all know what happens.

Hey, I checked up on the wrestler thing, you guys were right. Ralek just got me fired up for a moment:) I don't watch too much of the UFC or Pride stuff anymore. They've changed it too much from when it first came out. Gloves, shoes, rounds?

Wasn't Ken Shamrock a wrestler before he became a shootfighter?

Chang Style Novice
01-04-2002, 01:04 PM
"I am 19 years old. Mike Tyson was the world champion at 20. So i'm not that far off."

I must have missed the part about how Tyson got to be champ by playing video games, challenging people over the internet, refusing to have any of his fights documentable in any way, and fighting only by a lake in a park near his burger-flipping job.

You learn something new every day!

01-04-2002, 01:05 PM
An English teacher with wit! :D

Shame he's a Yank............. :)

01-04-2002, 01:11 PM
You all can say whatever you want after the fight. But until then the more you say, the more you'll have to eat when i destroy kung fu man.

01-04-2002, 01:15 PM

my conditions stand. name, phone number, and proof of age.

and not in a public park, for crying out loud. didn't you get followed around by a bike cop the last time?! the community college would be better.

stuart b.

01-04-2002, 01:21 PM
Apoweyn. When you see me you will know that i am 19. Just by looking you can tell i'm not 17 underaged.

My name? Josh .........that's all you need to know
My phone number? You don't need to know my phone number.

01-04-2002, 01:24 PM
get real, ralek. i can't tell the difference between 17 and 19. i doubt anybody can. i can just see that going over at the local liquor store. 'just look at me. OBVIOUSLY i'm 22!'

and i'm afraid that's not all i need to know. last name. phone number. and proof.

what are you afraid of?

stuart b.

01-04-2002, 01:27 PM
It's true. I know 16 year olds with fake IDs that work!

01-04-2002, 01:28 PM
Really. I'm 19. Just a few days ago i bought ciggarettes for a friend. (I don't smoke). The guy didn't even ask for my ID. But if he did ask then i would just have given him my drivers licencse and he would see that i'm 19

01-04-2002, 01:30 PM
Apoweyn. Shaolintiger didn't need my name, number, and proof of age. Why do you?

Ask shaolin tiger and he will tell you that i am not underaged.

01-04-2002, 01:31 PM
"drivers licencse and he would see that i'm 19"

You have a drivers license yet you don't travel anywhere. How suspicious, you should trade it in for a standard state ID without driving privelages as you are anti-traveling. It would make a good statement to the government!

01-04-2002, 01:34 PM

and he'd know how?

01-04-2002, 01:34 PM
Let's say i am 17. What difference would it make? 17 would be no different than 18 or 19. i am 19 so you don't need to worry. Who cares about how old you are?

01-04-2002, 01:36 PM
it makes a profound difference. if the cops did see fit to stop it, they find a 30-year-old with experience in martial arts fighting a minor with supposedly none.

now, i don't want to take away from your arduous schedule at NASA, but take a moment to think about that.

stuart b.

01-04-2002, 01:36 PM
You have to wiegh under 90 pounds if you want to fight me.

01-04-2002, 01:37 PM
under 90 lbs., eh? this is getting dumber by the moment.

01-04-2002, 01:39 PM
If you have requiremnets for me then i will invent some requirements for you. So you have to loss wieght and get under 90 pounds if you want to fight me.

However if you drop your name, age, number stuff then i will drop my 90 pound limit.

01-04-2002, 01:41 PM
huh. let's review, shall we?

i come to frederick. i fight in baker park. according to your schedule. and i'm the one making ludicrous 'requirements'?

yeah, you're 19.

stuart b.

01-04-2002, 01:43 PM
Ludicrus? Ok mr. Dictionary. Let's get it set straight. I will show you my ID when you meet me. Hows that? You don't like my ID or you think it's fake then you can leave and we won't fight.

01-04-2002, 01:44 PM
okay. sounds good.

now was that so hard?

stuart b.

p.s. 'ludicrous' has an 'o' in it. - mr. dictionary

01-04-2002, 01:46 PM
My email is kaaar11@yahoo.com

We will have to fight sometime after January 12 becuase that's when i fight JF springer.

01-04-2002, 01:47 PM
i know your email, ralek. we've been emailing. remember?

01-04-2002, 01:48 PM
Don't forget about your recovery time in the hospital...

01-04-2002, 01:48 PM
Just in case you forgot it.

01-04-2002, 01:52 PM
i've got it. don't worry.

Chang Style Novice
01-04-2002, 01:54 PM
Here's a little number by Frankie Goes to Hollywood - you 80's kinds remember them, right? Yeah, a little nostalgia for ya...

This is dedicated to...

Oh oh

RALEK! don't do it
When you want to go to it
RALEK! don't do it
When you want to thug
RALEK! don't do it
When you want to thug
When you want to thug

RALEK! don't do it
When you want to go to it
RALEK! don't do it
When you want to thug
RALEK! don't do it
When you want to thug to it
RALEK! don't do it
When you want to thug
Come-oh oh oh

But shoot it in the right direction
Make making it your intention-ooh yeah
Live those dreams
Scheme those schemes
Got to hit me
Hit me
Hit me with those laser beams

I'm thugging
I'm thugging-yeah

RALEK! don't do it
When you want to go to it
RALEK! don't do it
When you want to thug

RALEK! don't do it
When you want to thug to it
RALEK! don't do it (thug)
When you want to thug
When you want to thug
When you want to thug

Get it up
The scene of thug
Oh feel it

Higher higher


Rolling Elbow
01-04-2002, 02:01 PM
Ralek is gonna kick his ass! Atta boy Ralek, traditional arts are a waste of time, BJJ, Pancration, Greco Roman , and WWF wrestling are supreme!

01-04-2002, 02:07 PM
if this is taped, and i get to see, it, i think i will actually jizz in my pants.
LOL, Sharky! It does seem suspicious that none of these challenge matches ever manage to get taped.

This is classic Ralek: (posted earlier by Ralek)

I do not racism against chinese people.

01-04-2002, 02:49 PM
Ralek is a piece of ****.

(Repeat for 5 minutes, until fade)

01-04-2002, 03:12 PM
"warriors didn't concern themselves with consequences because they were 'supposed' to
fight. and because there was a strong chance that they'd die. do you fit that definition? i don't. "

I do!!


wushu chik
01-04-2002, 03:12 PM
This is getting stupider by the minute. Why doesn't anybody BAN THIS ****ER FROM THIS FORUM?? And, I can't believe people who are actually rooting for his stupid ass. Come on, has EVERYONE lost their mind??


01-04-2002, 03:18 PM
Originally posted by wushu chik
This is getting stupider by the minute. Why doesn't anybody BAN THIS ****ER FROM THIS FORUM?? And, I can't believe people who are actually rooting for his stupid ass. Come on, has EVERYONE lost their mind??


I would think the ones who say things favoring Ralek are being sarcastic, I hope. Maybe half of the people on the forum are acualy Ralek and he just posts to himself to get a rise out of people:confused: J/K

Why don't we all just meet him at the same time and let him fight us one by one, of course after the first fight he wil be in the hospital but at least we can see for sure.

01-04-2002, 03:27 PM
If you are ****ed off about reading Roll's posts just put him on your ignore list. I have, and it has pleased me much.


wushu chik
01-04-2002, 03:31 PM
Ignore?? I FORGOT ALL ABOUT THAT!!! It's in the control panel right?? THANK YOU JWT! You are the best!


01-04-2002, 04:06 PM
I don't ignore him.
Sometimes hating him makes me feel good.
Seeing what lumps of festering turd people can be really makes me realise what a great guy I am *CHEEZY GRIN* :D

Jaguar Wong
01-04-2002, 04:27 PM
I seriously don't know why you guys want him banned so bad. What about the first ammendment. Just like JWT, all you gotta do is click on his profile button, and click the link to add him to your ignore list. I was thinking about adding him to my buddy list. I admit, If I don't have much time to spend reading these posts (which is most of the time), I look specifically for his posts. They're easily the most entertaining posts around.

I love his ludicrus statements, plus I resepct the fact that he does not racism against Chinese people. It all makes my day. Almost like he's preciselsy finding the right things to say, to hit the right buttons, or should I say... attacking my critial points ver well.

Again, whether he actually fights these people and gets whupped bad doesn't matter to me. I'll really enjoy the aftermath when his "side" of the story morphs on an hourly basis, depending on what mood he's in.

Anyway... Ap Oweyn, it doesn't count if you beat him, though. Because you're not a kung fu dancer. I'm actually suprised that he is willing to fight against you. :) Also, if you happen to get a chance to have this thing recorded, make sure you use plenty of one liners and zingers from Billy Blanks, and Jala Merhi movies, that way I can kill two birds with one stone by watching some good "one-sided" fight footage, and a low production quality action flick. Good Luck...as if you needed it, though.

One more vote to let Ralek stay.

In fact I remember back when he was riding Goku's jock. Back when he was a rodeo fanboy bragging about his knowledge of Dragonball Z (as well as bjj of course), and trying to convince us that the proper Japanese term for the upward block in Shotokan (during his karate days) was a "Chikamakey block".

01-04-2002, 04:32 PM
Exactly, I'll second that.

Jaguar - You met Gene LaBell!!!

(Under breath)
"B*stard!!!" :D

Jaguar Wong
01-04-2002, 04:35 PM
Delicate Sound,
Well, I walked by him a couple of times. It was actually my wife, and my brother that met him. He's a scary lookin' mofo in person. I don't doubt his ability to just plain hurt people. Well, back in his youthful days anyway. I'm sure he's much more civilized. :)

01-04-2002, 04:44 PM
Originally posted by Jaguar Wong
Delicate Sound,
He's a scary lookin' mofo in person.

Mofo - I use that too :D

He sure is scary. He just looks evil. Baad to the bone!!!
Hope Mrs. Wong was polite to him. I sure would be :)

01-04-2002, 04:50 PM
So, who all can make it to Rolls' funeral when this is all over?

01-04-2002, 04:55 PM
I know you only "learn" from home video game systems, but have you played Tekken 4 yet? There's a Vale Tudo fighter in it, and I was just wondering if you studied his technique yet.

Man, King's outfit just gets worse with every sequel :(

I also vote to keep Ralek around. His trolling kung fu is strong, and most of his posts are kung fu related :p .

Mrs. Wong was polite, but he still strangled me with a nightstick :eek:

Jaguar Wong
01-04-2002, 04:56 PM
She always makes fun of me for liking those cheesy martial arts flicks (I'm not talking about the good ones here, ask Ap Oweyn for the "quality" we look for ;)), but she really had a good time at Dragonfest. She was just as giddy because she recognized a couple of the people from the movies that I bombarded her with. She always leaves the room, but I always get her with at least the first fight scene.

I won't be able to make it unless it's on Thursday January 17th, between the hours of 7am and 10am, and is being held in Fredericks Park. I've got to .... Well, I've got to do something that really restricts my ludicrus schedule.

01-04-2002, 04:58 PM
Don't you have Toughman tickets, Jaguar?

Jaguar Wong
01-04-2002, 04:59 PM
LOL! Yeah, I forgot, I would go to show my respects for the greatest "tongue fu" master, but I have Toughman Tickets.

01-04-2002, 05:01 PM
I used to watch really weird Jap samurai films on import, but they were just too weird for me.

Give me the Way of The Dragon DVD Collectors Edition any day.

01-04-2002, 05:52 PM
So, this is not being taped or documented in any way for which legal reasons again?

The law says if 2 adults want to spar, they are legally entitled to do so (if it were against the law, we would not be able to train!). Filming eliminates liability by showing the full encounter as it happens (no chance of he said/he said), as well as recording verbal disclaimers from the start.

Seems to me if someone is going to accept a challenge fight, it behooves them to videotape it, not the other way around. Unless they know they're going to a) cheat, b) get their a$$ whooped, or c) never show up, in which case then it would be more legally advantageous not to record things. ;) :D

01-04-2002, 06:10 PM
this isnt going to be a little sparring match, this is a fight.

Chang Style Novice
01-04-2002, 06:11 PM
Woohoo! Jasbourne's back, talkin' sense and making her 666th post.

There's nothing sexier than a smart, satanic, martial arts gal.

01-04-2002, 06:21 PM
Bada$$, that's what known as a 'disclaimer'. When you say you are 'sparring' right before you start a fight, it's called a 'limitation of liability'.

Chang, hehehehe I got a kick out of that '666th' post too ;)

Chang Style Novice
01-04-2002, 06:26 PM
Not only that, but there is a vast difference between a fight and a contest, even a 'no-rules' contest. Fights break out between enemies, contests are planned between competitors. I think it's clear where this thread is going.

01-04-2002, 06:56 PM
I hope JS knocks you into a coma.

01-04-2002, 06:58 PM
This is funny. Ralek makes numerous posts about fighting JF and says he has emailed him. LOW AND BEHOLD I FINALLY get an email from him. WOW!!! <yeah right I've already starting losing intrest in him>

I am definitely pushing the waiver issue. I already have one being drawn up!!! I am video taping the event!!!

Don't waste my time!!! I really HATE that!

wushu chik
01-04-2002, 09:55 PM
Just a question.....has ANYONE heard from JS about this whole thing??

01-04-2002, 10:08 PM
Nope, but I've seen his name on the "users online" list a couple times today, so he's probably seen the post. If this was a lie by ralek he probably would have said so by now.

01-04-2002, 10:20 PM

01-04-2002, 10:29 PM
You know one thing that is funny? I have been an avid gamer for awhile and 99% of the games are 100% Karate, Kung Fu, kickboxing or boxing so maybe Ralek is just confused and he thinks bjj is Kung Fu stand up fighting and that Kung Fu is bjj. Realy though if he learns from games then he must be a Karate person right?

01-04-2002, 10:44 PM
I only hope that JFSpringer doesn't decide to read Ralek's posts here and decide not to fight him after all. No matter how tall they are or how old they claim to be, it is never satisfying to whup on an obviously retarded person.

01-04-2002, 10:52 PM
Do you rap?

01-04-2002, 10:52 PM
Cipher that is

01-04-2002, 11:45 PM
I'm really starting to like Ralek. He's either one of the most brilliant or pliably stupid writers That I have ever read. Either way he's fun! I hope Mr. Springer doesn't hurt him. It's bad for the ratings. I think it would be a hoot to instruct the young man in Gong Fu! Think of the long times in the horse stance, iron board bridge, crane stance. I'm smiling now! Wait! Even better! The horse stance on the end of three bricks! Iron board bridge with sixty pound of weight on the abdomine! Beating endurance with softball size stones! Whew.... I getting a little giddy. Think of the possibilities! Two or three hour in the full lotus. This could be a lot of fun!

01-05-2002, 12:37 AM
wushu chik asks about Springer:

Just a question.....has ANYONE heard from JS about this whole thing??

Not his style to yak for the sake of yakking.!!!

01-05-2002, 12:37 AM
You know that really is a nice thought:D
On the other hand i cant really see Mr Springer teaching Ralek anything but the quickest way to the hospital:eek:

01-05-2002, 01:06 AM
This whole reply was just to good to be true so im going to have the pleasure of going though it point by point.

"Jon. You think i'm racist becuase i don't like kung fu?"

- No Ralek i think your a racist becouse you put down a whole countrys martial arts. That shows lack of eduction, lack of understanding and a big sence of stupidity. These are all common traits in racists, ive met pleanty in my time, of all races there not just white... i know the signs.

" I call shet when i see shet. When i see a bunch of people squatting like their taking a shet and saying their doing martial arts then i call shet."

-Who gave you the right to judge what is and is not martial arts? This statement alone shows you have no idea or experience in anything outside your own circle. It also shows you have no idea of the application of kung fu.

"It has nothing to do with race."

-My god we agree on something, though i suspect your deluding yourself and infact your very racist...
Would you date a chinese girl if she was everything you wanted in a women? Would you have a child with her and have mixed kids? Would you meet her parents and take the time to learn her culture? Just a few thoughts for you.

"In fact i've never even saw a chinese person do kung fu."

- Well then obviously you havent seen a lot... So why exactly do you judge what you admit to having never seen? More to the point why are you so keen on telling the world you opinion on it? You act like an angry scared little boy who doesnt want to believe anyone could know something you dont.

"I do not racism against chinese people."

- I couldnt work out if this was just you just having no idea how to word a sentence. Or if it was actualy a dodge at the question. Its a clever way of avoiding... No your not "racism" I said your a RACIST...
Why not answer my above posted questions and lets find out?

Royal Dragon
01-05-2002, 01:23 AM
Ah guys, Ralek WORKS for KFO!!!!!! It's his job specifically to stir up the board to get more hits. This allows KFO to charge for the advertising here!!!

I mean think about this guys, Ralek has been doing this for how long now? Everytime he is insulted, trashed, degradeed and picked on by everyone, but still he persists and comes back, and comes back, and comes back. Hellll, I don't know that a mentaly deformed person that LIKES that kind of treatment could do that as long and as often as Ralek!!!

trust me guys, he works for KFO. Gene hired him personally. He's really a 42 yearold writer with a phyc. degree making some side money off this stuff.

Just a thought to point out the ovbious,


01-05-2002, 01:43 AM
hahaha thats quite an interesting idea(Ralek working for KFO). I thought that was quite funny.

01-05-2002, 01:51 AM
I dont think though that if this was true our 'writer' would be saying they learn any martial arts system [this case bjj] as that would be an obvious put down to that art.
If Ralek was on a payrole he would have to be pretty carefull about just who he impersonates. I think the BJJ guys would NOT be happy to find out someone was using there name whilst writing the rubbish that Ralek spills out.
Ive no doubt he is a troll but people have met him and had fights with him before.
Shaolin Tiger actualy beat him from the last reports.

01-05-2002, 02:53 AM
Boy Ralek is funny. I can't understand people wanting him banned.

This question goes out purely to Ralek.

Exactly what training do you do/have you done? And where and what, and how have you learnt stuff?

If this thing ever takes place and Ralek wins, kudos to him. Personally i hope he gets knocked out with one punch.

01-05-2002, 05:06 AM
Originally posted by jon
Would you date a chinese girl if she was everything you wanted in a women?

Lucy Liu, is everything I want in a woman!!

01-05-2002, 05:58 AM
Ralek didn't only learn from video games.

He also scraps alot with his friends in his yard and at the park.
He said this back in june I think.

01-05-2002, 06:45 AM
Satanachia sez; Personally i hope he gets knocked out with one punch.
You are assuming the emergence of mercy? Kungfu is not just punching!!

01-05-2002, 08:02 AM
I'm actually approaching a filmaker friend of mine about taking the "Ralek vs. Tai Chi Guy" story to the big screen. I mean, a fake BJJ expert challenging a probably phony tai chi expert to a fight, then punching him in the face with an american boxing technique. Speaking of films, if they tape this one they should sell it at martialartsmart.com :D It may help with Raleks hospital bills. I really think he should back out, personally

01-05-2002, 10:05 AM
Ok, I admit it, I've become a huge fan of Ralek Conspiracy Theories and live for that series-cliffhanger moment when he is unmasked as one variety of fraud or another.

KFO employee - that makes sense. Small stocks always hire a shill to go stir up the $hit on the financial chat boards like Yahoo, Raging Bull, and Silicon Investor, trashtalking whatever the stock is just to get people worked up so they can psychologically b!tchslap the trashtalker and pump up the stock's percieved value... hmmmmm.....


01-05-2002, 10:15 AM
We could send in the cop from "Police Squad!" :D to look into the matter.

01-05-2002, 11:10 AM
Jon. So i'm not allowed to dislike kung fu without being a racist? That doesn't make sense. I guess i'm racist against black people since i don't like rap. And i guess i'm racist against whites since i hate classical music. I guess people who hate Brazilian jiujitsu and caporiea are racist against brazilians.

yes i would have sex with a chinese girl. As long as their not fat i will have sex with anygirl as long as she is not fat and not really ugly. NO FAT CHICKS.

old jong
01-05-2002, 11:14 AM
...But I think you will have to keep on practicing on your own for some times!:p

01-05-2002, 12:58 PM
Kung fu is dumb. It's a bunch of hocus pocus chi dim mak kamehamaha spirt bomb while squatting in a poo poo stance.

Chinese people are cool. Lots of chinese people think kung fu is dumb also. For example Bruce Lee and i quote "Gung fu is a classical mess". There are amercian's who think boxing is dumb. You can hate styles without being racist.

01-05-2002, 01:25 PM
Yeah, and he developed another art based on CMA. Also, he didn't like BJJ.

Ralek, shut up man, you have no idea what you're talking about. A year ago I was like you and figured kung fu was just a bunch of BS that has outlived it's usefullness, but unlike you I have an open mind and was proven wrong on my theory. Either drop the act (yeah I think you're putting on an act, no one is that stupid) or do some **** research so you don't always look so ignorant.

Mr. Nemo
01-05-2002, 01:30 PM
Twelve. F,ucking. Pages.

01-05-2002, 01:49 PM
Not to get involved, but Bruce didn't even know about BJJ. How could he liked or disliked it? He liked judo. BJJ wasn't around at that time except in Brazil. :)
I think Bruce would have become VERY well versed in BJJ just as people like Dan Inosanto and Paul Vunak are doing.


01-05-2002, 02:59 PM
Bruce Lee is my inspiration in my crusade agasint kung fu. Bruce Lee was a hero. Liberate your self from kung fu he said. And they were liberated. Let there be light he said and there was light. I am just here to destroy the kung fu people who are still doing kung fu. And guess what? They are not chinese. I'm fighting Non-chinese people.

01-05-2002, 03:57 PM
Ralek, I'm just wondering?
What do you think of Caporiea?

wushu chik
01-05-2002, 04:10 PM

Bruce Lee is your HERO??? Very interesting, since he is the one that trained in Kung Fu for MANY YEARS before JKD even came up. And you do know that JKD is only a CONCEPT of Bruce Lees, right?? Just wondering HOW MUCH you actually know, and how much you are just spouting off~AS USUAL!


01-05-2002, 04:19 PM
12 pages and theres still 7 days until he is supposed to fight (or whatever it is he does). Thats kinda a lot. I dont want to have to go through 50 pages on jan. 13 just to see how ralek got out of fighting this time/got his ass handed to him/made up a brilliantly cheesy story of how jerry began doing the macarena in the ring and he, rolls, shot in just like rickson would have and broke jerry's arms and legs in 12 places each effortlessly.

01-05-2002, 04:20 PM
Bruce wants people to liberate themselves from kung fu (and just about every other type of martial art) because he thought they were too constricting, since you are shown a way to do things and that is that. Just about every martial art is the same way, including BJJ.

01-05-2002, 04:34 PM
I hope KFO get liberated from your stupid SH1T before

Ralek is an inferior @SSWIPE!

01-05-2002, 04:35 PM
I believe his second challenge thread went somewhere around 18 pages.

I think this is his 5th one.


les paul
01-05-2002, 05:28 PM
I've been reading this post as well as others related to it.

Ralek 19 eh......this guy was sucking his moma's teet's when I started martial arts.

How can I respect someone like this.

The real question is "how can anyone who trains seriously let this guy get to you."

The last young guy I fought was 22 and BJJ experienced. (he was 245lb) I made him tap four out of five times using Chin-na skills alone. I'm into xingyiquan so let's not get into striking and kicking, I went easy on him. (we were sparring,.....................................figh ting is very different!!!!!!

Fighting is for real!

Few 19yr old's hold sway with me. Yea, there are some good young warriors out there, but the real good ones we know by name, NOT by some "psudo bullshiiiit internet allias.

Ralek what's your real name?

If your going to fight and I have some experience in this department .

You always

A) Know who your fighting before hand!

B) Bring a second

For the following reasons:

I. to insure a fare fight.
II. to insure that if anything happens
your second will take care of you.
i.e. hospital trip etc

C) Make it as private as possible.

Question: Why is it so important by Ralek that people come alone? This sounds very supicious to me. Either he plans to run away if the fight goes against him (this is a real bad idea, because he's asuming he's going to be able to run in the first place) or maybe he plans to go check out his opponent and if he looks "too tuff to bluff" plans on slipping away before he's noticed

or he has some friends standing by in the park and they plan to break it up when/if things don't go his way.

Or they plan on rolling the visitor so they can "yuk" it up over Friday night suds!

Ralek's got something planned if a fight doesn't go his way.

Why else doesn't he travel? The park has a major role in this, I can smell it.

Hell, if he is a bad azz "why doesn't he go down to local bar and pick a fight with the local thugs!

Or get paid to fight as a bouncer (I did, it was fun till.......ah that's for another thread and another day.

Always bring a second!!!!!!!!!!!


les Paul

David Jamieson
01-05-2002, 05:38 PM
Ralek is the forum's agent provacoteur.

and he's good at it too,... apparently! :D

We love you Ralek, honestly, and we know you are a Kung Fu guy. (How could you not be, you're quite persistent and determined like a good kung fu person should be.

I think the replies to his persistent fake challenge trolls are highly entertaining.

Brazillian JuJitsu is pretty good stuff, the brazillian fighters are hungry and they fight hard.


01-05-2002, 06:16 PM
Les pAul makes a good point about age. Most good MMA fighters are at least 30, some are in their 20s, very few are younger than 25. Ralek is still a puppy, he will mature (maybe) as he gets older.

BTW< if anyone wants to fight Ralek MMA , I know promoters who put on shows in Mississippi frequently, match the weights and cmon down, Ill set you up in a nuetral enviroment

01-05-2002, 07:39 PM
Originally posted by Sharky
Cipher that is

Nope. Why? Do I sound like one? I was just making a coment on what Ralek has said in the past. It is kind of funny considering what Ralek has said about his trainning before.

01-05-2002, 07:42 PM
your name

01-05-2002, 07:59 PM
Originally posted by Sharky
your name

Aaahh. Cipher is an encryption term used in computers. Like a cipher pack for IE ect. ect. My profession is working in the IT field.

01-05-2002, 08:03 PM
I think what Bruce would have been talking about is to look beond one art or one style of fighting and expand your knowledge and experiences in all of the ways of fighting.

Good grief if you read a lot of his books they are based on Kung Fu, he adds a lot of other stuff too but, for example in some of the self defense books he does the knee kicks, bil jee and Wing Chun punches among other things. I don't mean what he did in the movies but what he trained.

01-05-2002, 09:04 PM
Good luck Ralek. Remember to get the take down early. You may want to go with the old ground and pound method since you don't really have any BJJ training.

Boy there sure seems to be a lot of clueless CMA guys here lately. Guys get a clue, Ralek has no BJJ training and never has had any. He is just a troll.-ED

01-05-2002, 11:34 PM
les paul,

I think you are dead on saying that it gives Troll-ek a chance to scope out the person ahead of time. In fact, from what I recall from a prior incident with ShaolinTiger, he tried to do just that. ShaolinTiger arrived at the park a little early and was waiting for Ralek to show. Ralek arrived, looked directly at ShaolinTiger and then walked to another part of the park and sat on a bench. ShaolinTiger had to approach Ralek and ask if it was him. Troll-ek claims he didn't see ST.

I think all of us who read that called BS on it.

01-06-2002, 12:07 AM
I do not racism against chinese people.

LOL! I love that so much, I am going to make it my tag :D

01-06-2002, 06:26 AM
GREAT tag.
I agree with that statement 100%:D

If more people felt this way the world would be a much better place.

les paul
01-06-2002, 08:19 AM
Yea, I figured as much.

Again, I've got some experience in this.

First of all let me say that one should ignore and individual like Ralek.

We have to remember is that
Ralek is 19 and thinks himself invincible (shiit! Didn't we all at that age)

It's all about Respect!

Ralek needs some bad!

But I know someone can get under your skin so bad that the only recourse is either you walk away or you tell them to put up or shut.

In Ralek case he's not putting up nad he's not shutting up either!

See here's is the deal:

If Ralek has got under someone skin that bad and that
"someone" is going to fight him, then really fight him and gain something from it.

Ralek getting beat down at his age should do him some good!
(Hell! It shut my ****ing asss up! and taught me some respect.)

Both need to exchange real names and real addresses

The winner stays on the news group and the loser disappears.

If you find the loser trolling again (under a different name) you publish his name and more importantly his address, so others can hold the individual accountable.

I think that would shut just about any troll up!

Les Paul

01-06-2002, 09:08 AM
Originally posted by Ralek
Kung fu is dumb. It's a bunch of hocus pocus chi dim mak kamehamaha spirt bomb while squatting in a poo poo stance.

Ralek. I can only speak for my own style, but I presume you are referring to a squated stance like Horse Stance. Little bit of info. We usually don't fight in Horse Stance. It is used for strengthening the legs and hips. Forms and stances that you perceive as "hocus pocus" all have a very useful purpose in Kung Fu. You are just too ignorant and single-minded to take the time to learn this.

Originally posted by Ralek
Chinese people are cool. Lots of chinese people think kung fu is dumb also. For example Bruce Lee and i quote "Gung fu is a classical mess". There are amercian's who think boxing is dumb. You can hate styles without being racist.

How many chinese people do you know. Most that I know are proud of their heritage, and realise what great styles their country has developed. Bruce Lee was not deriding Kung Fu, merely pointing out that with the vast number of styles around, a few are ineffective in combat. Most of the styles that have survived the Martial Arts boom of the 1970's are effective, powerful styles. Oh and BTW - I would LOVE to see you fight a boxer, I really would.

Your single-minded ignorant BS constantly amazes me. Also you frequently refuse to answer my posts. How many of your posts do I have to ridicule and destroy before you realise what a d*ck you make yourself look like?

As Ryu's signature says, "you pride yourself in shallow knowledge, like a monkey adorning itself with garbage"

01-06-2002, 09:12 AM
I can't give you my exact address. But my name is Josh and most of you already know that.

I did not run away from shaolin tiger. What are you taling about? I went over to a bench right when i got out of the car. I didn't walk anywhere. Shaolin Tiger came up and we shook hands and then went over and fought.

Springer sounds like he can't fight at all. He will lose.

01-06-2002, 09:16 AM
Originally posted by Ralek
I can't give you my exact address.

No Fixed abode? Sans domicile fixe?
Sleepin' rough eh? It's hard for an idiot to get work these days :D

Ralek, I don't care whether you ran away from ST - you have ran away from my post!!! Answer me!

01-06-2002, 09:16 AM
I will not have any friends at the park. If you don't beleive me then ask shaolin tiger. I din't have any people there and neither did he. Shaolin Tiger came alone and so did I.

01-06-2002, 09:19 AM
Originally posted by Ralek
I will not have any friends

Sorry to paraphrase - but YOU SAID IT!!!

JF Springer
01-06-2002, 03:00 PM
Ralek backed out of the 1/12/2002, 12:00 noon meeting after several E-mails to my KFO Forum listed personal E-mail address.

I've kept all the E-mails Ralek.

Ralek, you can hitch hike, ride a bike, or bum a ride from someone to come see me if you have any desire to pursue this thing for real.

I'll not respond any further to this nonsense save for posting my final E-mail to Ralek when he backed out. My reply to him read as follows: "You're a
fu(king punk"

This is my final word on the matter.

Chang Style Novice
01-06-2002, 04:28 PM
To be fair to Ralek (although he's done nothing to deserve fair treatment) if all he really asked for was to reschedule the fight, I wouldn't call that backing out.

If he asked for it to be a week later as a strategic move because he knows Springer will be unable to accomodate his request, then he is backing out.

01-07-2002, 12:42 AM
I think Ralek backed out...anyway it makes good sense i mean Ralek would be stupid if he didn't back out of this fight knowing he would get his ass kicked.
I guess Ralek isn't so stupid after all


01-07-2002, 08:06 AM

you do believe yourself to be in a position where you could die? from what? what are the circumstances?

just curious.

stuart b.

01-07-2002, 08:07 AM
jaguar wong,

i thought i'd go for a 'gary daniels swagger' or perhaps a 'bryan genesse blank stare.'

by the way, have you gotten around to seeing michael worth's latest? 'u.s. seals 2'

wow. just wow.

stuart b.

01-07-2002, 09:24 AM
I don't understand how JF springer considers this backing out. I'm offering him to fight on the 19th. To me that sounds like i'm working with my schedule to set up a fight with him. If he wants to fight then come on the 19th and fight me.

Why make it more difficult my posting "backing out" threads and nonsense when I am giving you the dates that i CAN fight. I believe you said you could not fight on Fridays in the emails we had. Did i make a giant post about you backing out? I guess i should. What a bunch of monkey business.

01-07-2002, 09:38 AM
Anyone else noticing that the quality and cadence of Mr. Ralek's English keeps changing?

01-07-2002, 09:41 AM
If you havn't figured it out yet it is something called a "typo". When i type very fast i make spelling and even gramitical errors.

"I do not racism against chinese people" was a typo.
"He attacked ver well" was a typo.

01-07-2002, 10:00 AM
"Just caught a fish!"
Not talking about typos, talking about poor grammer in earlier posts and much better grammer recently. No one learns this fast.

01-07-2002, 10:06 AM
Yes grammer mistakes are made too when you type fast. I can miss a word or type the wrong word or type too many words. Forum posts are known for having bad grammer and stuff.

01-07-2002, 10:11 AM

these doubts come from the fact that YOU set every single condition of the sparring match. it has to be in frederick. it has to be at baker park. it has to be only two people in attendance. it has to be in the morning. it has to be a friday. the opponent has to be under 200 lbs. they can't be a muay thai fighter or a grappler. and so on, ad nauseum.

i don't know who originally decided on the 12th. if it was you, then you should have stuck with it and changed whatever other demands there are on your time. and if it was jf springer, then you should have some respect for the requirements of others.

you expect everyone to do everything for you, and yet you offer nothing in return. what is it that you do that requires so much of your time? that you have only friday mornings free?

you fought this taiji instructor on a friday night, right?

stuart b.

01-07-2002, 10:13 AM
p.s. grammAr

01-07-2002, 10:13 AM
Just pointing out that I think your someone that got on this web site out of interest, found out that BJJ was controvercial and decided to pull everyones chain. Good job by the way! this has been a lot of fun!

01-07-2002, 10:15 AM
Yes. I'm always free on fridays. I can't travel so it has to be in Frederick.

I gave the date of Jan.12 but for reasons beyond my control it is no longer available. But January 19th is available and if you want tof ight apoweyn that we can fight on that day because Springer i think has just walked away.

JF Springer
01-07-2002, 10:17 AM
In the original SEALS movie there was a SEAL team member that got shot in the head early in the movie while sitting down and being grilled by some bad guys. The guy was/is a real Navy SEAL member. His brother was a good friend of mine who flew "black bag" jobs and emergency exfil missions in the mid-East (peerless chopter pilot) Samuel's brother was stationed in the UK, attached to a group that spun off of the SAS. Both these guys were total wild men and together they were nothing less than outrageous. Samuel's brother (SEAL) would periodically cruise by his house when Samuel was deployed on missions, repel from the roof top of the 20 story condo building (Sam’s place was on the 5th floor, go figure), break into Sam's place, drink all his beer (leaving the bottles every where but in the trash, of course), rip off his music collection, leave through the front door (leaving it unlocked, of course) and disappear to God only knows where. Thought I would pass along that bit of movie trivia.

01-07-2002, 10:20 AM
JF Springer. Will you be there on January the 19th? If not then i will ask to see if apoweyn can fight on the 19th.

Can you fight on the 19th apoweyn?

01-07-2002, 10:26 AM
jf springer,

that's hilarious. of course, if he'd been SAS, he probably would've rappelled in and drank all the guy's tea.

for any SAS fans out there, while we're on the subject, i saw sean bean (boromir, from lord of the rings) in 'bravo alpha zero.' not necessarily recommending it. just saying. it's a movie adaptation of the real story of an SAS mission during the gulf war.

anyway, cheers.

stuart b.

01-07-2002, 10:26 AM

i have a job. i work on friday mornings. so tell me, what are you going to do to allow for that?

stuart b.

01-07-2002, 10:28 AM
The 19th is a saturday.

01-07-2002, 10:29 AM
However if JF Springer is still fighting then i will want to fight him. Kung fu guys have priority over kickboxers.

01-07-2002, 10:29 AM
i stand corrected. and suitably embarrassed.

what time?

01-07-2002, 10:31 AM
i'm not a kickboxer, anyway. that's a term i use to refer to the kicking and punching mode of fighting.

i've never fought in or out of the ring.

stuart b.

01-07-2002, 10:33 AM
Any time you want will work.

How about 1:00 PM ? I can give you directions how to get there and if you go to mapquest.com you can make internet maps and print them out.

If 1:00 is not good then just give me anytime you want.

01-07-2002, 10:34 AM
one condition: community college. not baker park. i don't feel like being chased around a park by policemen and well-meaning passersby.

01-07-2002, 10:36 AM
Stuart. You train at a kickboxing gym. Don't you? Even if you don't compete you are a kickboxer.

There are BJJ people who don't compete but they are still BJJ.

01-07-2002, 10:40 AM
Apoweyn. Trust me. No one in going to be in the park this time of year. It's freezing cold and it is like a gohst town. There won't be any passerby calling the cops and stuff like that.

01-07-2002, 10:40 AM
The place I work at has a hypocritical stick up its collective a$$. Does that make me a republican?


01-07-2002, 10:41 AM
great. just two morons rolling around in the freezing cold. very comforting.

why not the community college? i'm just curious.

stuart b.

01-07-2002, 10:44 AM
um. Apoweyn. The community college is probably the worst place to fight. I only fought the tai chi man becuase that's where he has classes. We are much better off in the park. We won't have people walking around everywhere and stuff.

If i thought the college was better i would set it up there. The park is the best place.

01-07-2002, 10:49 AM
sure. because it won't look suspicious at all. two grown men (theoretically), wrestling around in a park in the middle of january.

you're a real master of subterfuge, ralek.


send me the directions. who'll be videotaping this MATCH?

stuart b.

01-07-2002, 10:51 AM
oh, and i'm still going to insist on seeing your ID when we get there. if you can't prove that you're over 18, we're done.

stuart b.

01-07-2002, 10:53 AM
Apoweyn. You can bring a camera and set it up on a "tripod". A tripod is that thing that lets holds the camera up for you. You can set up the camera and we can fight in front of it. The winner gets to keep the video.

HOw is that?

01-07-2002, 10:56 AM
Ok. I will show you my ID and prove i'm over 18 but even if i'm not 18 and i'm only 17 it woulnd't matter becuase it deosn't make any difference. But i am 19 so you don't need to worry. I have ID.

01-07-2002, 10:57 AM

i know what a tripod is, josh.

but realistically, i doubt there will be any way to discern a clear winner. if i bring the camera, i keep the tape. i'll send you a copy if you like.

stuart b.

01-07-2002, 10:58 AM
"it wouldn't matter because it doesn't make any difference."

that's some of the most brilliant reasoning i've ever heard.

it matters to me. enough said.

stuart b.

01-07-2002, 11:00 AM
But if i can get a reply from Springer then I will fight Springer. Not you.

If you want you can video tape my fight with Springer. But i think he doesn't want it video taped. But oh well you can come and watch if you want to.

Springer. Do you still want to fight me? Or have you backed out becuase of the date change?

01-07-2002, 11:05 AM
Winner keeps the video!!!!!

But if you insist on keeping the video then you can keep it. But i think it would be better of the winner keeps it.

01-07-2002, 11:08 AM
well, this is all moot, josh. i don't have a tripod as it turns out.

but even if we could tape it, winner WOULD NOT keep the video because i have this bizarre camcorder that records to a special sort of tape that you then have to transfer over to a regular tape.

wouldn't do to give you the special little tape, now would it.

sure, i'll tape it if jf springer can make the 19th.

stuart b.

01-07-2002, 11:24 AM
I am starting to believe that everyone here can't take a day without talking about & getting mad at Ralek.
Threads about Kungfu & other Martial Arts get about 5 posts & then forgotten.
Unless of course they are BJJ vs. Kungfu(which are usually all Ralek anyway).
Maybe we should call this Ralek Online.
Oh well,Ralek is kinda funny. Carry on.


01-07-2002, 11:29 AM
Ok. Apoweyn. Then you get to keep the tape. Mabye you could bring some rope and tie it to a tree or something if you don't have a tripod.

01-07-2002, 11:35 AM
[laugh again]

i really don't think that'll work, josh. if you insist on just the two of us, i guess it doesn't get taped. and you get to tell whatever version your heart desires.

anyway, we've wasted enough of the forum's time. if you want to keep talking about it, email me. you still have my address, i trust.

stuart b.

01-07-2002, 11:36 AM
I am actually Ralek Gracie, son of Rorion Gracie. I am a Gracie so I will be using Gracie Jiujitsu. I already scared away JF Springer with my date change. Is there anyone brave enought to fight with Ralek Gracie?

01-07-2002, 11:38 AM
yes i have your email.

01-07-2002, 11:38 AM
I hope JF still fights him on the 19th and apoweyn can tape it. Or if apoweyn can fight him and have someone tape that would be great too.

Honestly, what kind of fighting have you done? Do you take classes anywhere? You say you know BJJ what kind of experience do you have with it? Are you natural at fighting and if so what do you base it on. I once knew a boy who was 19 that claimed he could beat Mike Tyson in a fight, the best part is he was seriouse about it. After I got off the floor from laughing my @ss of I let him know how full of Crap he was. People like that really make me proud to be normal.

01-07-2002, 11:44 AM
I have been studying BJJ for over a year with the "Gracie Total Defense CD-ROM (TM)"

The Gracie CD-ROM has many techniques from various positions. I am well versed in BJJ from my study of the Gracie CD-ROM. The Gracie CD-ROM is taught by Royce and Rorion Gracie so i have direct training from Royce and Rorion themselves.

01-07-2002, 11:47 AM
Also i am Ralek, son of Rorion. So i have been doing BJJ all of my life. I do not practice BJJ. I am BJJ. I am the living embodiemnet of the style.

01-07-2002, 12:01 PM
I was just thinking how funny it would be if someone went to fight Ralek,thinking it was some geeky,skinny little teenager & he wound up being like Rickson,Frank Shamrock or somebody.


01-07-2002, 12:14 PM
I have a couple of questions:

1. You stated "I have been studying BJJ for over a year with the 'Gracie Total Defense CD-ROM (TM)' ", and in the following post, "Also i am Ralek, son of Rorion. So i have been doing BJJ all of my life. I do not practice BJJ. I am BJJ. I am the living embodiemnet of the style." (LOL! I love that quote, BTW :) )

My question is, why do you need the 'Gracie Total Defense CD-ROM (TM)' If you are the son of Rorion? Doesn't he teach you personally?

2. When studying BJJ with the 'Gracie Total Defense CD-ROM (TM)', do you train with a partner or alone?

01-07-2002, 01:15 PM
Tiger Style. I am not the real Ralek. I just use his name. But i really do train from the Gracie CD-ROM.

Ray Pina
01-07-2002, 01:27 PM
Ralek, I can't speak for JS, but have studied Southern Mantis. I don't like a lot of MA out there, but S. Mantis is no joke.

If he is even a decent practitioner, you will have a fight on your hands. He will come at you.

I like that you speak up for yourself, and I would like if you slapped a few MA into reality, but again, be careful dissing traditional gung-fu ... you might **** off the wrong person on the wrong day.

I for one don't care. Maybe if you lived in NY I'd pay you a visit, just for the sheer fun of it. But I have no desire to fight someone like yourself. I'd be suspect right off the bat of anyone who gave you the time off day -- because those that know know that these things will not end good. I couldn't have someone like yourself claiming a victory over me, so you'd have to be put down extreemly hard. I would want to break soemthing, just to make it clear.

Most S. Mantis players I know share that mentality. Be careful. I mean that. Be careful.

01-07-2002, 02:16 PM
It's ok. I always carry band-aids just in case of an emergency.

01-07-2002, 02:45 PM
Originally posted by Ralek
I have been studying BJJ for over a year with the "Gracie Total Defense CD-ROM (TM)"

The Gracie CD-ROM has many techniques from various positions. I am well versed in BJJ from my study of the Gracie CD-ROM. The Gracie CD-ROM is taught by Royce and Rorion Gracie so i have direct training from Royce and Rorion themselves.

Also i am Ralek, son of Rorion. So i have been doing BJJ all of my life. I do not practice BJJ. I am BJJ. I am the living embodiemnet of the style.

Wow you must be a true warrior. What kind of major tourney and NHB events have you won? I'm sure since your the living embodiemnet of bjj then you surley have some credentials, right?

01-07-2002, 02:53 PM
I have no credentials other than my skill. I can defeat any kung fu guy. That is my credential.

01-07-2002, 03:03 PM
Great:rolleyes: do you have any videos or pictures of you fighting? I would think after so many fights you would have some kind of tape or pic of it.

01-07-2002, 03:10 PM
Originally posted by Ralek
I have no credentials other than my skill. I can defeat any kung fu guy. That is my credential.

With comments like this - I don't need to counter-troll

01-07-2002, 05:12 PM
I have credentials and my skill. I can defeat any Ralek/Rolls/Josh. That is my credential:D :D :D

Ralek if there in NO fight on Jan 19th I will seriously consider not wasting my time and finding a REAL challenge!!!

You must be real happy I brought you so much attention as of late. But if you don't fight the 19th and don't give me any REALIABLE info other than the vague directions you sent then I won't waste my time. Like I have done so much already.

Oh and like AP I will want proof that you are over 18.

01-07-2002, 06:17 PM
Aisa. Don't worry. Our fight is a long way off from now. Let me concentrate on the fights presently at hand.

I am fighting someone on the 19th. Most likely apoweyn since JF Springer has made the decision to stop all possible communication with me and hide in his hole.